Worth paying attention to? I guess there's Assassin's Creed, Madden, and 2K14.
The interesting thing is that it basically equals 2.5 games per Xbox One and 2 for the PS4 (assuming figures of 2.1 million in the USA for PS4). So really, it's only every second gamer getting an extra game. I also consider myself to be a pretty average Joe Gamer, and I've got five Xbox One titles (Ghosts, AC4, Forza, Madden, Ryse), and you'll obviously have a lot of people in the same boat for both systems, so there's a lot of consoles with only one game. I wonder what they picked.
Yeah, but I think the thing was given the sales people were expecting the PS4 ratio to crush the Xbox One and make EA and Activision reconsider those deals. I doubt that's the case, now.