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NPD Sales Results for February 2009


It sucks that Wii will never get anymore Mature games, thanks for that information Anihawk, I forwarded it to ********** and Kotaku. Hopefully those honorable sources will give the story the justice and wide-spread knowledge it deserves.


jred250 said:
Ok, I'll bite.

Do you mind elaborating, because I am very willing to listen.

I think you're mistaking 'depth and polish' for scope and structure. Depth in gaming is as broad a term as there is. Look at Super Mario Galaxy if you want something nearly unmatched in depth and polish. It has very simple core gameplay that utilizes mostly genius level design to help flesh out the nuances of it's mechanic. It's strength is in it's expansiveness and the ability to, through continued play, learn things by experimentation.

The scope of F3 would be difficult on Wii, that's for sure.


Well you can add a +1 for Wii Fit in the near future once I buy it. I've been looking for a store copy of this game since its launch and have yet to find one. As much as I wish there was more variety on the Wii in terms of games, i'm quite happy right now playing Madworld and HotD:O.


RSTEIN said:

This is awesome. I was actually trying to work it out before reading the note at the bottom. That teacher's got a nice sense of humor. :lol


Kills Photobucket
Frillen said:
Does anyone dare predict next month's top 10 list?

1. Pokemon Platinum
2. Wii-Fit
3. Resident Evil 5 360
4. Halo Wars
5. Wii Play
6. Resident Evil 5 PS3
7. Killzone 2
8. GTA: Chinatown Wars
9. Mario Kart Wii
10. Call of Duty World at War 360

You're basically predicting that Wii Fit will push over 1 million in March. Since Halo Wars just hit that mark.

Pokemon I think has a chance of being #1 next month, Diamond and Pearl did about 1.7 million combined (diamond did 1mil) their first month (and like Platinum were released towards the end of the month.) It will be a close battle I think.


Tiktaalik said:
Yeah I agree. I'm really hoping that the title will reinvigorate Capcom's enthusiasm toward 2D fighters and we'll see more from them. It's maybe too hopeful to expect Capcom to release Tatsunoko vs Capcom in NA, but maybe we'll see a new Darkstalkers out of this.
Well last I heard, Capcom USA is trying to get Tatsunoko vs. Capcom to NA. But, licensing issues yada yada.


Just because every page needs a post telling the illiterate that Killzone's numbers were for TWO DAYS OF SALES this is that post.

Good month by all in my opinion...


DrForester said:
You're basically predicting that Wii Fit will push over 1 million in March. Since Halo Wars just hit that mark.

Pokemon I think has a chance of being #1 next month, Diamond and Pearl did about 1.7 million combined (diamond did 1mil) their first month (and like Platinum were released towards the end of the month.) It will be a close battle I think.

Ehm, didn't Halo Wars do that worldwide? With the help of giving a game away with every console purchased in AU? And after a EU launch?


Raist said:
Feb 17th vs Feb 27th.


It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.


DrForester said:
You're basically predicting that Wii Fit will push over 1 million in March. Since Halo Wars just hit that mark.

Pokemon I think has a chance of being #1 next month, Diamond and Pearl did about 1.7 million combined (diamond did 1mil) their first month (and like Platinum were released towards the end of the month.) It will be a close battle I think.

Wasn't 1 Million of Halo Wars a world wide number?


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DMeisterJ said:
Ehm, didn't Halo Wars do that worldwide? With the help of giving a game away with every console purchased in AU? And after a EU launch?

Frillen said:
Wasn't 1 Million of Halo Wars a world wide number?

I didn't even consider that Halo Wars launched worldwide. I was thinking this 1 million announcement was US only. My mistake.

I still think it will be a close battle though.


Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.

Oh god, shouldn't dumb posts like this be a bannable offense by now? Good grief. :lol


Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.





y'all should be ashamed
Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.
Ugh, just be quiet already.


TheGrayGhost said:
I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but I don't NSMB is a pack-in, at least not in America, not anymore.

-Person buys a DS.
-Person asks self "What games should I buy?"
-Person sees Mario Kart and New Super Mario Brothers.
-Person buys said games.

See how that works? Let's continue...

-Person returns to store.
-Person looks for Mario Kart 2 and New Super Mario Brothers 2.
-Person cries.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DrForester said:
You're basically predicting that Wii Fit will push over 1 million in March. Since Halo Wars just hit that mark.

Pokemon I think has a chance of being #1 next month, Diamond and Pearl did about 1.7 million combined (diamond did 1mil) their first month (and like Platinum were released towards the end of the month.) It will be a close battle I think.

Pokemon will be released this coming Sunday. Pokemon is more or less the world's largest videogame franchise.

March is a 5 Week NPD month. Pokemon will do in excess of a Million. Probably will beat RE5 combined, might beat the seperate SKUs by one million.
Wowzers! Great numbers for Killzone 2 (2 days >300k! O_O)

Disappointing PS3 hardware numbers tho.

The rest is just as usual. Wii doing impressively well, 360 very good, etc.


DrForester said:
I was thinking this 1 million announcement was US only. My mistake.
eh, you know majority of the sales are probably from the US anyway. 500-600k in the US doesn't seem to crazy to me.


PS3 sales were once very bad. And being down year over year is not a good sign either, but I think people forget what failure systems used to post every month. The Gamecube and Xbox would be lucky to hit 200k in a month (especially the Gamecube). Now, the PS3 does it quite often. The PS3's real sales problem is software-related.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
Am I the only one that thinks by the end of this year, we will see at least one month that either 360 or PS3 will surpass Wii sales -without- Wii being supply constrained? (Sept 07 does not count as a precedence because there were not enough Wiis)


soldat7 said:
-Person buys a DS.
-Person asks self "What games should I buy?"
-Person sees Mario Kart and New Super Mario Brothers.
-Person buys said games.

See how that works? Let's continue...

-Person returns to store.
-Person looks for Mario Kart 2 and New Super Mario Brothers 2.
-Person cries.

But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?
Go, Street Fighter IV! It's the only console game I've been playing since it launched. I got K2, day-1, but never even got through the 1st level, before shelving it, and going back to SFIV. Not a knock on K2, K2 defense force, I'm just loving me some SFIV.

I probably missed some comments, but it looks like I'm the only one, or one of a rare few, who was not surprised by the PS3/360 split on SFIV sales. From all the musings and anecdotes I've been reading, it always seemed like the PS3 sku was doing even better than the 360 sku. There were accounts of PS3 sku being sold-out, with stacks of 360 sku available. I recall GS employees saying they'd even received more 360 sku, than PS3 sku, so maybe the PS3 sku could have even been supply-constrained in many places (I don't actually know). There are the factors that others have already mentioned, i.e. different demographic, superior d-pad, but there are other factors that may have contributed, as well. Many people already have PS3-compatible arcade sticks, and even if they don't, there is a greater variety of quality arcade sticks, available for PS3, in comparison to the 360. Some people bought the PS3 CE for the Blu-ray movie. Some people bought both skus, to be able to play everyone, online. Also, major tourneys like Evo, are going to be using the PS3 sku of the game. As far as the total number of SFIV sold, I expected it to do quite well. SFIV got a lot of coverage. The GS tournament is still going on, in fact. The game is bringing back a lot of the people who used to play in the SF2 golden era, before Super and later SF games, came out, as well as garnering new fans. My diehard Counterstrike/Halo/L4D-playing co-worker got SFIV, and like me, hasn't played anything else, since. With SFIV, Capcom has really recaptured a lot of the former glory from the SF2 days, of old(It still won't be as big as SF2). Only, this time, everyone is playing online, instead of ubiquitous arcades.

Regarding the phenomal Feb results for Wii, isn't this the first non-supply-constrained month for Nintendo? Funny thing is, just last week, my 52 yr old lady co-worker was talking about wanting to get a Wii. I said, "Let me guess. You want to play bowling." She said, "There's also tennis and other games!" I know. This mimics hundreds of other anecdotes. Toss another one in there.


Kills Photobucket
jred250 said:
But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?

In mario Galaxy's case I think it's primarily due to not being a multiplayer game. The Wii has branded itself as a multiplayer experience with families and friends, and though Mario Galaxy is Quite awesome in all things, it isn't a multiplayer game.


Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.
Give kz2 a try. It's pretty decent.


jred250 said:
But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?

Super Mario Galaxy's had some good legs, actually.


Glad to see a 3rd party title do so well on PS3. I was hoping KZ 2 would do about 500k in 3 days but these numbers aren't bad either. I fully expect the game to sell about 3 million worldwide, which isn't too shabby - great game.


dogknight said:
I checked the leaderboard yesterday, less than 700K players, so..........

Not a good way to check. Not everyone plays online, and some people share PS3s, and can count as 2 players, or more, essentially.


Junior Member
jett said:
SF4 did good, 800k!

Killzone 2 did what I expected, 300k on a couple of days. I hope word of mouth catches on for next month.


Maybe so.... I don't think the general populous was overly impressed with the demo to rush out and buy it. Maybe it will have some legs. We'll see.
jred250 said:
But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?

It is still possible for SMG to see an NSMB-like resurgence, but when it comes down to it, people want to play NSMB more than they do SMG. It's that simple. My theory is that SMG is not just the last traditional Super Mario game, but the last traditional Nintendo game. It started development well-before the Wii and was merely fitted to play on Wii, like MP3:C. Both are the cream of the crop, but both also represent a kind of gaming that Nintendo is disrupting. You can bet that new iterations of Nintendo legacy games will be reformed in the disruptive values. It's already been hinted at, with both the LoZ and FE teams saying that Brain Age is their new rival. Personally, I think this is wise, from both an economical and artistic sense.
Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.

:lol :lol

They only come out on NPD day.

good KZ numbers, I was kinda expecting 200-250k, but shitty PS3 numbers as expected.


AniHawk said:
Super Mario Galaxy's had some good legs, actually.

Oh definitely, no doubt! IIRC, it's at around 6 or 7 million sold now, right? However, although those are great numbers, it still doesn't show up on the top ten like it's DS little brother.


DrForester said:
In mario Galaxy's case I think it's primarily due to not being a multiplayer game. The Wii has branded itself as a multiplayer experience with families and friends, and though Mario Galaxy is Quite awesome in all things, it isn't a multiplayer game.

Mario Galaxy just got a price drop at some stores and renewed advertising, its also on its way or past 5m (as of Oct-Nov) due to its legs

Anyone who considers that a failure is a retard plain and simple


Gadfly said:
Am I the only one that thinks by the end of this year, we will see at least one month that either 360 or PS3 will surpass Wii sales -without- Wii being supply constrained? (Sept 07 does not count as a precedence because there were not enough Wiis)

What do you think will cause that to happen?
I'll take a stab at next months' top 10. Here's my ignorant guess:

1. Pokemon Platinum
2. RE 5 (360)
3. Wii Fit
4. Halo Wars
5. RE 5 (PS3)
6. GTA: Chinatown Wars
7. Wii Play
8. Mario Kart Wii
9. Killzone 2
10. Mario Kart DS

Rapping Granny said:
They only come out on NPD day.
No, Frillen is like that all the time.

Doc Evils

AniHawk said:
PS3 sales were once very bad. And being down year over year is not a good sign either, but I think people forget what failure systems used to post every month. The Gamecube and Xbox would be lucky to hit 200k in a month (especially the Gamecube). Now, the PS3 does it quite often. The PS3's real sales problem is software-related.

If anything, more price related during these times.


AniHawk said:
PS3 sales were once very bad. And being down year over year is not a good sign either, but I think people forget what failure systems used to post every month. The Gamecube and Xbox would be lucky to hit 200k in a month (especially the Gamecube). Now, the PS3 does it quite often. The PS3's real sales problem is software-related.

Sounds exactly like the PSP situation.


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markatisu said:
Mario Galaxy just got a price drop at some stores and renewed advertising, its also on its way or past 5m (as of Oct-Nov) due to its legs

Anyone who considers that a failure is a retard plain and simple

Agreed, this was just my logic guessing why it isn't getting on the top 10 like DS marios.
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