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NPD Sales Results for February 2009

iceatcs said:
WOW Killzone 2 doing really well. I believe it is much better than the first one in US.

Actually I think the first Killzone on PS2 sold far more than that in its release month. I might have the numbers at home. It hit in November though and I think it was somewhere between 300k and 600k


Loudninja said:
And LBP did sell well after that so I dont see your point?

Yep, Sold better in it's 3rd month, than it's first month.

And LBP was different, smaller game, less exposure, and up against lots of games.


Warm Machine said:
Actually I think the first Killzone on PS2 sold far more than that in its release month. I might have the numbers at home. It hit in November though and I think it was somewhere between 300k and 600k

Killzone 1 sold about half of Killzone 2 in its first month.


Mamesj said:
didn't we go through this with LBP? What happens when Halo Wars outsells KZ2 next month?

Where is Halo Wars anyway?
I know microsoft said it did more than 1 million but it wasnt on the february charts


PistolGrip said:
Wow PS3 needs to drop its price FAST. like today SONY ARE FKING LISTENING

I expect Killzone 2 to be one of the best selling PS3 games of all time at around 4Million when its all said and done despite all the dumb comments on this thread... Thats all that truly matters..
3mill tops


DMeisterJ said:
Yep, Sold better in it's 3rd month, than it's first month.

And LBP was different, smaller game, less exposure, and up against lots of games.
It's third month was December (no explanation needed).

It's not exactly the same situation.


Killzone 2, I know its only 2 days of sales, but that's basically all your pre-orders and enthusiasts. Given that, the numbers seem sort of good, but I half expected this to be a 500k pre-orders in the U.S., especially given the month of positive reviews.
jred250 said:
But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?
Are you kidding? This has been working for the Wii since it launched. Buying a Wii = Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Kart.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
Sleeker said:
Where is Halo Wars anyway?
I know microsoft said it did more than 1 million but it wasnt on the february charts
Apparently it bombed.


AniHawk said:
Killzone 1 sold about half of Killzone 2 in its first month.

That can't be true.
So you are saying that Killzone 1 sold about 175k in it's first month (releasing on november 2, 2004) on a console with triple the install base (ps2) ??
AniHawk said:
PS3 sales were once very bad. And being down year over year is not a good sign either, but I think people forget what failure systems used to post every month. The Gamecube and Xbox would be lucky to hit 200k in a month (especially the Gamecube). Now, the PS3 does it quite often. The PS3's real sales problem is software-related.

The industry has significantly grown this generation (as of every generation). Yes the PS3 is doing okay by LAST generation standards but not all too hot THIS generation. If I wanted to pick bones I could probably say that the PS3 is doing very well compared to the SNES, Genesis, and Turbograffix days.


JB1981 said:
Glad to see a 3rd party title do so well on PS3. I was hoping KZ 2 would do about 500k in 3 days but these numbers aren't bad either. I fully expect the game to sell about 3 million worldwide, which isn't too shabby - great game.
Well, according to gamespot, kz2 sold 323k in 24 hours..So, 500K in 3 days is a possibility. But like with most ps3 games, I don't think it'll have long legs and will probably barely break 1 million by the end of march.


jred250 said:
But why does this work for the DS, and not the Wii? Is it the higher price point of Wii games that keep us from seeing Mario Galaxy on recent npds? DS is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers and Wii is loved by all kinds of groups, non-gamers and gamers. What is separating them?

For the general population, 2D Mario is more accessible than 3D Mario. That's my guess.
markatisu said:
Mario Galaxy just got a price drop at some stores and renewed advertising, its also on its way or past 5m (as of Oct-Nov) due to its legs

Anyone who considers that a failure is a retard plain and simple

I wouldn't necessarily say that. No doubt 5 M is an impressive number, but for Super Mario, SMG game was really a non-event. Previous Super Mario games were cultural phenomenons, and SMG, from a certain point of view, was just another game, especially in Japan.


Sleeker said:
Where is Halo Wars anyway?
I know microsoft said it did more than 1 million but it wasnt on the february charts
Microsoft hamstrung Halo Wars ability to chart in February by releasing it in March. I don't know what they were thinking.
Dirtbag said:
That can't be true.
So you are saying that Killzone 1 sold about 175k in it's first month (releasing on november 2, 2004) on a console with triple the install base (ps2) ??

Its true actually. Just checked it out. Killzone 1 sold almost 300k copies in November and December combined in 2004.

My memory was wrong.


Sleeker said:
Where is Halo Wars anyway?
I know microsoft said it did more than 1 million but it wasnt on the february charts



Son of Godzilla said:
Are you kidding? This has been working for the Wii since it launched. Buying a Wii = Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Kart.

Yeah, you are absolutely right about Kart. I guess I was just hoping that it would spill over to Mario as well. What the heck is it about Mario Kart that makes it a sales beast on DS and Wii?


jred250 said:
Yeah, you are absolutely right about Kart. I guess I was just hoping that it would spill over to Mario as well. What the heck is it about Mario Kart that makes it a sales beast on DS and Wii?

Its fun is too odd a concept?
Son of Godzilla said:
Are you kidding? This has been working for the Wii since it launched. Buying a Wii = Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Kart.
Pretty much. Those three games are the highest-selling non-bundled home console games ever. And the bundled Wii Sports has the highest distribution of any game ever made.


Frillen said:
It's quite shocking actually, consider we're talking about a game of a dying genre vs the greatest game of all time and the one title that was supposed to kill Halo and could cure cancer and HIV Aids.

Frillen said:
The PS3 also has a 3X bigger userbase, but let's ignore that.

Frillen said:
But you guys told me KZ2 was the greatest game ever made, the best thing since sliced bread and could cure cancer and Hiv - AIDS simultaneously and it's getting outsold by a console RTS?

So confused.

Frillen said:
KZ2 was technically out for minus 3 days.

Frillen said:
Bu... But 2 dayzzzzz!

Frillen said:
Bu... But 2 dayzzzzz!

Please troll some more, i don't think you've done enough yet in this thread.


speculawyer said:
Yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing much MLB 2K9. Let's just say I have a sinking feeling about it.

Holy shit this is the funniest gif I've seen on GAF in ever :lol

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Indestructible indeed! Epic making LOL's at all the people, even the hardcore on SRK, who said that SFIV would only sell 200k LIFETIME on each platform.

A lot of people really couldn't believe it was the second coming of fighting game popularity.


jred250 said:
You make a great point, the point I was trying to make earlier is that regardless of how these systems placed it wouldn't really affect the landscape that much. If PS3 were in first place, Wii was a distant second and we spent every week laughing at the 360 it wouldn't mean that the games on each platform would be vastly different. 360 still would have gotten ME, FO3, Gears, Halo and Sony would of still gotten LBP, Resistence, etc. etc (Maybe might of kept FF13 exclusive). Wii probably would have less third party support, but its not like it is all that incredible to begin with. There would only be minor differences in the games received this generation, regardless of how these systems sold. This was never going to be a PS2 retread.

These are all companies worth billions of dollars with brilliant people at the helm.
Financially Microsoft is doing fine, Nintendo is doing great, Sony could be better but is starting to make itself profitable.

You know, I always see people say this, and I never really understand how it can still be said, especially in the current climate. It's just accepted that because these companies are big, the people running them are brilliant businessmen who know exactly what they're doing. I mean, obviously someone was brilliant at some stage to get them into a position of being a multibillion dollar company. But I'd say the people who were overlooking the development and release of the PS3 were more stupid and clinically insane than brilliant.


jred250 said:
Mario Galaxy is fun! However, a previous poster may be right about a 2D game being more accessible than a 3D one.

You cannot forget about the Wii Wheel bundle, people eat accessories up and Mario Kart ships more Wii Wheel bundles then standalone copies of the game


Dirtbag said:
That can't be true.
So you are saying that Killzone 1 sold about 175k in it's first month (releasing on november 2, 2004) on a console with triple the install base (ps2) ??

That's right.
SF4 kicked ass as expected. Go Capgod. And just like everyone else, I am shaking my head as to why PS3 and 360 sales were so close.

Say what you will about D-Pad issues, it doesn't change the fact that the 360 had such a monster month sales wise, and still the sales were that close.

Capcom fans should be happy, because from Capcoms POV 360 and PS3 are equal platforms (WW the sales of SF4 should be even or tipping one way or the other ever slightly).

RE5 will be interesting. I don't think it will be as close as SF4, but who knows. There is a very real possiblilty of PS3 version outselling 360 version worldwide, on both games. So in that respect, PS3 is actually a more important platform to the almighty Capgods....

Very interesting and strange, I sure as hell can't explain that. Am I the only one that finds it strange as hell? Maybe there is something to be said about PlayStation fans and Capcom fans.


As much as I'd like Galaxy to sell 100 billion copies, it's hard to lament it's success when it's on its way to selling 10 million copies.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
markatisu said:
Its fun is too odd a concept?

It's the wheel. Yes, MK Wii is tons of fun and deserves its superstar status but the Wii Wheel makes it appealing and makes it look like more than just another videogame, ala the Wii Fit bundle.

Nintendo was right about the draw of certain things like the wheel. Like how they even put the blue ring on the back just so that other people looking liked they were holding a cooler device when you watched them play with it.

As for Mario Galaxy, well - it's not just that 2D is accessible. Galaxy itself is pretty freakin' accessible and easy to get into, probably the best for that of any 3D platformer in history. And it did/is doing well. But I think it's more than the DS userbase is just THAT VAST that there's more people to soak up the "core" DS titles like Mario Bros. Mario Kart, Pokemon, etc.

Someone ran some percentages a while back, I forget which website, and claimed that in terms of the percent of the userbase buying Mario games, Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros. were actually about neck-in-neck on their respective systems. The same percentage of owners were buying the Mario game that was available for their platform.

I think sometimes people don't take into account just how many DSes are out there. It really is, and has been since its early months in Japan particularly, its own pocket dimension where the normal rules don't apply.


legend166 said:
You know, I always see people say this, and I never really understand how it can still be said, especially in the current climate. It's just accepted that because these companies are big, the people running them are brilliant businessmen who know exactly what they're doing. I mean, obviously someone was brilliant at some stage to get them into a position of being a multibillion dollar company. But I'd say the people who were overlooking the development and release of the PS3 were more stupid and clinically insane than brilliant.

Not stupid, just exercised poor risk management and were too overconfident. Listen, I love to mock the performance of the PS3 as much as the next accountant, but anything can happen in this industry. The failure of the PS3 is just as unexpected as the success of the Wii, but in all honesty there was more luck involved than people realized. I never saw the PS3 as the immediate superpower, but I originally felt that it would gain presence over time as many paid industry analysts still attest. The fact that it didn't can be attributed to a lot of things, but not outright stupidity or insanity. It is just a focused differentiation strategy that didn't work.


donny2112 said:
Eh? Have there been standalone copies of the game released?

Initially yes, they are doing the same thing with Excitebots (a standalone $39 game or a $49 bundle)

Mario Kart Wii was initially shipped the same way, $59 for the bundle/$49 for the game....the bundle sells more copies


markatisu said:
Initially yes, they are doing the same thing with Excitebots (a standalone $39 game or a $49 bundle)

Mario Kart Wii was initially shipped the same way, $59 for the bundle/$49 for the game....the bundle sells more copies

In the US, it was always $50 for the game and the wheel. It was never released any other way.

Animal Crossing is the only one that they did that had a bundle/no bundle dealy.


Hardware #'s are a bit higher than the doom and gloom analysts were predicting.

360 vs PS3 SFIV #'s are shockingly close. At first glance I thought the numbers were a bit low, but then I compared them to SCIV #'s and these trump it. Killzone 2's numbers are impressive for the small window they had. I hope it charts again next month.
markatisu said:
Initially yes, they are doing the same thing with Excitebots (a standalone $39 game or a $49 bundle)

Mario Kart Wii was initially shipped the same way, $59 for the bundle/$49 for the game....the bundle sells more copies
where the hell has ever sold mario kart without the wheel?
No_Style said:
Hardware #'s are a bit higher than the doom and gloom analysts were predicting.

360 vs PS3 SFIV #'s are shockingly close. At first glance I thought the numbers were a bit low, but then I compared them to SCIV #'s and these trump it. Killzone 2's numbers are impressive for the small window they had. I hope it charts again next month.

I think there is a bigger underlying thing going on. I think there's alot more to the fanbases of the consoles than meets the eye. I think the hardcore, otaku-esque American audience, alot of them are PS3 owners. That would explain the SF4 closeness, and the DMC closeness.

I mean selling that close on half the userbase is a big deal. That's my only explanation.

I wish a game like Star Ocean was multiplatform so we could put my theory to the test. But then we'd need like top 30 NPD to test my hypothesis, and see that each version sold 60k or something.


Killzone 2 seems a little low, not what i expected at least, Fallout 3 (360) did 375k in three days, Guitar Hero II (360) did 291k in two days ($80 bundle) and those were multiplatform games.


frankie_baby said:
where the hell has ever sold mario kart without the wheel?

I apparently was mistaken, I know I have seen it seperate. I wonder if the store took the bundle apart since the game is sealed inside the box (at least I think its sealed)
Or, I am an idiot and 360 SF4 could have way better legs than PS3 version. I guess we'll find out next month.

RE5 platform vs. platform will be interesting next month as well.
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