NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

Let's keep some perspective. A supply constrained console still beat a console that is sitting on pallets in most major stores and is in that console's number one possible market.

If Sony had shipped 500k consoles to NA in Feb, they would have sold 500k. One console is selling as many consoles as they're able to allocate to the region and selling them almost immediately. The other has loads of them in stores and still manages to undersell after dominating the region last generation.

"XBO not being far behind" is only in North America. People see NPD numbers and they declare winners and losers, as if the rest of the world doesn't exist.


titanfall is such a strange thing. this must be the first time a console maker is banking on a third party game to sell consoles, like that. the pr piece reads like an ad for the game.

Banking on 3rd parties to sell systems has been MS' strategy since the 360


Junior Member
looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

PS4 = 6+ mil
X1=3.6+ mil

Who looks silly? No offense man but i feel bitterness...when there is no need for this. X1 is ok man..but lets keep it real dude, PS4 is in the drivers seat in all regions.
looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

??? WW it is more then 2:1 most weeks, x1 will never outsell ps4 in europe and japan, not sure what you are talking about. Ms only chance is to outsell sony 2:1 in the Us to stay close, not happening. No 1 year head start or many other advantages they had last gen.
If Microsoft has not given us a titanfall number 24 hours into releAse for Xbox one it probably did not break any records for a new IP. Think about that for a second


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
i remember countless members saying ps4 had USA on lock because it was $100 cheaper

For some reason, I remember people saying that MS had the US and probably the UK on lock like they did last gen. It was the rest of the world that was up for grabs.


Because MS sold zero elsewhere worldwide?

It's based on the premise that Xbone sell 2/3 of its units on US.

3M in 2013. 400K in US for 2014 (Jan+Feb) so it means 200K from the rest of the world*.

Total is 3.6M

*Only 12 countries


Amazon indicated a PS4 blowout like January, but Xbox One made up tons of ground
so if they're neck and neck on Amazon....yeah

PS4 was sold out most of the month of February at Amazon.

Gamestop gets the bulk of shipments.

If we are going to base off of Amazon Feb then it looks PS4 shipments are already way up for March.
The Xbox 360 has outsold the PS3 by over 10 million in the US and still ended up getting squeaked by in world wide sales. Do you really think they are happy with being 10% behind in the US?

My point was I was looking at it as a 1 to 1 race. Trying to win the US. But Microsoft needs to do far more than just win the US to compete. Which is why the bundles make sense.

I think a lot of consoles that would normally be in Japan will end up in the United States instead. Sony just needs to cram the supply into the US in March and hope that outpaces Microsofts game bundle giveaways. It will be close. If Sony can break open a big lead in the United States in the future it's over.


I hope Square Enix took a lump sum for Bravely Default based on their idiotic projections instead of royalty on each copy, because they don't really deserve a penny from these sales.


PS4 weekly avg. in January: ~68k
PS4 weekly avg. in February: ~72k

I guess that's all Sony can ship to the US. Using 75k as an average, we would have 375k in 5 weeks for March, hypothetically. Unless Sony has a secret stock, it seems an easy bet the Xbox One will be ahead.
Donkey actually did something for Wii U I'm surprised. Bravely Default sales are awesome. PS4 sales are good for being supply constrained. XBO is doing ok considering that price and should do better next month, but overall things seem decent this month for the industry

Any indication on 3DS sales?

Jea Song

Did the right thing
I think the anticipation of titan fall and the ps4 still today being hard to find is the reason for the Xbox one bump.

March should prove strong numbers for the Xbox one as well but I still see ps4 winning March. Infamous should sell consoles and ps4's are If anything becoming easier to find like on Amazon and in bundles.
LTD in America:

PS4: ~2.56 million
Wii U: ~2.23 million
Xbone: ~2.22 million

(using Aquamarine's estimates and ~285k for PS4, ~258k for XBO, ~82k for WiiU this month)

Thanks for the numbers.

looking back everyone who expected the ps4 to have big lead in the next gen sales race look silly now

xbone isn't that far behind and its being sold at a higher price. kind of a win actually

You can't make this stuff up.
titanfall is such a strange thing. this must be the first time a console maker is banking on a third party game to sell consoles, like that. the pr piece reads like an ad for the game.

Missed the PS1, did you? virtually ALL of it's heavy hitters (sans gran turismo) were third party, and Sony put up funds to run some pretty expensive ad blitzes to cross promote the games and system. FFVII, Crash, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Spyro, Tekken, etc.
Yes. A lot of people are underestimating it. I think it will outsell Titanfall also.

I think I said this once in another thread, but I think Infamous will outsell Titanfall on Xbox One next month, at least worldwide. That PS4 install base is just craving something new, next gen, and exclusive (I simply mean built specifically for that system, not "We got a game you don't!"). I know I am.


I hope Square Enix took a lump sum for Bravely Default based on their idiotic projections instead of royalty on each copy, because they don't really deserve a penny from these sales.


PS4 weekly avg. in January: ~68k
PS4 weekly avg. in February: ~72k

I guess that's all Sony can ship to the US. Using 75k as an average, we would have 375k in 5 weeks for March, hypothetically. Unless Sony has a secret stock, it seems an easy bet the Xbox One will be ahead.
Sony should be able to ship more now that the Japan launch is over with.


Media Create Maven
At this point, if Nintendo is localizing DQVII, there's only one month for the release: February. In 2012, Tales of thr Abyss didn't debut badly; in 2013, FE happened + Etrian Odyssey selling 15k in 5 days, which was great for the kind of title it is; in 2014, BD almost debuts as much as KH3D and better than Fire Emblem.
February sounds like a good month for Japanese content...

How did the Tales game do back in 2012 btw?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Thanks for the numbers.

You can't make this stuff up.

Well, when you consider that 18 months ago, North America was on lock for Microsoft and all they had to do was not shit the bed and then they proceeded to have diarrhea all over the bed, it's kind of a win really.


Personally I'm hoping for a Dragon Quest VII release this year with a Bravely Second localization next February. That's probably too optimistic though.....
We all want that. Jebus, you can't fathom how happy I am that the cousins across the pond apparently liked BD. This SHOULD PROVE that there is an audience for handheld rpgs, not just "niche" titles that are coming to the Vita. Although they rock I would still love something big to appear.

Oh and Muteki, ffs, give my European Vita DF! I'll happily help assassinate whoever in SCEE is standing in the way.

Sure would. The more they slug it out the more we win as consumers. This back and forth creates real value. I don't think the Titanfall bundle happens if Sony wasn't winning the NPDs. I also think Sony should be feverishly working on that next major firmware after hearing the positive buzz Microsoft is finally generating.
Yeah really hoping for that firmware release. They said we should be excited for the next update. Well I'm to old to be excited about that. Just show results please.

Im guessing "Get FIFA as an exclusive" was a suggestion.

Nah was after the initial release but some said €200-250 and a few people went nuts(XBO evangelists)


Junior Member
i was referring to USA where the Microsoft brand has a big market share

i mean i am in a NPD thread

Then your an idiot because everyone that was saying PS4 would win by a landslide was referring to all sales..not one region foolish, yes you are.
I hope Square Enix took a lump sum for Bravely Default based on their idiotic projections instead of royalty on each copy, because they don't really deserve a penny from these sales.


PS4 weekly avg. in January: ~68k
PS4 weekly avg. in February: ~72k

I guess that's all Sony can ship to the US. Using 75k as an average, we would have 375k in 5 weeks for March, hypothetically. Unless Sony has a secret stock, it seems an easy bet the Xbox One will be ahead.

With Japanese launch out of the way Sony can supply west more though.
Well, when you consider that 18 months ago, North America was on lock for Microsoft and all they had to do was not shit the bed and then they proceeded to have diarrhea all over the bed, it's kind of a win really.

I'm not sure where Sony can go from here.
Missed the PS1, did you? virtually ALL of it's heavy hitters were third party, and Sony put up funds to run some pretty expensive ad blitzes to cross promote the games and system. FFVII, Crash, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Spyro, Tekken, etc.

PS1/PS2 era Sony bragged about the 3rd party exclusives they could sell, PS3 pretty much humbled them
Well, when you consider that 18 months ago, North America was on lock for Microsoft and all they had to do was not shit the bed and then they proceeded to have diarrhea all over the bed, it's kind of a win really.

Is like ppl are forgetting that US was MS stronghold and they are losing it right now.


The best news for me is that chances of getting Bravely Second in US with faster localization than BD is a bit higher. I hope.


I see some people saying wiiu did good

I don't follow sales threads much.

Did it actually do well? What should someone take away from its sales this month


Missed the PS1, did you? virtually ALL of it's heavy hitters were third party, and Sony put up funds to run some pretty expensive ad blitzes to promote them. FFVII, Crash, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Spyro, Tekken, etc.

ad blitzes yes. but this has been a constant promotion since e3 last year.

but i am probably wrong. ms just has alot invested in that one Ea game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The good news is that with BD in the top 10, we can finally crap on our UK brethren with confidence.



I think I said this once in another thread, but I think Infamous will outsell Titanfall on Xbox One next month, at least worldwide. That PS4 install base is just craving something new, next gen, and exclusive (I simply mean built specifically for that system, not "We got a game you don't!"). I know I am.

I'd have to disagree with you there, if only because Xbox users have more focused tastes with games, because they're primarily based in the US. Playstation owners are spread throughout US/EU/JP, so one owner may have a different taste in games than another. Halo games are always huge sellers because America has a love affair with guns and FPS games.
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