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NPD Sales Results for January 2009

for the record i think SCE are being smart by focussing on profitability rather than system wars bragging rights. only the fanboys really care about install base. until software sales nose dive the PS3 isn't likely to suffer a big gaming drought... just more inferior ports i'd guess as a worst case scenario. (i stress WORST case there).

Nintendo were happy to concede their place in the console wars last generation for profitability and look how well that allowed them to position themselves this time around. Sega bled money trying to sell consoles and look where that got them.

Sony as a whole are hurting badly. A division making profit while the company isn't is a division that's going to get a lot of focus and protection from cutbacks etc.

Asking SCE to bleed money to better position themselves in a console war is asking them to lose bargaining power when it comes to the PS4 and putting a lot of heads on the chopping block.

Profitability is the smart focus, even if it causes them to lose a little face and leaves them writing ridiculous press releases.

You Sony fans need to learn from the Nintendo people and stop talking sales and start talking bottom line.


ThatHurt said:
Yep all 300k were the 199 units

MS will never communicate on these numbers you know it'll be like the silver/gold membership on xboxlive opacity for the win.

NPD threads will be interesting when the PS3/WII have a price drop to 199/149$

we'll see what MS can do...
The funny thing is that theoretically the Wii is actually in a more vulnerable position than the 360/PS3. To match the Wii, Microsoft just needs to come out with a "Casual Pack" (placeholder name). Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.

Now you have a SKU that is at the same price point at the Wii, offers the same kind of directly comparable experience + other stuff 360 does.

The major problem is that nobody really has the expertise to create waggle killer apps like Nintendo. So unless MS figures out how to make software for the Wii generation all this is moot. But I think it's possible.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you see MS announce this year at E3. I'm calling it now.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Omar Ismail said:
Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.

Now you have a SKU that is at the same price point at the Wii, offers the same kind of directly comparable experience
My god how stupid can you guys get?
freddy said:
I dont think I am at all. I think you are concentrating on how badly PS3 is doing. They've boxed themselves into a corner on price and have to ride it out. End of story. My focus is rather on how WELL Microsoft is doing compared to the market leader and what they can do, if anything, to try to claw some marketshare back. I think that's a much more interesting discussion than "lolz Sony".

Correct and right now the Wii is increasing its share of that market. Microsoft seems to be applying the old rules to this new market and I don't think that is going to cut it as you say.

No i'm talking about 360 sales as I consider 300k in january a good figure, in relation to past 360 results and PS2 sales which had little competition and was the clear market leader of its gen, its also handily beating the PS3.

The average price of a 360 is what $270 last time I saw anything? That's still way over what the Ps2 was priced at the same point in its career.

The Wii is in a stratisphere of its own, I highly doubt that MS, Sony or even Nintendo expected to have a console sell what Ninty are achieving


plagiarize said:
for the record i think SCE are being smart by focussing on profitability rather than system wars bragging rights. only the fanboys really care about install base. until software sales nose dive the PS3 isn't likely to suffer a big gaming drought... just more inferior ports i'd guess as a worst case scenario. (i stress WORST case there).

Nintendo were happy to concede their place in the console wars last generation for profitability and look how well that allowed them to position themselves this time around. Sega bled money trying to sell consoles and look where that got them.

Sony as a whole are hurting badly. A division making profit while the company isn't is a division that's going to get a lot of focus and protection from cutbacks etc.

Asking SCE to bleed money to better position themselves in a console war is asking them to lose bargaining power when it comes to the PS4 and putting a lot of heads on the chopping block.

Profitability is the smart focus, even if it causes them to lose a little face and leaves them writing ridiculous press releases.

You Sony fans need to learn from the Nintendo people and stop talking sales and start talking bottom line.

Perfect. You covered all the bases too (as far as slider can see).


Omar Ismail said:
The funny thing is that theoretically the Wii is actually in a more vulnerable position than the 360/PS3. To match the Wii, Microsoft just needs to come out with a "Casual Pack" (placeholder name). Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.

Now you have a SKU that is at the same price point at the Wii, offers the same kind of directly comparable experience + other stuff 360 does.

The major problem is that nobody really has the expertise to create waggle killer apps like Nintendo. So unless MS figures out how to make software for the Wii generation all this is moot. But I think it's possible.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you see MS announce this year at E3. I'm calling it now.

You should apply for a job at MS :lol


Kolgar said:
Nintendo's EXPANDING THE MARKET. They have a system that can do that like no other in the history of video games. Its sales potential is nearly unlimited.

If they want Wii-like success, they'll need to make a Wii-like system for their next entry in 2011/12.

With 360, MS should continue to focus on core gamers and movie watchers (via streaming and downloadable movies) while offering a smattering of "party" and "casual" experiences to fill those niches in its customer base. They've succeeded in this gen's plan to head off Sony's takeover of the living room, and until Nintendo gains similar aspirations beyond games, I think they'll be happy with that.
I agree for the most part that there's not a lot they can do this gen to stop the runaway success of the Wii. I'm not sure however just copying Nintendos strategy is going to be successful for them. They tried that this gen by copying the ps2 strategy and got steamrolled. Id I want to buy a Wii like console next gen wouldnt I just buy a Wii or Wii 2? Nintendo has the brand recognition in that area locked down pretty tight right now. They are the party console and where the local multiplayer fun is at. I've heard bill gates talk about motion recognition. Perhaps that's the path they'll take.

Also I think catering to just the current audience with software would be a mistake. They need to build up some mindshare amongst these new gamers and have the microsoft/Xbox brand become known for more than just shooters and core games. They need to expand their library now.

mr_bishiuk said:
No i'm talking about 360 sales as I consider 300k in january a good figure, in relation to past 360 results and PS2 sales which had little competition and was the clear market leader of its gen, its also handily beating the PS3.

The average price of a 360 is what $270 last time I saw anything? That's still way over what the Ps2 was priced at the same point in its career.

The Wii is in a stratisphere of its own, I highly doubt that MS, Sony or even Nintendo expected to have a console sell what Ninty they are achieving
You think Microsoft is content then to stay in second place forever? That's not the Microsoft I know. The kicker is that in order to take on Nintendo they will have to start courting this new market and that's going to be a difficult thing for a lot of people to hear.


Joe211 said:
MS will never communicate on these numbers you know it'll be like the silver/gold membership on xboxlive opacity for the win.

NPD threads will be interesting when the PS3/WII have a price drop to 199/149$

we'll see what MS can do...

Are you one of those guys that thinks sales double when the item is half price? So the PS3 sales will double when it is $199 and double again when it is $99. It doesnt work like that.


Omar Ismail said:
The major problem is that nobody really has the expertise to create waggle killer apps like Nintendo.

And nobody has the expertise to promote and advertise those killer apps like Nintendo. That's why Nintendo's game has so loooong legs.
Joe211 said:
MS will never communicate on these numbers you know it'll be like the silver/gold membership on xboxlive opacity for the win.

NPD threads will be interesting when the PS3/WII have a price drop to 199/149$

we'll see what MS can do...

Don't hold your breath...


It'll be a very different NPD day whenever Nintendo is no longer #1.

Because, at this rate, everyone on Earth will have a Wii by then. :\
I'm pretty disappointed that we haven't seen Sony's NPD PR. They've become great at working miracles with the numbers but perhaps they just couldn't see a way around this one.


Comics, serious business!
Joe211 said:
I'm sorry dude but the 360 is the cheapest next gen system on the market but it sold 309k Would you care to explain why these number are good?

PS3 399$ 203.2K
Wii 249$ 679.2K
360 199$ 309K

No, no, no, no. Sony has made the case over and over again that the 360 actually presents the LEAST bang for buck. The 360 is actually MORE expensive than the PS3 once you factor in Xbox Live, WiFi, HDD upgrades, etc. PLUS with the PS3 you're practically getting a Blu-Ray device for free, with an awesome gaming system thrown in.

So, once you factor the TRUE PRICE of the 360 into the equation, the fact that the 360 outsold the less expensive PS3 by 100k units is an AMAZING feat.
Joe211 said:
MS will never communicate on these numbers you know it'll be like the silver/gold membership on xboxlive opacity for the win.

NPD threads will be interesting when the PS3/WII have a price drop to 199/149$

we'll see what MS can do...
the 360 will always be cheaper than the ps3 aside from perhaps a few weeks where Sony had a surprise price cut and they haven't responded yet.

library will drive sales later on. most specifically USED/budget library. the 360 is already way ahead there. there's a lot more cheap games on the system because it was out a year longer and has had more games.

Wii dropping price is irrelevent right now. Nintendo sales for the last year would be identical at $200 as they are at $250. until Nintendo stop selling every console it ships, a price cut wouldn't a thing to sales.

a price cut from Sony right now is not a smart move at all. the console war is just bragging rights. remaining profitable in a company struggling to make profit is protecting your job, your family, your divisions future. selling the PS3 at a loss again is a bad bad bad idea.

so long as they remain profitable the urge to cut price isn't great and we're seeing that. when they can do it (due to falling hardware costs) and remain profitable they will, or if they have stopped being profitable they will probably be forced into risking it.

the PS3 has some amazing stand out games and exclusives, no question. but there's no arguing with shelf space, and frankly that plays a huge part in a consumers choice when it comes to which system they want to buy.

the Wii is in a world of it's own though. it's a phenomena that doesn't fit all the standard criteria and existing models we've got from past generations. the 360 and PS3 have matched them pretty much perfectly to date and i see no reason for that to change.


Omar Ismail said:
The funny thing is that theoretically the Wii is actually in a more vulnerable position than the 360/PS3. To match the Wii, Microsoft just needs to come out with a "Casual Pack" (placeholder name). Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.

Now you have a SKU that is at the same price point at the Wii, offers the same kind of directly comparable experience + other stuff 360 does.

The major problem is that nobody really has the expertise to create waggle killer apps like Nintendo. So unless MS figures out how to make software for the Wii generation all this is moot. But I think it's possible.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you see MS announce this year at E3. I'm calling it now.

It's a nice idea, but it would never work.

With Wii, Nintendo already owns the idea of "waggle" gaming in the minds of consumers. The Wii is the Wii and there is nothing else like it. You can slap motion controls and party games into the 360 box but it will never be a Wii and will never rival the Wii in the minds of consumers.

The die have been cast and there's no mixing this up until somebody hits the industry "reset" button in a few years.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Hellraizer said:

Elite, Pro? They don't exist anymore?

But how many of those 309k do you think are Elite/Pro's, not many I bet.

RSTEIN said:
No, no, no, no. Sony has made the case over and over again that the 360 actually presents the LEAST bang for buck. The 360 is actually MORE expensive than the PS3 once you factor in Xbox Live, WiFi, HDD upgrades, etc. PLUS with the PS3 you're practically getting a Blu-Ray device for free, with an awesome gaming system thrown in.

So, once you factor the TRUE PRICE of the 360 into the equation, the fact that the 360 outsold the less expensive PS3 by 100k units is an AMAZING feat.

This is a joke post surely ? <taps sarcasm metre>, nope, needle doesn't appear to be moving.
lowrider007 said:
But how many of those 309k do you think are Elite/Pro's, not many I bet.

Pachter recently stated the average sales price was around $270 so that would indicate the majority are Pro's/Elite


lowrider007 said:
But how many of those 309k do you think are Elite/Pro's, not many I bet.

This is a joke post surely ? <taps sarcasm metre>, nope, needles doesn't appear to be moving.
Actually the more of those that are elites or pros the worst Microsoft is doing at selling its $199 dollar console. Bit of a double edged sword if people were to use that as an argument.


I don't know if hitting the reset button for a new generation in a few years is going to help MS and Sony catch Nintendo.

Nintendo is sitting very pretty right now, and its ownership of the waggle idea is a key reason why. Combine Nintendo's older/hardcore fanbase (those crazy Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Pokemon fans who floated Nintendo when its marketshare was decidedly leaner) with the new generation of fans that it's creating right now, and you have numbers that give it a built-in advantage going into the next console cycle.


Nintendo are going to have to go win the space race or something. Maybe discover a few planets with sentient life forms on it. Soon enough there won't be any more Earthlings to sell their systems to, we'll all have one.
freddy said:
Actually the more of those that are elites or pros the worst Microsoft is doing at selling its $199 dollar console. Bit of a double edged sword if people were to use that as an argument.
so whatever Microsoft do it's bad, but whatever Sony do it's good?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
DangerStepp said:
It'll be a very different NPD day whenever Nintendo is no longer #1.

Because, at this rate, everyone on Earth will have a Wii by then. :\
stuminus3 said:
Nintendo are going to have to go win the space race or something. Maybe discover a few planets with sentient life forms on it. Soon enough there won't be any more Earthlings to sell their systems to, we'll all have one.
We all know they're going to launch a Wii+/WiiToo/WiiHD/WiiLite/WiiSomethingSomething right before this happens, to make everybody buy another one.
Joe211 said:
MS will never communicate on these numbers you know it'll be like the silver/gold membership on xboxlive opacity for the win.

NPD threads will be interesting when the PS3/WII have a price drop to 199/149$

we'll see what MS can do...

sonycowboy routinely tells us the 360's average transaction price from NPD. i dont think its ever fallen below $270

lol @ ps3 @ $199, any number of things can happen by 2011. in any case the 360 will always be cheaper


Licorice-flavoured booze?
mr_bishiuk said:
Pachter recently stated the average sales price was around $270 so that would indicate the majority are Pro's/Elite

'Jasper' tells me that that the arcade sku is the most popular atm, there a reason everyone said that if you want a jasper then your best chances of getting one is by purchasing an arcade sku.


Joe211 said:
360 numbers are not so good only 100.000 more than the ps3 if you consider the price you'll that these numbers are in fact bad

The average price of the 360 is $299 ($199+$299+$399 / 3). Average PS3 price is $449 ($399+$499 / 2). That makes the 360 33% cheaper than the PS3.

Going by the flawed logic in this thread, the 360 should outsell the PS3 by 33%. Jan NPD shows the 360 outselling the PS3 by over 50%. Now someone explain how that is bad?
HylianTom said:
I don't know if hitting the reset button for a new generation in a few years is going to help MS and Sony catch Nintendo.

Nintendo is sitting very pretty right now, and its ownership of the waggle idea is a key reason why. Combine Nintendo's older/hardcore fanbase (those crazy Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Pokemon fans who floated Nintendo when its marketshare was decidedly leaner) with the new generation of fans that it's creating right now, and you have numbers that give it a built-in advantage going into the next console cycle.
i don't think we can really talk about brand loyalty holdover (as in, from one generation to the next) as a strong factor this generation. it's a factor, but i've always felt it was OVER credited for the success of the SNES and the PS2. both were great systems for a lot of reasons beyond the fact they followed a previous system that was great.

brand name i would argue gets you the benefit of the doubt a bit more than not having it, but nothing else. reality is a hard mirror to things given the benefit of the doubt.

the PS2 was able to overcome it's tough early days thanks to the benefit of the doubt, but if the good stuff hadn't started showing up when it did there'd have been trouble. the PS3 didn't stand up to that same test.
Omar Ismail said:
The funny thing is that theoretically the Wii is actually in a more vulnerable position than the 360/PS3. To match the Wii, Microsoft just needs to come out with a "Casual Pack" (placeholder name). Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.

It's more than that. It's marketing, word of mouth, image...Microsoft can't replicate these.

Even if they sold this theoretical "Casual Pack" @$199, it still wouldn't outsell the Wii.

It's the same thing that Apple has captured with the iPod line; anyone can make an MP3 player and sell it cheaper, but they're not going to capture Apple's brand image.


HylianTom said:
I don't know if hitting the reset button for a new generation in a few years is going to help MS and Sony catch Nintendo.

Nintendo is sitting very pretty right now, and its ownership of the waggle idea is a key reason why. Combine Nintendo's older/hardcore fanbase (those crazy Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Pokemon fans who floated Nintendo when its marketshare was decidedly leaner) with the new generation of fans that it's creating right now, and you have numbers that give it a built-in advantage going into the next console cycle.

Agreed. How do you steal the mantle of "gaming for the rest of us" from the company that created it?

The Wii is pure gold and toppling Nintendo now and in the future will be very difficult indeed. It won't be enough for MS or Sony to outdo Nintendo; for them to have any hope, Ninty will need to make some missteps of its own.

edit: This assumes that MS and Sony WANT to challenge Wii directly; and they may not. Each company has its own goals and objectives, and making money and selling oodles of units is just one part of that, albeit an important one.


plagiarize said:
so whatever Microsoft do it's bad, but whatever Sony do it's good?
I don't think I've said anything Sony has done has been good. They are languishing in third place with no option but to sit out the generation, hope for a price reduction in costs so they can pas it on without breaking the bank and plan for next time. I don't think anyone can spin that as being good in any way. Microsoft at least has made their major price cuts and has room to make changes.
My statement was only related to what the guy said about different SKUs making up this months sales.
Karma said:
The average price of the 360 is $299 ($199+$299+$399 / 3). Average PS3 price is $449 ($399+$499 / 2). That makes the 360 33% cheaper than the PS3.

Going by the flawed logic in this thread, the 360 should outsell the PS3 by 33%. Jan NPD shows the 360 outselling the PS3 by over 50%. Now someone explain how that is bad?
your math is horrible.

the 360 is 33% cheaper than the PS3.

the PS3 is 50% more expensive than the 360.

going by this logic you would expect PS3 sales to be about 2/3rds of what the 360's were which is about what they were.


stuminus3 said:
Nintendo are going to have to go win the space race or something. Maybe discover a few planets with sentient life forms on it. Soon enough there won't be any more Earthlings to sell their systems to, we'll all have one.

New target for Nintendo's Wii : 6 Billion Unit sales!
freddy said:
I don't think I've said anything Sony has done has been good. They are languishing in third place with no option but to sit out the generation, hope for a price reduction in costs so they can pas it on without breaking the bank and plan for next time. I don't think anyone can spin that as being good in any way. Microsoft at least has made their major price cuts and has room to make changes.
My statement was only related to what the guy said about different SKUs making up this months sales.
okay. cool. just checking.


plagiarize said:
your math is horrible.

the 360 is 33% cheaper than the PS3.

the PS3 is 50% more expensive than the 360.

going by this logic you would expect PS3 sales to be about 2/3rds of what the 360's were which is about what they were.

I said it was flawed logic in this thread.

The math is correct. It is the logic that is horrible.


Omar Ismail said:
The funny thing is that theoretically the Wii is actually in a more vulnerable position than the 360/PS3. To match the Wii, Microsoft just needs to come out with a "Casual Pack" (placeholder name). Essentially, have true waggle control + a few KILLER APP level games that make use of the waggle and sell the thing for $250. And in true 360 manner, you can optionally "upgrade" to the Casual Pack by purchasing it separately.


In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you see MS announce this year at E3. I'm calling it now.

you mean, iff Wii was actually a product and idea FROM microsoft? LOL. you should have told this to microsoft when they dev the xbox360, not now.

in fact, microsoft CANNOT match the sales of Wii EVEN IF they put a xbox360 waggle version NOW, since the general public KNOWS what the Wii does and that's WHAT THEY WANT.

I'm not susprised to see anything @ E3 from ms. but will it ever work? (iPod and Zune)


plagiarize said:
KillZone 2 will possibly sell more than MGS4 did, with the right advertising push at least.

there's a chance it could do better than MGS4 did in later months too if we do get a price cut in march. that'd give it another bounce in sales i'd expect.

one question though, that 775,000 does that include the bundle 80 gig bundle? that artificially inflates MGS4 sales a little bit, because you know a measurable percentage of the bundle sales were people who wanted BC rather than MGS4.

freddy, nowhere in that quote are microsoft claiming they will have a PS2 like install base. they're talking about the price at which sales take off. not claiming that they will reach ps2 levels. just saying that that's when it would start to happen should it happen.

Killzone 2 in February+March won't beat Gears 1's November 2006 numbers, and I'm willing to make a month long ban bet if you're in it with me.

To be clear, if Killzone 2 sells more than 1 million units in February and March combined, I lose. Otherwise, you lose.
lowrider007 said:
'Jasper' tells me that that the arcade sku is the most popular atm, there a reason everyone said that if you want a jasper then your best chances of getting one is by purchasing an arcade sku.
You're making the mistake of basing sales off the impressions you're getting from hardcore gamer messageboard posters. It happens a lot.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Psychotext said:
You're making the mistake of basing sales off the impressions you're getting from hardcore gamer messageboard posters. It happens a lot.

So your saying I'm wrong ?, you think that there is more Elite/Pro Jasper units out there ?, because I've been on quite a few forums including av-forums and other non-gaming message boards and everyone's first experience of a jasper unit was with an Arcade SKU, just seems quite a fair indication that they are selling alot more to me.
lowrider007 said:
'Jasper' tells me that that the arcade sku is the most popular atm, there a reason everyone said that if you want a jasper then your best chances of getting one is by purchasing an arcade sku.

Thats hilarious, outside gaming forums no one knows anything about 'jasper' 'falcon' or any internal MS designation (like Zune!)
I'm saying that as a percentage of the total number of people buying machines right now, those out hunting for Jasper machines is minimal. So in essence, yes I'm saying that you're wrong.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
mr_bishiuk said:
Thats hilarious, outside gaming forums no one knows anything about 'jasper' 'falcon' or any internal MS designation

Look, whether people know what it is or not is not the point, the point is jasper revisions filtered through via the Arcade SKU's first, which is a good indication that the Arcade SKU's are selling more atm.


Karma said:
Are you one of those guys that thinks sales double when the item is half price? So the PS3 sales will double when it is $199 and double again when it is $99. It doesnt work like that.
Where did I say this? Stop making stuff

plagiarize said:
your math is horrible.

the 360 is 33% cheaper than the PS3.

the PS3 is 50% more expensive than the 360.

going by this logic you would expect PS3 sales to be about 2/3rds of what the 360's were which is about what they were.
No need for an average price, the reality is that I can buy a 360 for 199$ and the PS3 cost the double

RSTEIN said:
No, no, no, no. Sony has made the case over and over again that the 360 actually presents the LEAST bang for buck. The 360 is actually MORE expensive than the PS3 once you factor in Xbox Live, WiFi, HDD upgrades, etc. PLUS with the PS3 you're practically getting a Blu-Ray device for free, with an awesome gaming system thrown in.

So, once you factor the TRUE PRICE of the 360 into the equation, the fact that the 360 outsold the less expensive PS3 by 100k units is an AMAZING feat.

You're mad

mr_bis+hiuk said:
Pachter recently stated the average sales price was around $270 so that would indicate the majority are Pro's/Elite

oh really?

270 <199+299+399/3=299

It means one thing majority are Pro/Arcade


RSTEIN said:
No, no, no, no. Sony has made the case over and over again that the 360 actually presents the LEAST bang for buck. The 360 is actually MORE expensive than the PS3 once you factor in Xbox Live, WiFi, HDD upgrades, etc. PLUS with the PS3 you're practically getting a Blu-Ray device for free, with an awesome gaming system thrown in.

So, once you factor the TRUE PRICE of the 360 into the equation, the fact that the 360 outsold the less expensive PS3 by 100k units is an AMAZING feat.
:lol You should have just posted the chart instead, would have saved yourself all that typing.

Anyways, good showing by L4D. I have it on PC, but I'm probably going to double dip since most of my friends have it on 360.
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