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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]

Those PS4/XB1 numbers seem low.

Well yeah, it's the January after launch. Numbers are supposed to be very low.

That's why Sony / Microsoft didn't give out absolutes...because they would be taken the wrong way by people who don't closely follow the USA sales market.


Wait. PS4 and Xbone are the #1 and #2 selling consoles? I certainly didn't expect the transition into next-gen to be this quick.



1st January PS3 - 244K

1st January 360 - 249K

1st January Wii U - 57K

1st January Xbox One - approx. 143K

OG Xbox - 127K first January

GameCube - 62K
PS2 - 248K
Wii - 436K

We should note the bold had 5 weeks in January, while the others only 4.

Using a simple weekly average:

PS2: 50k
XBX: 32k
GC: 15k

Wii: 87k
360: 62k
PS3: 49k

PS4: unknown (65k ~ 75k)
XBO: ~36k
Wii U: 11k
Great news. This means PS4 will be the lead platform going forward. Now MS is going to start trying to buy off more 3rd party exclusives.

I really hope they don't do this, but if the PS4 keeps pulling ahead, developers and publishers are going to be more hesitant to bite, which in turn means that MS might have to pony up more cash, which of course hurts profits.


Media Create Maven
So based on Nintendo's PR.

"Nintendo reports that Wii U software sales increased by 16% over January of last year. Pokemon X and Y sold more than 125,000 combined units in the US in January, bringing their total sales to more than 3.25 million in the United States. US Super Mario 3D World sales reached 655,000 in January, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sales hit 715,000."

that means every game in the top 10 sold over 125K across all the platforms?
So based on Nintendo's PR.

"Nintendo reports that Wii U software sales increased by 16% over January of last year. Pokemon X and Y sold more than 125,000 combined units in the US in January, bringing their total sales to more than 3.25 million in the United States. US Super Mario 3D World sales reached 655,000 in January, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sales hit 715,000."

that means every game in the top 10 sold over 125K across all the platforms?

125K combined units means physical sales from NPD + eShop sales to consumers.
So based on Nintendo's PR.

"Nintendo reports that Wii U software sales increased by 16% over January of last year. Pokemon X and Y sold more than 125,000 combined units in the US in January, bringing their total sales to more than 3.25 million in the United States. US Super Mario 3D World sales reached 655,000 in January, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sales hit 715,000."

that means every game in the top 10 sold over 125K across all the platforms?

X and Y are split, so no
everything's over 62.5k though! :lol


Wow, great sales for PS4 considering it's so supply constrained. It's still very hard to find in my area.

I talked about it!

But yeah, I agree with you. SE was not happy with the original sales for it, this probably won't help.

Either the price was too high or people just didn't care for it.

It came out on the 28th of January. Maybe give it a little more time to sell?
You do realize that NPD numbers are also estimates, right?

(They're 90-95% real numbers and 5-10% estimates).

So if we don't have the exact figure on GAF, it doesn't really matter because the NPD number isn't exact either.

My assumption is that the poster is alluding to confirmed insider numbers, like from creamsugar. Obviously, those numbers won't be specific either, but I guess some prefer waiting for those versus numbers extrapolating from available information.


lol what. No. The price is the biggest reason, all the bad press in 2013 the second.

No price isn't the big reason. Even if they were the same price, why would anyone buy a X1 ove the PS4? They want 720p over 1080p...And, bad press could easily be change if their product was better. It's not. Instead, pretty much every social media tells people the PS4 is the one to get.
PS4 is still tracking above the PS2. Hardly screwed. XB1 isn't screwed either, but they need to make some major moves if they wanna stay competitive.

PS4 won't keep up with PS2's monster pace. It had the GTA3/FFX/MGS2 trifecta in 2001 which PS4 cannot possibly match. 2015 on the other hand, with GT7, Uncharted 4, possibly FF XV (which is huge in Japan, still) and a probable price cut could provide the momentum ignition PS4 needs to launch itself into high orbit.


I'm noticing more are moving to "graphics don't matter" on the boards/Facebook/Twitter, but the market is telling us that the early adaptors care.

Had to fix this. Wait until the rest of the 200m+ console owners move over(if they ever do) before making statements like that.
So based on Nintendo's PR.

"Nintendo reports that Wii U software sales increased by 16% over January of last year. Pokemon X and Y sold more than 125,000 combined units in the US in January, bringing their total sales to more than 3.25 million in the United States. US Super Mario 3D World sales reached 655,000 in January, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sales hit 715,000."

that means every game in the top 10 sold over 125K across all the platforms?

Were digital game sales much of a thing in January 2007?

Do you think that digital sales would be enough to not only make up for the massive decline but actually result in growth that was comparable to Jan 2007?

Another fun fact: if numbers in this thread are worth going by, PS3/360 combined sold better in Jan 2007 than PS4/Xbox One in Jan 2014.

Jan 2007: 294,000
Jan 2014: 143,000

Jan 2007: 244,000
Jan 2014: ~286,000

Yeah, this generation isn't going to be as awesome/successful as people think it is. PlayStation is at least lucky it can steal away some of the customers it lost to Xbox last time.


I don't even know what to say about this deflection:

Peter Moore keeps it real.

Miles X

No price isn't the big reason. Even if they were the same price, why would anyone buy a X1 ove the PS4? They want 720p over 1080p...And, bad press could easily be change if their product was better. Instead, pretty much every social media tells people the PS4 is the one to get.

Friends, Games, Controller, OS, Price are the biggest reasons, not 1080p, you're living in a bubble, the average consumer really doesn't give a shit.


The lack of sales for the 360 is not surprising. MS was foolish to bet on Kinect while not having a single piece of software ready for it on for launch.


A supply constrained PS4 sold nearly 900k during the Christmas period, if these estimates are correct it would mean that it has sold under 300k in January, that's a fall of 600k or 66% to those who prefer percentages. Supply constraints didn't stop Sony pulling big numbers before why would it suddenly start stopping them now?

They need consoles for Japan launch


Heh...I wonder what EA are thinking right now. They better hope that check MS wrote will cover all those TF sales they're giving up on the PS4.
Microsoft has always been in second place.

Xbox was behind PS2 and above Gamecube.

360 was above PS3 and behind Wii.

One is behind PS4 and above Wii U.



That's seems quick. Definitely was in the works for a while, as CBOAT said before, if we see this soon.

I wonder if this was the plan after Mattrick left. Maybe they just couldn't unwind the necessary Kinect functions from the OS in time for launch.

Bet we'll see an accessory bundle of Kinect + Kinect Sports Rivals, too.
Problem is 1 out of 3 is doing solid. The other 2 are in major trouble. This is not good at all for sales to drop off so fast. The pent up demand of a generation being 3 years late should of spurred sales much longer. This is not good I can imagine anyone making a next gen only title reconsidering it now.
So the industry is in trouble because two of the three are incompetent? You could've said the same thing in PS2's first January month, I'm sure, and that gen turned out to be perfectly fine sales-wise.

It might actually be better if one system is clear and away ahead of the others; less money devs have to spend on ports, more they can spend on optimizing for one platform etc. Not saying I want that to happen, but if it happens like that, I don't think most developers or publishers will complain. They didn't 13 years ago.

In fact I don't think most people have a problem with it happening that way. The problem occurs when discussing which of the Big 3 runs away with things. I personally have no problem either way who it is, it just incidentally happened to be Sony before, and looks like it might be them again.


Does PS+ costing money per year have any impact on buying multiple consoles this gen? I really don't want to buy two services each year, both on principle and cost. It's like playing more than one mmo at a time knowing if you start another you'll be paying for one you don't use that often. PS+ is the better value since i own a ps3 and vita and it was a big factor in buying a ps4 first alongside $500/kinect, a reliance on halo/gears/forza ( even before they bought the franchise), and wanting to kill used games/rentals.

I was going to rent Titanfall for 360, but then i remembered i don't have XBL Gold anymore.


We should note the bold had 5 weeks in January, while the others only 4.

Using a simple weekly average:

PS2: 50k
XBX: 32k
GC: 15k

Wii: 87k
360: 62k
PS3: 49k

PS4: unknown (65k ~ 75k)
XBO: ~36k
Wii U: 11k

Pretty interesting. Puts the PS4 in a positive position, especially given stock shortages.


Wow, great sales for PS4 considering it's so supply constrained. It's still very hard to find in my area.

It came out on the 28th of January. Maybe give it a little more time to sell?

Yeah, I forgot about that.

NPD also only accounts for retail right? Companies need to start releasing digital sales so we have a better idea of how titles are selling.
That much I can agree with.

But you're not likely to see the breadth of $50 large investments of that generation either. That was my main point. Because a packaged ware selling for $50 and over has meaty expectations held to it. Something a huge chunk of the development community can no longer afford to do.

Don't want to seem like trying pick at your post but won't DD be able to cover some of that lost along with DLC .
Yes games are more expensive but companies can also make higher profits in certain ways.
So even if a company sell less with more people moving to DD that could off set that or be better for them .


Well yeah, it's the January after launch. Numbers are supposed to be very low.

That's why Sony / Microsoft didn't give out absolutes...because they would be taken the wrong way by people who don't closely follow the USA sales market.

I disagree, they're low for January too. I follow US sales plenty and this still seems pretty embarassingly low. My main concern is actually how little last gen must be selling. Back in 2007 when other consoles launched the PS2 was still a powerhouse, but we have nothing like that now. The console market at least is significantly smaller and I expect this to be affirmed over the coming months.


Except the Wii made up the difference. There is no difference maker right now. Looks like will have the PS4 on top by mile but maket is going to have big time contraction.

Yeah but I think most seem to recognize that the average Wii buyer was not the typical console audience.
Yeah, I forgot about that.

NPD also only accounts for retail right? Companies need to start releasing digital sales so we have a better idea of how titles are selling.

Digital data is coming to some NPD clients very soon.

Data tracking firm will have granularity on full-game downloads, DLC but insists that retail "isn't going anywhere"

Last summer, we spoke with The NPD Group about its plans to begin tracking digital game sales. While the firm does incorporate the impact of a growing digital market into its total spend reports, the industry, the press and the public have yet to see real digital data transparency. That, however, should be changing in the near future, NPD games group president David McQuillan told GamesIndustry International last week at the DICE Summit.

"We actually did deliver our first database to the participants in December. I can't share the particulars of who is in [the group] but from my standpoint it's huge progress for us, because we're delivering SKU level information. The same way you see the information on the physical side of the market today, we're delivering that on the digital side of things. So people will see full-game downloads and DLC at the most granular level possible," he said.

NPD is working in partnership with the researchers at EEDAR to flesh out all aspects of its digital reporting, but don't expect much detail on the mobile games market at the outset.

More at the link.

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