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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


I dont think it applies. GTA V sales are actually a symptom of whats wrong with the industry. Take for example the music industry and CD sales. Adele´s "21" has sold almost 30 million copies and yet cd sales are in the pits.

Well yeah, everybody buys digital or streams music now. And how is that "wrong for the industry"?


You can't just look at install bases as a means to gauge potential software sales. The PS2 had a considerably larger install base than the PS3, yet games like GT5, MGS 4, GOW3 etc sold better or on par with previous releases. Only recently have we seen sharp declines with GT6 and Ascension, Judgement etc (more from stagnation and an ageing gen imo), but by that same token other records have been set (GTA, LoU, COD, Minecraft etc). So it's very difficult to gauge.
Well if this trend continues, let's say PS4 sells 80 million and XB1 sells 40 million by the end of the generation (I predict an overall decline in the market). Is the 40 million install base still enough for XB1 owners to expect multiplatforms (both big and small) to hit their system? I'd hope that in 5-6 years, there will still be GTA6, random new indie IP, or Murder Soul Suspect 2 being released for BOTH systems (1080p 60fps on PS4, 720p-900p 30fps on XB1).

I just think it would suck for the Xbox platform as a whole to die.

With the architectures as similar as they are [SDKs are still drastically different though] I imagine a 40 million install base would be enough to validate almost all major 3rd party games being ported to it.

I would expect little to nothing in the way of money-hatted 3rd party exclusives if that install base was to happen though
The though of a return to the one console future excites me. The Ps1 and 2 eras were ages of enlightenment I feel. Not going to happen me-thinks, but man would it be nice.


I still am not clear what MS meant with their Xbox* software sales lead all platforms. Are they saying software sales for those two consoles added together beat any one console's software sales? Or are they saying that xbone+360 software sales were higher than PS4+PS3 software sales?
I still am not clear what MS meant with their Xbox* software sales lead all platforms. Are they saying software sales for those two consoles added together beat any one console's software sales? Or are they saying that xbone+360 software sales were higher than PS4+PS3 software sales?

the latter


Tomb Raider under performing after selling 4 to 5 million copies say some more about SE than it does the gaming market .
It's same way for many companies when people on message boards can look at your game and have better idea on what it can sell than people in suits you know something is wrong with management and budgeting .
Everyone thinks "their" franchise should be the next Call of Duty or Minecraft. So they leverage off everything about their games that made them appealing in the first place to make a pitch for the mainstream and pump these titles up with outrageous budgets while sending everything else to die or not even bothering with other games in the first place.

Japanese publishers have been especially guilty of this because they've struggled so mightily with the HD development transition (so much so that we now have Polish developers schooling them) that they're betting everything on a game like Tomb Raider because they know the only way Japanese audience will pay attention to something that isn't Monster Hunter... is to make another game like Monster Hunter.

When they inevitably blunder into failure, they throw their IPs onto mobile platforms in a desperate effort to pay the bills so they can fund their next "this will be the next Call of Duty" game.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
If both consoles were sitting on shelves and these were the sales numbers, I'd agree. But only one of the two has reached that point.


That's 49k more WiiUs out there in just one month's time. If it can maintain this pace for 55 more years, it will have sold a respectable 32 million in the US alone.


By the way so the PS4 LTD in US > WiiU right?

and also these wii fit U sales show, imo, how stupid the whole health/life console w/e Nintendo is planning on. Unless it has some amazing new hook to tempt buyers it's good as dead

I like Nintendo....I hope they do well with the QoL thing...but it seriously isnt looking too good for them. And those of us that like Nintendo games. I honestly think the sales performance their next console is gonna be the deciding factor about their future in gaming.

I think at some point we have to give up the pretense of politely pretending to be surprised at completely abysmal Wii-U sales numbers. The novelty's sort of worn off that whole bit.

Aww...its fun to pretend like its unexpected... :-(

It's the social media. When MS decided to screw over the customers, everyone in the know went to social media and blasted the Hell out of MS. No amount of PR can salvage awful word-of-mouth. MS thought they can treat the customers like dirt and they'll just come back and eat up what they offer. They're wrong. Everyone in the know informs their family and friends about MS' fuck-ups and their attempt at coverup and deceptions. Their family/friends told other family/friends and so on and so forth.

A long time ago a company's bad deed is filtered between traditional media (which will censored things based on their self-interest as shown by various gaming media's pro MS slant before MS' turnaround) and the mass audience. But with social media in play, information is no longer dripped from one channel but from various sources, most of which have far more influence over the general mass because those sources are their trusted family and friends.

Just go on practically ANY Youtube video featuring anything PS4 or XBO related, and you'll see the disparity in public opinion between the two systems like night and day. The amount of trolling I've seen on XBO in those videos has to be a new (dubious) record.

That's the kind of image MS can't change with a boatload of money.

Yea....again an opinion the opposite of mine I am starting to accept. I keep forgetting about social media. I barely use Facebook and Twitter....but they both are great and terrible at the same time. Or not so much the services...but how ppl are getting so caught up in them. Great for their uses in crisis, connecting with people... terrible for how some ppl use them for pouring out their soul, getting into trivial back n forth with others.
What was the budget for UC3 and TLoU? I'm just finding it hard to believe that cost of making UC3 is much higher than UC2 since it's only been released 2 years later.
I remember over $30 million for development and a lot more with marketing for Uncharted 3. TLoU is probably in the same ballpark or more bc the actual dev time was 3.5 years. God of War 3 was $44 million and Ascension was roughly the same. Heavy Rain was $23 and Beyond was $27.
Well if this trend continues, let's say PS4 sells 80 million and XB1 sells 40 million by the end of the generation (I predict an overall decline in the market). Is the 40 million install base still enough for XB1 owners to expect multiplatforms (both big and small) to hit their system? I'd hope that in 5-6 years, there will still be GTA6, random new indie IP, or Murder Soul Suspect 2 being released for BOTH systems (1080p 60fps on PS4, 720p-900p 30fps on XB1).

I just think it would suck for the Xbox platform as a whole to die.

The majority of AAA developers will still develop for as many consoles as they can comfortably support, barring exclusivity deals. There is no reason for any modern major publisher to not be releasing games across both platforms and PC, as even some of the diehards of the industry like SEGA and Capcom have begun to discover.

That said, if the install base is dramatically higher on the PS4 you might see a lot of shoddy port jobs, much like you do with bad PC ports. Rather than trying to make fine-tuned adjustments to get the best performance possible, a lot of devs might just chop the XB1 version's resolution/framerate down to get it running and more or less call it a day. Anything beyond cursory Kinect implementation basically goes out the window.

Basically, it's the opposite of what Microsoft was hoping for: they had hoped their advantage coming into this generation was so huge they could do the Kinect pack-in and, as the lead console for development, get third parties to put Kinect hooks into their games to differentiate them from PS4 versions, which - hypothetically - would not have been dramatically superior if they were being developed primarily for XB1 and then lazily up-ported.

They gambled a lot on "momentum" allowing them to get by with lower specs and push the Kinect pack-in, somehow managing to ignore that consoles very rarely manage to retain any significant amount of inertia between generations. A new generation is practically a cold start, and putting that much dead weight on was unwise.


Unconfirmed Member
Bingo. Revenue is not a great comparison here. Unit sales would be more apt.

When talking about markets growing or shrinking, I think revenue is an important stat. It shows that consumers are willing to spend more and more money than ever before.

Of course you want that to result in profits, but I think that's an easier fix than trying to fix an industry that people no longer want to spend money on.
I think consoles are moving faster and faster to digital downloads for software sales. DD is common on pretty much every format out there now and inescapable on many. As the gen proceeds low physical sales reports are going to be more commonplace.
All right I'm 87% convinced once we hit 2100 mph, aqua will simply post a picture of a cute kitten

I do so love kittens but it's not the same


huh, so the industry is dead. that's too bad. I expected a front loaded launch for PS4/Xbone, but it's dropped a lot faster than I expected.

I'll be playing my SNES.

Choosing to ignore Gen8 as a consumer and instead spend my money on older games has been one of the best decisions I could make. It's cheaper, it doesn't force patches or thrust DLC at me, and I'm having more fun playing games that I did over the last few years.

That said, I'd like to see modern console gaming continue to be a strong industry. Even if it's no longer for me, I know many other me enjoy it and there's still a measure of success to be had.


G***n S**n*bi
Sony doin' work. If they do well in Japan they will have the console gaming space by the balls.

Appropriate that today is also the first day I'll be playing the PS4 I bought several weeks ago too.

ya done good, SCE. Ya done good.
I thought CreamSuga ''approving'' in some way Anihawk's post which had 3DS at 130k was indicative of that. My mistake if that was not so.
All he said was that everything is too high.

Everything else combined sold about 320K. If you take the known numbers for XB1 and WIU you're only left with 130K between everything else.

EDIT: Oh I made post 2100 yay me.
17.1% of Nintendo publisher software revenues were from Wii U this month.


that's it


PS3 January 2014:
-67% from last January (adjusted)
-82% from December 2013

Xbox 360 January 2014:
-78% from last January (adjusted)
-92% from December 2013


Xbox 360 < 50K
PS3 < 60K

Go wild, GAF.


I think consoles are moving faster and faster to digital downloads for software sales. DD is common on pretty much every format out there now and inescapable on many. As the gen proceeds low physical sales reports are going to be more commonplace.

I wish Steam would enter the console race. Digital needs a shake up in a big way in the console realm.
Its a console game, even with the mmo aspect it will do much bigger business at retail. I dont think the online requirement will be that big of an impact, were still in the early gen, the main consumers are your core and connected.

Which is true but as you said since they are the core the are also more liking to buy it DD .
The question then becomes how much sales are we missing for certain games because of DD .
Lets say a destiny sell 1 million and 80% of that is retail and 20% is DD .
That would be 200,000 ( $120 million) NPD would not have until they start track DD .
That is a huge amount of date to be missing and for some games can be very important .
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