Juice said:People who weren't predicting Wii/DS to dominate were smoking fucking crack. I expected a few thousand more PS3 sales, but the number of Wiis they got onto shelves is by far the most impressive thing this month.
This month means that the onus is really on the 360 this holiday season if it has any hopes of establishing a lead over the Wii; at this point, that seems highly unlikely. Even with Halo 3, I highly doubt it'll move enough consoles to stay ahead through the holidays in America.
I really think Microsoft could do better if they started focusing on being #1, instead of just focusing on staying ahead of Sony (at one point those were the same goal, but clearly they're not anymore). I mean they really could/should have made a much more viable budget sku, and used that to agressively go after Nintendo.
But judging by all their sku wackiness, and the strange pricing moves, I really think they are content as long as they can say they're ahead of Sony.
And I firmly believe that the biggest threat Nintendo represents right now is the fact that disrupting the staus quo could be enough to draw in fresh competition.
A lot of people like to dismisss Nintendo's success because of the hardware, or becuase they're not going after the same market as Sony or MS, but if other companies out there get a strong sense that there is a way to seriously take on Sony in the video game market, without blowing a $5 billion hole through their companies, you might get a few companies willing to bite.