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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


* So far this year, Nintendo titles claim six of the industry’s top 10 best sellers, including the top three: Pokemon® Diamond (overall No. 1) and Pokemon® Pearl (No. 3) for Nintendo DS, and Wii Play™ (No. 2) for Wii.

But the casual gamer doesn't buy as many games as the hardcore gamer!
Agent Icebeezy said:
Madden sells substantially more than NCAA. There might be some movement of hardware because of Madden. 360 Madden is the first 'good' Madden for next-gen.

Isn't it being advertized for the 360 too? Like the 360 is the platform "Face" of madden? And it's being marketed almost in conjuction with the price drop.

I think August can be huge.


People who weren't predicting Wii/DS to dominate were smoking fucking crack. I expected a few thousand more PS3 sales, but the number of Wiis they got onto shelves is by far the most impressive thing this month.

This month means that the onus is really on the 360 this holiday season if it has any hopes of establishing a lead over the Wii; at this point, that seems highly unlikely. Even with Halo 3, I highly doubt it'll move enough consoles to stay ahead through the holidays in America.
Crazy is all I can say. I got a PS3 because I didn't have a PS2 but wanted it's games. Yet didn't want to get a ps2 since I could get a PS3 for future games and PS2 games. So I don't feel "bad" about it, not what I'd like to see confidence wise but I'm hoping(Since I bought it lol) that it will pick up soon. I think 2008 will be the decisive year for the PS3.

Wii sales aren't surprising, it's been doing great for a long time now. I own it as well so I'm happy to know that more games will be thrown my way.

I got a PS3 and Wii to enjoy last gen games and to look forward. So that's what I'm doing, looking forward...and hoping that both systems(360 as well) continue to do well.

Some more aggressiveness would be nice though from Sony.


I expected Nintendo to dominate but HOLY SHIT!

Those numbers are seriously ungodly. You cant wonder why you don't see Wiis on the shelf with those kind of numbers.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Merovingian said:
Isn't it being advertized for the 360 too? Like the 360 is the platform "Face" of madden? And it's being marketed almost in conjuction with the price drop.

I think August can be huge.

In the press release, they spoke of madden. Yes, Microsoft is putting a lot into their console having the better version.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Xisiqomelir said:
But the casual gamer doesn't buy as many games as the hardcore gamer!
But casual gamers want an extra controller to play with their friends!

And Pokemon doesn't count since it's just a fad.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Juice said:
People who weren't predicting Wii/DS to dominate were smoking fucking crack. I expected a few thousand more PS3 sales, but the number of Wiis they got onto shelves is by far the most impressive thing this month.

This month means that the onus is really on the 360 this holiday season if it has any hopes of establishing a lead over the Wii; at this point, that seems highly unlikely. Even with Halo 3, I highly doubt it'll move enough consoles to stay ahead through the holidays in America.

At this rate, when the smoke clears, Wii will be firmly on top. 360 has Halo 3, but Wii has two games that will probably sell just as much (more worldwide).

Man, I can't believe I'm typing this junk. I really didn't think Nintendo would be this dominant. My version of crow eating I guess.


Fuzzy said:
* Nintendo remained the top U.S. game publisher for the sixth consecutive month.(
I remember when EA used to dominate the US. Their marketshare has to be down quite significantly this year compared with a few years ago.

EA should finally win a month again in August with Madden, but MS will probably take September, and there's no way that anyone competes with Nintendo this holiday season with Galaxy and Smash Bros., not to mention all of the other titles which will still be putting up very strong numbers - NSMB, Brain Ages, Zelda TP & PH, Mario Party, Wii Play, Mario Kart, Pokemon, etc.

EA really has to be kicking themselves for missing the DS and Wii trains so badly. If they don't stop treating the Wii as a 2nd-tier platform very soon, they could very well find themselves a distant 2nd place in marketshare for the next several years - because EA will be mostly absent from the dominant platform (in comparison to their marketshare presence on the other platforms). EA used to seem like an unassailable giant in North America - but treating Nintendo platforms (DS and Wii) as an afterthought has allowed Nintendo to just breeze right on past them.


Not Banned from OT
Juice said:
People who weren't predicting Wii/DS to dominate were smoking fucking crack. I expected a few thousand more PS3 sales, but the number of Wiis they got onto shelves is by far the most impressive thing this month.

This month means that the onus is really on the 360 this holiday season if it has any hopes of establishing a lead over the Wii; at this point, that seems highly unlikely. Even with Halo 3, I highly doubt it'll move enough consoles to stay ahead through the holidays in America.

I still don't think Nintendo can ship enough this year to do it. I expect some pretty go number from MS this fall. Unless Nintendo is hording a few million units I expect the 360 to keep pace or even outsell the Wii this holiday day season.


So, Sony, perhaps we need to sit down and have a nice, quiet talk. Just you, me and maybe a fresh batch of hot chocolate.

It's a shame your parents never told you the parable of The Tortoise and the Hare. But I think, while its lessons may be too little, too late for the Playstation, you can still apply them in your portable audio computer television cell phone digital camera business.


Wii's fantastic hardware sales are going to end up biting it in the ass b/c of the low tie rations.

Third party publishers who are missing out on free cash by not getting behind the Wii on day 0 are already out for the count until NEXT Christmas. By then, the Wii's tie ratio will be so low, and they'll be doing such serious CYA for why their shitty games like Boogie didn't sell that we're going to hear nothing but "people only buy Nintendo games on Nintendo systems lol".

Dear EA, Ubisoft, et. al: We here at NeoGAF know full well that you've been peddling complete bullshit on the Wii, and that's the primary reason your sudden rush to the platform isn't resulting in sales. So when you have pitiful sales on the platform relative to the others in a year, don't come back with the typical mantra about Nintendo consoles and third parties. The truth is that publishers have traditionally exerted greater effort from the get-go on non-Nintendo platforms explicitly because one doesn't have to compete with Nintendo on them. Simultaneously, latecomers to a platform have always underperformed in sales. Your sales on Wii will continue to suck for at least 18 months, and there's probably nothing you can do about it but pour all the money you can into development.


diddlyD said:
NPD hates sony and only reports half their sales.

B.B...B.....Bu...BUT WALMART!!!!111oneoneunoeleven

Mrbob said:
I think Xbox 360 is becoming the PSP of hardware sales.

Not the top dawg, but a decent second showing.

That's all you've got? Really?

What, is it late or something?
sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

I dunno if this has been answered yet, I'm still at page 22 but we need tie ratios. It's the only one that will give us alot more useful info than the rest. LTD if possible and monthly if possible, but if I had to choose one, LTD for all the next gen consoles(Wii/360/PS3) :p

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Can't beat 200k.
Can't beat the 360.
But it sure beats the hell out of me.

I've made my peace. Mods you know what to do.



so anyway, for giggles, i did a little last gen/this gen comparison. if you take sales from october 2000 through june 2002 for the three consoles, total sales are roughly 14.1 million for america.

this gen, november 2005 through july 2007? 11.2 million.

and if you are one of those jerkfaces that keeps saying that wii is not part of the 360/ps3 gen and is not competing for the same dollars and it's all about non-gamers and all that utter nonsense, "this gen" is at 7.6 million.

pedal to the metal, boys. good thing ps2 is still around so publishers can make some money, huh?


The Everyman
Speevy said:
Xbox 360 is the new Xbox.

PS3 is the new Gamecube.

It's official.
nah, i'd say 360 is the new ps2, ps3 is the new xbox.

and the wii is the never before seen x factor of win.
Juice said:
Wii's fantastic hardware sales are going to end up biting it in the ass b/c of the low tie rations.

Third party publishers who are missing out on free cash by not getting behind the Wii on day 0 are already out for the count until NEXT Christmas. By then, the Wii's tie ratio will be so low, and they'll be doing such serious CYA for why their shitty games like Boogie didn't sell that we're going to hear nothing but "people only buy Nintendo games on Nintendo systems lol".

Dear EA, Ubisoft, et. al: We here at NeoGAF know full well that you've been peddling complete bullshit on the Wii, and that's the primary reason your sudden rush to the platform isn't resulting in sales. So when you have pitiful sales on the platform relative to the others in a year, don't come back with the typical mantra about Nintendo consoles and third parties. The truth is that publishers have traditionally exerted greater effort from the get-go on non-Nintendo platforms explicitly because one doesn't have to compete with Nintendo on them. Simultaneously, latecomers to a platform have always underperformed in sales. Your sales on Wii will continue to suck for at least 18 months, and there's probably nothing you can do about it but pour all the money you can into development.
:lol :lol I don't know what to say except that the moderately profitable crap you say you hate will become incredibly profitable crap the more Wii sells. If no one but Nintendo puts any effort into their releases then no one but Nintendo needs to put any effort into their releases.


xsarien said:
So, Sony, perhaps we need to sit down and have a nice, quiet talk. Just you, me and maybe a fresh batch of hot chocolate.

It's a shame your parents never told you the parable of The Tortoise and the Hare. But I think, while its lessons may be too little, too late for the Playstation, you can still apply them in your portable audio computer television cell phone digital camera business.

Sorry to be a bit off topic but
Sony Ericsson is actually a seperate company from Sony in general, and does extremely well in worldwide markets.
xsarien said:
So, Sony, perhaps we need to sit down and have a nice, quiet talk. Just you, me and maybe a fresh batch of hot chocolate.

It's a shame your parents never told you the parable of The Tortoise and the Hare. But I think, while its lessons may be too little, too late for the Playstation, you can still apply them in your portable audio computer television cell phone digital camera business.
The part about the tortoise and the hare makes no sense. They took longer to get out not faster :p
Secondly Sony is not going to die, just like how Wii isn't going to kill gaming. This is all just fanboy ramble. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo. None of those companies are on the brink of death.

Division wise maybe but not company wise.

But that aside yes. This generation is nothing short of up and downs for everyone.


Odysseus said:
so anyway, for giggles, i did a little last gen/this gen comparison. if you take sales from october 2000 through june 2002 for the three consoles, total sales are roughly 14.1 million for america.

this gen, november 2005 through july 2007? 11.2 million.

and if you are one of those jerkfaces that keeps saying that wii is not part of the 360/ps3 gen and is not competing for the same dollars and it's all about non-gamers and all that utter nonsense, "this gen" is at 7.6 million.

pedal to the metal, boys. good thing ps2 is still around so publishers can make some money, huh?

Not at all surprising, considering the cost of the consoles these days...


I clicked on this thread and didn't move.

That was two hours ago.

This is the most epic shit I've ever read since Rendezvous With Rama.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Any Sales Ager with access...is this the highest July ever, or did PS2 do even better during its glory days?


I just updated the Takeover watch, Wii and 360 have BOTH passed 10 million this month... who is in the lead? tun tun tun.. go see that thread to find out!

360 by a hair


Good lord at the Wii. I figured it would have a big month since I am starting to actually see them on the shelves but passing the DS is crazy.

I wonder how much Metroid will sell this month, since it is the first game to get its own channel and has had VC releases planned around it to hype it.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Aw, don't make me go over it again.


did you hear me say software wasn't amazing on 360? because i don't remember saying it. did i say that? someone, point out where i said it.


this gen is so far behind last gen at comparable time frames. worse, if you are one of those folks in denial about the wii.


when is my burrito
-COOLIO- said:
nah, i'd say 360 is the new ps2, ps3 is the new xbox.

and the wii is the never before seen x factor of win.

no. Wii is the new PS2, 360 is the new XBOX

PS3 is doing pretty well at 4 million WW for not having launched yet.
Odysseus said:
did you hear me say software wasn't amazing on 360? because i don't remember saying it. did i say that? someone, point out where i said it.


this gen is so far behind last gen at comparable time frames. worse, if you are one of those folks in denial about the wii.

No, but you said PS2 was devs only hope for cash. I respectfully disagreed.
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