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NPD Sales Results for June 2009

CoolTrick said:
Naive question of someone who hasn't been following:

Why is there so much at stake with The Conduit selling well? Did it even turn out to be a good game?

Honestly, there was never anything at stake with the Conduit.
It was a low budget game from a nobody developer.
The reason it got so much attention was because it was trying to do, on the Wii, what you don't really see on it.
That is, actual care and time spent on it. They went out of their way to include a lot of stuff that really should be standard on all Wii games (like voice chat, the ability to add people from your Wi Console List, fully customizable controls, ect) and tried to make the best experience on the Wii.
Of course, they admitted that it would be a generic shooter early on, but it still was interesting.
And while, the final product did end up being a bit lower than I think they had hoped, it's still a really fun game.

markatisu said:
There probably will be The Conduit 2, I mean surely HVS could get Data Design Interactive to publish it to Walmarts at a min. Christ they would probably be ecstatic about 70k in sales :lol

Hell, they could probably get Sega to publish it again. I mean, it's not like they aren't use to their games flopping horribly.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Stoney Mason said:
Calm down buddy.

It strikes me as damn weird to base your purchasing decisions on some odd notion of leveling the playing field between mammoth corporations when most people buy and consume simply based on what they enjoy or what they perceive they will enjoy. You are perfectly entitled to continue your (odd from my perspective) purchasing habits. I don't even know who you are as a poster.

Well I know you and my point still stands.

With regards to the topic at hand ultimately I don't really see myself as supporting 'mammoth' corporations but rather technology as a whole, I don't really care who is behind it, I love technology and also love seeing it flourish and evolve in the market place, I hate it when we on the odd occasion hit a stagnation point, remember the old pentium days when Intel decided how fast the next CPU would be, slowly upping megahertz in small increments, that was agony for me, as soon as AMD stepped up the game Intel began to innovate, it pushed CPU architecture forward faster than it would've done if AMD wasn't grabbing a share of the market, I don't even think we would of had core duo architecture right now if it wasn't for people supporting AMD at that time.

Anyway end of the day I just think competition is good, that I think everyone can agree with, it spurs each company to innovate beyond it's competitors and that it turn speeds up the development of technology which is what I like.


CoolTrick said:
Naive question of someone who hasn't been following:

Why is there so much at stake with The Conduit selling well? Did it even turn out to be a good game?

I imagine that, for right or for wrong, a few publishers and developers will be closely watching it for signs of how similar titles developed by them (because that's what they seem to be best at) will fare. Of course, I don't think the comparison is exactly apt.


jmdajr said:

"totaling $407 million" < That's net revenue. Out of this there is small percentage that goes to the BDA as royalties. The royalties are a split in between a pool of companies. Panasonic has the biggest share. Sony and Phillips are next. Also, similar to DVD, the royalties decline over time. So having $407m revenue in 2006 would mean higher royalties than in 2009. From a revenue standpoint, it's nothing for Sony to write home about.
gerg said:
I imagine that, for right or for wrong, a few publishers and developers will be closely watching it for signs of how similar titles developed by them (because that's what they seem to be best at) will fare. Of course, I don't think the comparison is exactly apt.

Any developer that was watching games like Madworld and Conduit to be the break out hits on the Wii, were never going to develop a high profile game for the Wii, anyway.
Developers put all their eggs into the HD market, and they never even gave the Wii a chance, and now they are using these games as "evidence" that third party games don't sell, despite the fact that they would have sold just as poorly on the 360/PS3.
lowrider007 said:
Well I know you and my point still stands.

With regards to the topic at hand ultimately I don't really see myself as supporting 'mammoth' corporations but rather technology as a whole, I don't really care who is behind it, I love technology and also love seeing it flourish and evolve in the market place, I hate it when we on the odd occasion hit a stagnation point, remember the old pentium days when Intel decided how fast the next CPU would be, slowly upping megahertz in small increments, that was agony for me, as soon as AMD stepped up the game Intel began to innovate, it pushed CPU architecture forward faster than it would've done if AMD wasn't grabbing a share of the market, I don't even think we would of had core duo architecture right now if it wasn't for people supporting AMD at that time.

Anyway end of the day I just think competition is good, that I think everyone can agree with, it spurs each company to innovate beyond it's competitors and that it turn speeds up the development of technology which is what I like.

With limited funds and limited time I don't use my purchases to validate a particular world view unless its a fairly cheap proposition. I game to enjoy myself, and have fun. If technoology was the only thing that mattered to me I would game solely on the PC most likely. I favor software over hardware in that equation.

If you have the money and free time and desire to turn your leisure time into a sort of voting booth on technology that is your perfect right. Still strikes me as damn weird but then so do a lot of things,.


AceBandage said:
Any developer that was watching games like Madworld and Conduit to be the break out hits on the Wii, were never going to develop a high profile game for the Wii, anyway.
Developers put all their eggs into the HD market, and they never even gave the Wii a chance, and now they are using these games as "evidence" that third party games don't sell, despite the fact that they would have sold just as poorly on the 360/PS3.
Sure, a generic FPS is going to sell less on a market flooded with them, but think about it third party games haven't sold on the last two Nintendo consoles...There is definitely a real trend.


Iamnub said:
"totaling $407 million" < That's net revenue. Out of this there is small percentage that goes to the BDA as royalties. The royalties are a split in between a pool of companies. Panasonic has the biggest share. Sony and Phillips are next. Also, similar to DVD, the royalties decline over time. So having $407m revenue in 2006 would mean higher royalties than in 2009. From a revenue standpoint, it's nothing for Sony to write home about.

true.... but it could be worse.


HiResDes said:
Sure, a generic FPS is going to sell less on a market flooded with them, but think about it third party games haven't sold on the last two Nintendo consoles...There is definitely a real trend.

SCORE we are back to the Wii cannot sell 3rd party games meme, and it only took 39 pages
HiResDes said:
Sure, a generic FPS is going to sell less on a market flooded with them, but think about it third party games haven't sold on the last two Nintendo consoles...There is definitely a real trend.

The ones that would have sold on a system like the 360 or PS2 certainly did and have.
Games like RE4, ToS, Veiwtiful Joe and the likes were all big hits on the GC, and those same type of games sold well on the Wii.
The problem is, we keep trying to base third party sales on games like No More Heroes (a freaking Suda game), Madworld and Kolona (a series that was ended because of poor sales on the PS2).
I mean, what high profile third party game has actually been released on the Wii that would have sold well on any other console? Because I can't think of a single one.
Stoney Mason said:
With limited funds and limited time I don't use my purchases to validate a particular world view unless its a fairly cheap proposition. I game to enjoy myself, and have fun. If technoology was the only thing that mattered to me I would game solely on the PC most likely. I favor software over hardware in that equation.

If you have the money and free time and desire to turn your leisure time into a sort of voting booth on technology that is your perfect right. Still strikes me as damn weird but then so do a lot of things,.

this is pretty much why I support
an eventual one console format future

"hardware competition" sounds great in theory, but in the console space it's not really the grand thing some people make it out to be. And we're sort of reaching a point where is much more difficult to "innovate" GPU/CPU/RAM wise. You need some basic level of technological competence and evolution, sure, but it's not really a primary driver behind anything since:

1) customers have to be able to afford it
2) developers have to be able to afford to develop on it
3) hardware manufacturers have to be able to afford to manufacture it

All of these things have to align if you want to have any chance of a decently worthwhile console. So yeah, if someone is all about "technological advancement" then game on a PC, where that mindset is actually built into the platform to some extent.


just incase not put up:

NPD Top: 20
1. Prototype (360) - Activision
2. UFC 2009: Undisputed (360) - THQ
3. EA Sports Active Bundle (Wii) - EA
4. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) - EA
5. Wii Fit (Wii) - Nintendo
6. Fight Night Round 4 (360) - EA
7. Fight Night Round 4 (PS3) - EA
8. Mario Kart (Wii) - Nintendo
9. Red Faction: Guerrilla (360) - THQ
10. Infamous (PS3) - Sony
11. Ghostbusters: The Video Game (360) - Atari
12. UFC 2009 Undisputed (PS3) - THQ
13. Prototype (PS3) - Activision
14. Pokemon Platinum (DS) - Nintendo
15. Punch-Out!! (Wii) - Nintendo
16. Wii Play (Wii) - Nintendo
17. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (360) - EA
18. Mario Kart DS (DS) - Nintendo
19. The Legendary Starfy (DS) - Nintendo
20. New Super Mario Bros. (DS) - Nintendo


AceBandage said:
I mean, what high profile third party game has actually been released on the Wii that would have sold well on any other console? Because I can't think of a single one.

I cannot either, some could argue the Sega trio would have done better in HD, but Overkill is considered a success, MadWorld was disappointing but then again the developers are not known for high sales in any of their games (we will see how awesome they are in HD when Bayonetta comes out), and the jury is out on The Conduit.

High profile games by 3rd parties have sold just fine, EA Active, Lego, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Tiger Woods, CoD WaW, RE4 and REUC. Those are the games that had big budgets, advertising, and expectations.

GAF like to omit the successes and focus on what they consider the bombs, but these bombs seem to get sequels (de Blob, Boom Blox, No More Heroes are just 3 examples) so who knows what to think anymore


Batteries the CRISIS!
AceBandage said:
The ones that would have sold on a system like the 360 or PS2 certainly did and have.
Games like RE4, ToS, Veiwtiful Joe and the likes were all big hits on the GC, and those same type of games sold well on the Wii.
The problem is, we keep trying to base third party sales on games like No More Heroes (a freaking Suda game), Madworld and Kolona (a series that was ended because of poor sales on the PS2).
I mean, what high profile third party game has actually been released on the Wii that would have sold well on any other console? Because I can't think of a single one.

The only ones I can think of ended up selling well on the Wii (RE4, both CoDs, Red Steel, Lego Star Wars, Tiger Woods, Guitar Hero, Rock Band)

Elebits (and Dewy's Adventure) would have bombed for being obscure/niche
Zack & Wiki would have bombed because it's a point & click adventure with a non-mainstream art style
House of the Dead: Overkill (and HotD2&3, and Ghost Squad) would have bombed for being a lightgun shooter
MadWorld would have bombed for its black & white art style
Conduit would have bombed for being a generic shooter with little to make it stand out from a sea of shooters

I think the only third-party game that would have bombed on HD consoles but didn't bomb on the Wii is Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. And I guess you could make a case for Boom Blox, since that would have been a kiddie puzzle game, which wouldn't sell on PS360.

[edit] perhaps de Blob as well, since its kid-like style wouldn't have sold on PS360 either, but it's sold hundreds of thousands of units on Wii.
HiResDes said:
Sure, a generic FPS is going to sell less on a market flooded with them, but think about it third party games haven't sold on the last two Nintendo consoles...There is definitely a real trend.

3rd parties haven't tried on the last two Nintendo consoles.

From the N64, to the GameCube, and now the Wii, I can think of less than 5 semi-exclusive high profile big budget AAA 3rd party releases. One was later ported to the PS2 (the port was announced before the GameCube version even came out). Those are REMake, RE4, and two Rogue Squadron games.

RE 4 was ported to the Wii, but that barely cost Capcom anything and wasn't a risk at all.

That really is all I can think of in the last 13 years. And they all sold well.

And there's only two titles I can think of that's scheduled to be released (Monster Hunter Tri and Dragon Quest X). Both of which were tied directly to the Wii's success on the console scene.

And most of these games are made by Japanese companies. Western companies have hardly done squat. And before you guys bring it up, Rare was 2nd party.


markatisu said:
I cannot either, some could argue the Sega trio would have done better in HD, but Overkill is considered a success, MadWorld was disappointing but then again the developers are not known for high sales in any of their games (we will see how awesome they are in HD when Bayonetta comes out), and the jury is out on The Conduit.

High profile games by 3rd parties have sold just fine, EA Active, Lego, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Tiger Woods, CoD WaW, RE4 and REUC. Those are the games that had big budgets, advertising, and expectations.

GAF like to omit the successes and focus on what they consider the bombs, but these bombs seem to get sequels (de Blob, Boom Blox, No More Heroes are just 3 examples) so who knows what to think anymore

yeah but ppl will continue to lump all them together as bombas
Danthrax said:
I think the only third-party game that would have bombed on HD consoles but didn't bomb on the Wii is Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.

Carnival Games
Deca Sports
Game Party
Game Party 2
We Ski
Big Beach Sports
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge

All million+ sellers.


Batteries the CRISIS!
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Carnival Games
Deca Sports
Game Party
Game Party 2
We Ski
Big Beach Sports
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge

All million+ sellers.

are they? holy shit.

but would you categorize them as "high profile" third-party games? that was the original question.


Conduit not making the top 20 isn't as huge a deal as people think. Did it even have one week in June?

I find it more interesting Grand Slam Tennis didn't make it. It had everything going for it. A full month of sales, solid reviews, wii motion plus, exclusive.....and seeing Tiger Woods perform so well....

I just don't get it.


hatchx said:
Conduit not making the top 20 isn't as huge a deal as people think. Did it even have one week in June?

I find it more interesting Grand Slam Tennis didn't make it. It had everything going for it. A full month of sales, solid reviews, wii motion plus, exclusive.....and seeing Tiger Woods perform so well....

I just don't get it.

Do you see Virtua Tennis there either? Tennis is just not a big seller. it will probably be a consistent seller since its M+ which will only increase its numbers next month and because the US Open is in August and more commercials will run.

Danthrax said:
are they? holy shit.

but would you categorize them as "high profile" third-party games? that was the original question.

Well Carnival Games is pretty high profile, Take Two praised it many many times and it had extensive advertising. Just because GAF despised it did not mean it was a shovelware release


hatchx said:
Conduit not making the top 20 isn't as huge a deal as people think. Did it even have one week in June?

I find it more interesting Grand Slam Tennis didn't make it. It had everything going for it. A full month of sales, solid reviews, wii motion plus, exclusive.....and seeing Tiger Woods perform so well....

I just don't get it.

Grand Slam Tennis was the 11th best selling Wii game.


markatisu said:
GAF like to omit the successes and focus on what they consider the bombs, but these bombs seem to get sequels (de Blob, Boom Blox, No More Heroes are just 3 examples) so who knows what to think anymore

It's almost as if sales aren't the sole indicator of success for a game, particularly if a publisher believes the franchise has value, or if they're trying to break into an untapped market.


theBishop said:
It's almost as if sales aren't the sole indicator of success for a game, particularly if a publisher believes the franchise has value, or if they're trying to break into an untapped market.

Or developers and publishers are realistic and realize they can profit without having to sell 1m copies, looking back at old NPD data and video game sales in general its amazing to see how distorted both the 360 and Wii have made game sales.

MS ability to move games at 500k-1m in one month and Nintendo's evergreen titles like Wii Fit and Mario Kart moving 200-400k every month for a year have made us all forget how things "normally" go.


markatisu said:
Or developers and publishers are realistic and realize they can profit without having to sell 1m copies, looking back at old NPD data and video game sales in general its amazing to see how distorted both the 360 and Wii have made game sales.

MS ability to move games at 500k-1m in one month and Nintendo's evergreen titles like Wii Fit and Mario Kart moving 200-400k every month for a year have made us all forget how things "normally" go.

This generation is definitely hit-driven, no question about it. But I can't claim to have followed NPDs during my NES, SNES, N64, Xbox periods. I suspect Final Fantasy and Zelda launch months have always been big sales months.


theBishop said:
It's almost as if sales aren't the sole indicator of success for a game, particularly if a publisher believes the franchise has value, or if they're trying to break into an untapped market.
Point taken.

But is this argument also applicable to the Conduit? I mean, it's a generic FPS game, what untapped market is it even trying to reach?


Danthrax said:
are they? holy shit.

but would you categorize them as "high profile" third-party games? that was the original question.

Is it possible to sell 1 million copies and NOT be high profile? What on earth would you define as high profile? "Of interest to hardcore fans and gaming websites but very few regular people"?


Batteries the CRISIS!
markatisu said:
Well Carnival Games is pretty high profile, Take Two praised it many many times and it had extensive advertising. Just because GAF despised it did not mean it was a shovelware release

Alright, you have a point there. We'll add it to the list with RE:UC, Boom Blox and de Blob.


Everything is tsundere to me
hmm, now that it appears that the Conduit numbers are correct, i'm going to keep my trap shut until next month. the numbers initially are disappointing, but it can't be called a bomb quite yet. we'll have to wait and see July's numbers to have any idea of the market trend. at the same time 72k in 9 days isn't all that bad, and if the game can sustain a semblance of momentum, it'll sell pretty well, much like how World at War has done on the Wii, with over a million worldwide sales in 6 months. there's nothing for certain until next month, so with all the "maybes," there are no certainties until next month's numbers.


doomed1 said:
hmm, now that it appears that the Conduit numbers are correct, i'm going to keep my trap shut until next month. the numbers initially are disappointing, but it can't be called a bomb quite yet. we'll have to wait and see July's numbers to have any idea of the market trend. at the same time 72k in 9 days isn't all that bad, and if the game can sustain a semblance of momentum, it'll sell pretty well, much like how World at War has done on the Wii, with over a million worldwide sales in 6 months. there's nothing for certain until next month, so with all the "maybes," there are no certainties until next month's numbers.
It's dissapointing in the sense of traditional game sales though. If it's a niche genre, I'd have called it a pretty good sales month, but it's an FPS.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Gaborn said:
Is it possible to sell 1 million copies and NOT be high profile? What on earth would you define as high profile? "Of interest to hardcore fans and gaming websites but very few regular people"?

high profile generally means lots of advertising and lots of chatter in the video game community (which, yes, means the hardcore fans have to at least be aware of it beyond skimming over its name in a large release list).

would you call Game Party and Active Life: Outdoor Challenge high profile just because they sold a million copies?


theBishop said:
This generation is definitely hit-driven, no question about it. But I can't claim to have followed NPDs during my NES, SNES, N64, Xbox periods. I suspect Final Fantasy and Zelda launch months have always been big sales months.

Just look at this, its Nov 2005 NPD. November is one of the biggest months in gaming

Star Wars: Battlefront II (XBX) 467k
Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS2) 447k
Call of Duty 2 (X360) 251k
Madden NFL 06 (PS2) 222-251k
Mario Kart (NDS) 222k
WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2 (PS2) 208-222k
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PSP) 208k
Madden NFL 06 (X360) 178k
Tony Hawks: American Wasteland (PS2) 108-178k
Mario Party 7 (NGC) 108-178k
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (PS2) 108-178k

Compare this to Nov 2008

Gears of War 2 (X360) - 1.56 Million
Call of Duty: World At War (X360) - 1.41 Million
Wii Play W/ Remote (Wii) - 796k
Wii Fit (Wii) - 697k
Mario Kart (Wii) - 637k
Call of Duty: World At War (PS3) - 597k
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) - 475k
Left 4 Dead (X360) - 410k
Resistance 2 (PS3) - 385k
Wii Music (Wii) - 297k


markatisu said:
SCORE we are back to the Wii cannot sell 3rd party games meme, and it only took 39 pages
Sorry for beating a dead horse...One of the reasons that third party games don't sell as much on the Wii is because Nintendo has proven that they don't really need them. The other players depend on third party sales a great bit more, and have not flooded the market with 1st party games. MS doesn't just have money, they have dedicated themselves to devoting tons of money to them, and designed their system with third party development in mind.


Everything is tsundere to me
Arde5643 said:
It's dissapointing in the sense of traditional game sales though. If it's a niche genre, I'd have called it a pretty good sales month, but it's an FPS.
well, as far as i'm concerned, it's all things in context. i began to worry when the reviews started to circulate and there was a good amount of FUD on both sides of the positive line. i don't think i've read a well written review for the game, negative OR positive. and people do listen to reviews, since that's what the ad watching public does after seeing something they might want on TV, they research it. they went for what i would consider an ideal ad campaign, so the ultimate result will be a bit odd.


HiResDes said:
Sorry for beating a dead horse...One of the reasons that third party games don't sell as much on the Wii is because Nintendo has proven that they don't really need them. The other players depend on third party sales a great bit more, and have not flooded the market with 1st party games. MS doesn't just have money, they have dedicated themselves to devoting tons of money to them, and designed their system with third party development in mind.
Nintendo flooding the market with 1st party games?

What kind of crack are you on, man? I want some of that!! :lol


Arde5643 said:
Point taken.

But is this argument also applicable to the Conduit? I mean, it's a generic FPS game, what untapped market is it even trying to reach?

I honestly have no clue. It's hard to imagine Sega is happy with these numbers. But like markatisu pointed out, plenty of games that seem to be commercial failures go on to get sequels. I'm not supposed to question the legitimacy of sales-age anymore, so I'll have to bite my tongue a little on this.

If there's a base of people who talk up The Conduit going forward, maybe Sega will do a DS game similar to what's happening with Valkyria Chronicles. Being one of the few notable "hardcore" Wii shooters certainly gives it a unique status even if the game is subpar. Red Steel is getting a (improved?) sequel, for example.


Everything is tsundere to me
HiResDes said:
Sorry for beating a dead horse...One of the reasons that third party games don't sell as much on the Wii is because Nintendo has proven that they don't really need them. The other players depend on third party sales a great bit more, and have not flooded the market with 1st party games. MS doesn't just have money, they have dedicated themselves to devoting tons of money to them, and designed their system with third party development in mind.
that's still besides the point. and if you really want help from Nintendo on your game, all you really have to do is ask, and they'll provide. the thing is, most development companies in this sense expect help to be HANDED to them on a silver platter. methinks it's not so smart of them.


HiResDes said:
.One of the reasons that third party games don't sell as much on the Wii is because Nintendo has proven that they don't really need them.

A lot of 3rd party games sell very well on the wii. In fact the top 2 highest selling wii games this month are third party games (tiger woods and EA active)

Maybe you meant to say that third party games that you like don't sell well?


I'm kind of hoping Wii begins to sell badly so Nintendo comes out with Wii HD(Though they would probably just introduce the black Wii to increase sales).


ombz said:
I'm kind of hoping Wii begins to sell badly so Nintendo comes out with Wii HD(Though they would probably just introduce the black Wii to increase sales).

Not that I want to stop you believing what you will, but the logical consequence of bad Wii sales probably wouldn't be to release an HD Wii.


jibblypop said:
A lot of 3rd party games sell very well on the wii. In fact the top 2 highest selling wii games this month are third party games (tiger woods and EA active)

Maybe you meant to say that third party games that you like don't sell well?
I didn't mean to say that no third party games sell well on the Wii, just compared to the 360 really, and Sony in the past...But I thought that was implied.


markatisu said:
Just look at this, its Nov 2005 NPD. November is one of the biggest months in gaming

Compare this to Nov 2008

Heh, what I take from this is that we're being duped a little as enthusiasts. We follow everything developers and publishers say, so we tend to believe it when they act like the sky is falling if their game doesn't sell 3 million copies.

Of course this generation is pulling bigger budgets than last, but that's the decision of publishers. The demand for more detailed assets can be at least partially offset by improved content creation tools and refined software processes.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Gaborn said:
Is it possible to sell 1 million copies and NOT be high profile? What on earth would you define as high profile? "Of interest to hardcore fans and gaming websites but very few regular people"?
I would consider high profile to be something that the publisher considers important enough to make it a focus of its advertising, budget allocation, future earnings reports, press statements etc. Ie Assassins Creed was high profile before it sold a single copy, Boom Blox was to a certain extent high profile, Carnival games was as far as I'm aware chucked onto the market with little care if it sank or swam. I mean there is no hard or fast rule, but you can usually tell if a publisher gives a shit about a game or not.
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