Wait why is everyone shocked at the PS4/XBO numbers? I thought the PS4 has been outselling it consistently since launch, hasn't it? Or was there any reason to suspect that the XBO would be a bit hit in March?
Have you s...
well you know...
Wait why is everyone shocked at the PS4/XBO numbers? I thought the PS4 has been outselling it consistently since launch, hasn't it? Or was there any reason to suspect that the XBO would be a bit hit in March?
Wait why is everyone shocked at the PS4/XBO numbers? I thought the PS4 has been outselling it consistently since launch, hasn't it? Or was there any reason to suspect that the XBO would be a bit hit in March?
i want this
they get way more revenue when those consoles are in people's homes.
there's no other way to look at it. it doesn't matter if it gets sold to retailers. why? retailers carry every product imaginable. that's like saying one brand is selling more than the other but no worries since both are being bought by the retailers to be put on their shelves. the more popular brand gets to also sell more merchandise related to the brand. in this case, more ps4 cameras will be bought. more ps+ subs will be made. more netflix and hbo go customers. those translate into meaningful business and way more revenue than bought consoles sitting on shelves.
Wait why is everyone shocked at the PS4/XBO numbers? I thought the PS4 has been outselling it consistently since launch, hasn't it? Or was there any reason to suspect that the XBO would be a bit hit in March?
I think Kingdom Hearts will have the same split as Final Fantasy, if not more skewed in Playstation's favor. That fanbase is all Sony and Nintendo. I mean the Xbone version will do okay, but nothing spectacular.
And nope, PS4 had higher average weekly sales for March.
Feb: ~67k per week
March: ~74.2k per week
I was thinking one thing.
Gran Turismo 6 sales are kinda dead (I think). If it was released on PS4 would be selling like hotcakes.
At 720p I'm sure it would be cheap to do a Bone port, but it's hardly worth bothering then. To extract maximum performance from it the port would become costly which is when the ROI becomes poor.
I don't think it will happen, but someone at SE should be looking at the detail of MGSV globally right now and realise that the Xbox One version holds under 15% market share for total sales with many PS3 owners yet to upgrade. I don't see the latter group migrating to Xbox One for FFXV, and they represent the next largest market.
MS may have to step in to ensure the release of Japanese games on the Bone by waiving their platform fee for SE/Konami/Capcom otherwise the ROI just won't be good enough.
What exactly are people buying the PS4 for?
Kingdom Hearts is on the Bone because KH sells BIG in NA and before the consoles released it was expected Xbox would dominate in that region.
You raise an interesting point, especially with Japanese studios.
It's been a while since a single platform was so successful and gamer oriented that it could be justified making games exclusive without explicitly paying for it to be so, such as it was with PS1 and PS2.
We're probably a way off this yet, but it's weird to think that this is a possibility in the next couple of years.
Why bother? It would be a complete waste of money when they will get around 90% of sales anyway. If it goes PS4 exclusive it will be because the ROI for the Bone version is negative or very low, that's without taking into account Y2Kev's favourite, opportunity cost. The money SE put into making a Bone port could be better deployed elsewhere making Type-1 or the next Dissidia title so that can release sooner while the 3DS isn't completely dead. No need for Sony to pay any amount of money to tie up the exclusive, I believe that is why it didn't happen rather than SE declining any offers made by SCE.
I find it amazing how quickly this industry changes.
Last time around, Nintendo makes the decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and is rewarded greatly for it.
This time around, Nintendo makes the same decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and the public greatly rejects the move.
So how long until Vita is removed from shelves?
Not even an idiot would fall for their spin.Polygon's NPD coverage is....interesting.
"Xbox One's latest sales milestone follows an announcement from chief competitor Sony, who says it has sold more than 7 million PlayStation 4 consoles since launching in November 2013. A key distinction between the two sales numbers is that PS4 sales are reported as sold-through, or purchased by consumers, while Xbox One sales are reported as sold-in, or sold to retailers."
"Despite trailing PS4 by some 2 million units, Mehdi said global Xbox One sales are "outpacing Xbox 360 by more than 60 percent at the same point in time."
Clearly its not trailing by some 2m units...
I was thinking one thing.
Gran Turismo 6 sales are kinda dead (I think). If it was released on PS4 would be selling like hotcakes.
Now that it's clear it won't and with the first Japanese title skewing heavily towards PS4 there should be a reassessment within SE and other Japanese pubs as to the extent of support they give the Bone. Franchises like Resident Evil and MGS make sense because they are action oriented, but RPGs from SE don't. Xbox doesn't even have exclusive Mistwalker titles this time to widen the userbase to include RPG buyers.
Why bother? It would be a complete waste of money when they will get around 90% of sales anyway. If it goes PS4 exclusive it will be because the ROI for the Bone version is negative or very low, that's without taking into account Y2Kev's favourite, opportunity cost. The money SE put into making a Bone port could be better deployed elsewhere making Type-1 or the next Dissidia title so that can release sooner while the 3DS isn't completely dead. No need for Sony to pay any amount of money to tie up the exclusive, I believe that is why it didn't happen rather than SE declining any offers made by SCE.
So how long until Vita is removed from shelves?
MGSV: GZ =278k, PS4 ~ 54%, XBO ~ 20% (both combined 204k), PS3 ~ 19%
This result throws into question the release of FFXV on the Bone. FF skews even more heavily to PlayStation and on 6m sales with 2m in Japan, the best result for Xbox will be 500-700k sales for FFXV. I don't see that giving SE a decent ROI. If Japanese/PlayStation oriented franchises don't see an improvement on the Bone I could see the ports being cancelled unless MS waive their platform fee and tweak the ROI figure for SE.
Hopefully it also means that Konami will can the last gen versions of TPP and go all in for next gen. By the time it releases the ~26% of last gen purchases will be significantly lower. Full fat next gen please KojiPro!
There absolutely is another way to look at it: the way I described.
Obviously they want to sell through to consumers so they consumers will purchase games, accessories, etc, but it is a fact that they get the revenue when they sell to the retailer, not when the retailer sells to the consumer.
There absolutely is another way to look at it: the way I described.
Obviously they want to sell through to consumers so they consumers will purchase games, accessories, etc, but it is a fact that they get the revenue when they sell to the retailer, not when the retailer sells to the consumer.
Now that it's clear it won't and with the first Japanese title skewing heavily towards PS4 there should be a reassessment within SE and other Japanese pubs as to the extent of support they give the Bone. Franchises like Resident Evil and MGS make sense because they are action oriented, but RPGs from SE don't. Xbox doesn't even have exclusive Mistwalker titles this time to widen the userbase to include RPG buyers.
Wow, I'm late to this thread.
PS4 looking good, I'm not sure what everyone is playing exactly, but this year should pick up in 6 months.
What exactly are people buying the PS4 for?
I picked up an XBone a few weeks ago because the deals floating around are pretty good.
I'm bored to death of my PS4. Nothing decent coming til Fall (not interested in TLoU, played it on PS3). System updates and enhancements have been non existant. I really don't know what everyone's playing on it. Infamous I guess, but not everyone's a fan of the Infamous franchise. I don't think I've turned my PS4 on since Mid February.
I bought the Xbox out of boredom and I wanted to try some of the exclusives like Killer Instinct, DR3, and Forza. I realize after I get through these Xbox exclusives its going to be in the same boat as PS4, nothing new coming until Fall.
I don't know...maybe I should have just upgraded my PC and let that carry me through this Spring and summer drought coming for both systems.
So how long until Vita is removed from shelves?
Fucking dumb move by Sony. They probably didn't put it on PS4 because they didn't want it to be in a way of Driveclub but then Driveclub got delay indefinitely. Failed management on both Sony WWS and Driveclub teams imo.
Why bother? It would be a complete waste of money when they will get around 90% of sales anyway. If it goes PS4 exclusive it will be because the ROI for the Bone version is negative or very low, that's without taking into account Y2Kev's favourite, opportunity cost. The money SE put into making a Bone port could be better deployed elsewhere making Type-1 or the next Dissidia title so that can release sooner while the 3DS isn't completely dead. No need for Sony to pay any amount of money to tie up the exclusive, I believe that is why it didn't happen rather than SE declining any offers made by SCE.
then there's no point in differentiating. tide and some unknown cloth detergent are both doing fine since both gets bought by walmart, right? might as well say every brand for a product that's on shelves is profitable.
Gaf didn't tell you anything.Gaf told me that PS4 sales would give Vita a new breathe of life.
wasnt Vita sales suppose to rise??
Jan-Feb-MarThe PSP dropped off pretty hard after 2008.
I don't think it's really that complicated. The Wii was built for a 4/5-year gen, not an 8-year gen. Maybe you can even say the same for 360, looking at the shift in its scene around 2010. But back to the Wii...The Wii is a bit of an anomaly, and analyzing what worked WELL and why its fortunes reversed and sales collapsed is a subject for its own thread.
Tropical freeze sales can't be that bad...right
Usually, when we talk about opportunity costs in the context of porting titles, it's been in the context of questions like "does it make sense to port this title over to the Wii U that we expect to sell 10 - 20 thousand copies?" Your own estimation that FFXV could sell 500k - 700k on the One makes this conversation about whether or not it makes sense to bother at all seem rather silly.
Maybe that's why they're so silent with both?
And thishttp://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=108618741&postcount=488
That's the thing, american Vita sales are so bad they could lag behind way smaller market ones. From this topic,
Vita sold around 150k in UK in 2013. Let's say it's 2k a week in non-holiday season.
Vita sold around 70k in France in 2013. Let's say it's 1k a week in non-holiday season.
We know too Vita sales were on the rise in Europe after PS4 release:
We know Football Manager and FFX sold well by Vita standards in Europe.
So yeah, UK is definitively a bigger market for Vita this days than US and countries like France, Germany, Spain must be pretty close. Of course, we can hope things will go back to normal after Vita 2000 release.
Taken on their own, they're definitely not great numbers, but it's not doing terrible for itself. It does lead more credence to the idea that Nintendo has created a very toxic culture on the Wii U, where it can't even engage the diehards enough to buy sure things like SM3DW in great numbers, and that's something that they desperately need to fix really quick here. There seems to be a lot of positive hype for Mario Kart 8, both from guys like us and from the press, and the Smash Direct was well received, but they need to be doing that stuff for everything going forward, and not just announcing something out of the blue and going "Ehh? Ehhhhh?" while it's looking back-and-forth between the game and a confused group of customers.
-Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD: 208K [Note: Some well known speculators have speculated this may only be the PS3 version.]
I absolutely love how people seem to ignore the slow ass start of the Playstation 1 back in the day...what a failure of a console that was, right? Hahaha
PS4 sales will not slow down into summer:
-Watch Dogs exclusive marketing and bundle
-TLOU Remaster
-Destiny exclusive marketing, and likely bundles
-GTA V rumored, if real, probably exclusive marketing and bundles too like the PS3 version
-DriveClub possibly coming out before Fall
-E3 hype
System sellers right there.
From what I've seen here at retail in Edmonton, and from what others are observing elsewhere, the Vita is in short supply. More than likely a result of the wait for the 2000 model. But as others have said, what kinda strategy is it to stop supplying your current model, and then wait a month to release the new one?
After a decade of on-again off-again R&D and a generational platform shift, I'd suggest both those prospects would have a better ROI than FFXV period.The opportunity cost is going to be not making a 3DS game or not making FFXII-HD until it's too late. Both of those projects are guaranteed to have a better ROI than FFXV on the Bone.
Making a competent port on the Xbox seems a lot less trivial, especially for a graphically intense game like FFXV. I said it above, phoning in a 720p port would not be difficult, but optimising the title to extract maximum performance would be costly. For the former I don't think they would get to half of my sales estimate, but it would be marginally profitable, for the latter profitability would not be guaranteed.
Good post and I agree with you. However, my main point was that thereseems to be more "hardcore Nintendo fans" in the US than anywhere else. I'd say that the difference compared to Europe, which is a comparable market in size, is pretty stark.
Sure, the Gamecube didn't sell well anywhere, but (over?) 50% of its sales were from NA. And I think it's pretty likely that even the OG Wii was a bigger phenomenon in the US than here in Europe. Aren't the Wii U sales pretty much nonexistent in EU? And in Japan the system is trailing behind the Vita. So it looks like that the same thing is happening with the Wii U.