Holy damn those Vita numbers are terrible even for Vita numbers... I do not understand. I mean are numbers even lower than usual in anticipation of the Vita 2000/Borderlands 2 bundle? It is an amazing handheld.
I do not get why third party publishers basically decided to kill it in favor of mobile when they could have easily made more money with easy/cheap ports of their more gamer centric titles (Deus Ex: The Fall, Mall Effect: Infiltrator, Gamelofts output, Hitman, etc). It is completely mind boggling.
Sony should not give up on portable gaming, but post Vita they should look to making a cheap PS4/PS3/PSN Now streaming shell, and basically roll their dedicated mobile gaming into their phones, with official stick/button addons, first party software for those phones, and a dedicated non phone version that can be bought at a much lower price.
Sure they will never made the money off of royalties that they once did, but it will help bolster other revenue streams.
I do not get why third party publishers basically decided to kill it in favor of mobile when they could have easily made more money with easy/cheap ports of their more gamer centric titles (Deus Ex: The Fall, Mall Effect: Infiltrator, Gamelofts output, Hitman, etc). It is completely mind boggling.
Sony should not give up on portable gaming, but post Vita they should look to making a cheap PS4/PS3/PSN Now streaming shell, and basically roll their dedicated mobile gaming into their phones, with official stick/button addons, first party software for those phones, and a dedicated non phone version that can be bought at a much lower price.
Sure they will never made the money off of royalties that they once did, but it will help bolster other revenue streams.