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NPD Sales Results for March 2016

The street fighter failure party is gross in this thread.

They will hopefully continue to support it and make the game better.

I still don't think that arcade mode would have sold that many more copies. And at this point that's all the game is missing that sf4 had.

The appeal of fighting games on gameplay itself has been a niche forever.

I hope that they continue to try to grow the online player base and keep people playing.

And easy operation mode for matchmaking might be a good first step, similar to killer instinct. Only EO players can play EO players.

I really don't think that just single player modes will sell a ton more copies. The long term health of the game is based on people playing it online.

There's two major barriers there, cost of entry and learning curve.

A $20 download version with just Ryu, ken, Chun, Cammy, bison, birdie, and Zangief and the EO mode with special shortcuts and easy combo entry would help both of these.

I don't think Capcom is wrong to try to focus the game on online play but they need to do a lot more to make it happen.
Tks for the reasonable voice, I thought I would have to White Knight my entire time here.

btw, I’m completely aware of all the faults of the games, more intimately than most of the users posting about it. I’m not saying this isn’t Capcom’s fault at all, but it’s far from some disaster people are claiming it is.
SFV is definitely a bomb. But I ain't eating any crow for my pre-release predictions.

I'm not pretending to be a fortune teller.
i think it's somewhat surprising the division sold better on ps4
mostly on the basis that it was a shooter and marketing (somewhat)

of course bundles could make the difference but i highly doubt it made a significant impact


RPG update?

Dragon Quest Heroes LTD?
Tales of Zestiria LTD?
Lightning Returns LTD?

I know I ask every month for this...sorry.


Dreams in Digital
i think it's somewhat surprising the division sold better on ps4
mostly on the basis that it was a shooter and marketing (somewhat)

of course bundles could make the difference but i highly doubt it made a significant impact

The Division bundle didn't even make it into the top 100 on Amazon. The Quantum Break bundle appeared for a couple of hours but that was it.

Mory Dunz

Did it do particularly well in the US? I don't remember Nintendo releasing a PR to comment on its performance as they usually do to tout their successes, and I don't remember very high numbers. Maybe it had great tentacles?

It's been over 1 million in the US retail for a while now.

I mean, when you look at it's LTD WW, it kinda has to be.
Closing in on 3 years of first party releases. In comparison to what Sony and Microsoft did last-gen, its depressing.
eh, I got plenty to play man...I would rather they take their time and release something great.

I had PS3 only early, and I think it’s overstated how amazing those gamers were. I remember playing VF5, Pixel Junk Monsters and Warhawk a long time before the games start setting in. I think Sony’s first party output has slowed down a bit, but Nintendo has been good, and I don’t think MS has ever been particularly good.


Minecraft and GTA V have been staples on the software charts for years at this point. Why would you be surprised it outsold anything other than the hot new releases of that month?

Expected SFV to have more legs than it does, thought the Alex update would at least put them in top 10. I still don't understand how Minecraft continues to roll so strong its amazing.
Tks for the reasonable voice, I thought I would have to White Knight my entire time here.

btw, I’m completely aware of all the faults of the games, more intimately than most of the users posting about it. I’m not saying this isn’t Capcom’s fault at all, but it’s far from some disaster people are claiming it is.

Yeah, it's a really, really well made game and the celebration over its launch troubles is totally disgusting.

If you think the game is not worth the price that's your call. But the kind of celebration around the game's disappearance from the charts and anticipation of its failure is very poorly placed.

"content" is one complaint, but don't bury a quality game because of it.
Expected SFV to have more legs than it does, thought the Alex update would at least put them in top 10. I still don't understand how Minecraft continues to roll so strong its amazing.
One character from SF3 is going to do that?

Meh, maybe Capcom will have a top ten charting in June with the big update, or season 2 with popular characters like Sagat, Akuma and Sakura. Alex? lol...Nah..
Marketing deals is less important than how effectively they run the marketing.

Unless I'm wrong, I don't see anything particularly special about the way MS has tried to establish Division as their special baby, compared to say, Titanfall marketing.
SFV is not charting again until it's re-release.

And even then, maybe. Depends on how the game is perceived at that point in time.


Ok, so...

Back in March 2015, we got this line
Wii U hardware is up approximately 20% year over year for the first three months of the year.

This meant the Wii U in March could've been somewhere between 80k and 85k. it wasn't 85k like we assumed. It's literally in the middle of that. 82.5k, and here's why.

Using just a flat 82,500, that means the PS4 and XB1 did 329,679 and 228,846 in March 2015.

Taking cream's post here

Mar 2016 - Mar 2015 = 338

adding 338 to that PS4 number (330,017), and then going through the pie, we get PS4 at 330,017 and XB1 at 241,459 or a gap of 88,558.

So to recap.


PS4 = 330k
XB1= 229k
Wii U = 82.5k


PS4 = 330k
XB1= 242k
Wii U = 66k
3DS = 171k
And Mystery Vita at [B]12K!!![/B]


One character from SF3 is going to do that?

Meh, maybe Capcom will have a top ten charting in June with the big update, or season 2 with popular characters like Sagat, Akuma and Sakura. Alex? lol...Nah..

Well the game is still fairly new, Alex is just an extra factor. Out of all the fighters they could possibly add he is pretty high on the list of popularity and overall hype. Haven't seen him since T.V.C
One character from SF3 is going to do that?

Meh, maybe Capcom will have a top ten charting in June with the big update, or season 2 with popular characters like Sagat, Akuma and Sakura. Alex? lol...Nah..

They probably won't be in the top ten but I think they can continue to sell the game if they make some big changes and make some ways for people to play the game with low barrier to entry.

$60 packaged product isn't doing 2 million in a few months for any fighting game that's not MK or pokemon or some kind of license.

They should look at Counter Strike Go for how to market a high skill product with a relatively light amount of "content" that's more focused on a gameplay loop that is very difficult to master.

Or something like splatoon even, which continued to sell well but didn't come back into the top 10 as far as i remember.
Ok, so...

Back in March 2015, we got this line

This meant the Wii U in March could've been somewhere between 80k and 85k. it wasn't 85k like we assumed. It's literally in the middle of that. 82.5k, and here's why.

Using just a flat 82,500, that means the PS4 and XB1 did 329,679 and 228,846 in March 2015.

Taking cream's post here

adding 338 to that PS4 number (330,017), and then going through the pie, we get PS4 at 330,017 and XB1 at 241,459 or a gap of 88,558.

So to recap.


PS4 = 330k
XB1= 229k
Wii U = 82.5k


PS4 = 330k
XB1= 242k
Wii U = 66k
3DS = 171k

Good stuff.


What ever happened to the real MAU numbers from Microsoft? That was their number to gauge success, but I only think they have given 2 updates since they announced their new metric. I just assumed there would be updates in at least every other NPD PR. I am just curious as to how the number has grown since their Windows 10 initiative with Xbox One.

You would think they should have some very nice monthly active user numbers steadily growing recently. Instead, they focus on hours played compared to last year, which should obviously be higher after a full year of additional worldwide console sales. But you would think MAU numbers, after the focus Microsoft placed on them, would make for much better, positive sounding PR and should be pretty impressive at this point.

The whole MAU fascination has obviously been a thing in these NPD threads, most for fun, but some of us have been seriously curious. Are the numbers leveling off? Do they wait until the MAU numbers build and make a bigger splash? Was it a bait and switch tactic to turn the focus from console sales to a different number they really weren't going to consistently share publicly? Is MAU more of a number only for investors?

I honestly think that MAU numbers are going to remain more of a Financial Report statistic in place of console sales, and the MAU updates in NPD PR are going to remain pretty rare. I guess everyone can stop asking for the holy MAU update each month.

The bolded is true, but I also think they're waiting for higher numbers before announcing them publicly.

The point is to convince the public that their userbase is growing, and when you have to report growth, the bigger the number the better the misdirection. For example, if I say little Billy grew 1 inch taller last month, that sounds less impressive than if I said little Tommy grew 3 inches taller last month. It doesn't matter if little Billy is now 5' 4" and little Tommy is now 4' 4". You've already misled people by playing on their assumptions (i.e. they assume that both boys are on the same playing field [through the use of 'little'] and thus they are of the same height), so the public won't place an emphasis on the context of the numbers.

Hours spent gaming, as a metric utilized in gauging growth and continued product success, is phenomenally useless. It's right up there with bullets fired/miles driven/loading screens observed as a metric for gauging software sales. If you want to convince the public that people are engaging with what you're creating, then make the people who are actually engaging with what you're creating the focal point. It's tricky to do so in a press release, but Microsoft have some (legitimately) impressive PR people. I know they can figure out a way to bring the voice of their actual consumers into their press releases.
Yeah, it's a really, really well made game and the celebration over its launch troubles is totally disgusting.

If you think the game is not worth the price that's your call. But the kind of celebration around the game's disappearance from the charts and anticipation of its failure is very poorly placed.

"content" is one complaint, but don't bury a quality game because of it.

Unfortunately our voices are much smaller compared to the louder complaints of “16 characters?! How about 50!” or “Where’s my modes??!” “Survival is a travesty!” lol...

I dunno, for some reason, I just think the game is going to be ok. Infiltration said the scene is growing in Korea. Capcom seems to be not worried/panic mode PR in any way, and just announce details about the title as they come along. I’ve seen worse games sell at budget prices. Guess I’m just a romantic.

Either way, I like the idea of the things I like not being super popular. I feel like I’m part of the secret society that knows Disgaea 5, SFV, Valkyrie Chronicles, and Ico are the best games ever! lol...


So which will have a better launch month for Capcom, Street Fighter V or Monster Hunter Generations? I'd assume the former since Monster Hunter isn't that big in the US even with its growth, but the 3DS has surprised us before.

I am a little surprised that a big new IP didn't push more noticeably more hardware than yet another Battlefield. The Division should've been a nice system seller, but both PS4 and XB1 are fairly close to what they did last year.
Who's partying?

It's more shock and surprise.

Just like Halo month.

Don't make it emotional.
Nah man..some users are partying...I’m not about to start quoting though.

"Sony’s exclusives fails again” may have more to do with it than anything. But I also think casuals feel vindicated somewhat they weren’t well represented and are mocked at online for not being good enough to compete.

To me, they are still scrubs lol...That’s what fighting games are all about IMO, getting to a point where your skill is on a level equal to your opponent, only then do you “get it” and it becomes a chess match. but there’s no denying, you need a pool of new players to grow the user base, so SP content is important. meh, who knows what will happen down the road. I can say Evo is almost as exciting as the Super Bowl for me, so there’s that.

Unfortunately our voices are much smaller compared to the louder complaints of “16 characters?! How about 50!” or “Where’s my modes??!” “Survival is a travesty!” lol...

I dunno, for some reason, I just think the game is going to be ok. Infiltration said the scene is growing in Korea. Capcom seems to be not worried/panic mode PR in any way, and just announce details about the title as they come along. I’ve seen worse games sell at budget prices. Guess I’m just a romantic.

Either way, I like the idea of the things I like not being super popular. I feel like I’m part of the secret society that knows Disgaea 5, SFV, Valkyrie Chronicles, and Ico are the best games ever! lol...

yeah, they should not go overboard with the budget on marketing the thing but try to just keep supporting the game and sell consistently to new people.

Having a $20 downloadable and a free version on the PSN Store and steam by the end of the year is a must though. It's worked really well for DOA and KI.

I think that focusing the game on online play is still the right direction to move the genre into. Single player is a dead end road. There's not enough cost effective ways to change things up to keep the super casual that just want to button mash around at $60.

Give them a lower cost option, that's the only way, I think. And focus on selling new costumes or implement a gatcha system or random drops.. like CSGO!!!


What a shame about Street Fighter. One of my favorite franchises ever. I can't say I'm surprised though, they messed up the launch.

Super happy to see both Twilight Princess HD and Pokkén chart. I bought and enjoyed both.


6 million users played Killer Instinct in March and SF V is not even in the top ten in sales ? I never saw that coming .
yeah, they should not go overboard with the budget on marketing the thing but try to just keep supporting the game and sell consistently to new people.

Having a $20 downloadable and a free version on the PSN Store and steam by the end of the year is a must though. It's worked really well for DOA and KI.
Yeah a budget digital release would be smart this year, I’d say free to play would be crazy though. Probably have it installed on 15 million PS4’s just from PS+. If Capcom is serious about growing the FGC, I’d say that’s the ultimate goal. I think at least one re-release is warranted though, just to get a higher critic rating version in retail. Reviews were actually pretty kind to the game. Lot of 8’s even with the barebone release.
What a shame about Street Fighter. One of my favorite franchises ever. I can't say I'm surprised though, they messed up the launch.

Super happy to see both Twilight Princess HD and Pokkén chart. I bought and enjoyed both.

If you didn't buy the game, why didn't you? What did you see as messed up?


Oh, we can also figure out the 360 and PS3 now.

PS4 - PS3 = ~328k
XB1 - 360 = ~217k

That means the 360 is ~24k and PS3 is ~2k.


Dreams in Digital
What a shame about Street Fighter. One of my favorite franchises ever. I can't say I'm surprised though, they messed up the launch.

Super happy to see both Twilight Princess HD and Pokkén chart. I bought and enjoyed both.

I think it's got legs. Unlike Driveclub it received some good reviews so I can see the Driveclub model keeping this fresh.
6 million users played Killer Instinct in March and SF V is not even in the top ten in sales ? I never saw that coming .
I think that’s how many people downloaded the game in general, not that many people playing in March. And SFV debuted in February not this month, a huge drop from an already weak launch was expected.
Yeah a budget digital release would be smart this year, I’d say free to play would be crazy though. Probably have it installed on 15 million PS4’s just from PS+. If Capcom is serious about growing the FGC, I’d say that’s the ultimate goal. I think at least one re-release is warranted though, just to get a higher critic rating version in retail. Reviews were actually pretty kind to the game. Lot of 8’s even with the barebone release.

In a way focusing the $60 release on the hardcore players and fans might actually have been a smart move.

Releasing the game as free to play, for cheap as a download, or waiting until August would have cost them in other ways.

They might have left more money on the table not getting $60 from 1- 1.5 million players and then move into the lower priced and free options later.
It's been over 1 million in the US retail for a while now.

I mean, when you look at it's LTD WW, it kinda has to be.

I was more reacting to the "phenomenal" part. The game is undeniably a success, especially for the Wii U, but for example in Japan the game is definitely a phenomenal success seeing as it's bigger than everything, bar New Super Mario Bros. U that was eventually bundled whereas Splatoon was not.

A better question would probably be, where does it stand in the US compared with the other Wii U tentpoles?


SFV is the martyr we need to show publishers it's not wise to use standard $60 pricing models for all multiplayer heavy games. SFV could have killed it with a $30 price tag or even a F2P model like KI. Word of mouth killed it out of the gate.


If you didn't buy the game, why didn't you? What did you see as messed up?
I bought it on Amazon for $10 and went back to SF4. I'm a casual SF player, and for me there's not really much to do in SF5. The game looks pretty and the combat is good, but there just aren't enough characters and modes for most people.
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