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NPD Sales Results for May 2007


imastalker co. said:
even with the levels of domination that we're seeing with DS, you can't really say that western devs are making good exclusives for the system. for some mysterious unknown reason, they just ignore DS it seems.

i can definitely see this being the case with Wii. i think most western developers will just be content with whatever market share the 360+PS3 can come up, and bust out a PC port for icing on the cake. im pretty sure they'll just opt to go this route instead of making exclusive Wii games.

i realize that western developers mind set is sorta of stuck in making games with ultimate graphics (for the most part), but could western developers really be so intent on making HD games, that they'd continue to ignore Wii even if its market share was twice as big as 360+PS3 combined?

i could see that causing some devs/publishers to blink an eye, but yet again, ignore it anyway considering how they treat the DS.

I think the western support will split.

Big publishers like EA, Ubi will support the wii with major titles and that support will get better and better. You will actually see exclusives and games specificly targeting the wii from company's like that ... PC oriented indipendent devs like valve, Id, Bethesda, Bioware... They'll just keep releasing cross platform PC/360/PS3 games. There might be a bit of token support from the Pc oriented western devs, but it probably won't start until the wii userbase becomes enormous.
WOW at Nintendo performance, again. Only The US top 10 was almost empty of Nintendo games until the DS launched and the Wii is only increasing the tendence.

I see that the PSP sold well this month; I suppose it is the price cut effect. Good. The rest: BAH.
here's a question.

how many 360s do you guys expect to be sold along Halo 3?

i personally think that most people that want Halo 3, could very well already have a 360. i think it'll be another Gears scenario. Halo will most definitely sell a few million units out of the gate, and there's no doubt that quite a few people have been waiting for Halo to hit to get a 360.

but realistically here, how much hardware do you think will be sold along side Halo 3?


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
The Wi is approaching the X360 incredibly fast. O_O

Considering between Japan and North America alone Wii is averaging more than 500K monthly, I wouldn't be surprised to see Wii blow past the 360 right about the time Halo 3 gets ready to drop. (if not sooner...damn hard to come across European figures.)
imastalker co. said:
from the media create thread.


That's crazy.

Anyway, I would like to know the opinion of Sonycowboy about the situation (that doesn't say bullshits).
Is it just me or are the X360 sales pretty bad? Anyway, MS really needs to drop the price!

Besides that excellent showing by Wii and DS, PSP also looks pretty good. Rest: meh (but PS3 atleast got the almighty GBA).
imastalker co. said:
here's a question.

how many 360s do you guys expect to be sold along Halo 3?

i personally think that most people that want Halo 3, could very well already have a 360. i think it'll be another Gears scenario. Halo will most definitely sell a few million units out of the gate, and there's no doubt that quite a few people have been waiting for Halo to hit to get a 360.

but realistically here, how much hardware do you think will be sold along side Halo 3?
Realistically, I think Halo 3 alone could sell at least another 3rd more systems than usual for the 360 on launch month, but from there I see diminishing returns.

GTA IV will be a huge boon though, and something I could see boosting hardware sales a good hundred thousand units per month for a good 3 months or so.

Will it be enough to counter the Wii? With Nintendo's software lineup, I sincerely doubt it, especially since it's obvious that Nintendo plans to use this holiday season and their big three (Mario, Metroid, Smash) to grab the hardcore holdouts.
A Message From Peach
Jun 14, 2007

Oh, my! All this attention is enough to make a girl blush!

As a princess I’m used to being adored, but this is just too much! I know I’m probably sounding like a broken record, but once again my friends at the NPD Group are telling me that Wii and Nintendo DS finished May as the most popular systems in the United States.

Thanks to everyone for your wonderful support! Nintendo couldn’t have made it back to the top without you. You’re all Mario-caliber heroes in my book.

Now I’m not one to brag, but some of the top games of this month happen to feature someone very pretty and popular – me! I’m talking about the super-fun Mario Party 8 and Super Paper Mario for Wii. Sure, Mario gets top billing, but from where I sit (on my throne), I’d say he’s earned it. Besides, my own game on Nintendo DS, Super Princess Peach, is still selling strong, showing that a girl can do anything she puts her mind to.

I think all my Super Princess Peach fans would have just as much fun working to earn their Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree. I’m not in that one, but don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. Be sure to watch for me in my super-stylish soccer gear in Mario Strikers Charged, which arrives on Wii on July 30. I can’t wait!



:lol at this press release.

Look at the bolded part: this is only the begin ! Nintendo is starting really to reaffirm themself as the number one in the world ! :lol


Absolutely pathetic part deux
People keep on saying that games on the Wii will start to show their age but its not like mass market games like Monopoly ever got outsold by up and coming new games like Nightmare or anything like that.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
:lol at this press release.

Look at the bolded part: this is only the begin ! Nintendo is starting really to reaffirm themself as the number one in the world ! :lol
You KNOW that they are becoming the undisputed king when they don't even feel bothered to not take an official press release seriously.

civilstrife said:
I think the real surprise here is PSP.

I think the combination price drop + vastly improved commercials are doing wonders for it.
It deserves it too, with some great games being released.
Yes, but the improvement is like the difference between monkeys throwing feces at you and monkeys politely passing their feces to you on a china plate. **** is ****.
I think the real surprise here is PSP.

I think the combination price drop + vastly improved commercials are doing wonders for it.
It deserves it too, with some great games being released.
civilstrife said:
I think the real surprise here is PSP.

I think the combination price drop + vastly improved commercials are doing wonders for it.
It deserves it too, with some great games being released.

Yeah, the real underdog of NPD today was the PSP. That 30 dollar drop must have been the difference between luxury and an impulse purchase.

That said though, i'm surprised we haven't seen a bump in software.
I really don't have a clue on creating gifs, but a "I believe in Ken Kutaragi too .... hahahahahah" dissolving to Iwata wearing Joker face paint would be pretty ace.


I wonder how the PSP is selling so well. Look at the releases for PSP last month:

Winx Club: Join the Club - Arrived On: 5/7/2007
Heatseeker - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Driver 76 - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - Arrived On: 5/15/2007
Taito Legends Power Up - Arrived On: 5/17/2007
Diner Dash - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Brooktown High Senior Year - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Legend of the Dragon - Arrived On: 5/29/2007
Crush - Arrived On: 5/29/2007

Crush came out at the very end of the month, and didn't get any press outside of the internet.

So what the hell are people buying? Or are they simply using the system to pirate games and play PS1 games via the Dark Alex mod?


As far as the mass market is concerned, the HD argument has proved to be moot, and will continue to be. YOU CAN PLAY Wii ON A HD TV!!!! And best of all, most consumers still think SD on HD looks great, through composite! If you want to participate in sales threads and predictions with some degree of accuracy you have to accept this, otherwise your 'wait for HD to kick in' comments just come off as fanboy delusions. At this point, graphics won't be the deciding factor this generation.

As for the Wii 3rd Parties comments, give it time, because developers didn't expect the success. Tiger Woods has been a big hit and will likely sell as well as the 360 version, and several launch games have sold well. Considering the titles released 3rd Party Wii sales are as expected, when the bigger, more specific games come out, they'll sell. Besides, in terms of system selling ability Nintendo is well prepared for initial poor 3rd Party support, with it's line up of 1st Party releases and the fact the system is still selling every unit Nintendo can ship on the strength of Wii Sports and the other released titles. It's Sony who has to really worry about 3rd Parties this time round, because sw sales are bad on PS3 and PSP. Going forward Sony is going to struggle with incentives for 3rd Party support, PS2 is on the decline, PSP sw sales are terrible and PS3 sw sales are even worse. Sony's only 3rd Party exclusives for PS3 look like they're going to be the money hat kind. PSP hw sales are good, but coming from the success Sony enjoyed with PS1 and PS2, a future having the handheld as your big gun isn't a great situation to be in imo.

360 isn't selling well. Its hw sales aren't impressive at all, though its sw sales are very good.

Historically, how a console is selling in the slow periods of the year is a good indication for market dominance, because any console can sell well in the holidays with big titles. For Wii to be selling 340K in May is just incredible, and the demand is only going to increase in the coming months.

A year ago I had no idea how this generation would turn out and was sceptical about Wii's success, however, with MS's inability to expand its audience beyond the original Xbox, especially since Halo 3 and GTA 4 are going to be reinforcing this image for the rest of the year, Sony's complete ineptness with PS3, and Wii's incredible momentum and positive buzz, this generation has now been decided imo. The style of gaming seen on PS2 (and expanded on PS3 and 360) is being seen as old, and somewhat archaic in the eyes of the mass market, and Wii is the new must have product. The bottom line is, Nintendo has played all the right cards and Sony and MS have already made too many blunders.
Rlan said:
I wonder how the PSP is selling so well. Look at the releases for PSP last month:

Winx Club: Join the Club - Arrived On: 5/7/2007
Heatseeker - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Driver 76 - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - Arrived On: 5/15/2007
Taito Legends Power Up - Arrived On: 5/17/2007
Diner Dash - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Brooktown High Senior Year - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Legend of the Dragon - Arrived On: 5/29/2007
Crush - Arrived On: 5/29/2007

Crush came out at the very end of the month, and didn't get any press outside of the internet.

So what the hell are people buying? Or are they simply using the system to pirate games and play PS1 games via the Dark Alex mod?

It got a pretty nice sized price cut. There would be something really, really (really) wrong if PSP hardware sales didn't spike this month even if the only releases were Giligan's Island UMDs.
It's amazing that the PS3 is really selling this low. I'd thought they'd not be doing as well as the Wii, but not outselling the 360 is ehhh [on a monthly basis]

At least in Europe the PS2 fans who haven't made that jump to next gen will have to in-order to get Pro Evolution 7 [if it's not coming out on the PS2 as I haven't heard anything about it]. And the cost of a PS3 in comparison to a 360 is quite vast, so I wonder how bad it's going to be for them over here


Absolutely pathetic part deux
soundwave05 said:
It got a pretty nice sized price cut. There would be something really, really (really) wrong if PSP hardware sales didn't spike this month even if the only releases were Giligan's Island UMDs.

Giligan's Island UMDs would have sold better on the DS.
PAL figures are hard to get. At best, you can get official statements from companies, which are either intentionally inaccurate, impossible to get up to date numbers on, or just "good enough".
Rlan said:
I wonder how the PSP is selling so well. Look at the releases for PSP last month:

Winx Club: Join the Club - Arrived On: 5/7/2007
Heatseeker - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Driver 76 - Arrived On: 5/8/2007
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - Arrived On: 5/15/2007
Taito Legends Power Up - Arrived On: 5/17/2007
Diner Dash - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Brooktown High Senior Year - Arrived On: 5/22/2007
Legend of the Dragon - Arrived On: 5/29/2007
Crush - Arrived On: 5/29/2007

Crush came out at the very end of the month, and didn't get any press outside of the internet.

So what the hell are people buying? Or are they simply using the system to pirate games and play PS1 games via the Dark Alex mod?

Holy shit shovelware. Well, shovelware sells.


never heard about the cat, apparently
ziran said:
As far as the mass market is concerned, the HD argument has proved to be moot, and will continue to be. YOU CAN PLAY Wii ON A HD TV!!!! And best of all, most consumers still think SD on HD looks great, through composite! If you want to participate in sales threads and predictions with some degree of accuracy you have to accept this, otherwise your 'wait for HD to kick in' comments just come off as fanboy delusions. At this point, graphics won't be the deciding factor this generation.

graphics haven't been the deciding factor for awhile, ps1 and ps2 were not the most powerful, neither was the gameboy or ds. People buy the consoles with the best content with a good price. 360 may have the best content right now but it is too expensive. Wii may not have the all around best lineup yet but it has a good enough one because of the price tag.
imastalker co. said:
but realistically here, how much hardware do you think will be sold along side Halo 3?
If the system receives a $100 price drop before Halo 3 shows up, I'd say ~5 million WW this year alone, though it would be hard to say that H3 pushed that all by itself.


ONE CONSOLE FUT-, uh, I've overplayed that hand. Sorry.

Meanwhile, congrats to Nintendo for the fantastic sales! Next stop, rise to heav-, uh, never mind.


soundwave05 said:

This thread is brought to you by The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. In theaters this Friday.

I'm sorry, this post on page two made the rest of the thread meaningless. = 0
Personally I think the majority of Wii buyers will maybe buy 2 or 3 games a year. Nintendo are expanding the market which is good for MS and Sony as well because some of them may turn into harder gamers and buy a PS3 or a 360.

Does anyone think that 360 and PS3 sales would be significantly better if there was no Wii? I doubt it.. their sales are the best you can get at their pricepoints imo
mr_bishiuk said:
Nintendo are expanding the market which is good for MS and Sony as well because some of them may turn into harder gamers and buy a PS3 or a 360.
how do people that think this seriously come to the conclusion, that those who get into gaming because of Wii, might eventually be willing to drop the big bucks on a system with no waggle?
Honest question here.

When all is said and done, will Gamecube beat out xbox for second place of last gen? Everything we've heard in the media has mentioned it coming in a "distant third". What are the real numbers?


Also, here's some rough estimates based on the May Media Create Sales to see just how each console is faring:

Wii ~ 300,000     338,278
NDS ~ 761,000     423,150
PSP ~ 138,000     221,120
360 ~ 10,600      154,932
PS2 ~ 39,300     187,765
PS3 ~ 32,200      81,604
GBA ~ 3,200       80,554
NGC ~ 1,700       10,728
civilstrife said:
Honest question here.

When all is said and done, will Gamecube beat out xbox for second place of last gen? Everything we've heard in the media has mentioned it coming in a "distant third". What are the real numbers?
Something like 20 million to 18 million.

I can't see the GC making up that two million ever.
I don't buy the everyone who wants a 360 for Halo has bought one yet reasoning, i believe it may be just the opposite. we'll see though.


ShockingAlberto said:
Something like 20 million to 18 million.

I can't see the GC making up that two million ever.

The GC sold 21.59m. The Xbox sold 24m.

Nintendo's estimating the DS will sell 24m from April 2007-March 2008.
Eh, holiday season months are the only ones that are relevant. Everything up till then is just noise. That's why no one feels obligated to cut prices yet. Still, there are some important lessons that can be gleaned from the static: price is the most important thing (DS vs PSP, PS2 vs Xbox 360, PS3 vs itself, etc.), and next-gen doesn't start until $299 and GTA/Halo/MGS say so.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Open Source said:
Eh, holiday season months are the only ones that are relevant. Everything up till then is just noise. That's why no one feels obligated to cut prices yet. Still, there are some important lessons that can be gleaned from the static: price is the most important thing (DS vs PSP, PS2 vs Xbox 360, PS3 vs itself, etc.), and next-gen doesn't start until $299 and GTA/Halo/MGS say so.
Yeah, you don't earn money outside of holidays.

White Man

imastalker co. said:
here's a question.

how many 360s do you guys expect to be sold along Halo 3?

i personally think that most people that want Halo 3, could very well already have a 360. i think it'll be another Gears scenario. Halo will most definitely sell a few million units out of the gate, and there's no doubt that quite a few people have been waiting for Halo to hit to get a 360.

but realistically here, how much hardware do you think will be sold along side Halo 3?

I can't name numbers, but I'm sure a month after Halo's release can be accurately considered the time by which the vast majority of people willing to buy 360s at their current prices will have bought em, ie, the point at which a price drop MUST come.
The people who want to play halo 3 already bought the xbox360 is retarded at best. It's even more retarded when that same logic isn't applied to the other consoles.

It's just stupid.

If MS drops the price 100$, with the software lineup it has....i think it can beat the Wii in the N.A at least.
Merovingian said:
The people who want to play halo 3 already bought the xbox360 is retarded at best. It's even more retarded when that same logic isn't applied to the other consoles.

It's just stupid.

Can you elaborate what you're saying in English please?


Open Source said:
Eh, holiday season months are the only ones that are relevant. Everything up till then is just noise.

By noise you mean a large untapped market of Blue Ocean potential? Brain training proved the casuals don't care when the game came out and will happily buy it later in the year so release lots of decent games over the summer and save the AAA titles for the hardcore season of Xmas.

Every 'noise' hardware purchase is another 3 games sold over Xmas by my reckoning.
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