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NPD Sales Results for May 2007


Once And Future Member
Yoboman said:
Wii has a LOT of short term appeal but this should've been obvious of a budget console with some innovative new ideas behind it, but I'm not convinced this'll stay true in the long-term, nor am I convinced by Nintendo's software lineup. Maybe if they can truly flesh that out, then we'll see if they really have it in the bag

I mean if 360 dropped to a broad stream $199 this year, think how the market would change
Wii doesn't need very many new games. Non-gamers (who the market is "expanding" to) only play about 3-4 games a year, so Wii Sports, Play, Brain Age and one other game should do for them this year. Nintendogs Wii?
Yoboman said:
I mean if 360 dropped to a broad stream $199 this year, think how the market would change

Probably not much. Price alone does not matter. You must also think about utility. Does a person want to own such product? Do they have enough cash? You need to have the 2 in mind.

I think when the 360 drops its price we will see a rise in sales, but not a sustained one. I think they tried to mimick the Ps2 strategy. First grab the hardcore gamers and then slowly the casual gamers with price drops.

The problem is that Wii is already at that stage. It was also designed as a casual machine, designed to appeal those people who would never touch a 360, and those are the majority of people. Since Wii is truly targeting a broader audience it will probably have broader sales even if the 360 was 199.

You must ask yourself this question. Did that many people want a Gc when it was 99 euros?


I have learned from this thread that no-one who likes Halo has an Xbox 360 and Halo 3 will sell 105 million copies.


Sage00 said:
Wii doesn't need very many new games. Non-gamers (who the market is "expanding" to) only play about 3-4 games a year, so Wii Sports, Play, Brain Age and one other game should do for them this year. Nintendogs Wii?
I'm guessing Wii will saturate soon, people aren't going to buy it on controller functionality forever especially non-gamers. I think if Wii can gain a bit more substance to it's catalogue it'll continue steamrolling, but I'm not convinced
acuul said:
i don't think it could work...
wii needs more wiisports-clones

I dont think there will be a Nintendogs Wii.

Wii is a social games machine. I bet that almost all casual games from Nintendo will be local multiplayer. Even maybe Mario could have a co op mode. It has been showed in some videos and mentioned by Miyamoto.

The inclusion of a wiimote only mode in SSBB makes me think that they could even try to do the same with all their games.

I'm guessing Wii will saturate soon, people aren't going to buy it on controller functionality forever especially non-gamers. I think if Wii can gain a bit more substance to it's catalogue it'll continue steamrolling, but I'm not convinced

You think this because Wii was not designed for you. I was a very lapsed gamer with a totally nongamer GF. Wii is perfect for us. It is just a matter of opinion.


Yoboman said:
I'm guessing Wii will saturate soon, people aren't going to buy it on controller functionality forever especially non-gamers. I think if Wii can gain a bit more substance to it's catalogue it'll continue steamrolling, but I'm not convinced

What console with the sales the Wii is having has ever "saturated" the market?
Yoboman said:
I'm guessing Wii will saturate soon, people aren't going to buy it on controller functionality forever especially non-gamers. I think if Wii can gain a bit more substance to it's catalogue it'll continue steamrolling, but I'm not convinced

That's new. "saturate". Nice.


Vagabundo said:
What console with the sales the Wii is having has ever "saturated" the market?
What other console has ever been released that sells purely on an innovative new controller?
Yoboman said:
What other console has ever been released that sells purely on an innovative new controller?
Mario Party 8 beating a hardcore game on a hardcore system kinda tells me that casuals like to buy new games once in a while. I don't think even Nintendo fans like Mario Party 8 :lol


Yoboman said:
What other console has ever been released that sells purely on an innovative new controller?

it sells on an innovative party game (wiisports) not on the wiimote


Starchasing said:
Nintendo DS ?
DS sold "okay" then spiked when the software hit. It's not the same, Wii spiked from day one. People today are playing Wii Sports and walking away impressed with something unlike anything before, but that won't be happening in a year when people are used to it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Wii's fortunes are going to go sour that's unlikely, but I'm just not convinced the software they're currently showing will keep it up. It's like DS, they'll need those unique killer apps that really push it. That's not Smash Bros. or Mario Galaxy to be frank.

Everything may look different after E3
Time for some ps3forums quotes of delusion!

I Cant Wait For E3 To Get Here Already,so This Wii Fad Can Go Bye Bye.enough Already.

lets just say its encoraging ps3 sold half of what 360 when its $200 more expensive and it has less than half as many good games right now.

i hate when its always like you just wait and see ps3 is going to be amazing. the system already is amazing the first party products have been top notch up to this point....well besides Genji and untold legends.

Coming August on, the Xbox 360 will match the Wii.

Daywalker I Assure You That The Wii Is A Great Little Toy.that The Whole Family Is Enjoying Right Now.however When Winter Time Comes Rolling Around Are You Gonna Wanna Play Mario Cart And Metroid Or Are You Gonna Wanna Play Halo 3 Gta4 Uncharted Msg4,killzone2.etc......its Selling Now Because The Adults Are Entertain With The Kids.the Wii Is Nothing More Than A Gamecube With A Motion Senser.

I agree, in 2008 the Wii fad will start to decline and we will start to see the next gen consoles start to take off as more and more people purchase HDTV's and second/third generation AAA games release and blu-ray becomes more concentrated.

the way I see it is that the Wii is playing catch up with the PS2 for king of last gen and XBOX 360 and PS3 just got a head start on next gen!

Sony's lineup for 07 has me jumping ship from the 360. When I look at the 360, I don't see anything beyond Halo 3 which really makes it matter. MS planned to be good only in 07, Sony's just warming up this year.

Definately detecting some war weariness going on. Not as hilarious as most months so far.


acuul said:

it sells on an innovative party game (wiisports) not on the wiimote
No, it sells because of the Wiimote doing things unlike any other system. Wii Sports is just a catalyst for the Wiimote functionality, people aren't buying the system for Wii sports
imastalker co. said:
do you know what this results to? do you know why you should care? because as a gamer, it affects you.

If the 360 did not already have a profitable userbase i'd agree with you.

Like it or not the Wii will always be treated as a profitable sideline, while technology on the other platforms surges forward.

Why use your best programmers, artists, sound engineers etc on the Wii? Will the best of the best even want to work on the Wii? I doubt it all that will happen is that publishers will push titles on the Wii that appeal to its demographic ie the non hardcore gamer, expect regular party games throughout its life. Those games are cheap to make and will sell well but it wont stop developers pushing back new boundries with the PS3 and 360 because they will still be able to make plenty of money.


mr_bishiuk said:
If the 360 did not already have a profitable userbase i'd agree with you.

Like it or not the Wii will always be treated as a profitable sideline, while technology on the other platforms surges forward.

Why use your best programmers, artists, sound engineers etc on the Wii? Will the best of the best even want to work on the Wii? I doubt it all that will happen is that publishers will push titles on the Wii that appeal to its demographic ie the non hardcore gamer, expect regular party games throughout its life. Those games are cheap to make and will sell well but it wont stop developers pushing back new boundries with the PS3 and 360 because they will still be able to make plenty of money.

Why would a company spend millions more on a game and use their best talent to make something for a platform with a much smaller userbase?

It's not a case of "let's do this because we'll still do okay." It's a case of "oh, well we can just make much more money on this thing."
AniHawk said:
Why would a company spend millions more on a game and use their best talent to make something for a platform with a much smaller userbase?

Because of the power of the PLAYSTATION brand, i think.
AniHawk said:
Why would a company spend millions more on a game and use their best talent to make something for a platform with a much smaller userbase?

It's not a case of "let's do this because we'll still do okay." It's a case of "oh, well we can just make much more money on this thing."

Because MS and Sony will make them do it. And because they still make tons of money on those games while making tons of money on cheap games for the wii too. Because the market asks for it?

And you have to take into account the will of the developers too.

And what kind of bullshit conversation is this? Some of you make it sound like there's the Wii, and then the other consoles stop existing and all the developers jump ship. :lol
AniHawk said:
Why would a company spend millions more on a game and use their best talent to make something for a platform with a much smaller userbase?

It's not a case of "let's do this because we'll still do okay." It's a case of "oh, well we can just make much more money on this thing."

You're assuming that developers can only make one game at a time, more likey there will be Wii games and PC/360/PS3 games, both types catering to different audiences.
The Wii is not a fad, it's actually a sign that demand for waggle really exists. However, call me delusional or whratever, but I think has a very short life expectancy. Expect MS to cut price and roll out their own motion sensing controller of some sort (possibly even just the Live Cam with some kind of motion sensing technology) and the Wii may lose all of its shine overnight.

I really don't think Wii can live long with it's graphical capabilities, never before has a console with such vastly inferior technology maintained momentum for long.


Merovingian said:
Because MS and Sony will make them do it. And because they still make tons of money while making tons of money on cheap games for the wii.

And you have to take into account the will of the developers too.

And what kind of bullshit conversation is this? Some of you make it sound like there's the Wii, and then the other consoles stop existing and all the developers jump ship. :lol
Might wanna talk to your boy buishikin there about how realistic it is for third parties to largely ignore the fastest growing console maker.

mr_bishiuk said:
You're assuming that developers can only make one game at a time, more likey there will be Wii games and PC/360/PS3 games, both types catering to different audiences.

Sure, there's the will of the developer. Tim Schafer's not going to make no stinkin' Gamecube game if he don't want to. But if the Wii does reach a level of success the PS2 had, I doubt every game would be dumbed down minigame compilations or spinoff games made by the B team. Nintendogs may have sold 14m so far, but Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin outsold Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Both games probably saw profit. Guess which one Konami's more happy about.
AniHawk said:
I'm sure Mikami's not scared. That picture could be of anybody's ass.

Read my whole post.

And the "MS and Sony will make them do it" is about incentives. And isn't mikami at seeds? Lol funny thing, i heard Seeds is working on next gen platforms.

AniHawk said:
Might wanna talk to your boy buishikin there about how realistic it is for third parties to largely ignore the fastest growing console maker.

Oh but they won't ignore it. They will release games on it, and make tons of money. Just because devs makes tons of money on the DS, it didn't stop them from making games for other platforms.

The market asks. It's that simple, this dream that Nintendo fans have that suddenly it will be all and only on Wii is as scary as is funny.


tahrikmili said:
I really don't think Wii can live long with it's graphical capabilities, never before has a console with such vastly inferior technology maintained momentum for long.



tahrikmili said:
The Wii is not a fad, it's actually a sign that demand for waggle really exists. However, call me delusional or whratever, but I think has a very short life expectancy. Expect MS to cut price and roll out their own motion sensing controller of some sort (possibly even just the Live Cam with some kind of motion sensing technology) and the Wii may lose all of its shine overnight.

I really don't think Wii can live long with it's graphical capabilities, never before has a console with such vastly inferior technology maintained momentum for long.
I don't think that's quite right. Systems with inferior technology have been winning for a long time - DS is "vastly" inferior to PSP in technology yet we know the end of that result. That said however, none of those systems with inferior technology ever came out after the superior ones. I think the pressing disadvantage won't inherently be the hardware deficiency but the fact that developers are going to opt to develop for the hi-end consoles. That's why I question it's long term selling capability
tahrikmili said:
The Wii is not a fad, it's actually a sign that demand for waggle really exists. However, call me delusional or whratever, but I think has a very short life expectancy. Expect MS to cut price and roll out their own motion sensing controller of some sort (possibly even just the Live Cam with some kind of motion sensing technology) and the Wii may lose all of its shine overnight.

I really don't think Wii can live long with it's graphical capabilities, never before has a console with such vastly inferior technology maintained momentum for long.
Umm, NES? Came out in the early 80s (Japan) and dominated for about a decade. Vastly inferior to the SMS, Genesis and other consoles of the time.
If Metroid Prime, Resi Evil, and any other 'traditional' game sells well on the Wii, why would other devs not make more 'traditional games, instead of non-games?

I ask this because, that's the only argument that seems to go against the Wii. People think because Wii software is mainly party games, hardcore games won't sell.
PkunkFury said:

It's not over yet.

Ok maybe it is. But handhelds are not video game consoles, DS has many things going for it and I think size/form factor is a great issue there. This happened before with Gameboy vs. Game Gear as well. The logic really doesn't apply to consoles IMO.


tahrikmili said:
It's not over yet.

Ok maybe it is. But handhelds are not video game consoles, DS has many things going for it and I think size/form factor is a great issue there. This happened before with Gameboy vs. Game Gear as well. The logic really doesn't apply to consoles IMO.

[WII] 338,278
[360] 154,932
[PS3] 81,604

Seems to be working so far.
Merovingian said:
Read my whole post.

And the "MS and Sony will make them do it" is about incentives. And isn't mikami at seeds? Lol funny thing, i heard Seeds is working on next gen platforms.

Oh but they won't ignore it. They will release games on it, and make tons of money. Just because devs makes tons of money on the DS, it didn't stop them from making games for other platforms.

The market asks. It's that simple, this dream that Nintendo fans have that suddenly it will be all and only on Wii is as scary as is funny.

Who said that it would be only Wii? I am not sure any rational person on GAF thinks that.
May i raise a question? I know this is a long shot, and i don't put my $ on it, but...

It might just be, that right now, we are mainly seeing GC owners and Nintendo Fans jumping ship to the Wii at a faster rate than usual. The "it's a fad" perspective, may hold some ground in that regards, as we don't know what will happen say...Fall 2008, if the Wii will have that selling power of the Ps2, which lasted long.

TheKingsCrown said:
Who said that it would be only Wii? I am not sure any rational person on GAF thinks that.

It's almost though. Hell anyhawk just said "Why make a more expensive game for that userbase when we can make a cheaper game for that other bigger userbase?". What is that implying?

I just think it's rediculous. And i'm very very interesting to see what will happen in the next 2 years.


Merovingian said:
Read my whole post.

Relax, it's a Simpsons reference.

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing

Lol funny thing


Oh but they won't ignore it. They will release games on it, and make tons of money. Just because devs makes tons of money on the DS, it didn't stop them from making games for other platforms.

No, but we have been seeing a lot of ports and remakes announced for the PSP lately. Ever since the initial batch of PSP games were released, we've been seeing more and more. And now nobody makes games over $40 for the system.

The market asks. It's that simple, this dream that Nintendo fans have that suddenly it will be all and only on Wii is as scary as is funny.

Once you face the bitter truth that all you love will soon die, the healing process can begin.
Merovingian said:
May i raise a question? I know this is a long shot, and i don't put my $ on it, but...

It might just be, that right now, we are mainly seeing GC owners and Nintendo Fans jumping ship to the Wii at a faster rate than usual. The "it's a fad" perspective, may hold some ground in that regards, as we don't know what will happen say...Fall 2008, if the Wii will have that selling power of the Ps2, which lasted long.

Anectodal evidence but none of my friends who bought a Wii actually owned a Gamecube.


It took 17 pages, but we've finally got some stupid arguments.

I wish somebody would show me one system, just one system, where it sold like gangbusters, and then suddenly dropped like a log. If you can show me just one system that did that, I'll accept the idea that the Wii could fall off the face of the earth.
Merovingian said:
May i raise a question? I know this is a long shot, and i don't put my $ on it, but...

It might just be, that right now, we are mainly seeing GC owners and Nintendo Fans jumping ship to the Wii at a faster rate than usual. The "it's a fad" perspective, may hold some ground in that regards, as we don't know what will happen say...Fall 2008, if the Wii will have that selling power of the Ps2, which lasted long.


Well, I think we just about used every conceivable excuses now with that one/


Branduil said:
It took 17 pages, but we've finally got some stupid arguments.

I wish somebody would show me one system, just one system, where it sold like gangbusters, and then suddenly dropped like a log. If you can show me just one system that did that, I'll accept the idea that the Wii could fall off the face of the earth.
Merovingian said:
May i raise a question? I know this is a long shot, and i don't put my $ on it, but...

It might just be, that right now, we are mainly seeing GC owners and Nintendo Fans jumping ship to the Wii at a faster rate than usual. The "it's a fad" perspective, may hold some ground in that regards, as we don't know what will happen say...Fall 2008, if the Wii will have that selling power of the Ps2, which lasted long.
:lol Man, every damn week, I swear.

There are not enough gamecube fans out there for this kind of sustained growth this early. I wish you could talk to Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo, because they all know that the reason Wii is selling is extremely, extremely simple:

Everyone wants it.

Or, in marketing speak:

Everyone needs it.


Branduil said:
It took 17 pages, but we've finally got some stupid arguments.

I wish somebody would show me one system, just one system, where it sold like gangbusters, and then suddenly dropped like a log. If you can show me just one system that did that, I'll accept the idea that the Wii could fall off the face of the earth.

Playstation. For like 4 years it was on top, and then all of a sudden the Gamecube and Xbox came out and it died for some reason.
tahrikmili said:
Anectodal evidence but none of my friends who bought a Wii actually owned a Gamecube.

Anecdotal evidence, of the 27 guys i usually play with on xbox live, only 10 owned a Xbox.

But again, it was just a theory, and oviouslly, i mean "the majority of the people who are buying", not necessarily "Everyone".

Again i would not put my $ on it.
Yoboman said:
No, it sells because of the Wiimote doing things unlike any other system. Wii Sports is just a catalyst for the Wiimote functionality, people aren't buying the system for Wii sports

Jesus...Would it hurt you to explicitly admit that people are simply buying a game console like the Wii to play some games like Wii Sports that appeal to them ? I mean...The interface alone is absolutely useless without the game(s) that use it, so I think that it's definitily not far-fetched to assume that it's definitely the game in the end that sells the console, and not some mystical fascination for the goddamn Wiimote...


Merovingian said:
May i raise a question? I know this is a long shot, and i don't put my $ on it, but...

It might just be, that right now, we are mainly seeing GC owners and Nintendo Fans jumping ship to the Wii at a faster rate than usual. The "it's a fad" perspective, may hold some ground in that regards, as we don't know what will happen say...Fall 2008, if the Wii will have that selling power of the Ps2, which lasted long.

It's almost though. Hell anyhawk just said "Why make a more expensive game for that userbase when we can make a cheaper game for that other bigger userbase?". What is that implying?

I just think it's rediculous. And i'm very very interesting to see what will happen in the next 2 years.

Not only are you about 6 months late with the "only selling to Nintendo fans" schtick, you're also completely wrong.
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