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NPD Sales Results for May 2010

Beth Cyra

Flying_Phoenix said:
The real headline behind this NPD is the PSP IMO.

The system is literally fucking dead, D-E-A-D in North America. From what I've heard it's doing similar in Europe, and is holding it's own in Japan, a country with highly mediocre software sales to the point that the U.K. alone surpasses it. The system needs a Nintendogs type killer game or it's buried.

Now since SONY couldn't somehow create a gaming system that would have been profitable right off the bat and make up the R & D early throughout its lifecycle (like a certain other company does) they completely screwed themselves in the handheld space.

There are always two core goals when launching a gaming platform:

1) To achieve profit or progress toward reaching a long term goal of profiting.

2) To finish the generation well to make a smooth transition to the next platform.

SONY did great at #1, but did horrible at #2. I've never seen anything quite like this in the gaming space. The portable gaming market is about to blow up and it seems that SONY just threw their easy shot away. I know that the company is having problems now, but certainly they could have still at least managed to create a profitable product at launch that could have generated a steady stream of revenue. Either there's something chaotic going up in SONYland that we don't know about or they are drinking some hardcore SEGA Kool-Aid.

I honestly believe the one thing the PSP will never get is a Nintendogs, I think it is more likely to get a Halo. Not to take a shot at Halo but it is a game that was at heart a core game that broke into the main steam.

Honestly as far as I see that is it's only chance, simply because even if it did get a Nintendog's quallity game Sony would not promote it over something like Metal Gear or God of War.


Vic said:
Ever heard how nails & hairs grow after death? It's kinda like that with the PSP in NA.
That's actually a myth. The skin and scalp shrink after death, giving the appearance of growth.
The more you know...


Trucker Sexologist
Crackdown 2 is somehow beating Starcraft II on the Amazon bestsellers. NPD's are gonna be really interesting next month.
Comparing PSP sales to the rest of the chart is like comparing my Sin and Punishment scores to the international leaderboard.
FirstInHell said:
Are we still blaming the poor PS3 sales on shortages?

Well in May for most of the month on Amazon PS3s were sold out and being sold by that one company at a $70 markup. Even saw that occasionally in June as well. That all is purely anecdotal though.


Glad to see RDR selling what it deserved to sell unlike GTA4. In fact, RDR deserves GTA4 numbers.

Pretty meh numbers other than that. Something, something, economy.


I got grudge sucked!
Chozo said:
I think my biggest counter to your argument is that if the average gamer can own multiple consoles (which are often more expensive than handhelds and have games more expensive than handhelds), what's the barrier for multiple handheld ownership? I think Nintendo's dominance in handhelds has more to do with having a clear vision ("our handheld is a game device, not a wonderbox with tech a few years away from reasonable portability") and killer killer apps (Pokemon) rather than being inherently a one-horse market. Sheer inertia also helps, although that didn't seem to be the case in the early PSP/DS battle.

If Sony was better off as a whole, I think they'd be willing to throw down for round 2 (60 million worldwide is nothing to scoff at, even in a "tallest midget" sense). I think their current financial straits and the fact that things went pear-shaped for them this gen has made them really gun-shy, though.

I agree, the PSP has too much of a "well, what does it do well?" problem.

I think all are sound points and Nintendo's vision and killer apps are the reason its the 600 lb handheld gorilla. I think there's an aspect to the handheld market, and this is just my own gut feeling, that its less conducive to multi handheld ownership than the home console. I have no figures to back this up at all, just my own experiences. It should be noted that the gameboy/ GBC/ GBA has always had a strong casual appeal to the kids that just wanted to play tetris or Pokemon, and thats something that the competitors never appealed to.
Is it true the PSP Go's price is artificially high to appease the retailers who miss out on the software sales?

If true, maybe Sony should ditch the UMD-PSP line in NA and go strictly with the GO. Then they could drop the price on it to something exciting in order to get people interested in it, despite it's shortcomings. I'm talking taking a loss on it, here. Screw Gamestop, sell it at the big box stores and online. They'd still carry it. If the price were good enough people would bite.

The only way they'd get me to buy another PSP (I still have a phat 1000) and new games at this point is to either drop the Go price to $99 or just ditch it all and launch a sexy PSP2 at < $200.

Beth Cyra

Dr. Zoidberg said:
Is it true the PSP Go's price is artificially high to appease the retailers who miss out on the software sales?

If true, maybe Sony should ditch the UMD-PSP line in NA and go strictly with the GO. Then they could drop the price on it to something exciting in order to get people interested in it, despite it's shortcomings. I'm talking taking a loss on it, here. Screw Gamestop, sell it at the big box stores and online. They'd still carry it. If the price were good enough people would bite.

The only way they'd get me to buy another PSP (I still have a phat 1000) and new games at this point is to either drop the Go price to $99 or just ditch it all and launch a sexy PSP2 at < $200.

No way they do this, Sony even came out and said not that long ago that People balked at the Go and they still want physical media, to do this would hurt the PSP even more.


TruePrime said:
I think anyone expecting good numbers for Peace Walker is going to be disappointed, that said it should have a small impact and will hopefully not fall even lower.

Which would be a shame. It's one of the better Metal Gear games in the series. I'm calling 100k or greater sales. It should land in the Top 10.


AceBandage said:
The older models got a price drop (the most notable being the Arcade to $150).
There are also multiple stores that will be trying to clear out stock so they'll offer gift cards with it (I believe Walmart offered a $50 gift card with the system).
Target was selling the Arcade, and a $50 gift card, for $130. I bought one. I'm not sure about Walmart's deal. They were just clearing out stock, as you said. I imagine that they succeeded handsomely in that goal!

Son of Godzilla said:
There's no reason to buy an old-model 360 now that the slim exists, no matter the price.
That's a pretty silly thing to say.
How did Monster Hunter 3 do for its second month?

charlequin said:
They're probably bowing out of the market.

That's what I'm thinking, but why though? The PSP (while not to the extent of the PS or PS2) was a successful system and entry into the handheld market. Yes they got clobbered by the DS but the systems till performed very competently until toward the end of its life (where SONY should have launched a new system). Even if a supposed PSP successor sold half the amount of units the current PSP has (near 70 million last I checked) it would still be a highly profitable venture.

TruePrime said:
I honestly believe the one thing the PSP will never get is a Nintendogs, I think it is more likely to get a Halo. Not to take a shot at Halo but it is a game that was at heart a core game that broke into the main steam.

Honestly as far as I see that is it's only chance, simply because even if it did get a Nintendog's quallity game Sony would not promote it over something like Metal Gear or God of War.

A Nintendogs

A Halo

A Tetris

A Pokemon

A Monster Hunter


My point is that the only thing that can save the PSP now is a huge game changing system seller.


Please help me with my bad english
Rainier said:
That's actually a myth. The skin and scalp shrink after death, giving the appearance of growth.
The more you know...
I knew that, just wanted to use the "myth" as an example ;p
SapientWolf said:
Crackdown 2 is somehow beating Starcraft II on the Amazon bestsellers. NPD's are gonna be really interesting next month.

You know what would be funny, Starcraft 2 only comes in the Collector's Edition sku =D $100 a game Kotick's dreams come true.
Flying_Phoenix said:
How did Monster Hunter 3 do for its second month?

That's what I'm thinking, but why though? The PSP (while not to the extent of the PS or PS2) was a successful system and entry into the handheld market. Yes they got clobbered by the DS but the systems till performed very competently until toward the end of its life (where SONY should have launched a new system). Even if a supposed PSP successor sold half the amount of units the current PSP has (near 70 million last I checked) it would still be a highly profitable venture.

A Nintendogs

A Halo

A Tetris

A Pokemon

A Monster Hunter


My point is that the only thing that can save the PSP now is a huge game changing system seller.

It would take more than one.
It would take a handful of huge, mass appeal games.

DMeisterJ said:
Who'd have thought that Modnation would outsell S/S and Blur?


Just goes to show that kart racers are the way to go.
Reggie and Mario Kart vindicated!

Beth Cyra

soldat7 said:
Which would be a shame. It's one of the better Metal Gear games in the series. I'm calling 100k or greater sales. It should land in the Top 10.

Wouldn't know as I hated Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops so I opted out of any future Big Boss titles, that said I do hope it breaks around 150k, at least hit Dissidia numbers.

Though at this point I am not hopeful, I think the only titles we will see do well are Birth By Sleep and God of War. I think that MGS PW will seem to do better because of the low months but over all it will tank compared to how it should do.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Is it true the PSP Go's price is artificially high to appease the retailers who miss out on the software sales?

If true, maybe Sony should ditch the UMD-PSP line in NA and go strictly with the GO. Then they could drop the price on it to something exciting in order to get people interested in it, despite it's shortcomings. I'm talking taking a loss on it, here. Screw Gamestop, sell it at the big box stores and online. They'd still carry it. If the price were good enough people would bite.

The only way they'd get me to buy another PSP (I still have a phat 1000) and new games at this point is to either drop the Go price to $99 or just ditch it all and launch a sexy PSP2 at < $200.
Ooh Zoidberg at last you are becoming a crafty consumer.
Flying_Phoenix said:
My point is that the only thing that can save the PSP now is a huge game changing system seller.
The point of no return has been passed a long time ago. No "huge game" can save the PSP now.
If sony is smart, why not enjoy the 3ds port synergy the wii enjoyed and ride it out for a year or so while the manufacturing price of the next PSP drops down to reasonable levels?
Meus Renaissance said:
I don't think there is a market for a PSP-type device to be honest.

Change the UMD to a card based format.
Give it non-fail marketing.
Make more wide appeal games that work on the go.
Give it non-fail marketing.
Don't release a new version that can't play the games the old one could at $100 more...

Beth Cyra

AceBandage said:
Change the UMD to a card based format.
Give it non-fail marketing.
Make more wide appeal games that work on the go.
Give it non-fail marketing.
Don't release a new version that can't play the games the old one could at $100 more...

Make it so it is a device with an idenity of it's own and not a portable version of your home platform?


This is why you don't make advertisements mocking the best selling racing game of all time (Mario Kart Wii) when trying to sell your own racing game. Because when your racing game bombs, it's really embarrassing.

Note: I don't actually think them mocking Mario Kart had any impact at all on the sales being horrible, it's just funny and shows why those type of advertisements are stupid.
TruePrime said:
Make it so it is a device with an idenity of it's own and not a portable version of your home platform?

Basically, yeah.
Oh, and did I mention the non-fail marketing?
Not sure I did.

Beth Cyra

legend166 said:
This is why you don't make advertisements mocking the best selling racing game of all time (Mario Kart Wii) when trying to sell your own racing game. Because when your racing game bombs, it's really embarrassing.

Note: I don't actually think them mocking Mario Kart had any impact at all on the sales being horrible, it's just funny and shows why those type of advertisements are stupid.

I never understood the marketing behind this anyway. I mean hardcore gamers would be over Mario Kart Wii anyway and if they where hoping to get the casual market with that terrible commercial they where insane.


Gamer @ Heart said:
If sony is smart, why not enjoy the 3ds port synergy the wii enjoyed and ride it out for a year or so while the manufacturing price of the next PSP drops down to reasonable levels?

Because if the PSP2 doesn't have something totally awesome that would counter the year-long headstart they'd concede to the 3DS it would be DOA.

I never understood the marketing behind this anyway. I mean hardcore gamers would be over Mario Kart Wii anyway and if they where hoping to get the casual market with that terrible commercial they where insane.

I think they were trying to get across the message that Blur is Mario Kart with real cars. Whether they succeeded is a different issue.


TruePrime said:
Wouldn't know as I hated Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops so I opted out of any future Big Boss titles, that said I do hope it breaks around 150k, at least hit Dissidia numbers.

Though at this point I am not hopeful, I think the only titles we will see do well are Birth By Sleep and God of War. I think that MGS PW will seem to do better because of the low months but over all it will tank compared to how it should do.
Well Portable Ops plain sucks, and vanilla MGS3 is filled with bad design choices (camara, micro managment). But this is definately the best MGS in terms of content. You missin out bro!
Random thoughts on PSP: nothing can save it. It's been dead since before Go was released. Marketing your portable platform on the promise of console-like gameplay backed by similar horsepower and broad media playback is almost like throwing up a flag saying 'pirate me'. Sure, you'll attract the honest enthusiast consumers, but many if not most of them will also be the same sort who are savvy enough to know where to get news about and how to download free shit for that platform and being as picky as they are about what they purchase, you'll probably run into the problem that they start to occasionally d/l something and then many will end up doing so regularly and casually as time wears on. It's the same problem for Linux...you can't sell them much because they're so geeky and kept abreast of all new developments that they also know where and when to get that shit for free. A lot of them are in that group of over-entitled 21st century internet user to geek crowd who never knew a world without the internet and free shit at your fingertips. Why would they ever pay for shit since they've been downloading it since they were in elementary school? Your friends all have X, why don't you? Then, it's just a matter of opportunity and you'll be sucked into the fold doing it just as habitually as they do. Oh, you might buy when you had extra money and a job, but now you're in college or have other commitments that need a lot more cash than they once did...just a hop, skip, and a jump away from a download.

A portable machine has to have more brand street cred, have stronger protections that come intertwined with essential software, and be a strong sign of social status among peers...like Apple's overpriced stuff. And it has to start strong on the protection and build it's brand worth and profile as a cool device to own...necessary to easy social interface with your portable device-using brethren.

PSP could only have one shot and that was to appeal to the same crowd who's less informed about how to steal shit easily from off of the 'net and who are the prime buyers during Black Friday and holiday seasons...picking up these devices for their children and making regular purchases of popular franchises, like Pokemon and cartoon, family film, and teen show licenses. Ninty's got that shit on lockdown and PSP2 or whatever, I'm sure was planned or is planned to be the big 3D portable until Ninty took that shit first. Now, all they do is try to play up some relatively worthless (outside of the enthusiast gamer) interoperability/connectivity between PS3 and PSP. Ninty doesn't even bother trying that any more with DS and Wii since it failed to really pan out with GBA and GC.

Culturally, it seems that Japan, with its dense city lifestyle with longer public transportation commutes and smaller abodes is far more receptive to those few titles that excite the regular consumer of the PSP. But what happens when Ninty takes on Monster Hunter with the 3DS and takes one of the last big software performers for the platform? Lights out, man. Sony missed the boat unless they've got ideas of their own instead of simply following the breadcrumb trail left by others.


TruePrime said:
Make it so it is a device with an idenity of it's own and not a portable version of your home platform?

It has it's own identity, it's a very powerful multimedia machine with a ton of unique games that can't be done on any other portable. The whole point of the PSP was to try and take the console experience on the go, at least it was that way for the visuals. Its sold 50 million+ by now, so they did something correctly. It's the price of the platform that is too much, when it's all said and done people would rather spend less money on the cheaper DS.

I think the PSP can have a PS3-like resurrection. Drop the price and make a big fucking deal about it doing everything. There's software there to back the machine up.


legend166 said:
This is why you don't make advertisements mocking the best selling racing game of all time (Mario Kart Wii) when trying to sell your own racing game. Because when your racing game bombs, it's really embarrassing.

Note: I don't actually think them mocking Mario Kart had any impact at all on the sales being horrible, it's just funny and shows why those type of advertisements are stupid.
And which game do you think will sell more units in June? ;)


Gold Member
Rainier said:
That's actually a myth. The skin and scalp shrink after death, giving the appearance of growth.
The more you know...

That is an awesome response! :lol

Beth Cyra

Boney said:
Well Portable Ops plain sucks, and vanilla MGS3 is filled with bad design choices (camara, micro managment). But this is definately the best MGS in terms of content. You missin out bro!

Haha it was more that I am a crazy MGS fan and hate The Boss and anything that links to her and feel when she was injected it hurt the franchise.

That said how much is focused on that dumb bitch? If it is actually a very small amount I might check it out anyway?


GAF's Ed McMahon
Y2Kev said:
holy shit :lol

S/S is Blackrock's second bomb. That studio probably won't get to make another racing game.

Bizarre...uh oh :(

Poor Bizarre, they are going to feel the wrath of Kotick.
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