The good news for the Wii U is it seems existing Wii U owners are finally buying software. Who knows if it will last, but it was a major hurdle Nintendo was having a tough time getting over. Once they make peace with the idea that the install base will never really pick up and just focus on getting a few million from their big games, it will be an easier storm to ride out.
MLB The Show really holding up well.
dunno, if Nintendo can make the core spend $1000 (game + figurines) to get the complete smash experience, Amiibo could make an impact.
I certainly hope that the stronger-than-expected Wii U showing at E3 is about selling as much software (and Amiibo figurines) as possible to the Nintendo faithful while silently shifting gears towards the 2016 launch of a successor, rather than an attempt to "save" Wii U. I'm still not sure it isn't the latter, though.
has to be hard be Yusuf Mehdi right now.
64k after the biggest Wii U release of the year?
That's deader than dead....
Want more proof?
The week after the release of MK8 is June 1 to June 7th.
Because if they give the PS4 numbers, they will have to give Vita numbers too. That's also the reason why they grouped Vita and PSP numbers together when they release their financial results.
Because MS hasn't provided any spin. Let's wait.
You should be expecting June to be different considering Mario Kart was out for two days in May.Not much of a bump that first weekend for Wii U. I don't expect June to be much different.
Luigi Death Stare gonna save the Wii U now lol? Is that even a thing outside of GAF/Reddit?
Luigi was being shown the NPD in that shotLuigi Death Stare gonna save the Wii U now lol? Is that even a thing outside of GAF/Reddit?
We all know May was gonna be terrible for Xbox One because of the Kinectless announcement. It's probably well below 100k.
64k after the biggest Wii U release of the year?
That's deader than dead....
Ian Sherr @iansherr · 3m
Looks like @npdgroup had an error in their data--total video game sales were up 52%, no 51%.
Luigi Death Stare gonna save the Wii U now lol? Is that even a thing outside of GAF/Reddit?
People try to use the "but only x days" defense in every NPD thread and are proven wrong every month. Yet people keep trying it...
Wow the mk8 bundles did nothing. And so will Amiibo. The tablet-control has to be dropped.
Does E3 have an effect on NPDs?, many seem to use that event to decide what they get
I think someone needs to back and review the Wii U NPD numbers since January 2013. The numbers BananaSprinkles compiled do not come close to adding up to the 90% Year over Year growth. They show closer to a 15% increase in sales. Something is not right with our numbers.
So it'll be awhile before we get #'s. Sony never releases them and MS is quiet this NPD.
The PS3/Vita version been out for month though
Luigi Death Stare gonna save the Wii U now lol? Is that even a thing outside of GAF/Reddit?
June is a 35 days-month. So, 100k is definitely a lock and 150k quite likely.
Don't like it. Just like GCN (Game Cube Nintendo).What about that seems odd to you?
We all know May was gonna be terrible for Xbox One because of the Kinectless announcement. It's probably well below 100k.
240k PS4 and 80k XB1 seems reasonable, yeah.
Major Nelson, spin if you're okay.
240k PS4 and 80k XB1 seems reasonable, yeah.
Luigi Death Stare gonna save the Wii U now lol? Is that even a thing outside of GAF/Reddit?
This; it's quite telling.
If Microsoft had high NPD numbers, they'd boast about it just like with Xbox 360.
The mention of the bump at E3 says otherwise 310% increase mentioned by Reggie)
Also reflecting on how Nintendo tried to sell the console for the first year plus is a bit meaningless as even they've scrapped all of that, hence their handling of E3 this year like you mentioned.
It's a Nintendo console for Nintendo games. It is what it is and pretty much everyone (including Nintendo at this point) says as much.
He is right about people being more satisfied for keeping their 360