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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

6.) Far Cry 4 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3, PC)
9.) Assassin's Creed: Unity (PS4, XBO, PC)

Uhhh.... I'm little confuse.

NPD says FC4 sold more than AssCreed, but Creamsugar says FC4 solds more than 670k but AssCreed solds less than 700k.

I think he is giving some hints for NPD data.

So... In conclusion...

Far Cry 4: Around 680k
Assassin's Creed Unity: Around 660~670k

Am I right?

His number is for current gen Far Cry 4 only.


I believe this was an enormous acquisition for them. I believe this game is the paradigm shift for the entire industry and now it belongs to them. Generations are growing up on this. Maybe they won't even make this exclusive to their platforms because its just that big. Also - I don't think this was an Xbox division acquisition rather a MSFT one.

Mr. Phil brokered that deal.


They have Amiibos which will prop up their bottom line for a good while now, and they have their next shots at handheld/console/hybrid whatever they're doing. And they're doing those "wearables" or "Non-wearable" whatever quality of life tool or some shit, nobody really knows. We're all dying to know :p

I think the sleep sensor is a pretty good indication of where the quality of life non wearable stuff is heading.


Would it be such a bad idea for Nintendo to go back to the Wiimotes? ARM/x86 hardware, WiiU Nintendo Pro Controller, NintendOS and much improved Wiimotes?

Consumers have fallen out of love with the wii mote. They need something entirely new.


I hope you are joking.

Pretty sure Morpheus isn't going to cost them much more than $150 to make. They said themselves they're waiting for prices of components to come down before committing to a release. Cut $50 on PS4, sell Morpheus at cost, then discount $50 and pack in a game as a holiday / BF bundle. Not that far fetched really.
Xbone so was so cheap that month and some of the bundles were cray. They were def gonna win. A bit surprising by how much though. Let's see if they can keep it up though along with what happens worldwide.

Impressive nonetheless.


Junior Member
I am a bit surprised that MS did not brag more about their victory, but I imagine that Spencer is behind this narritive and is smart enough to avoid potential shit talking that could come back to bite them in the coming months.


So I'm not really an NPD follower, but this sounded interesting. Can't quite understand though - visited the thread hours ago and it was close, but am I understanding now that the Xbox sold 400K more units than the PS4? Do we have a total that each sold? And are these numbers still rumor or is it a published fact now? Thanks for any help y'all can give me.

Cream posted his pie sillhouette it seems so people extrapolated from it. Surprised Cream didn't debunk CBOAT earlier unless of course CBOAT was there to provide shits and giggles and meltdowns. Smells awfully fishy to me how CBOAT wasn't disproved quickly.
A lot of people say this, but what does this even mean? There was a lot of speculation before launch that MS was going to allow cross-platform development for apps on the Windows store, and that never became a thing. Aside from allowing a version of Windows to run through the Xbox, I don't see how Windows 10 integration really helps.

Patrick Klepeck put out a decent theory on the bomb cast, that this year was all about putting out the fire started by Mattrick. Then 2015 will be about reintroducing the Xbox one. Possibly with a all new interface that might involve integration with windows 10 somehow. MS has a precedent in shaking things on the Xbox (i.e. Dashboard revisions on the 360), so maybe the shared apps come next year.


I am a bit surprised that MS did not brag more about their victory, but I imagine that Spencer is behind this narritive and is smart enough to avoid potential shit talking that could come back to bite them in the coming months.

It's just one month and they have to keep being humble and hungry.
I knew something was off with the 7-8k difference. There was much more demand for Xbox stuff when I went out to stores on Black Friday. MS will take the lead in the US if this continues for another couple of months. Sony needs to do something more than 1 free game in the month of December.


You're looking at things in a bubble. A price cut isn't going to be announced for only one region, it's a global strategy. A lot of factors have to be considered.

Right now, the PS4 is dominating EMEA. In the US, it's more competitive, but the PS4 is still leading. Even after December, that will still be the case. At which point, we enter the smaller months, and even if Xbox One continues to outsell it (which I don't believe will happen consistently), that lead would mostly remain or they'd mostly be on equal footing until the next big Holiday quarter. This is ignoring the revenue which would suffer a big impact from cutting the price in such a short-sighted move. I'll keep this very simple here since it's more complicated really. But let's say I cut $50 off the price of the system, but have effectively reduced my profit margin from $70 to $20. How many more sales am I really going to push over the Holiday season, and what does it mean for my bottom line? Neglecting that, what's the forecasting looking like for the console at its current pricing? And what does cutting the price now mean long-term because I can't simply cut price every year? After doing all these calculations, what about the other regions? What does it mean for them? SCEE where everything is fantastic, or SCEJ/A where they're still waiting on getting some momentum going and a price cut would be better strategically placed next to a huge title to help push it. All of this has to be taken into consideration.

Xbox One is doing well after dropping the price $170 in a year, but their desperation was necessary. They cut their own legs off by starting at $499, and they know that they cannot afford to be anything less than competitive in the US. That is simply far too important for them. Even so, they're closing in on 10 million units shipped now as per their last release. PS4 has remained at $399 from the beginning and is closing in on 20 million units shipped.

No company makes such a short sighted move based off one month's results, especially when it's affecting one region and to a mostly insignificant extent. I'm sure SCEA executives will sit down and plan thoroughly for whatever they want to do, but it's not just about cutting price. Maximising the potential of the PS4 at its current pricing is part of the longevity of the system. Lots of people continue to purchase the system, and it's setting a fantastic pace for sales. We're now leaving the biggest quarter of the year so cutting price at this stage would be idiotic. Cutting price prior to entering it would be equally idiotic considering the strength of sales, and the fact that we're entering the biggest quarter of the year.

A price cut isn't necessary. SCEA has done fine this month. Where they messed up is with their marketing and promotional push in face of a much more aggressive Microsoft, but to be fair, there was only so much that could be countered there.

Agreed. Good post.


I mean their console business. It's not so bad that Wii U is going to miss Gamecube's numbers by 10 million or more now. We're talking catastrophic console side failure. Even Iwata said if they don't hit GCN numbers in the past they consider it a failure.

They are returning to profitability now and judging them as a business, they are not "doomed." But, crucially, they cannot inch forward like this in perpetuity. Eventually, they're going to require a successful console and successful handheld again. Or something in place of that to find a new path for revenue.

3DS downward trajectory and the complete implosion of Vita suggest a very real erosion in the gaming dedicated handheld market that should seriously concern a company like Nintendo who for so long has made handhelds a central pillar in their gaming business strategy. If I was them, I would have no clue where to go next with their handheld to make it mass market friendly. I have no idea. I hope they have great ideas, they tend to on average. But it's nerve wrecking if you don't know how the future will be for the things you love most about Nintendo. Even if it's the far future when I'm much older, I still want Nintendo to be thriving. So better to find solutions now before we get anywhere truly bad.

So their console performance has been obliterated, Dreamcast competition at this rate. And the trajectory for gaming dedicated handhelds look especially bleak if one has been observing the numbers closely. It's clear what is going on in the market, real erosion.

They have Amiibos which will prop up their bottom line for a good while now, and they have their next shots at handheld/console/hybrid whatever they're doing. And they're doing those "wearables" or "Non-wearable" whatever quality of life tool or some shit, nobody really knows. We're all dying to know :p

But regardless, it is perfectly understandable to be pessimistic if you're a fan of Nintendo like I am. Not because I think "they're dooooomed", but because the long term implications might impact the things I love about Nintendo.
I don't think anyone reasonable disagrees with any of that, just thought it was odd to invoke the Titanic now of all times. Though partially my fault not noticing the source of the comment I was replying to. I know you're not one to shit on Nintendo for the sake of it like many other posters.

It'll be interesting to see where Nintendo is 5, 10, 15 years from now. As you state, the way forward is anything but crystal clear.
The scary part about Vita in Sweden is that they have started to again.
It was gone and the only games I saw was MJ the Experience and that little deviants game.
Now? I see many games, I see Vitas, I see mem cards and I even see adds for it again.

I literally see the dead rising -_-;

Its the Smokydave effect! He should be crowned as official Vita is Life ambassador.


Would it be such a bad idea for Nintendo to go back to the Wiimotes? ARM/x86 hardware, WiiU Nintendo Pro Controller, NintendOS and much improved Wiimotes?

I think that ship has sailed honestly. They had a period where they could have tired to continue capitalizing on the wiimote's success/functionality, with where the wii motion plus was iterating on the concept, improving people's experience. They could have gone places with it if they really nurtured the thing and continued to make the right software for most consumers.

But they abandoned ship early, had really confusing messaging at the end, allowing a proliferation of so many garbage attachments and peripherals that people had to carry friggin' sacks around with them to determine which game they could functionally play at any given moment (/hyperbole). It was supposed to be kept simple, but limitations in the technology when it launched and some bad policy decisions/software decisions/strategic decisions led it off rails.

I think they need something new, and then they need to be confident about it. And if they are going to introduce a concept, they absolutely have to be sure they're ready to showcase why everyone needs it in their life in a way that is easily communicable, easy to understand when watching live demos, and which illustrates how well it works in some system defining software that people can write in reviews how "the game and system were essentially designed in tandem they're so synchronous."


A lot of people say this, but what does this even mean? There was a lot of speculation before launch that MS was going to allow cross-platform development for apps on the Windows store, and that never became a thing. Aside from allowing a version of Windows to run through the Xbox, I don't see how Windows 10 integration really helps.

Khan Academy is supposedly coded as a universal app. Only thing Win10 will likely do is open the app floodgates...and bring Cortana.
woah what happened? so it wasn't a 7-10k difference? i'm trying to go back through and find out what happened with what CBOAT said earlier but i'm just getting confused.


A lot of people say this, but what does this even mean? There was a lot of speculation before launch that MS was going to allow cross-platform development for apps on the Windows store, and that never became a thing. Aside from allowing a version of Windows to run through the Xbox, I don't see how Windows 10 integration really helps.

Khan Academy was the first universal app, iirc and I think there are a few more launching soonish. It seems like they'll be gearing up to make it a full thing with Windows 10.


Word-of-mouth can save CoD because Advanced Warfare is actually a great game.

I expect word of mouth to continue to decimate cod sales because the netcode sucks, the hit detection is terrible and the lag is atrocious... Pretty much everything that makes an online game. Haven't played since the first day I bought it


The order will sell better than bloodborne imo. Unless it absolutely gets panned in reviews. Way more mass market even if bb gets better reviews.

Anyone know how many units. Sunset overdrive has sold?
Hats off to MS. Well deserved. I knew the price difference between the XBone and the PS4 would work significantly in favor of MS. Sony is not being aggressive enough in NA.
Imagine if MS actually just pumped huge amounts of cash into making more studios. They could probably rival ND. Instead of just buying up games etc.
Eh, MS already committed billions into multiple new internal studios for X1. Problem is that it takes years, maybe an average of three for a next-gen game. If you just started a new studio, it will probably take an additional year or so on top to get them set up before the main game project itself can be decided upon and in full production. In the meantime, they need to cover for their gaps in their lineup, so they make deals the same as anyone, like Ninty or Sony does.

They just created a bunch of new studios in the past few years that we haven't seen anything from yet.

I guess it's because new studios take years to develop games, with no real chance of it being a system seller, whereas losing a few million by dropping the consoles price and adding free games is a guaranteed system seller. It's the more safe route, though they should really be doing both.

Studios are more of a long term thing, MS can't wait around for years hoping to turn it around because it might be too late by then.
Right. I expect E3 will be the first of many big years of announced output for all three first parties and when third parties are finally in high gear.


I mean their console business. It's not so bad that Wii U is going to miss Gamecube's numbers by 10 million or more now. We're talking catastrophic console side failure. Even Iwata said if they don't hit GCN numbers in the past they consider it a failure.

They are returning to profitability now and judging them as a business, they are not "doomed." But, crucially, they cannot inch forward like this in perpetuity. Eventually, they're going to require a successful console and successful handheld again. Or something in place of that to find a new path for revenue.

3DS downward trajectory and the complete implosion of Vita suggest a very real erosion in the gaming dedicated handheld market that should seriously concern a company like Nintendo who for so long has made handhelds a central pillar in their gaming business strategy. If I was them, I would have no clue where to go next with their handheld to make it mass market friendly. I have no idea. I hope they have great ideas, they tend to on average. But it's nerve wrecking if you don't know how the future will be for the things you love most about Nintendo. Even if it's the far future when I'm much older, I still want Nintendo to be thriving. So better to find solutions now before we get anywhere truly bad.

So their console performance has been obliterated, Dreamcast competition at this rate. And the trajectory for gaming dedicated handhelds look especially bleak if one has been observing the numbers closely. It's clear what is going on in the market, real erosion.

They have Amiibos which will prop up their bottom line for a good while now, and they have their next shots at handheld/console/hybrid whatever they're doing. And they're doing those "wearables" or "Non-wearable" whatever quality of life tool or some shit, nobody really knows. We're all dying to know :p

But regardless, it is perfectly understandable to be pessimistic if you're a fan of Nintendo like I am. Not because I think "they're dooooomed", but because the long term implications might impact the things I love about Nintendo.

I agree. Nintendo's one of my favorite companies for gaming, & it's a shame to see what is happening to them right now.


ResMed already has a footing in the American market - why would they help develop a product, if they are competing in the same space. Seems odd to me, but we know so little.

I still stand by my thought that QOL will be Japan-centered first, then expand in overseas market.

Its a co-developed project. Why is Nintendo helping to develop it? Because they have a good R&D and this isn't their first medical venture.

I don't see ResMed limiting a product like this to only Japan.


Sony Santa Monica and RaD

They should do a Reality Show and host it on PSN like with Powers and then have it be for an indie studio. They could publish each studios "games" monthly and have the community chime in. They could have 6 pro votes and one community vote each month on the quality of the "game" or idea produced and that team would be elimiated. The last remaining team would get a game contract or something.

I am probably the only person in the world who would watch this...
I agree. Nintendo's one of my favorite companies for gaming, & it's a shame to see what is happening to them right now.

Even with the implosion of their handheld and home console divisions I expect Nintendo to be the last major player to leave the dedicated gaming market. It might be a really small market by then though.


We'll see in January. Talk is about Windows 10 having a sub and including other services bundled (xbox included). It may turn out to be nothing or it may turn out to be something. The point I was making is that it has the potential to keep the xbox in the conversation - people talking about it.

Can you link me to this Win10 sub rumor?


so i have to read through 100 pages of thread? i guess i'll never know.

Fine then Cosmic(reliable insider) said that CBOAT was wrong and Cream(reliable insider) showed pie charts of how much each console sold in Nov and the LFD pie charts. MS also said they did 1.2 mil in U.S. and some math showed that it was impossible for Sony to have sold 10k less than MS based off Overall hardware sales are down 23% year over year or something.
Apparently competition wasn't that good. Y2Kev's post and the PS2 era was the clear proof.

I bought my brother an Xbone, extra controller, AC Unity, AC Black Flag, and GTA 5 for $390.

If Sony reacts to this big NPD loss, I'll be picking up a PS4 for Christmas.

I love me some competition. Some people just like it was when their favorite platform is dominating.
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