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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


I feel it's a pretty hard sell at $60.

Even Amnesia, which was a pretty cheap game to begin with, didn't really take off in sales until it hit the ~$5 mark.

A lot of customers essentially walk into a store and have GTA or CoD or a number of other games with 500 tons of content in popular genres sitting next to Alien and go "Which one do I want to spend $60 on?" and it's not a hard question for them.

Five Nights at Freddy's started taking off around this time too so I imagine a lot of people got their horror game fix for $3 from that as well.

You're probably right... it's just crazy the Alien name carries zero weight now. Decent game, decent marketing, Alien franchise: 150k in sales.

I wonder how it did on Steam.



But yeah pretty much, their franchises are mostly dead, especially Sony. They ran that IP to the ground. I remember SEGA commenting on Sonic's performance back in the Gamecube era saying that they had disappointing results, I can't imagine what they think now....

On average Atlus seems to be bowling around 40-80K openings.

Persona will presumably do better than that, but it's a pretty niche line-up of products.

By comparison, Sonic and Aliens used to ship millions of copies worldwide.

You're probably right... it's just crazy the Alien name carries zero weight now. Decent game, decent marketing, Alien franchise: 150k in sales.

I wonder how it did on Steam.

I would guess pretty well in for-what-it-is terms. Sega has a lot of strength on PC and this is where most people bought Amnesia.


A sincere and honest question for you :
Why are you happy for MS ?
Because they were struggling a lot sales wise this year and I was afraid that they could bomb, and the gamers would be left with no competition.
Now that MS is back in the game, Sony must react and offer more value to their products and MS should follow, in the end the winners are the gamers.

I love this industry and I want every videogame company to be successful, so the videogame industry can keep on going for generations to come.

That's why I am happy m8, are you satisfied?


I'm happy MS did well, I mean, how could you not be happy since them selling the XBO with great prices and usually a lot of bundled software means that Sony did it's best to try and compete.
Really, I can't see anyone (who is worth their salt) who didn't pick up both boxes this season. There were compelling software on both boxes and both could be bought as their was ample stock.

I didn't plan on having both XBO and PS4 yet but with the prices and bundles it was a no-brainer. Now while my wallet weeps I need to figure out how to find time to play all this software.


Hey thanks for the response. Where I live it would be 69.99, so yeah, an incredibly tough sell next to 'bigger' games. I think it could have done MUCH better at a reduced price point. 39.99 Standard and people would have flocked to it imo.
Now if we could just get MS to realize that there's zero downside to going with a soft relaunch with better hardware like pretty much all modern tech these days and we'd be good...


Because they were struggling a lot sales wise this year and I was afraid that they could bomb, and the gamers would be left with no competition.
Now that MS is back in the game, Sony must react and offer more value to their products and MS should follow, in the end the winners are the gamers.

I love this industry and I want every videogame company to be succesful, so the videogame industry can keep on going for generations to come.

That's why I am happy m8, are you satisfied?

MS wasn't going anywhere. Even with the lagging sales all year they have a war chest that is filled with capital. Fanboys thinking that Sony was going to put them out of business is just delusional. I don't particularly like their products so I don't buy them but I would have never bet they would go bankrupt due to not selling a lot of Xbox Ones. I also don't subscribe to the notion that Sony should drop the price of the PS4 "to stay relevant" as they are doing fine. There is no need to fire sale your product just because a competitor is catching up sales wise. If they start losing month after month then we might see a drop.

Either way, great holiday for all companies. Consoles were sold and at the end of the day that is what we need to see.


A sincere and honest question for you :
Why are you happy for MS ?

Ofcourse, they're offering a great multi tasking gaming machine, i support and use their services all the time, love the controller, XBL and their gaming studios. The attention they give the OS is one of the best things to happen this gen, there isnt a better machine that does entertainment and gaming this well. As i support their direction i want them to be rewarded so they continue to invest in this area.

Extremely happy for MS.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
On average Atlus seems to be bowling around 40-80K openings.

Persona will presumably do better than that, but it's a pretty niche line-up of products.

By comparison, Sonic and Aliens used to ship millions of copies worldwide.

They are niche, but comparatively, they are a profitable entity - which is a position I'm sure SEGA would like to be in :p
Now if we could just get MS to realize that there's zero downside to going with a soft relaunch with better hardware like pretty much all modern tech these days and we'd be good...

...Please no.

There are those of us who aren't changing their phones every single year.
If I want to do that I'll just spend my money upgrading my graphics cards instead.


Because they were struggling a lot sales wise this year and I was afraid that they could bomb, and the gamers would be left with no competition.
Now that MS is back in the game, Sony must react and offer more value to their products and MS should follow, in the end the winners are the gamers.

I love this industry and I want every videogame company to be successful, so the videogame industry can keep on going for generations to come.

That's why I am happy m8, are you satisfied?

Thanks. I think the last sentence wasn't necessary, I don't have nothing against you of course.


Ofcourse, they're offering a great multi tasking gaming machine, i support and use their services all the time, love the controller, XBL and their gaming studios. The attention they give the OS is one of the best things to happen this gen, there isnt a better machine that does entertainment and gaming this well. As i support their direction i want them to be rewarded so they continue to invest in this area.

Extremely happy for MS.

I see, thanks :)


USA 7 10k ;)

It really makes sense!

And if this


was MS/Sony/Nintendo, not XB1/PS4/WiiU ?


Microsoft got the victory that they needed.

This is great for the consoles market, both companies will enter 2015 on a good note. It's going to be an awesome year.
Because they were struggling a lot sales wise this year and I was afraid that they could bomb, and the gamers would be left with no competition.
Now that MS is back in the game, Sony must react and offer more value to their products and MS should follow, in the end the winners are the gamers.

I love this industry and I want every videogame company to be successful, so the videogame industry can keep on going for generations to come.

That's why I am happy m8, are you satisfied?

More moneyhats. Congratulations!
what? that much in NA?

it's between 700-750k in the US. We cannot compare WW numbers because MS hasn't announced sell through in a long time. Last official update for Xbox One hardware was 'almost' 10 million shipped on November 12th. Sony's sell through is closer to 15 million by that point.


USA 7 10k ;)


Edit: According to my tally, about 740k difference if our current "known" numbers for November are correct (XB1: 1.24m, PS4: 840k)
For WW we have no idea currently. Back before September it could have been as high as 5m units (last Sony PR was 10m sold through, and estimated MS sold through was ≈5m)


it's between 700-750k in the US. We cannot compare WW numbers because MS hasn't announced sell through in a long time. Last official update for Xbox One hardware was 'almost' 10 million shipped on November 12th. Sony's sell through is closer to 15 million by that point.


USA : gap of ~800k-ish. Could be lower.

WW : Sketchy, but anywhere from 5-7 million. 8 is a possibility, but highly unlikely.

Okay thanks I didn't think it was that big.

If MS pulls out December ahead by another few hundred k then we can see gap relatively close at ~500k.

It would mean both consoles selling great in NA which is great for everyone.


It really makes sense!
If so, it is a master-class in (GAF)trolling.

People always (depending on which side) argue if he brings all the MS news/leaks or only bad MS news/leaks. This time he hold up a mirror to GAF (with good news) to show who was who, just amazing.....comes at a price though :p


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I keep thinking how bad business XBO is. They're selling it at a huge loss. They aren't making money from this win. But! Right now it's not about being profitable. They just need to unload stock. What really must sting is having to split the money with Ubisoft.

If Sony and Microsoft both agreed to produce 1 million units per month for 12 months, which is logical since they both believed in their products and is how things are done, would mean that Microsoft has a huge warehouse full of Xboxes. They need to unload that. Their reasoning must be that they need to create a product that people want while still being able to produce more units.

Before November there was little reason to produce a single more unit of XBO. The stock they've already built would last them another year before it sold out. They were desperate and the money was already spent. They needed to make some of that back.

Are they happy it turned out that way? Probably not, but it was the best they could do with what they had. It was impossible to turn a profit out of the situation. If it hadn't succeeded they'd more or less had to leave the industry. This wasn't about profits; it was about maintaining status quo. And they sold a ton of units but the hard part is being able to turn one month into a habit.

Sony, on the other hand, turned a profit from this and are probably happy. They'd be happier if they had outsold Microsoft, of course or just straight out sold more units. They have little choice but to continue to make money.

So they both did what they could. Let's see what this leads to long-term.


More moneyhats. Congratulations!
Street fighter? Every console maker " moneyhats", its the name of the game to bring more appeal to their platform even if it is a well known game. MS and even Wii U being here trying to get exclusive is a good thing as oppose to no competition.

Edit for clarification
Its could be more by now, but that's what is confirmed. Anything else is speculation.

We know the PS4 passed 15 million WW. The XB1 only shipped 10m. I don't see how it could be less than at least 5 million. I estimated between 6-8.

At least they made a huge hint towards 15m.
MS wasn't going anywhere. Even with the lagging sales all year they have a war chest that is filled with capital. Fanboys thinking that Sony was going to put them out of business is just delusional. I don't particularly like their products so I don't buy them but I would have never bet they would go bankrupt due to not selling a lot of Xbox Ones. I also don't subscribe to the notion that Sony should drop the price of the PS4 "to stay relevant" as they are doing fine. There is no need to fire sale your product just because a competitor is catching up sales wise. If they start losing month after month then we might see a drop.

Either way, great holiday for all companies. Consoles were sold and at the end of the day that is what we need to see.

Nobody thought Sony would put the out of business, but if the sales continued to tank, Microsoft may certainly have just said fuck it and stayed home next generation.


Worldwide like 6Mil?

USA like 3mil?

I think the US gap is way too high. Yes, Sony won for 10 months in a row; but having a 3 million sales gap would have required the PS4 to outsell the Xbox One by basically 300k each of those months; which we know did not happen given Sony did not even sell that many per month in some of those months.


Man this thread is hilarious. Congrats to Ms, who really seems to be reversing all the negative momentum that had built up prior and after their launch of the xbox one. There is no going back to 399 for Ms. Maybe they cut the Ass creed games, and do a standalone for $349. Sony will most likely need to lower price to 349, or include maybe a game and will try to stick at $399. Sony does not need to panic. Whereas Ms quit developing for the 360 the last few years, and was able to push software heavily to the new xbox one, Sony continued to launch AAA games for ps3, as the Ps4 was launching. What I'm getting at, is Sony should have no worries what so ever. In 2015, they actually have a ton of AAA games like Bloodborne, The Order, Street Fighter, Uncharted. Where as Ms for all accounts and purposes, shot their load last year. Great to have competition, especially since I own and love both .


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Street fighter? Everyone moneyhats. Competition is good

A money hat is the opposite of competition. By every definition of the respective words.
What are people expectations for next year? MS was very aggressive this holiday season and if they raise the price of the Xbox next year can we expect Sony to start widening the gap again? I feel Sony should make TLOU included with the PS4 permanently and keep the price at $399 if MS goes back up.
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