This cant be November PS4XB1WIIU. We know what Wii U sold and if you overlay that with the others there's no way PS4XB1 sold that few.
Some are speculating that the black chart is black friday sales and white is the monthSoftware numbers? What's going on here?!
Screw all you Aholes that didn't buy Dragon Age!
Screw all you Aholes that didn't buy Dragon Age!
New angles are 81, 130 and 149 degrees... don't actually know what they correspond to though.
Is this just for black Friday and the blue chart for the whole month?
Because NPD is not public data.
are the pies LTD then NOV?
Wii U didn't do well enough for the whole month. It would represent a quarter of the console sales. It's likely the black one is the month, blue one could be Black Friday, or it could be last gen console sales.Is this just for black Friday and the blue chart for the whole month?
December will probably blow that lead down to 100k-200k.
I guess you don't know who cosmic is.Bish PM incoming.
LololHere I have for you guys another chart
Blue is Wii U
Red is XB1
Orange is PS4
Green is noises
no no, i appreciate that. i am just explaining my thinking when i posted it. basically, the xb1 had a historic month. no console has had a second november of over a million. not the ps2 or not the wii. even doing 800k is a rather large amount.
despite my predictions, if the gap was going to be that big, i was really thinking about 1000k and 700k for the xb1 and ps4 at the biggest. even then it would have been historically good for both platforms (but indicating softer demand than usual for a market leader ps4). instead, the ps4 performed more closely to market leaders of the past and the xb1 blew way past that.
Here I have for you guys another chart
Blue is Wii U
Red is XB1
Orange is PS4
Green is noises
How do we know the first pie was even referring to the three consoles? There are a lot of knee-jerk reactions in here.
Cboat redeemed?
No Wii U sales numbers wouldn't make sense.WHAT IS GOING ON. Who's getting banned anyway?!
But yeah, the interpretation of:
Black--> Black Friday
White-->Rest of November
Does kinda make sense.
So can I start banning cboat or what
I love cboat, but in this case he is not correct.
So can I start banning cboat or what
So can I start banning cboat or what
MS Sold 1.2 million fucking consoles in the US alone? Is that not the best month for a console...ever? Regardless looks like they sold a bunch and stomped PS4. Congrats. Well deserved with the deals.
Do you mean The Sixth Sense or all his other movies?The payoff will be as good as a M Night movie.