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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

Can we talk about Nintendo? Yes? Okay.

240k - that's... that's not too bright. System sales continue to be an extinct whale's blowhole of despair. Those sales are NOT deserved, as beloved as the Wii U is amongst owners. With all of the incredibly positive Wii U threads popping up on GAF the past couple of months, I had a faint spark of optimism in my soul that Nintendo would at least do around a half mil in November. Sometimes it's easy to overestimate the influence of NeoGAF. GAF's reputation is becoming more and more of a behemoth within the hardcore industry circles, but it seems apparent that any affect we have on sales are just a dent in a sponge, as it were. Another example is AC:U cracking the top ten. I'm no Fun Dip... of course the vast majority of the game playing audience doesn't know about this forum. Still, much like a city, places like this are epicenters from where culture and ideas disseminate. The spider's thread should be more tensile and impressive, reverberating enough to at least put the Wii U in some sort position where it doesn't get the goofy dunce cap and consolation participation pity award. I thought the Wii was a heaping wound filled with mosquito entrails - it is by far my least favorite console that I've ever played. As a passionate fan of the company for two decades, the only first party content that I felt was truly worthwhile was Galaxy 1/2 and Punch-Out!!

The Wii U on the other hand - I don't even know where to begin! The stable is filled with gallant mounts, amassing the strongest steeds Nintendo has ever bred. A case can be made for almost every first party title being the best in their respective, legendary franchises.

Pikmin 3 is the best Pikmin game. Mario Kart 8 is the best Mario Kart Game. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is the best Super Smash Bros. Game. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is, as much as it pains the stirring my heart will always have for DKC 2, the best Donkey Kong Country game. New Super Mario Bros. U is the best New Super Mario Bros. game. Super Mario 3D World can at least be legitimately argued to stand along the other opus 3D Mario peers. Nintendo Land is among their best mini-game titles. This isn't even to say anything of the sterling Bayo 2 and Wonderful 101. This system is the absolute pinnacle of the quality over quantity mantra - not by choice, nor to imply that the two are mutually exclusive. The craftsmanship of these tentpole titles are rivaling SNES quality, giving me nothing but the utmost faith in Splatoon, Kirby, Wooly World, Star Fox, and of course my fickle mistress - Zelda herself.

But for all of the hardware sales woes - the attach rates for Smash could easily climb to those of MKate - roughly half. And the more quality games the Wii U owners consume, the more loyalty retention. Nintendo is absolutely doing right by their consumer base at the moment, and (again, evidenced by all of the positive threads here), the Wii U owners know it. If Nintendo keeps spitting this hot Bowser fire with their games, how many of us could possibly resist a jump into whatever the hell their next console is? We shall be retained - the rest of the market share can be courted with marketing and business strategy conceived by something other than an aborted potato.

Sometimes the brightest lights must dim into the cosmos for a time before resparking back into the sphere of recognition. The dimness is what reignites the spark, in fact. The wool is around Nintendo, and their flint has already banged the stone. So long as their leadership doesn't act as a hydro pump in perpetuity, their vision of a similar architectures structure between the handheld and home console, combined with what they learned from the "painful 8s", as we'll call this generation, there's a very real probability that they will be competitive next go.

In the meantime, Amiibos mathematically breaking down to one figure per one copy of smash (I'm acutely aware of the vast outliers here), is bonkers. So, Nintendo brethren and sistren, go weep gently in the arms of weird double blastar sam... the tears can keep us warm for now, but know that patience will persevere and return N back to the promised land at the appointed time.

Come 2019, you'll all be vindicated.


Good job Microsoft.

But I hope the people going "Sony is doomed" "Microsoft reigns king" etc etc aren't serious. As an owner of both, do you really think one good month for Microsoft means the fall of PlayStation? Damn.


Don't understand why people are saying PS4 is doomed, just look at their WW sales (I own both consoles btw)


Wow, one piece of misinfo totally ruined the first 20 or so pages of the thread. Bye bye CBOAT.

Anyway, looks like excellent news for MS, and as a PS4 owner I'm happy to see them put some heat on Sony. They went flat out and were rewarded appropriately. Spencer is obviously getting it done.

Also interesting to see AC Unity that low. Delighted to see a buggy release like that 'punished'.

What's more interesting and upsetting to me, though, is that in the year it got Mario Kart and the month it got Smash (and November is typically Nintendo's strongest / second strongest month!) the Wii U only increased 10% year on year from a horrible starting point. That tells me the thing is going to fall off a cliff next year. Yet Smash sold great. Why? I guess almost all the hardcore have one by now, and no one else seems to want one. When Zelda comes out I imagine almost everyone interested in it will already have a Wii U. 2015 could be its last stand.


So can I start banning cboat or what

If the 1.2 mil and 242k figures are correct, then the white pie cannot be representative of the sales. This suggests that CBOAT is wrong.

However, we still don't know what the black pie chart represents, so if I were you... I would wait.
Good job Microsoft.

But I hope the people going "Sony is doomed" "Microsoft reigns king" etc etc aren't serious. As an owner of both, do you really think one good month for Microsoft means the fall of PlayStation? Damn.

This is the worst part of microsoft winning a month.

All the "LONG LIVE THE KING" "Sony is doomed" posts lol

I think it's all amusing but man


"Cumulative PS4 & Xbox One sales are now almost 80 percent higher than the combined total of PS3 and Xbox 360 sales after 13 months..." -NPD

Using 75% as the minimum increase and 80% as the maximum.

PS4 + Xbox One ranges from 1.79 million to 2.09 million.

Xbox 1 confirmed 1,2 mill + this confirms black chart is november total?



This is easily the most entertaining NPD thread of the year. The pies are the best part.
So I'm sort of super surprised that this number wasn't crowed about in some sort of BF PR.

The PS4 number itself is actually pretty good for a second November, it's only just shy of the PS2s, but the XBO's is actually a first historically iirc.

No home console above $300 has sold north of 1M in it's second Nov before.

Well the XB1 really hasn't been above $300 this month. With the pack ins its been hovering around $200


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Word from connected people is that the first two weeks of November was what won it for Xbone. PS4 nearly caught up thanks to BF and GTA bundles. Exciting stuff!
Have these connected people commented on the final numbers? Seems to be a lot of info flying around right now.


So can I start banning cboat or what
Bish, please.

Let's conclude the story first. You can't make make life or death decisions in act two. It has to be act three.

Unless you want to ban everyone on GAF except me, so it truly is the Age of One. Then that's fine.


Ok the blue pie chart is confusing me.

I'm going to wait until someone figures out precisely what they both apply to. Because they can mean drastically different things.

Peace Tea

I've only known this so called "creamsuger" for a total of 5 or so minutes, but I'm already starting to hate him.

The PIES, what do they mean!?


We don't even know shit.

What do the charts represent ?

If blue is November, Cboat is redeemed.

If it's the other way around, Cboat is banned.

Whoever cream is and why you people believe him, at least label the damn thing.
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