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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


And if you notice I never once acknowledged those number as real. I had doubts and maybe I should have called his bluff but I did not see an NPD report and didn't want to start spouting fake nonsense.

I also called out Abdiel when he was saying Playstation was outselling MS shortly after the price drop. If these insiders are gonna give info they need to message hard numbers to the mods like I typically do if I'm going to make a public statement.

Has CBOAT been banned yet?

"called out"? He reported what he sees from his vantage point, which he has always properly qualified and has been vetted.

Enough backseat modding.
Who needs all these so-called insiders when one groovy dude called all this way back in May '13 in a thread titled "Xbox One will be Number One in Sales"... *whistles*

The Xbox One will be number one in sales... for a single month in a single territory?

Hehe. Go ahead and celebrate it is an impressive victory for Microsoft this month! It's funny how quickly the dynamic shifted in this thread.


They're not going to just start winning every month once these deals end, they succeeded in holding off the gap but the gap is inevitable, it shall return, and this time, with a vengeance

Pricing is key.

I'm confident that MS will not jack up the price once the holidays are over.


I'm not going after anyone. He shouldn't be banned. The thing is vett your shit. I believe Abdiel is a quality poster.

That said I thought he was off base all month with what he was saying.
He never said his shit applied across the country. The NPDs don't prove that he is wrong or is getting false information.
GOOD! Gotta give credit where it's due! Microsoft listened to their gamer base and made a lot of positive changes! They lowered the price of the Xbox One, and put forth some amazing exclusives. Sony kept their price and put forth some very lackluster exclusives (DriveClub, Little Big Planet 3, InfamousSS, Killzone SF). This is the first time I ever took back the majority of Sony's exclusives back to gamestop after beating them once.Their exclusives is so pathetic that their best selling bundle was remaster of last year games (GTAV, The Last of Us Remaster). I'm a PS4 owner, but arrogant Sony reared it's ugly head again, so I'm glad this occurred to show them, things can turn around quite quickly.

Explain how "arrogant Sony" reared its head again?
Who needs all these so-called insiders when one groovy dude called all this way back in May '13 in a thread titled "Xbox One will be Number One in Sales"... *whistles*

Wait, you are claiming that you said anything close to accurate here? These predictions certainly don't reflect that.

Kinect 2.0 being a hit? Ryse being a hit? I'm not really sure what you are getting at.

They priced a gen 8 console to sell by having a $70.00 price advantage and bundling it with 2 to 4 games. Of course it's going to do better for the month.

If they want to continue doing this good, they are going to have to retain that sort of discounting...which kind of defeats the purpose of being in the business in the first place: to make money.


More proof that NA is pretty solid for Wii U. Much different than Japan.

Lol, that's "pretty solid" to you? 2.62 million behind the GCN, considered by Nintendo to be their worst selling console? One that sold so poorly it led to them creating a new design philosophy?

I'm really, really sad that Dragon Age didn't chart. It deserved better.

I just hope it did well enough and has long enough legs that EA will consider it a success because I'd like to see the franchise continue.


A 400k win? I really did not expect that. Huge props to MS for pulling that one off. Really surprised they didn't make a bigger deal of it. Will be interesting to see if they turn this into a trend.


I love how you're still keeping up the good fight despite it being already proven for a while now
Dude, as fast as this thread is moving you can assume my responses are a few pages off.
On topic that gif still works either way. Did we ever find the difference from October?
All of this has only coalesced for a single month since nearly a year ago though.

People seem to forget there were holiday months N64 crushed PS1 too, but that didn't mean much for sales at large.

There were even months OG Xbox outsold the PS2...still didn't mean much overall. We'll see how it all holds together six months from now.

The N64 was crushing the PS1 on a weekly basis until all of the third party games started arriving in 1998 onwards. That being said, there is a zero percent chance the Xbox One outsells the PS4 LTD.


Yatōkiri_Kilgharrah;142924021 said:
Y'all are silly if you truly think the Xbox One will be able to make up for a 4 million deficit.

we are talking purely US NPD, everyone knows Xbox One is not coming back from the worldwide deficit :p

It is possible that Xbox One can pass PS4 in US NPD, provided they stay at $349.99 price point. This explosion of sales demonstrates that at least one requirement consumers needed was for the system be priced appropriately relative to its closest competitor. Pricing equal was not right, given the technical disparity and early issues people had with XBO. Now price is right. On top of that, Microsoft implemented somewhat of a booster effect - while simultaneously PS4 put on some air brakes - by having a relatively good Holiday season game lineup, minus Halo:MCC cock up, while PS4 had only two real holiday releases (LBP3 and Driveclub), one of which was available on PS3 too and the other which had an atrocious launch despite being a fantastic racing game.

So, it was multiplatform the rest of the way and indies. Indies are great but none this year were big sales drivers during the holiday season, next year is when the more marketed indies start hitting. PS4 had the best multiplatform versions of games, but people like to feel they can 'only' get a certain experience on the console they choose as well, and I think their needs were under served in terms of the real marketable visible titles.
700k is still pretty big, do you guys really think people are going to keep buying xbones once the price drop stops and they stop giving out hand full of games?
But at what cost?

Userbase matters more in the first few years than pure profit on hardware because the long term moneymaker is profit from software, or for the first party, third party software royalties. Losing that profit margin on hardware up front isn't a big deal, especially for MS who is on the upswing in other parts of its business. If MS hadn't been so stupid before now, they could have had both in the first part of the generation as they likely expected back when there was more arrogance apparent in their actions and planning. I figure MS will lock up NA by spring, but Sony can counter with a price drop of their own to match MS' current and likely permanent price level. Back and forth for a while at that point, but price can always come down again and new deals and new games to push the next battle. Maybe UK can be MS' in the longer term, too, but Europe and elsewhere will very likely be Sony's for the generation. A kinda-sorta repeat of last gen without Ninty there to shame them both upfront.

700k is still pretty big, do you guys really think people are going to keep buying xbones once the price drop stops and they stop giving out hand full of games?

December can be MS', too, and they can cut that down by almost as much given historical sales rates for NA with November and December. MS will likely announce that it will keep the price level by end of month. Sony won't have a serious reason to cut price and their hardware margin until later when their own demand drops below a certain threshold...probably tax return time in the spring. Remember that these new consoles are starting off much less expensive for MS and Sony to manufacture compared to last generation. The price drops will come hard and fast and be in line with previous generations where they happened regularly, IMO.


Junior Member
As an owner of all three gen 8 consoles it's a damn shame wii u is selling so poorly. It has the best lineup of first party titles by a mile IMO. It should be 250 though
For those wondering what DPE is, let's go!


Acronym Definition
DPE Digital Preservation Europe
DPE Department of Public Enterprises (India)
DPE Designated Pilot Examiner (conducts FAA checkrides)
DPE Distributed Processing Environment
DPE Department of Physical Education (formerly Office of Physical Education; US Military Academy)
DPE Dual-Phase Extraction (DNAPL removal system)
DPE Direction des Personnels Enseignants (French: Management of Teaching Staff; various universities)
DPE Delta Pi Epsilon (national honorary graduate society; est. 1936)
DPE Downstream Promoter Element (nucleotide core promoter element)
DPE Department of Postsecondary Education
DPE Data Processing Equipment
DPE Dipivefrin (anti-glaucoma medicine)
DPE DELMIA Process Engineer
DPE Disk Processor Enclosure
DPE Delivery Project Executive
DPE Developer and Platform Evangelist (Microsoft)
DPE Demilitarization Protective Ensemble
DPE Dynamic Performance Engineering (California)
DPE Doctor of Physical Education
DPE Device Provisioning Engine
DPE Double Piston Effect
DPE Default Password Enumeration
DPE Developing, Printing, Enlarging
DPE Defensive Planning and Execution
DPE Digital Parametric Equalizer (electronic signal processing)
DPE Diffractive Phase Element
DPE Dihydroxyphenylethanol
DPE Decoupled Parameter Estimation
DPE Data Processing Engineer
DPE Direct Poverty Expenditure
DPE Detroit Pony Express (band)
DPE Digital Policy Environment
DPE Document Processing Environment
DPE Dye Penetrant Examination
DPE Distortion Product Emission
DPE Designated Plan Examiner
DPE Dangerous Pile or Embankment (ground condition)
DPE Diagnostic/Prescriptive/Evaluative
DPE Dynamic Provisioning Environment
DPE Diagnostic de Performance Énergétique (French: Energy Performance Certificate)
DPE Développement Post Embryonnaire (French: Post Embryonic Development)
DPE Directorate of Primary Education (various locations)
DPE Demonstrator in Physical Education (India)
DPE Dynamisme Presse Édition (French: Dynamic Edition Press)
DPE Diplômé par l'Etat (French degree)
DPE Des Produits Efficaces (French: Efficient Products)
DPE Division de la Police de l'Environnement (French: Police Division of the Environment; Belgium)
DPE Dynamic Project Evaluation
DPE Department of Planning and Economy (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
DPE DuPont Performance Elastomer
DPE Division des Personnels Enseignants (French:Teaching Staff Division)
DPE Direction de la Propreté et de l'Eau (French: Branch and Clean Water)
DPE Disease Prevention Education
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