By God, finally caught up in this thread.
My thoughts, PS4 and XB1 both did fucking impressive numbers.
But boy did I lowball PS4 in my prediction, it's amazing it reached 1.5m.
I really need Mulcair to save me now with COD bundles numbers (to evaluate how effective marketing partnership was) and Uncharted collection bundle numbers (to see potential growth in fanbase for uc4)
The primary metric of the success of a development team is the quality of the product. They've excelled there and in result, there was a statement saying the publisher and platform owner felt the same.
Quality is very important but no developer out there, especially one as big as CD wants a couple hundred thousand playing their game. I'm not sure some hollow PR elevates team spirits so hopefully Spence and co personally thanked them.
That being said, all those involved in the exclusivity/marketing etc are damn idiots.
I'm not even a bit shocked it's in 20-30 on NPD, what else could've happened?
Imagine the global gap in November if this is the gap in the US.
I wonder how much PS4 sold in the rest of the world this month. Another 1.5m or so, maybe more? So well over 3m globally in November I would think. December should then be over 4m
More. Last year PS4 did 3-4million WW.
With the price cut effect we could be looking at up to 5-6 million.