Eh, You can always play the old games. Wishing this particular new reboot illwill despite a) the hard work and care that went into it and b) the gamers who DO want to continue to see it grow (which takes nothing from you), is self-centered. It's one thing to assert it's not for you, it's an entirely another when you're wishing that no one else gets to see more of it
GAF thought police out in full force last night.
TR is a standard 3rd person action adventure shooter with rpg mechanics. Aside from a few
optional tomb puzzles that any dorito snorter in a Dew coma could complete, it is just a checklisted, heavily playtested, poorly written, hugely violent, sexualized corporate product that will be forgotten like tr2013.
And pulling the
"Won't anyone think of the poor passionate devs devoting their lives to their art and their families!" is such stupid emotional blackmail. They are highly paid, highly skilled folk living in the richest country in the world making disposable violent entertainment for teens. They will never be out of work for long, and their current lives' work is unimportant. Folk who actually need sympathy live in places like Syria.
Finally, aside from a few Buddhist monks, everyone gets happy when something they don't like fails: sports teams, political parties, film franchises, etc. It is not some bizarre DSM mental dosorder that should be named and shamed, ffs.
And no, I'm not fan old Tomb Raider hating on the new. IMO, they both suck, lol.