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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


GAF's Bob Woodward
BenjaminBirdie said:
Of course launch adjusted comparisons work when exploring factors that where such comparisons are relevant. But as you said, it's not relevant to the situation right now, and a monthly sales thread is about as "right now" as you can get.

I think people scoff at it because of the nature in which it's usually used in Sales Age. Like "Hey, 360 is so going to crash hard because look at these launch adjusted PS3 sales," when the whole reason 360 isn't going to crash hard is because it launched a year early and, as has been seen this month, is frequently the biggest earner in the industry month-to-month. Looking at launch adjusted sales ignores those sorts of trends.

We don't just look at a given month's sales in isolation though...we do (I hope) look at things in a bigger picture.

I mean in weekly Japanese threads - weekly! - launch adjusted lifetime comparisons are standard. Whereas they seem entirely absent in NPD threads. Maybe that's just a consequence of how much better organised (IMO) the Japanese threads are, but still. They don't tell you about current marketshare indeed, but they can illuminate other things like relative rate of sales and so on.

If they are abused to make a point that they're not appropriate for I can understand the response, but I've seen folks shout them down when people even just use them as they're intended (e.g. to compare avg sales-rate over given consoles' lifetimes).


Yoboman said:
It clearly has appeal. It makes me think it could've done some huge numbers with a larger publisher and a marketing budget behind it

Fucking SCEA

To be honest, I think Atlus did a better job than SCEA would have ever done.
gofreak said:
We don't just look at a given month's sales in isolation though...we do (I hope) look at things in a bigger picture.

I mean in weekly Japanese threads - weekly! - launch adjusted lifetime comparisons are standard. Whereas they seem entirely absent in NPD threads. Maybe that's just a consequence of how much better organised (IMO) the Japanese threads are, but still. They don't tell you about current marketshare indeed, but they can illuminate other things like relative rate of sales and so on.

If they are abused to make a point that they're not appropriate for I can understand the response, but I've seen folks shout them down when people even just use them as they're intended (e.g. to compare avg sales-rate over given consoles' lifetimes).

Obviously each instance is different, but you and I both know why the most recent instance of the phenomenon was "shouted down". It came out of the mouth of a blatant troll who spent just as much time personally attacking me specifically as he did talking about sales. It's because of stuff like that that people usually err on the side of "Why are you bringing this up." I could walk into a Burger King with a chainsaw and as functional and appropriate as it might be in many other instances, the people in Burger King are still going to look funny at someone waving one around.



Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Wii sold more than twice as much as x360.
The prediction I made it will outsell it by a 3X factor in Nov/Dec seems reasonable.


outunderthestars said:
I finally broke down and ordered a ps3 today. I finally hit that tipping point in terms of games that I wanted to play. Picked up Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, Katamari, and Afrika. :)

You are compelled to buy Demon Soul.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
BenjaminBirdie said:
I could walk into a Burger King with a chainsaw and as functional and appropriate as it might be in many other instances, the people in Burger King are still going to look funny at someone waving one around.

I doubt they'd just look funny at you :p
Anyway, it's true. By the way, that guy wasn't probably the actual owner of that account.
Or at least I would be really surprised if he was.
EDIT: Oh, I see he got banned. Didn't notice that.


Segata Sanshiro got banned?

What the hell happened here when I was sleeping?! :eek:

Bloomberg's choice of words is... interesting. I can't wait to see November and December numbers. I think we'll see Wii>>>X360>PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
BenjaminBirdie said:
Obviously each instance is different, but you and I both know why the most recent instance of the phenomenon was "shouted down". It came out of the mouth of a blatant troll who spent just as much time personally attacking me specifically as he did talking about sales. It's because of stuff like that that people usually err on the side of "Why are you bringing this up." I could walk into a Burger King with a chainsaw and as functional and appropriate as it might be in many other instances, the people in Burger King are still going to look funny at someone waving one around.


Well I think it's unfortunate that kind of data or analyses are being tarnished by use in contexts such as you describe. (I didn't know the full story of what was going on, btw, I was skimming the thread and just saw that the ol' launch-adjusted broo-ha-ha had raised its head again).

I think NPD threads could benefit from someone maybe laying out all these comparisons and analysis in a standard way every month so they're not just adopted in certain contexts. In the MC/Fami threads there are some diligent posters who do that work every week and lay it out the same way every week, and I think it helps the threads and the discussion around them a lot.
gofreak said:
Well I think it's unfortunate that kind of data or analyses are being tarnished by use in contexts such as you describe. (I didn't know the full story of what was going on, btw, I was skimming the thread and just saw that the ol' launch-adjusted broo-ha-ha had raised its head again).

I think NPD threads could benefit from someone maybe laying out all these comparisons and analysis in a standard way every month so they're not just adopted in certain contexts. In the MC/Fami threads there are some diligent posters who do that work every week and lay it out the same way every week, and I think it helps the threads and the discussion around them a lot.

Is someone volunteering himself? ;)
gofreak said:
Well I think it's unfortunate that kind of data or analyses are being tarnished by use in contexts such as you describe. (I didn't know the full story of what was going on, btw, I was skimming the thread and just saw that the ol' launch-adjusted broo-ha-ha had raised its head again).

I think NPD threads could benefit from someone maybe laying out all these comparisons and analysis in a standard way every month so they're not just adopted in certain contexts. In the MC/Fami threads there are some diligent posters who do that work every week and lay it out the same way every week, and I think it helps the threads and the discussion around them a lot.

I think there are certainly US sales threads where those kind of discussions happen often and intelligently.

Even still, I still kind of feel that bringing up the alternate reality scenario of Launch Adjusted numbers is kind of irrelevant in a thread that's core is month to month data, userbase, software sales, etc. Launch Adjusted numbers ignore or obfuscate so many metrics that have built the ecosystem as it stands today, month-to-month. In the vacuum of Launch Adjusted numbers, the PS3 is doing just as good and/or better than the 360. Yet in this month's NPD, the 360 is the biggest earner in the market.

I'll admit, I don't really get the higher level maths of that segment of sales age, so it's quite possible I'm missing some key benefits of its inclusion, but it always seemed to me like a made up world where time has no meaning and you can wall off the realities of the current marketplace and just look at the numbers, free from all the factors that actually create them.

I could be way wrong on that, of course.


GAF's Bob Woodward
vicissitudes said:
Is someone volunteering himself? ;)

I dunno if I've been in this game long enough, but if no one else wanted to, I'd give it a bash I guess :p I suppose it might not be quite so much work compared to the Japanese threads even because there's less data available here. On the other hand, to get started with comprehensive comparisons such as those that appear in the mc threads, one would basically need to collect all npd hardware data going back...umm..I guess as far as it goes back, so there would be some upfront work to take care of before you could just update it month to month. There may be someone out there who already tracks this stuff for themselves, but if not I might try to do that...

BenjaminBirdie said:
I think there are certainly US sales threads where those kind of discussions happen often and intelligently.

Even still, I still kind of feel that bringing up the alternate reality scenario of Launch Adjusted numbers is kind of irrelevant in a thread that's core is month to month data, userbase, software sales, etc. Launch Adjusted numbers ignore or obfuscate so many metrics that have built the ecosystem as it stands today, month-to-month. In the vacuum of Launch Adjusted numbers, the PS3 is doing just as good and/or better than the 360. Yet in this month's NPD, the 360 is the biggest earner in the market.

I'll admit, I don't really get the higher level maths of that segment of sales age, so it's quite possible I'm missing some key benefits of its inclusion, but it always seemed to me like a made up world where time has no meaning and you can wall off the realities of the current marketplace and just look at the numbers, free from all the factors that actually create them.

I don't think that's really entirely fair. I mean you can't use those metrics in ways they're not meant to be used. But they can be useful for a more historical perspective or comparison of userbase growth/sales rate. And I'm not even saying they're as important as other metrics. Sometimes they throw up the entirely trivial indeed, but trivia can sometimes be entertaining. I just was pondering their villification, I think they are overly marginalised in some quarters.

(also, small notes: I don't think with launch adjusted numbers the ps3's growth rate or whatever doing aswell or better as 360. I don't have actual data but I don't think that's actually true (?) On earnings this month, by the way, AP reported some actual figures for PS3 and 360 at least on revenue shares - 27% for 360 and 26% for PS3, PS3's number obviously boosted by hardware, both its unit advantage and higher price. Dunno if other revenue splits came up, it would be interesting to see handheld vs home here for example)


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
BenjaminBirdie said:
I think there are certainly US sales threads where those kind of discussions happen often and intelligently. But the Monthly Results thread is more of, say, the Yankees Victory Parade, a place in which discussing the RBI stats of any Phillies that may or may not have been better than Derek Jeter's may or may not receive the appropriate serious attention, if that makes any sense.

Even still, I still kind of feel that bringing up the alternate reality scenario of Launch Adjusted numbers is kind of irrelevant in a thread that's core is month to month data, userbase, software sales, etc. Launch Adjusted numbers ignore or obfuscate so many metrics that have built the ecosystem as it stands today, month-to-month. In the vacuum of Launch Adjusted numbers, the PS3 is doing just as good and/or better than the 360. Yet in this month's NPD, the 360 is the biggest earner in the market.

I'll admit, I don't really get the higher level maths of that segment of sales age, so it's quite possible I'm missing some key benefits of its inclusion, but it always seemed to me like a made up world where time has no meaning and you can wall off the realities of the current marketplace and just look at the numbers, free from all the factors that actually create them.

I could be way wrong on that, of course.
Every graph or analysis is an abstraction of reality data and, to be processed in any meaningful way, requires a certain degree of simplification. Every simplification will get you a bit more distant from reality, but it's a necessary evil to be able to analyze something from a certain point of view. And here's the keyword: point of view. Launch-aligned graphs are useful to track the growth of a product since launch, but they're of course ignoring a lot of details that must be still taken into account, so further analysis might be needed... but this isn't always true.
There's a certain degree of empirical evidence that suggests launch-aligned graphs for single games are usually (not always, mind you!) decently reliable by themselves, even ignoring factors such as userbase size and other games coming out in the same timeframe, especially if you're comparing different releases in the same franchise on the same system. I believe hardware sales, on the other hand, to be more subject to external factors (pricing, software catalogue and competition), so I tend to trust their launch-aligned graphs a bit less honestly.


Everyone saying that the MW2 bundle will play into the Xbox 360 favour needs to consider one thing.


$400 bundle during a recession is not going to be lighting any fires anytime soon (not to mention, MW2 is more of a game that appeals to an existing userbase as oppossed to selling systems. Not to mention, it is also available on the PS3)

Next month the PS3 still has a chance to be on top (Of Xbox 360). Yeah, the ban wave + $100 Gift card thing could work in the Xbox 360 favour. But from my understanding the gift card is only for 1 day, and well I doubt one day will make a significant difference when compared to the whole month.


shinshero said:
Everyone saying that the MW2 bundle will play into the Xbox 360 favour needs to consider one thing.


$400 bundle during a recession is not going to be lighting any fires anytime soon (not to mention, MW2 is more of a game that appeals to an existing userbase as oppossed to selling systems. Not to mention, it is also available on the PS3)

Next month I expect PS3 to still be on top. Yeah, the ban wave + $100 Gift card thing could work in the Xbox 360 favour. But from my understanding the gift card is only for 1 day, and well I doubt one day will make a significant difference when compared to the whole month.
By this post I assume Wii doesn't exist in your universum?

Rolf NB



Hint for the share chart: the thick (ltd) line is pulled towards the thin (monthly) line. Thin line above thick line => share is rising; thin line below thick line => share is falling.
gofreak said:
I mean in weekly Japanese threads - weekly! - launch adjusted lifetime comparisons are standard. Whereas they seem entirely absent in NPD threads. Maybe that's just a consequence of how much better organised (IMO) the Japanese threads are, but still. They don't tell you about current marketshare indeed, but they can illuminate other things like relative rate of sales and so on.

The reason they are done in the media create threads is because the data we get is far more comprehensive and hence posters like JJS tend to focus more on the Japanese side.

If we got just as much data for the US i can guarantee that there would be just as much if not more analysis.

To me launch aligned sales might be interesting just to look at but are overall meaningless.

If you want to look at rate of sales why not just look at the current data? From that we can perfectly illustrate how the consoles are selling without modifying the data and showing an alternate situation which never took place.


GAF's Bob Woodward
AdventureRacing said:
The reason they are done in the media create threads is because the data we get is far more comprehensive and hence posters like JJS tend to focus more on the Japanese side.

If we got just as much data for the US i can guarantee that there would be just as much if not more analysis.

I agree that the relative dearth of data from npd is problematic in the context of some of the depth of analysis that's done in the Japanese threads. But those lifetime comparisons for example are doable, albeit in terms of months rather than weeks.

AdventureRacing said:
If you want to look at rate of sales why not just look at the current data? From that we can perfectly illustrate how the consoles are selling without modifying the data and showing an alternate situation which never took place.

I think it is indeed interesting to look at sales rate in a given month, and avg weekly sales rate and things, but it doesn't give you an idea of the bigger picture to solely focus on one month. You can have terribly skewed months. Like if I took last month and sampled the sales rate just on that, I'd have a very different picture than looking at the overall rates over lifetimes - I think most would agree a much more inaccurate one.

I'm by no means promoting these metrics as a be all and end all as I said above. I just don't think they deserve to be utterly villified either. Even the likes of Nintendo et al use them in reports so the perspective they lend must be generally considered to be of some use or interest.
For GAF-specific expectations conversations...


360 and PS3 performing well below GAF's expectations... PS2 refuses to die even though GAF expects it to decline more... Wii outperforming GAF expectations, and PSP's horrible performance perhaps a bit overstated compared to what GAF expected from it (which, to be fair, wasn't much).


Very pleased @ the Uncharted 2 number. I hope it goes onto sell 3 times that number by the end of the year. Come on PS3 fan-base!


Danthrax said:
WII FIT PLUS (WII) 441,000
BORDERLANDS (360) 418,000
NBA 2K10 (360) 311,000
HALO 3: ODST (360) 271,000
NBA 2K10 (PS3) 213,000
FORZA MOTORSPORT 3 (360) 175,000
FIFA SOCCER 10 (360) 156,000
BRUTAL LEGEND (360) 150,000
TEKKEN 6 (PS3) >100k
TEKKEN 6 (360) <100k
DJ HERO (360) 62,000
DJ HERO (PS3) 39,000
DJ HERO (WII) 19,000
A BOY AND HIS BLOB (WII) <10k (less than GTA)
DJ HERO (PS2) 3,300

other random data:

NBA 2K10 (PS2, PSP, WII, PC) 51k
GUITAR HERO 5 (ALL) 81,000
Sales for Activision were down 40 per cent, with sales of Guitar Hero 5 at 81,000 units and the new DJ Hero game at 122,000 units during the five days of the month it was on sale.


legend166 said:
I wonder if the amount of stories written on the bomba of Chinatown Wars on the PSP will even reach 10% of the amount written when it underperformed on the DS.

I think I already know the answer.
Everything fails on PSP outside Japan. As a video game software platform, it's still a failure overall worldwide.

That said, people were quick to go on about the DS not being able to sell a niche game above about half a million lifetime, or larger than 100,000 launch in US. And estimated it would sell loads on PSP and did poorly because of the makeup of the DS market. The DS sells to everybody, and there's very few types of game that would do well on PSP (if done right) that wouldn't on DS. DS is still way out in front in software in Japan, on an average week, and Japan is where DS has the lowest hand held software market share by far.
Parl said:
Everything fails on PSP outside Japan. As a video game software platform, it's still a failure overall worldwide.

...but it was also a platform with a proven audience for GTA titles (aren't the GTA PSP titles its highest-sellers outside of Japan?) and a lot of people were confident it was the platform, not the game, that was the problem.


pseudocaesar said:
You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

Id say

Modern Warfare 2 360
Modern Warfare 2 PS3
Assassins Creed 2 360
Assassins Creed 2 PS3
L4D 2 360
Wii Sports Resort Wii
Uncharted 2 PS3
GOW Collection PS3
Halo 3 ODST 360

Uncharted 2 will not be in the top 10. And I can guarantee you that Wii Fit Plus will sell more than Uncharted 2 in November.


Cosmonaut X said:
...but it was also a platform with a proven audience for GTA titles (aren't the GTA PSP titles its highest-sellers outside of Japan?) and a lot of people were confident it was the platform, not the game, that was the problem.

At the end of the day it's still a port of a months old, not highly sucessful GTA game for $40 that had an iPhone/iPod Touch version announced before release for surely a lower price. I can't say it would have sold like Liberty City, or Vice City Stories did on PSP, but if it launched at a budget price, it would have definately done better.

fwiw, it's currently the top selling PSP game on PSN this week.
Frillen said:
Uncharted 2 will not be in the top 10. And I can guarantee you that Wii Fit Plus will sell more than Uncharted 2 in November.
I'm actually expecting Wii Fit Plus to be #3 in November - being MW2 on 360 and PS3. When will people learn that these games have mega-legs?

Neo C.

Monty Mole said:
Holy shit @ Wii, basically.
Once it seemed the wii had the chance to get over 50% market share. It hasn't happened yet, because Nintendo doesn't push the Wii>360+PS3. Sony was way more aggressive during the PS1 and PS2 era.
Wow, GTA CW PSP really tanked :/

Shame such a great game has underperformed like this. Oh well, that's probably it for top down GTA. Clearly the audience isn't interested even if it plays more like the 3D iterations.


Frillen said:
Uncharted 2 will not be in the top 10. And I can guarantee you that Wii Fit Plus will sell more than Uncharted 2 in November.

And I am pretty sure MW2 PC sold enough copies at retail to be in the top 10.

Yes Boss!

Magicpaint said:
Wow, GTA CW PSP really tanked :/

Shame such a great game has underperformed like this. Oh well, that's probably it for top down GTA. Clearly the audience isn't interested even if it plays more like the 3D iterations.


Even I would have double-dipped at $30.


So what are the cumulative sales for the year for PS3 and 360? Who is likely to have sold the most in US by year end? Apologies if this is answered already, sneaking onto gaf when the boss isn't watching. :D


Cosmonaut X said:
...but it was also a platform with a proven audience for GTA titles (aren't the GTA PSP titles its highest-sellers outside of Japan?) and a lot of people were confident it was the platform, not the game, that was the problem.

in my eyes piracy killed it and still killing it. If you just look at the DL numbers of china town wars. At least 550k downloaded that game.


Yoboman said:
Games are probably going to need to sell 350 - 400k to slip in at the bottom of that list

I have my doubts about the GoW Collection doing that

Wii Music came in the top 10 last year with 297k in November. Given how down YOY sales are in general, I'm going to say games that can sell between 275-325 will probably be the lower boundary of the charts. Especially given that lots of people are going to be buying MW2 anyway, so there's less space for competing games to clutter up that sales point.


The way I look at it, only seven games we know are going to make it in. The six big new releases (Assassin's Creed x2, MW2 x2, NSMB Wii, L4D2), the one (new) mainstay (Wii Fit Plus), and that's it. I don't see MK Wii or Wii PLay charting. I think their time in the top 10 is done, as neither have charted this month.

So that leaves the holdovers from the previous month, and the smaller new release of GoW Collection.

Borderlands won't chart because it's a 'flavor of the month' game, and the whole 'social' thing that got everyone to buy it will have moved on to MW2, Forza won't either as no game in recent history (aside from inFAMOUS) has sold more in it's second month than it's first, and inFAMOUS only did it because it went from a 4 week month to a 5 week month, and nothing else for PS3 was out this summer.

NBA 2K will not be there, Fifa won't, KH won't, and the only other maybe is Wii Sports resort.

So the top 10 looks like this (in order)

Modern Warfare 2 (360)
Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
Assassin's Creed 2 (360)
Assassin's Creed 2 (PS3)
Left 4 Dead 2
Wii Fit Plus
Wii Sports Resort
Uncharted 2
God of War Collection
obaidr said:
in my eyes piracy killed it and still killing it. If you just look at the DL numbers of china town wars. At least 550k downloaded that game.

...and? What about DS piracy? Or does that not count?

There were plenty of pirate copies of games like Muramasa and DS:E floating around, but that didn't serve as an excuse for their absysmal/low sales...


Cosmonaut X said:
...and? What about DS piracy? Or does that not count?

There were plenty of pirate copies of games like Muramasa and DS:E floating around, but that didn't serve as an excuse for their absysmal/low sales...

DS has a higher attachrate with a completely different target group. A huge part of the hardware was sold to hockey (grand)moms and their kids. A group with very low interest and abilities in pirating games. PSP on the other hand sold almost only to boys between 12 and 25. If you look at sales number of games for ONLY that target group on DS you will see they suffer from the same effect. China town wars is only one example. How many copies did modern warfare sold on DS or Fifa and Basketball? Those games sell even better on PSP.


Magicpaint said:
Wow, GTA CW PSP really tanked :/

Shame such a great game has underperformed like this. Oh well, that's probably it for top down GTA. Clearly the audience isn't interested even if it plays more like the 3D iterations.

It deserves so. A DS port a year later at full price?:lol :lol
I would have bought it if it costed 19$ but 39$? Just LOL.

Btw things went as I expected for all platforms except for PS3 and 360 which are both lower than I expected. I thought that PS3 could keep its 100k weekly for October thanks to Uncharted 2 but it did 80k weekly. For 360 I already expected it to be much lower than last year but I thought it could keep the weekly average of September and it didn't, so afterall the Elite price cut+ ODST had a small effect on sales which vanished in October.
Wii is clearly the hardware winner this month but even the price cut couldn't restore the previous ''level of domination'' (something that Iwata has already acknowledged with the revised forecast).
On the software side I'm pleased with the U2 results, it still did less than it deserved (a million) but it's still a 4.5 jump in sales in a non holyday month compared to the original so the franchise is growing steadily.
Demon's Souls also did really well for what it is thanks to the positive critical reception while Tekken 6 is pretty much a bomb in my opinion, making it also for the 360 hasn't offset its progressive decline. It's definetly time to take it away from the big sellers list.
An other interesting point is that it seems that PSP Go sales have eaten some of the 3000 sales leaving the total unchanged. That is kinda different from Japan where the Go is simply contributing to boost overall sales without affecting the 3000. The PSP american situation is really depressing btw, no other way around.

Next month will be really interesting, I expect Wii to come on top of course. PS3 and 360 will make a good fight. They both have two big multiplatform releases with MW2 and AC2, the former being closer to the 360's userbase, the latter to the PS3's userbase. PS3 had also the 250GB unit launch at 349$ while the 360 had a few nice promotions to boost sales. I think they'll be close, we probably have to wait until the usual thanksgiving week sales report/bragging to understand who did better.
obaidr said:
DS has a higher attachrate with a completely different target group. A huge part of the hardware was sold to hockey (grand)moms and their kids. A group with very low interest and abilities in pirating games. PSP on the other hand sold almost only to boys between 12 and 25. If you look at sales number of games for ONLY that target group on DS you will see they suffer from the same effect. China town wars is only one example. How many copies did modern warfare sold on DS or Fifa and Basketball? Those games sell even better on PSP.

Uh... same effect? The DS version sold 89K. The PSP version is unlikely to ever break 20K.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
obaidr said:
in my eyes piracy killed it and still killing it. If you just look at the DL numbers of china town wars. At least 550k downloaded that game.
Huh? Where are you pulling that number from?


pseudocaesar said:
You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

By my (admittedly amateur) estimate, I see the top 5 games all selling over a million copies in November, with the 360 version of Modern Warfare 2 almost doubling up the PS3 version. It's possible the PS3 version could be third, directly behind New Super Mario Bros.
obaidr said:
How many copies did modern warfare sold on DS or Fifa and Basketball? Those games sell even better on PSP.
Over 500k iirc. This is why two other CoD have followed through on the DS :p

Elios83 said:
It deserves so. A DS port a year later at full price?
I would have bought it if it costed 19$ but 39$? Just LOL.
CW DS came out in March this year :p
But I agree that they were nuts with the price. $20 would have been perfect.


Valru said:
master race supports and pushes tech development so you puny consolites can play with your drakes and master chefs 5+ years past shelf life of said tech. :lol

Holy shit, it's like the HD console fanboy on steroids.
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