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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
legend166 said:
Well, let's look at the differences:

Guitar Hero

- Unknown franchise
- Small budget
- No marketing
- Unproven genre
- Published by small, independent publisher

DJ Hero
- Spin off of hugely successful franchise
- Big budget game
- Big marketing push involving massive music stars (Jay-Z, Eminem)
- Everyone knows and understands 'plastic instrument' games
- Published by largest third party publisher in the world

It's a bomba.

Eh, I would still hold off on saying the music genre's dead until DJH2, GH6, and RB3 come out. Saying so based on one game is a bit premature IMO, I guess that's what annoyed me.


Batteries the CRISIS!
omg rite said:
And the game is fucking great and fun. Your point?

And no, there was no chance of it selling better if it had someone named Prydz rather than Rihanna. They didn't make the game for pretentious trance fans. You do realize there is more to DJing than house and trance, right?

lies =P

Honestly, even if it WAS all trance, I wouldn't buy it for $120. But after a price drop, it if had all electronica (my favorite music genre) I would have bought it. When I heard it wasn't filled with Tiesto, Oakenfold, Darude, etc. I was really disappointed.
Shurs said:
So, what do we think the top 10 will include next month?

Modern Warfare 2 (360)
New Super Mario Bros. (Wii)
Assassin's Creed 2 (360)
Left 4 Dead 2 (360)
Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
Assassin's Creed 2 (PS3)
Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
Wii Fit Plus (Wii)
Mario Kart (DS)
Halo 3 ODST (360)

You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

Id say

Modern Warfare 2 360
Modern Warfare 2 PS3
Assassins Creed 2 360
Assassins Creed 2 PS3
L4D 2 360
Wii Sports Resort Wii
Uncharted 2 PS3
GOW Collection PS3
Halo 3 ODST 360


Same boring shit. 360 runs the software while Wii runs the hardware. Same boring shit.

November NPD is when things actually (somewhat) get interesting.

pseudocaesar said:
You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

Yeah, 360 will most likely double the PS3 amount. Honest answer.
A boy and his blob bombing is hardly a surprise and it's hard to feel disappointed that this happened given the circumstances. Very little marketing, few copies lining store shelves (at least in brick n' mortars in my area), it's competing with the triple A games of the holiday season that do have multi-million dollar campaigns, and copies lining store shelves. Who was this game for? How many people remember a Boy and His Blob? How many people wanted a sequel or some sort of new iteration? Less than 10,000 people apparently. I'm one of those people but I only grabbed the game out of fear of a limited print run.

I don't think the game ever really had the chance to light up the charts but it possibly could have been more of a modest success if it had been delayed until next year
Yoboman said:
November NPDs will be real interesting. PS3 has never really risen to the occasion during the Holidays. Last year in November Wii sold 2 million, 360 sold 800k and PS3 a rather embarassing 370k

Let's see how much A PRICE DROP will help PS3 when it counts. Or will the industry be down on last year overall? Consoles don't see to be flying off shelves like last year


I wouldn't say it's 'just as likely'. There are peripherals, legitimate software purchases, game progress saves, and Live accounts and community to continue modified console owners' stay with X360. Most people saying that they'd jump platforms over this issue are, IMO, clearly being dumbasses. As well, November looks to be more or less X360's month for software versus PS3 due to MW2 seemingly being heavily favored toward MS' platform based on past MW sales ratios, MW2 preorders and current sales, and L4D2's impending release. As well, the cost of re-entry is only $199 (with the option of reusing the HDD) as opposed to $299 and who knows how much more for connection cables and such for PS3 for that owner. So, yeah, I wouldn't say 'just as likely'.

So basically, everything is pinned on a multiplatform title. Ok...

Oh, and the argument about connection cable is :lol
I highly doubt a $0.1 HDMI cable is going to make anyone think "Oh shit, I'd love a PS3, but that penny...! Fuck it."

I could also argue that the majority of people who want to play MW2 already have a 360/PS3.
I don't think the software part saves the 360's sales this holiday season.


Andrex said:
Mature games don't sell on PSP confirmed.
But really, what's the explanation behind this one?

Release a port of an unpopular game from the DS on a platform that has trouble moving software, make it so that the port isn't worthwhile enough to get many double dippers, forget marketing, at a $40 launch MSRP, and you have yourself a 10,000 unit opening month.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't think GoW collection has any chance at all, and neither really does Uncharted 2, though that's much closer to ten in November territory.


Kagari said:
Nah, he's part of the PC master race.
master race supports and pushes tech development so you puny consolites can play with your drakes and master chefs 5+ years past shelf life of said tech. :lol


pseudocaesar said:
You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

Id say

Modern Warfare 2 360
Modern Warfare 2 PS3
Assassins Creed 2 360
Assassins Creed 2 PS3
L4D 2 360
Wii Sports Resort Wii
Uncharted 2 PS3
GOW Collection PS3
Halo 3 ODST 360

Much more likely top 10.

And an even more likely one is without GoW Collection and with Wii Fit Plus.
legend166 said:
Well, let's look at the differences:
<GH v. DJ Hero>
It's a bomba.
I think that sums it up pretty well. Now . . . how will Tony Hawk Ride do?

Eh, I would still hold off on saying the music genre's dead until DJH2, GH6, and RB3 come out. Saying so based on one game is a bit premature IMO, I guess that's what annoyed me.
I don't think he meant to imply that the entire music genre is dead . . . just that DJ Hero bombed.

Yoboman said:
We'll probably be eating crow when DJ Hero sells even better next month though
It may sell better due to more days on store shelves and closer to Xmas. But it hasn't been seen in the Amazon top 100 since a day or so after release.


Rlan said:
For reference:

Forza 2 NPDs. Game released May 29th 2007

May 2007 (3 Days sale?) - 217,000

June 2007 - 197,400

Good point but less competitive time of year for Forza 2 considering there were no notable releases in that month. They tracked 5 weeks in that chart too I believe. We'll see if the same holds true

Danthrax said:
lies =P

Honestly, even if it WAS all trance, I wouldn't buy it for $120. But after a price drop, it if had all electronica (my favorite music genre) I would have bought it. When I heard it wasn't filled with Tiesto, Oakenfold, Darude, etc. I was really disappointed.

I can guarantee it would've been a hit in Europe at least if it was bloated with popular trance and electronica :lol

I'm hoping DJ Hero still does well so they release the Electronica edition
Yoboman said:
I'm hoping DJ Hero still does well so they release the Electronica edition
At the very least, I would assume they would release some DLC. That is a cheap & easy way to make some additional revenue from the people that did buy the game.


pseudocaesar said:
You think MW2 will chart so low on the PS3?

Id say

Modern Warfare 2 360
Modern Warfare 2 PS3
Assassins Creed 2 360
Assassins Creed 2 PS3
L4D 2 360
Wii Sports Resort Wii
Uncharted 2 PS3
GOW Collection PS3
Halo 3 ODST 360
Games are probably going to need to sell 350 - 400k to slip in at the bottom of that list

I have my doubts about the GoW Collection doing that
gkrykewy said:
What you need to know is that Demon's Souls is a PlayStation 3 exclusive, it's the only game of its type on the console, and is consequently the best game of its genre this generation. See also: Valkyria Chronicles.

If you're gonna pick 2 games to attack, maybe you should pick bad games.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Yoboman said:
Banned console requires the repurchase of Live on top of the whole console, and who's to say these pirates are all getting back in to jump on a whole new pirated console? Judging by how "banned 360 with games" ads flew up all over Craigslist I wouldn't be surprised if many are just cutting their losses or moving to a new system or coming back to be legit.

Sales ratios have been shrinking universally, they shrunk with World at War and probably going to shrink even more with a ban wave, Sony riding their hype wave and the fact that MW2 is just as big of a title for PS3 as it is for 360.

I'll give you Left 4 Dead 2 though
That's all well and good that you think the way that you do, but I'm merely disputing your choice of the words, 'just as likely.' It's just not true, IMO. With an already sunk investment of money and time into the platform with peripherals they can easily reuse/continue to use, why would the average banned user incur a greater cost to get up 'n running fresh on the other platform...leaving behind in-game progress, established friends lists and community? Why would they do that? And, like Rhindle points out...the PS3 hasn't been hacked while X360 offers the chance for those incorrigible pirates to have a shot at continuing the dream of free HD console shit.

Boombloxer said:
So basically, everything is pinned on a multiplatform title. Ok...
What the hell are you talking about? Everything? I'm merely pointing out that November features a bigger month of high profile software that stacks in favor of X360 over PS3 as a contributing reason to sway a busted and banned X360 pirate from switching platforms. Certainly, if all they put into the platform was the cost of a system without buying anything else aside from a Gold membership, I could see them cutting out and starting fresh on PS3 if they felt so inclined.

Oh, and the argument about connection cable is
I highly doubt a $0.1 HDMI cable is going to make anyone think "Oh shit, I'd love a PS3, but that penny...! Fuck it."
True enough that a lot of if not most pirates know better than to buy HDMI cables at the exorbitant prices seen in brick 'n mortar, but a lot of folks with modded systems, I'm betting, are know-nothings who had a friend, family member, or acquaintance do it for them.

I could also argue that the majority of people who want to play MW2 already have a 360/PS3.
Argue it then. I'm not interested, really. I think that, like most hyped and super-anticipated sequels with a massive marketing spend, MW2 will generate console sales. How much is arguable, but I think it's pretty much impossible to think that the hype wave won't see some folks getting a brand new system along with it for the holiday season. I meant it in my post as a strong contributing factor, not a sole reason...but I don't think you're interested in what I actually thought.

I don't think the software part saves the 360's sales this holiday season.
I never said anything about this shit. My post was about Yoboman's talk of 'just as likely'...as I pointed out twice in that post. Your assumption that I was talking about the whole situation of who is going to kick butt at retail this Xmas season is apparently where we split up on the road in thinking. There's nothing to save here. X360 is doing pretty decently (especially on software), PS3 is doing a lot better (in the last two months after the price drop and rebranding) than it was in the past year previous, and Wii is still going strong. All, however, are suffering lower than desired numbers because gaming spending, on the whole, has suffered in this climate. Whose holiday season is there to save?
Yoboman said:
It probably would've sold better if it had more than one Tiesto song, one Prydz song... Filled with actual DJs and house, trance music... You know appeal to the fanbase it could sell to. Instead it's full of Gwen Stefani and Rihanna

The mixes sound crap too like the Queen vs. Daft Punk travesty

...Sorry, rant over
what's funny is some of my friends said DJ Hero had "too much trance and not enough hiphop"
nincompoop said:
It doesn't make sense to use expectations as the sole factor for determining whether or not they bomba'd when you have no idea what their expectations were, though.

Which is the point I touched upon in my post...

Still knowing Nintendo's usual expectations I (IMO) doubt that Warioland's sales were enough.

Regulus Tera said:
With the amount of hand-drawn animation it had, I doubt this.

Hand-drawn animation (especially tradigital) isn't expensive at all. It's the same reason why independent animation is so common. The only form of 2D that's expensive is non-low resolution pixel art and that's more so a time issue than anything.

jaundicejuice said:
A boy and his blob bombing is hardly a surprise and it's hard to feel disappointed that this happened given the circumstances. Very little marketing, few copies lining store shelves (at least in brick n' mortars in my area), it's competing with the triple A games of the holiday season that do have multi-million dollar campaigns, and copies lining store shelves. Who was this game for? How many people remember a Boy and His Blob? How many people wanted a sequel or some sort of new iteration? Less than 10,000 people apparently.



The Faceless Master said:
what's funny is some of my friends said DJ Hero had "too much trance and not enough hiphop"
They mash them together with no concern for the styles of one or the other so I can see why someone who liked Hip Hop would feel that way as well

Chris R

No clue why people are suprised at borderland numbers 360/PS3. Good shooters on the 360 almost always do well and PS3 people were playing UC2 (and now MW2).


jaundicejuice said:
A boy and his blob bombing is hardly a surprise and it's hard to feel disappointed that this happened given the circumstances. Very little marketing, few copies lining store shelves (at least in brick n' mortars in my area), it's competing with the triple A games of the holiday season that do have multi-million dollar campaigns, and copies lining store shelves. Who was this game for? How many people remember a Boy and His Blob? How many people wanted a sequel or some sort of new iteration? Less than 10,000 people apparently. I'm one of those people but I only grabbed the game out of fear of a limited print run.

I don't think the game ever really had the chance to light up the charts but it possibly could have been more of a modest success if it had been delayed until next year

I think that with the right marketing, the game could have sold really well to kids. Maybe some creative commercials on Nickelodeon and some other promotions could have put it over the top.


Batteries the CRISIS!
creamsugar said:
Tekken 6 PS3 > R&C > Tekken 6 360

so about 100,000

The Faceless Master said:
what's funny is some of my friends said DJ Hero had "too much trance and not enough hiphop"

see, this is why they should have sold two SKUs — the trance version and the hip-hop version. :lol

[edit] okay so here's the updated rundown of my best shot at the software numbers for October:

WII FIT PLUS (WII) 441,000
BORDERLANDS (360) 418,000
NBA 2K10 (360) 311,000
HALO 3: ODST (360) 271,000
NBA 2K10 (PS3) 213,000
FORZA MOTORSPORT 3 (360) 175,000
FIFA SOCCER 10 (360) 156,000
BRUTAL LEGEND (360) 150,000
TEKKEN 6 (PS3) >100k
TEKKEN 6 (360) <100k
DJ HERO (360) 62,000
DJ HERO (PS3) 39,000
DJ HERO (WII) 19,000
A BOY AND HIS BLOB (WII) <10k (less than GTA)
DJ HERO (PS2) 3,300

other random data:

NBA 2K10 (PS2, PSP, WII, PC) 51k
MightyHedgehog said:
That's all well and good that you think the way that you do, but I'm merely disputing your choice of the words, 'just as likely.' It's just not true, IMO. With an already sunk investment of money and time into the platform with peripherals they can easily reuse/continue to use, why would the average banned user incur a greater cost to get up 'n running fresh on the other platform...leaving behind in-game progress, established friends lists and community? Why would they do that? And, like Rhindle points out...the PS3 hasn't been hacked while X360 offers the chance for those incorrigible pirates to have a shot at continuing the dream of free HD console shit.

Or, they could fed up enough where they're willing to just leave. I'm not sure how many pirates are willing to rebuy the console they just got banned from, but I am fairly sure that there aren't that many where it will push the 360 over the PS3, much less the Wii.

What the hell are you talking about? Everything? I'm merely pointing out that November features a bigger month of high profile software that stacks in favor of X360 over PS3 as a contributing reason to sway a busted and banned X360 pirate from switching platforms. Certainly, if all they put into the platform was the cost of a system without buying anything else aside from a Gold membership, I could see them cutting out and starting fresh on PS3 if they felt so inclined.

Ok, so we're clear, I'm not saying that the PS3 line-up is almighty. I am however saying that the 360 somehow has a leg up over the PS3 when it comes to November software is pretty dumb. Both of the big titles are multiplatform. What is going to push someone over the edge to the 360? Forza? I'll bet on Uncharted 2 before that, just becauswe it's received more mainstream exposure (NYTimes write-up for example).

True enough that a lot of if not most pirates know better than to buy HDMI cables at the exorbitant prices seen in brick 'n mortar, but a lot of folks with modded systems, I'm betting, are know-nothings who had a friend, family member, or acquaintance do it for them.

Pirates? Try people. Amazon has HDMI cable for about 19 cents. Saying that modded system people are dumb to look for an HDMI cable on Amazon is a stretch at the least.

Argue it then. I'm not interested, really. I think that, like most hyped and super-anticipated sequels with a massive marketing spend, MW2 will generate console sales. How much is arguable, but I think it's pretty much impossible to think that the hype wave won't see some folks getting a brand new system along with it for the holiday season. I meant it in my post as a strong contributing factor, not a sole reason...but I don't think you're interested in what I actually thought.

Not exactly. MW2 sold around 14 million, WaW sold 11ish. I'm saying that for the most part, consoles aren't going to move because of this release on the scale you're expecting, because most of those players already own one of the two HD twins.

I never said anything about this shit. My post was about Yoboman's talk of 'just as likely'...as I pointed out twice in that post. Your assumption that I was talking about the whole situation of who is going to kick butt at retail this Xmas season is apparently where we split up on the road in thinking. There's nothing to save here. X360 is doing pretty decently (especially on software), PS3 is doing a lot better (in the last two months after the price drop and rebranding) than it was in the past year previous, and Wii is still going strong. All, however, are suffering lower than desired numbers because gaming spending, on the whole, has suffered in this climate. Whose holiday season is there to save?

Allow me to clarify. I'm expecting YoY declines, even with the price drop. The PS3 might have an increase only because its sales the previous cycles were so low. And I'm saying that its unreasonable to expect anything to stop the 360 from finishing 3rd this time around.


I wouldn't be surprised if Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics charted next month. It seems like one of those games that will be picked up as a Christmas gift.


onken said:
Over 100k for Demon's Souls is awesome, all things considered. I guess there's hope for 3D Dot Heroes yet.
It clearly has appeal. It makes me think it could've done some huge numbers with a larger publisher and a marketing budget behind it

Fucking SCEA


I think we can safely conclude that top down 2D GTA's are not popular. The DS game did pretty good actually if you look at the PSP launch. I wonder if it's still selling above 20k a month.
Danthrax said:
Here's a compilation of all the software numbers we know (correct me if I've missed anything):

UNCHARTED 2: AMONG THIEVES (PS3; Oct-09) 537,000
WII FIT PLUS (WII) 441,000
BORDERLANDS (360) 418,000
NBA 2K10 (360) 311,000
HALO 3: ODST (360) 271,000
NBA 2K10 (PS3) 213,000
FORZA MOTORSPORT 3 (360) 175,000
FIFA SOCCER 10 (360) 156,000
BRUTAL LEGEND (360) 150,000
DJ HERO (360) 62,000
DJ HERO (PS3) 39,000
DJ HERO (WII) 19,000
A BOY AND HIS BLOB (WII) <10k (less than GTA)
DJ HERO (PS2) 3,300

other random data:

TEKKEN 6 (PS3, X360) >175k, <575k (PS3 version sold more)
NBA 2K10 (PS2, PSP, WII, PC) 51k

Tekken (PS3+360) I think is between 175K and 213K, if I understood creamsugar post correctly.
PSP GO 74.6K (Black:White 2:1) ?


Animator said:
Fuck yes @ demons souls!

I hope this ensures a sequel.
That's up to Sony. But it has exceeded expectations in both Japan and the US, so we can hope

Hopefully they recognise the demand
The hardware numbers this month are pretty disappointing, i was expecting them all to be higher except the wii.

Software sales seem ok but nothing mind blowing.

Next month is going to be huge though. I think MW2 is going to sell 5 million plus next month and i expect between 1 and 2 million for NSMBwii. I also wouldn't be surprised to see AC2 selling close to 2 million between the 2 versions.

Chuck in L4D2, wii sports resort and wii fit plus and there is going to be a shitload of software sold in the top 10.
Yoboman said:
It clearly has appeal. It makes me think it could've done some huge numbers with a larger publisher and a marketing budget behind it

Fucking SCEA

Actually, I think Atlus knows how to target the audience it was aimed at as well as anyone. It's clearly done better than anyone expected it to.


Trucker Sexologist
Yoboman said:
We'll probably be eating crow when DJ Hero sells even better next month though
A $120 game isn't exactly going to fly off the shelves, especially after everyone just dropped $60 on MW2.
Yoboman said:
It clearly has appeal. It makes me think it could've done some huge numbers with a larger publisher and a marketing budget behind it

Fucking SCEA

They probably spent their entire marketing budget on the Slim and Uncharted 2. They have no money so they have to pick their battles. Demon's Souls is a dark, niche game and it's difficulty doesn't appeal to a big audience.

It would have been nice if they put something behind though.
creamsugar said:

Well I guess that proves that the whole mantra that GTACTW bombed because it was on DS and M rated games can't sell on Nintendo's handhelds has been proven to be the horseshit that I said it was way back in March. I like being right :D

Also its interesting to see that roughly half of Wii Fit Plus' sales were to newcomers of the series. Definatly didn't expect that one! (Maybe WFPlus will have a bigger longterm effect on hardware than I thought it would?)


The Faceless Master said:
what's funny is some of my friends said DJ Hero had "too much trance and not enough hiphop"

And some people consider Rock Band to have too much metal, while others claim it has too little!
truth is, you can never have too much metal, so the first group is wrong

Srsly, ppl will always bitch and moan about the soundtrack on any given music-basedgame. I think the soundtrack is fine as it is. It has it's highs and lows (the lows being mostly the godawful, forced down your throat Guitar-duets), but overall it's fun. I think that's what matters. But I could be wrong.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Just a general question about sales-age methodology...

I see a lot of people poo-poo 'launch adjusted' comparisons between consoles, like anyone who does it has broken some cardinal rule.

While I agree it doesn't offer perspective on the situation as it stands right now, does it not offer a different perspective with more of a historical viewpoint?

People launch-adjust in their comparison with previous generation systems all the time, and with software too (e.g. people will compare first month sales of two games, rather than comparing the sales of second to the ltd sales of the first). I even have seen more apparently respectable publications like Edge publishing launch adjusted comparisons between the consoles recently, and I think even Nintendo has done so in there fiscal reports. (And actually, come to think of it, it's a staple method in our own Media Create threads with those 'after x weeks y system has sold what z system sold in x1 weeks' etc.)

Like, if I wanna look at marketshare right now I'm not going to launch adjust figures. But if I want to compare 'how each system has done' in its lifetime to date, in any other context I wouldn't dream of not launch adjusting figures (e.g. if I want to compare Wii to PS2 I'm not going to compare Wii to PS2's current LTD sales).

Does it not offer a legitimate if not different perspective that helps with analysis of some other factors? (e.g. rate of sales etc.)


Hmm...is there a general sense that the X360 has lost it's mojo? Will the PS3 take the lead over it in sales going forward or will it bounce back?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
IoCaster said:
Hmm...is there a general sense that the X360 has lost it's mojo? Will the PS3 take the lead over it in sales going forward or will it bounce back?
It's been 2 months..

It's not even the first time the PS3 has led for 2 months.
gofreak said:
Just a general question about sales-age methodology...

I see a lot of people poo-poo 'launch adjusted' comparisons between consoles, like anyone who does it has broken some cardinal rule.

While I agree it doesn't offer perspective on the situation as it stands right now, does it not offer a different perspective with more of a historical viewpoint?

People launch-adjust in their comparison with previous generation systems all the time, and with software too (e.g. people will compare first month sales of two games, rather than comparing the sales of second to the ltd sales of the first). I even have seen more apparently respectable publications like Edge publishing launch adjusted comparisons between the consoles recently, and I think even Nintendo has done so in there fiscal reports. (And actually, come to think of it, it's a staple method in our own Media Create threads with those 'after x weeks y system has sold what z system sold in x1 weeks' etc.)

Like, if I wanna look at marketshare right now I'm not going to launch adjust figures. But if I want to compare 'how each system has done' in its lifetime to date, in any other context I wouldn't dream of not launch adjusting figures (e.g. if I want to compare Wii to PS2 I'm not going to compare Wii to PS2's current LTD sales).

Does it not offer a legitimate if not different perspective that helps with analysis of some other factors? (e.g. rate of sales etc.)

Of course launch adjusted comparisons work when exploring factors that where such comparisons are relevant. But as you said, it's not relevant to the situation right now, and a monthly sales thread is about as "right now" as you can get.

I think people scoff at it because of the nature in which it's usually used in Sales Age. Like "Hey, 360 is so going to crash hard because look at these launch adjusted PS3 sales," when the whole reason 360 isn't going to crash hard is because it launched a year early and, as has been seen this month, is frequently the biggest earner in the industry month-to-month. Looking at launch adjusted sales ignores those sorts of trends.


relies on auto-aim
Rlan said:
For reference:

Forza 2 NPDs. Game released May 29th 2007

May 2007 (3 Days sale?) - 217,000

June 2007 - 197,400
Good to know.

Even with MW2 thrown in I think Forza fans are pretty dedicated.
IoCaster said:
Hmm...is there a general sense that the X360 has lost it's mojo? Will the PS3 take the lead over it in sales going forward or will it bounce back?
We've been here before, at the beginning of 2008.
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