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NPD Sales Results for October 2009


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Haunted said:
oh snap

Activision ruining a whole genre for everyone, good job you tits.
No music games charted because obviously there's too few of them. Activision should pump out a few more.


Bish loves my games!
Go U2! Go Wii! Go PS3! Go Borderlands!

Is anyone else a little surprised at Wii Fit Plus? I thought it would do 500k+ given the WiiFit installed base.


So Wii moved half a million units in October. Nicely done.

Back in Oct. 2008 it sold 803k units.

In Oct. 2007 it sold 519k.


AceBandage said:
While I agree that UC2 is spectacular, please... Leave the console war bull shit out of it.

I admire your attempts to quell the storm, but asking a question like that here is like asking a starving man not to eat a steak placed right in front of him.

Great U2 numbers, and if anything else was made clear this last month its that PSP is doomed to mediocre sales.




DMeisterJ said:

Is that how much a definitive game sells in a month? If so, Gran Turismo is going to do shit, seeing as that it isn't the definitive racer.


A month is 5 days now.


Coin Return said:
I was expecting at least 100k more from Uncharted from the sound of the hype train that rolled through here. Anything over 500k is impressive, yet it's slightly underwhelming considering it's PS3's biggest exclusive.

The PS3 hasn't had big exclusives to this point in time. The fact that the #1 game is a PS3 exclusive is impressive.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Y2Kev said:
I would like GAF to do a study to see what percentage of first month sales are actually first DAY. If we could somehow calculate these figures, we could get over the "but x number of days" thing.

That seems hard to do for the U.S since we rarely get any type of first day figures. Much easier to do in Japan.


Y2Kev said:
I bought Borderlands on PS3. I think it's a pretty good port. The textures are very sharp and the framerate is only bad when you are driving very fast!
You bought "Snorederlands?"

And why am I not shocked you got it on PS3....

I wonder how many people traded in Gran Turismo PSP the week they bought it? I want that number tracked.
Jocchan said:
Really good numbers for Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend and the Wii hardware, by the way.
Did the PSPGo actually come out?

Was it really good numbers for BL, though?
I mean 200K across three platforms, for the size and effort that went into it?
Yes, it's Scahfer's best selling game, but this was suppose to be his break out game, too.
Uncharted 2 at # 1. Nice!!!. Borderlands saved Gearbox.

Grecco said:
I said this last month :( Gran Turismo 5 will expect the same results.

For Sony's sake it better not underperform. $60 million ain't cheap.


Microsoft, it is time to open your eyes and get off your high horse. 360 Arcade = $99, Elite SKU = $199.99. Better make it happen.

Pretty sure Forza 3 will have better numbers next month.

Also, NBA Live series is now that other Basketball game. :lol
Y2Kev said:
I would like GAF to do a study to see what percentage of first month sales are actually first DAY. If we could somehow calculate these figures, we could get over the "but x number of days" thing.
ur favorite game sold -2000 copies on the first day


Glad to see Uncharted 2 up there, well deserved. :)
Disappointed at the lack of..impact of the PSP Go..but..oh well, love mine but Sony needs to get their act together.
DarkUSS said:
Is Uncharted 2 the first PS3 title to break into the first spot of the software charts?

Either way, congrats NaughtyDogs! You deserved it!:D

Metal Gear Solid 4.

I think that's it. :/

edit: beaten a page back, damn NPD threads


AzureJericho said:
Edit: WTF happened to you Nintex? *Ganders at his tag* :lol
lol, I guess it's about me saying something like: "Demon's Souls has tank controls" to think that I actually played it and me and a friend just carried way too much armor with us.
grandjedi6 said:
While I'm not about to deny the power of the Gran Turismo brand over Forza, this is a rather unfair comparison. 1.5 years vs less than a month. Plus the original Forza 2 went on to sell millions with a similar opening month so one would expect Forza 3 to do similar.

Gran Turismo 5 will sell tons more than Forza 3. Gran Turismo 4 sold more than Forza 1 &2 combined.
user_nat said:
Second PS3 game at number 1? (After MGS4)

Anyhow, anyone who owned Forza 3 and was looking at the leaderboards probably shouldn't be surprised with the sales. Went from ~250-300k players to ~500k players after North American launch. I suspect that the kind of people who buy a game in it's first few days are the kind of people with xbox live also.

Actually at the rate of 175k every 5 days, it will easily catch it :p
Yes, its been along time since the PS3 had a #1.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
schuelma said:
That seems hard to do for the U.S since we rarely get any type of first day figures. Much easier to do in Japan.
I know that it's not easy. But it would be great if we can do it. The problem is that the figures we get for first day sales are EXTREME sellers, and we might be skewed because these games have extremely long legs as well.

I believe that most HD-twin games are extremely front loaded. The install bases are knowledgeable and connected, and the games are designed to sell a lot up front.

EmCeeGramr said:
ur favorite game sold -2000 copies on the first day

My favorite game is Opoona


MirageDwarf said:
Uncharted 2 at # 1. Nice!!!. Borderlands saved Gearbox.

For Sony's sake it better not underperform. $60 million ain't cheap.
Not only that but GAF would be in major breakdown if it sold less than forza 3
doubt it will happen though


Alot of hate for Borderlands in this thread. I freaking love the game. Gooooo Uncharted 2, it's my new favorite game on the PS3.
Wallach said:
As mentioned, Forza 2 wasn't front loaded at all. It actually had very good legs.

Legs that came with bundled and reduced price. For whatever reason, the Forza series will not be a blockbuster on the 360 like Fable/Halo/Gears. Having said that, I really hope MS allows T10 to keep plugging away and working on making a great sequel to an already wonderful game.
Fuck yeah for Borderlands, sleeper hit of the year for me. Going to sink tons of time into it, and the coming DLC looks great. Props to Uncharted 2 too, best PS3 game by a long shot. Nice to see ODST as well. So many good games!


Borderlands did 200k more than I thought it would do and Uncharted did 200k less than I thought it would do.

Great sales for wii fit plus, especially since such a large percentage was the bundle


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
eznark said:
You bought "Snorederlands?"

And why am I not shocked you got it on PS3....

I wonder how many people traded in Gran Turismo PSP the week they bought it? I want that number tracked.
I bought Snorederlands. I was right, snorederlands confirmed, btw. Nah, I like it.

I bought it on PS3 because I bought Dragon Age on 360 and I don't like disk swapping.
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