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NPD Sales Results for October 2014 [Up3: All of Nintendo's 3DS million sellers]


What do you think their other 95+ employees are doing?

What do you feel the turnaround time was?

They started designing what became SO once Resistance 3 had gone gold in 2011. It would have been ramped up to full development after MS agreed to publish it. The game was publicly announced off during E3 2013, so 17 months ago. It was just a CG trailer, but still had the same world and design as the final game.

I would certainly think the game had been in full development for 24 months at least.



Next month is going to be incredibly interesting... We'll see if Microsofts price cut and bundles can beat PS4, if the backlash against AC: Unity affected mainstream sales, if Advanced Warfare is keeping up the COD brand, and if GTA 5 indeed has a big audience on next-gen. Plenty to get excited about :)


I would like to remind everyone what Aqua was fighting for in the last NPD thread. She didn't like that sites with morally questionable behaviors were stealing numbers from GAF and posting them (some even making money off of them). This in turn was bringing heat on GAF. That is why she wanted to hide the numbers from non-members with "[ /email] quote to reveal the hidden message" trick. Now, nobody gets the numbers.


at last, for christ's sake
woah SO superbombing like this. I was expecting it to perform badly, but not even in the top 10...

sad about ALBW selling *just* one million in the US

need VITA numbers



I'm sad about not getting ps tv numbers, I'd like to buy one but it has no place on my lifestyle.


This thread is not the same without Aqua and Creamsugar but anyways, let's get some party!

- First of all, congrats again to Sony and PS4. At this time this is becoming routine and do not surprise anyone seeing PS4 leading the sales in US (the biggest territory for xbox by far). That put on perspective the preventive PR from yesterday: MS announces leading the charts for two weeks. They need desesperately to win one NPD and they've given all for November (discounts, bundles, free games...) and wouldn't be weird to see them wining next month (in this territory, not even near WW, remember).

- SO bomba is something that does not surprise, at least me. Is a new franchise, a type of game that doesn't move masses and exclusive for a console that, well, is not breaking the charts...
The worst part is that if it bombed too hard we probably won't see it in other platforms (PC/PS4) a d in the worst case, we even won't see SO2.

- Driveclub, in the other side is a similar situation. Racing games don't sell too much in the US. It wouldn't surprise anyone if most of the sales came from Europe...


Skylanders sold well, Evil Within, not bad. NBA 2K on PS4 sold well, not shocked. Super Smash Bros. did well too.

Only beef is the SO numbers...dammit.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Congrats to Smash! Only non multiplatform game on the list.

Hard to get on the list when you are going up against stuff like NBA 2K on just about every platform.

Not surprised at all Bayo or Sunset didn't make the list.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Hey can someone post what bayonetta did on Xbox and PS3 at debut? Don't have it in front of me
Hey can someone post what bayonetta did on Xbox and PS3 at debut? Don't have it in front of me

BPS3 < JPB3601stWEEK < B360 < JPBPS31stWEEK

BPS3 < 66,211 < B360 < 138,430

Bayonetta [360] < 138,000
Bayonetta [PS3] < 66,211

Bayonetta [360+PS3] < 204,641

360 [FM] attach rate < 138/18993 = 0.73%
PS3 [FM] attach rate < 66/11377 = 0.6%

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
BPS3 < JPB3601stWEEK < B360 < JPBPS31stWEEK

BPS3 < 66,211 < B360 < 138,430

Bayonetta [360] < 138,000
Bayonetta [PS3] < 66,211

Bayonetta [360+PS3] < 204,641

If it makes you feel better, b2 outsold (by a little) the PS3 sku. That's a win.


At least the Wii U is trending up. I wonder what Smash is going to do for it.

I'm happy for The Evil Within, sort of. I'm glad it wasn't ignored, but I still need Bethesda to come out and say that they're happy with the numbers. I really hope it enough for Tango.


No sunset =(

What did people really expect?

It's a new ip releasing in the crowded holiday season where the vast majority of people buy annualised sports/AAA games.

The world doesn't work how a lot of people on this board think it does. Games like sunset were never going to be a "killer app" for the masses. Remember, JSRF sold poorly but is regarded as a niche/cult game.
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