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NPD Sales Results for October 2014 [Up3: All of Nintendo's 3DS million sellers]


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I still need to comprehend why NPD hides gaming industry numbers so much, while other industries aren't so secretive. I don't know, I see this as a sign of "immaturity" of the whole industry, and I feel sorry to say that. This also helps VGsomethingsomethingz (you know what I'm talking about) to be even considered as "remotely reliable" by people who don't follow gaming news that much and that would just like to know how things are going. We've had recent articles from non-gaming outlets that used false VG...Z numbers, it keeps happening. IMHO; this damages NPD's image too: how can an entity being considered important and relevant about something from non-subscribers if it doesn't even share the necessary informations about what's going on in the tracked industry? Why is there such a need for secretiveness? I'm not even saying that they should tell us everything, just...the minimal requirements would be good already: hardware sales, top 10 sales, maybe individual, but even combined SKUs. This is the minimum, and yet we're completely oblivious about the minimum.


Would make the most sense, not sure what hold they could have over NPD though.

They're their clients. Why would you piss your clients? Fact is video game compagnies want to have total control over the communication of their results. That's as simple as that.
Did Bayonetta sell at least 50k?
Yes. Over 66k.



He did get what he wanted. -_-

Also, I'd like for Aqua to just be an active member, regardless of whether she releases NPD data. Those numbers are the least of importance. She was very fun to engage with, which is considerably more valuable.

I'd rather she take a break for now, this stuff was clearly really getting to her on a personal level. That is never good.

Miles X

They're their clients. Why would you piss your clients? Fact is video game compagnies want to have total control over the communication of their results. That's as simple as that.

Because they're just 3 clients, and they wouldn't give up all the data NPD offers even if they were pissed they were going against their wishes.


Paying customers cant be punished. How the secrecy of these numbers can be enforced is puzzling.

Depends on the wording of the contract. Just because you pay for something doesn't mean you can't have your rights revoked.

Gather around kids, this is called victim blaming. It's what happens when someone can't get their head out of their ass and instead chooses to make ridiculous unsubstantiated assumptions about the risks surrounding another's pure charity and dedication to a thankless community.

Why is Aqua at fault? She had no obligation to be kind enough to gives us information.

I've stepped into the minefield, time to tread carefully. I'm going to say this as respectfully as possible.

It's true that the majority of the blame belongs to a minority of posters on GAF for not recognizing the legal issues that could result from investigation by NPD, but when I look at how everything played out, I feel like Aqua could have done a better job handling the situation. Aside from Cream, Aqua has complete control of NPD's report and how it was distributed. If she needed to change how information was leaked in order to avoid being on the end of any consequence, why not just do it? She's doing this with no compensation whatsoever, so there shouldn't have to be any justification given to anyone that disagrees with the changes. It's nice, but not mandatory. I know there must be a lot of stress on Aqua IRL, but going on a tirade because a few posters disagreed with her wasn't necessary and only makes us look worse in the long run.

Again, this is just my personal opinion. If you think I'm wrong, feel free to disagree.


Because they're just 3 clients, and they wouldn't give up all the data NPD offers even if they were pissed they were going against their wishes.

I voluntarily said "video game compagnies" to include everyone. That's not just about Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. NPD numbers concerns a lot more of people.
Would make the most sense, not sure what hold they could have over NPD though.

Mutually beneficial arrangement. NPD probably didn't see any harm in just a top 10 and hardware being released to the public (because real long term analysis is only possible with a lengthier list, platform breakdowns, and LTDs). Still, the more the information is desired, the more valuable it becomes.

Hardware and software manufacturers get to "massage" the public message and their stockholders by citing healthy shipped numbers, even though this isn't used as a metric in nearly any other technology or entertainment field (cell phones, movies, CDs, books, etc). We've actually gotten to the point where we're more likely to get reliable sell-through numbers from Nintendo and indie developers than any of the big 3rd party publishers, Sony, or MS.

Sony and MS could release their hardware numbers every month if they wanted to. The fact that they don't speaks volumes. As has been mentioned before, the PS4 is a runaway success, and Sony still doesn't share numbers, because they don't want to create the precedent of doing so for any of their hardware. Obfuscation means not having to answer awkward questions.


Why don't we put money all together to get the results ?

It's in the thousands, and I don't think NPD group would sell it to a place that would make all of the numbers public. Which, let's face it, gaf would expect after paying for it. They would crack down and then cut off. Then gaf would want their money back and things get messy.
Mutually beneficial arrangement. NPD probably didn't see any harm in just a top 10 and hardware being released to the public (because real long term analysis is only possible with a lengthier list, platform breakdowns, and LTDs). Still, the more the information is desired, the more valuable it becomes.

Hardware and software manufacturers get to "massage" the public message and their stockholders by citing healthy shipped numbers, even though this isn't used as a metric in nearly any other technology or entertainment field (cell phones, movies, CDs, books, etc). We've actually gotten to the point where we're more likely to get reliable sell-through numbers from Nintendo and indie developers than any of the big 3rd party publishers, Sony, or MS.

Sony and MS could release their hardware numbers every month if they wanted to. The fact that they don't speaks volumes. As has been mentioned before, the PS4 is a runaway success, and Sony still doesn't share numbers, because they don't want to create the precedent of doing so for any of their hardware. Obfuscation means not having to answer awkward questions.

Yep. If i recall correctly sony was the first to stop sharing NPD numbers when PS3 wasn't doing so hot. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they dont want to set a bad precedent in case they lose a month or people ask about the vita.


According to previous posters allegedly thousands of dollars. So the avg Joe is not buying the results on a monthly basis.

Yep, I asked Aqua the same question, and it's very expensive. Evilore as owner of this forum could certainly afford it, but he'd be under the same legal obligation not to disclose the numbers, so it wouldn't benefit anyone else.
when you are under stress and taking risks just for doing something good, without even the smallest compensation (except a little internet fame), ungratefulness can drive you mad.


Yep. If i recall correctly sony was the first to stop sharing NPD numbers when PS3 wasn't doing so hot. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they dont want to set a bad precedent in case they lose a month or people ask about the vita.

Iirc, it was sony responsible for the first number crackdown and removal years ago.


Mutually beneficial arrangement. NPD probably didn't see any harm in just a top 10 and hardware being released to the public (because real long term analysis is only possible with a lengthier list, platform breakdowns, and LTDs). Still, the more the information is desired, the more valuable it becomes.

Hardware and software manufacturers get to "massage" the public message and their stockholders by citing healthy shipped numbers, even though this isn't used as a metric in nearly any other technology or entertainment field (cell phones, movies, CDs, books, etc). We've actually gotten to the point where we're more likely to get reliable sell-through numbers from Nintendo and indie developers than any of the big 3rd party publishers, Sony, or MS.

Sony and MS could release their hardware numbers every month if they wanted to. The fact that they don't speaks volumes. As has been mentioned before, the PS4 is a runaway success, and Sony still doesn't share numbers, because they don't want to create the precedent of doing so for any of their hardware. Obfuscation means not having to answer awkward questions.
There was an agreement between Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and the NPD the hardware numbers could be released for a certain amount of years. I think it was 5. When it came to renewal, one hardware maker refused to lengthen the agreement. It was without a doubt Sony.

Video game compagnies asked them to stop from what I heard.
They allowed them to do so in the first place.


That was a surprise. SO not being on there with only 4 days of sales is not shocking to me at all. The big shock was the EXCLUSIVE DRIVECLUB on PS4 that released early in October was not in the top 10. That is pretty shocking to me. The fact that there really is not a mainline racing game on the system and that it was exclusive and with the bazillion owners of PS4 that something like that should of cracked the top ten. That is the most shocking thing to me.

Granted there are the online issues that are not even remotely close to the stuff Halo is going through, what sucks is that the core game itself was pretty damn good. I earned all the stars in the game and never in 3 weeks got on-line. The game has great visuals, plays great and is just a lot of fun, but due to the issues it seems that PS4 owners said fuck it and did not even think about buying it.

Well Driveclub is broken so it's no surprise people aren't buying it. And that's a good thing.


They sell in depth results with all the software numbers ect. I really don't think they'd lose any subscribers for releasing hardware numbers. Remember it's publishers, retailers and such that subscribe, the real meat of the data is the software numbers.

They coped well enough for years when the numbers were public. I really don't know what the reasoning is for them to be so private about them.

NPD elected to share hardware data on its own, then likely realized that it could get more money from subscriptions by not doing so. NPD has nothing to gain by sharing any specific data with non-subscribers.

These reports are big business, and subscribers pay a lot of money for them.

The numbers really aren't vital knowledge for consumers or even for gaming press. Retailers use them to forecast trends for purchasing purposes. Investors use them to determine the health of the company(ies) they're sinking money into. Consumers, by and large, use the data for nonsense purposes, i.e. "My console is outselling yours. Suck it!" Gaming press folks often don't understand what the numbers mean and fail to analyze them properly when sharing the data.

Perhaps it can be argued that consumers would use the data for research purposes, such as determining if buying a certain console makes sense given sales trends and how much predictable success it may have. And then there are the Armchair Analysts (you know who you are) who genuinely like to break down the numbers and try their hands at forecasting or making predictions based on data. These exceptions really aren't the rule, though.

Not getting any more monthly data would be unfortunate, but ultimately wouldn't have significantly adverse effects. There are still quarterly financial reports, which often give us insight and enough information to make decent extrapolations or to draw decent conclusions.
Dummy account? Not a lot NPD can do if they can't figure out who is posting it. Can they get GAF to ban posters that post the numbers?

I don't care how they wanna distribute the numbers, I'm talking about if they're putting their job on the line or such, and don't like that risk, they need to find alternate methods.

They dont need to do anything, they take the risk and post the numbers to help Gaf out, not because they have to.

As much as im sure they are worried about the risk, its the terrible attitude and expectant behaviour of some posters here that caused the great risk by being unwilling to follow some simple rules to help keep them low key.
Rereading last month's thread Goldmund's post are the textbook definition of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. How stubborn. Forum idealism? Give me a break. I can't believe someone would choose complete ignorance over...looking like meanies to the chartzzz crowd.
Damn. Three of the best games that I've played all year (SO, Alien, and B2) didn't chart. I wasn't expecting B2 to be up there (even though it was sold out by 5PM pretty much at every store around my area on launch day), but I'm shocked by Alien and SO. I guess some people are still too burned by the Colonial Marines disaster that they have no faith in another Alien game so soon.
I know this is a really unpopular opinion but I agree with Goldmund (although I wouldn't have put it as harshly as he/she did). I don't think people should share information here if it gets them in trouble, and what information people do share we should be able to discuss freely.

That said I'm sorry Aquamarine was so upset about it that she asked for a ban. I'm also sorry creamsugar lost his/her source.
How much does it cost to get the numbers? Does anyone know the actual dollar amount?

Tens to hundreds of thousands, actually, depending on depth of data and contract length.

If you're buying a NPD report only for the top 10, you are doing it wrong. NPD publicly sharing top 10 data won't hurt their business in the slightest.

It's still not NPD's data to share even if it wanted to. It would need to get agreement from all the associated parties (retail, pubs, 1st parties), and there's really no incentive for those companies to agree to share that information publicly.

Especially since we're in a transition to digital platforms. Packaged sales now account for less than half of all SW revenues, and total spend continues to grow even as packaged results continue to show declines. Releasing this data publicly would just cause far more confusion and trouble than it'd be worth. Look at quarterly earnings reports, you'll find much better information there on the health of pubs and the industry.

NPD day used to be a huge deal at all game publishers. Now? I wonder how many people even open email attachments with detail beyond total sales and share.


I know this is a really unpopular opinion but I agree with Goldmund (although I wouldn't have put it as harshly as he/she did). I don't think people should share information here if it gets them in trouble, and what information people do share we should be able to discuss freely.

That said I'm sorry Aquamarine was so upset about it that she asked for a ban. I'm also sorry creamsugar lost his/her source.

But part of the appeal of GAF is that we get trade info (I don't necessarily just mean NPD but also new games, policies etc) prior to most other websites. All of this info is usually secret and people are taking a certain amount of risk sharing it.
At this point I think we can say that NPD's ability to report on software is slipping in that they just don't get all of the market due to digital sales.

NPD keeps reporting 'Software sales down X%' month after month but EA, Activision, and Take-Two have all reported great earnings results. Or if they are still capturing much of the market, perhaps the software being down is due to the lack of handheld software sales and Wii/WiiU software sales?


They had no choice, they need to combat the moving train that is PS4. Still, if your console doesn't have the mindshare then it could be priced as low as $99 dollar gamecubes and still stay on shelves.

Yeah, seems Nintendo learned their lesson with the GC and didn't hit the price panic button with the WiiU as such.
I hope that Insomniac is doing well. I really like them.

Which still has absolutely nothing to do with your very very bad argument.

People might have used the PS2's tech as a reason to buy, but that's only good for a year, before much more powerful hardware is on the market. It's a combo of factors that lead to a console success. Power can be a facet of that, as it was with the PS2.

That still doesn't change that your argument is silly at best. PS2 was the most powerful hardware on the market, for a year. It was not the most powerful hardware of its generation.

It is a rarity for the most powerful console to win any generation. Because there's more to it than the capability of the hardware. Which should be obvious if you stop to think about it.

Yes it does. It proves that power played a pivotal role in the early life of PS2. Unlike your 3DS example which was such a bad equivalency, that had nothing to do with my point.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
He did get what he wanted. -_-

Also, I'd like for Aqua to just be an active member, regardless of whether she releases NPD data. Those numbers are the least of importance. She was very fun to engage with, which is considerably more valuable.

Yeah. I mean, I want to see the numbers, and I can't stand that, right now, we only have a very solid estimate for Wii U (sorry little buddy), but Aquamarine is a fantastic member for this community. NPD leaks were just one part of her contribution here...heck, maybe the smallest part, considering all the rest (analysis, infos about companies / industries, games, being a good person to talk with). Hopefully, in 5 days, she'll be that fantastic member again, leaks or no leaks.

I appreciate what people like John, cream, Aqua and Cosmo do for us, trying to keep us informed as much as they can without being in danger. Every month, they risk to tell us something about how things are actually going (at least at retail), and we're talking about infos from thousands-dollars-monthly-worthy subscriptions. We should be very thankful to them, but we should also find out a system so they can be protected as much as possible when leaks happen. Which is what Aqua tried to do last month, but, you know, when there are entitled users who just can't stand quoting a post to see what's hiding, it's difficult to establish such a system.


Well Driveclub is broken so it's no surprise people aren't buying it. And that's a good thing.

yup, hopefully Halo and Unity suffer the same fate so devs take a hint about sorting their product out before they release it.

As for the Aqua drama, she gave us a lot of utility at risk to herself and we should all be grateful for what she has provided in the past. We've lost her sales/financial analysis and reasoning, which i felt was far more valuable than who sold what and how many of.
At this point I think we can say that NPD's ability to report on software is slipping in that they just don't get all of the market due to digital sales.

NPD keeps reporting 'Software sales down X%' month after month but EA, Activision, and Take-Two have all reported great earnings results. Or if they are still capturing much of the market, perhaps the software being down is due to the lack of handheld software sales and Wii/WiiU software sales?

I suspect it's a bit of both.


At this point I think we can say that NPD's ability to report on software is slipping in that they just don't get all of the market due to digital sales.

NPD keeps reporting 'Software sales down X%' month after month but EA, Activision, and Take-Two have all reported great earnings results. Or if they are still capturing much of the market, perhaps the software being down is due to the lack of handheld software sales and Wii/WiiU software sales?

NPD's software sales data has quickly lost relevance, unless you're involved directly in the brick-and-mortar retail side of the business. The inability to gather digital sales tracking data and merge it with the physical side ultimately leaves off too much information.


Somebody give Goldmund a tag, I vote on "He's the reason we can't gave nice things"

sort of joking, still mad though.

Yeah, it bombed...hard.
I would've expected it to be in the top 10 but alas it wasn't.

Doesn't really matter the damage is done plus Goldmund hasn't posted for a month so they may be gone anyway.


I know this is a really unpopular opinion but I agree with Goldmund (although I wouldn't have put it as harshly as he/she did). I don't think people should share information here if it gets them in trouble, and what information people do share we should be able to discuss freely.

That said I'm sorry Aquamarine was so upset about it that she asked for a ban. I'm also sorry creamsugar lost his/her source.

I can almost guarantee you people like Canis and Goldmund were not looking out for the image/well-being of GAF/Aqua, even if they said it. It was basically too much work/effort to see numbers and they threw their toys down and whined.


At this point I think we can say that NPD's ability to report on software is slipping in that they just don't get all of the market due to digital sales.

NPD keeps reporting 'Software sales down X%' month after month but EA, Activision, and Take-Two have all reported great earnings results. Or if they are still capturing much of the market, perhaps the software being down is due to the lack of handheld software sales and Wii/WiiU software sales?
Look at Konami, Capcom, Square-Enix, SEGA, ... The biggest ones are getting bigger, but almost everyone is suffering.


It'0s still not NPD's data to share even if it wanted to. It would need to get agreement from all the associated parties (retail, pubs, 1st parties), and there's really no incentive for those companies to agree to share that information publicly.

Especially since we're in a transition to digital platforms. Packaged sales now account for less than half of all SW revenues, and total spend continues to grow even as packaged results continue to show declines. Releasing this data publicly would just cause far more confusion and trouble than it'd be worth. Look at quarterly earnings reports, you'll find much better information there on the health of pubs and the industry.

NPD day used to be a huge deal at all game publishers. Now? I wonder how many people even open email attachments with detail beyond total sales and share.
Full-game downloads are still only 20% max so it's really not big of a deal. But if i were to follow this line of thought, you can just as well argue that because more and more of the sales go untracked via digital, then the retail data isn't as important and thus they will be more lax about sharing it, knowing they have the real and complete data which they will share with the shareholders.

If you would like to know how a title performed in unit sales then earning reports are close to useless. You'd be lucky to get a total shipped figure.
At this point I think we can say that NPD's ability to report on software is slipping in that they just don't get all of the market due to digital sales.

NPD keeps reporting 'Software sales down X%' month after month but EA, Activision, and Take-Two have all reported great earnings results. Or if they are still capturing much of the market, perhaps the software being down is due to the lack of handheld software sales and Wii/WiiU software sales?

Digital + DLC + Global Sales + Microtransacations.

Sure, NPD's grasp is weaker due to the digital factor, but it's not as if digital sales are a huge anomaly. The big AAA releases on consoles won't suddenly have a 50% digital sales ratio for one game, and then suddenly only 5% on the other.
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