I still need to comprehend why NPD hides gaming industry numbers so much, while other industries aren't so secretive. I don't know, I see this as a sign of "immaturity" of the whole industry, and I feel sorry to say that. This also helps VGsomethingsomethingz (you know what I'm talking about) to be even considered as "remotely reliable" by people who don't follow gaming news that much and that would just like to know how things are going. We've had recent articles from non-gaming outlets that used false VG...Z numbers, it keeps happening. IMHO; this damages NPD's image too: how can an entity being considered important and relevant about something from non-subscribers if it doesn't even share the necessary informations about what's going on in the tracked industry? Why is there such a need for secretiveness? I'm not even saying that they should tell us everything, just...the minimal requirements would be good already: hardware sales, top 10 sales, maybe individual, but even combined SKUs. This is the minimum, and yet we're completely oblivious about the minimum.