Oh shit. So this means the gauntlet has been dropped and leaks are no longer allowed on GAF?
The issue is only with using e-mail tags for obfuscation purposes (since it disrupts the flow of discussion). Sorry if that link I posted wasn't clear with context. Leaks aren't banned or anything; creamsuger/Aqua/whoever else are still free to disseminate info if they like, as long as it's not done through the method of e-mail tags. Here's a better quote with more info:
I feel like there's some confusion here, so I'll quickly try and address. Users are free to come up with whatever scheme they want to post information. We're not here as enforcers of the NPD. If they have a problem with information posted, they will probably try and pursue the user leaking the info. In that regard, I would encourage users to exercise good discretion so as to not have to face real life consequences just so we can better play the part of armchair analysts. It's just not worth it. Stay safe. That's more important than us being able to have data. Alternatively, they can contact the site's staff and we can decide from there what to do. But it's not in my job description to protect the integrity of NPD's data.
Anyway, the email tag was specifically singled out because of the effect it has on the flow of discussion. I'm not saying that pie charts are awesome and totally safe in protecting the information and encouraging people to do it, but the fact of the matter is that people could publicly post about the pie charts, extrapolate that data, and post publicly about that extrapolation. And endless chain of email tag replies makes the conversation incredibly tedious. And given that it doesn't provide very much protection from being viewed by the wrong set of eyes, our position is that it's not worth it.