They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.
Is this for real? Or is this like some meta commentary or something
They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.
They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.
Is this for real? Or is this like some meta commentary or something
Next month, PS4 and XB1 should easy beat November 2008 of the Wii ( 2.04m ) and December 2008 too ( 2.15m).
Wonder if they will close the gap January to October.
No wonder they both jumped on the waggle-train.I'm looking at that and all I can focus on is how the Wii did in comparison to both systems separately (haha).
How much should they have won by?
October =/= November or December. That alongside the PS4 doing well in US and having its first price drop pretty much meant that things were going to be close in my opinion (no more than a 50K gap).
The Xbox 360 got the #1 spot by only 27K during the month Halo 3 launched (September 2007). Was that a technical loss too?
Well to be fair Xbox One and PS4 will kill X360/PS3 sales during November and December. November has became far bigger part of total yearly sales since 2008 and that has probably led October to become more slower month. Wii was of course killing it every month even back then though.
I'm looking at that and all I can focus on is how the Wii did in comparison to both systems separately (haha).
To be honest, I expected Halo to move consoles similar to what Destiny did for PS4 on September last year, something like ~500k with ~150k gap. Halo is THE BIGGEST MS IP.
Wii was fucking crazy man. We will probably never see anything like it again.
PS3 shat the bed during the holidays of that year, but 360 was still at 2.28M for Nov+Dec, which is respectable. The issue I see is that while PS4/XB1 post good to great holiday sales, the rest of the months aren't all that hot (in the US). PS4 is on fire in Europe based on those shipment numbers, but I don't see it passing the 360's final LTD in the US (even if you want to stop that total at the end of 2012 to account for the longer generation last time around).
Wii was fucking crazy man. We will probably never see anything like it again.
lol I like how you are turning this around me mixing up what you said. I am just going to stop here with regards to this back and forth and you can think I gave up or didn't want to have a true conversation!!"backtracking" and "clarifying".
Definitely understandable. I was expecting both systems to be in the 400K range (thanks to PS4's price drop) but with the gap being 1/3 of what you said.
I know this is a narrative you are pushing, but just to remind you that the price drop affected all bundles, 3/4 of which release in November. There was little incentive to buy in October unless you really has to have the console now.
Missed a few pages. I'd just like to say that if Knack is ever put on PS+ it will be the one game I don't download just because it's free.
I noticed this too. It didn't last long at all. Which I found very telling.The Halo faithful spin on the capital-B Bad Halo numbers reminds me of when I posted the picture of Halo 5 already being out of the top 20 in twitch viewer numbers like day 3 of it's release.
The people in the Halo OT with a straight face it was because Halo fans were "too busy playing Halo to watch Twitch."
To be honest, I expected Halo to move consoles similar to what Destiny did for PS4 on September last year, something like ~500k with ~150k gap. Halo is THE BIGGEST MS IP.
Why not? Knack is a good game. Not fantastic or anything but it is good imo.Missed a few pages. I'd just like to say that if Knack is ever put on PS+ it will be the one game I don't download just because it's free.
The Halo faithful spin on the capital-B Bad Halo numbers reminds me of when I posted the picture of Halo 5 already being out of the top 20 in twitch viewer numbers like day 3 of it's release.
The people in the Halo OT with a straight face it was because Halo fans were "too busy playing Halo to watch Twitch."
Just an update to the AC sales from George's posts:
Assassin's Creed - 1,357,000
Assassin's Creed 2 - 1,243,000
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - 1,143,000
Assassin's Creed: Revelation - 1,200,000
Assassin's Creed 3 - 2,900,000
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - 1,820,000 (620K from PS3/360 and 1.2m from PS4/X1)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - 391,000Assassin's Creed Unity - No numbers, but we know it did better than Syndicate
Needless to say, the situation is looking pretty dire.
I know this is a narrative you are pushing but just to remind you that the price drop affected all bundles, 3/4 of which release in November. There was little incentive to buy in October unless you really has to have the console now.
Holeeyy shiit. Syndicate sold like 15% of what AC 3 did.
Holeeyy shiit. Syndicate sold like 15% of what AC 3 did.
To be honest, I expected Halo to move consoles similar to what Destiny did for PS4 on September last year, something like ~500k with ~150k gap. Halo is THE BIGGEST MS IP.
Well its not all downturns for mega franchises, as I hear Black Ops 3 is supposed to be selling "significantly" better than the last two. It helps that its significantly better than the last two, multiplayer wise.
Yeah I mean that franchise is basically DOA now. I'm hella curious what Ubi's outlook is for the rest of the franchise. It needs a good 3 years off to entirely redo and rethink the entire thing
Holeeyy shiit. Syndicate sold like 15% of what AC 3 did.
Guess there isn't as core a fanbase for AC as some other franchises though, seeing as how no one has seemed to care at all about these numbers being low or tried to fight them as being wrong and made up by liars and random idiots on the internet.
AC has its fanbase. I think a number of people just go sick of buying these games at full price when they are always on sale for $40 on Black Friday less than a month later. That and the issues with Unity last year.
November in general will be likely good vibes. COD is up, Fallout 4 is giant, and Battlefront will be huge. It'll be a nice change of pace from October
Edit: Though we will get plenty of Tomb Raider doom so we'll have a big flop to talk about as well
To be honest, I expected Halo to move consoles similar to what Destiny did for PS4 on September last year, something like ~500k with ~150k gap. Halo is THE BIGGEST MS IP.
It still is...Halo is THE BIGGEST MS IP
Yeah I mean that franchise is basically DOA now. I'm hella curious what Ubi's outlook is for the rest of the franchise. It needs a good 3 years off to entirely redo and rethink the entire thing
To be fair, there's over 4600 posts.
Just an update to the AC sales from George's posts:
Assassin's Creed - 1,357,000
Assassin's Creed 2 - 1,243,000
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - 1,143,000
Assassin's Creed: Revelation - 1,200,000
Assassin's Creed 3 - 2,900,000
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - 1,820,000 (620K from PS3/360 and 1.2m from PS4/X1)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - 391,000Assassin's Creed Unity - No numbers, but we know it did better than Syndicate
Needless to say, the situation is looking pretty dire.
They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.
They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.
Fun fact: based on the NPD numbers mentioned earlier in this thread, Halo 5 had more sales per day in its opening month than Reach. Definitely less than 3, but it's definitely a different picture than some are painting here.
Yeah, they push some hardware, but I don't think any single game pushes it as much as people think. I look at graphs that Zhuge has done and I have a pretty hard time picking out where the big exclusives landed until I line them up by date. Sure, there are a few (tiny) noticeable upticks, but by and large each year looks pretty similar.
November in general will be likely good vibes. COD is up, Fallout 4 is giant, and Battlefront will be huge. It'll be a nice change of pace from October
Edit: Though we will get plenty of Tomb Raider doom so we'll have a big flop to talk about as well
Halo Wars.
Fun fact: based on the NPD numbers mentioned earlier in this thread, Halo 5 had more sales per day in its opening month than Reach. Definitely less than 3, but it's definitely a different picture than some are painting here.
Hopefully, hardware sales will be good, too. If the PS4 sells less than 1 million, then that's not good.
They're angry cause Halo 5 did really well, Xbox One outsold PS4, and they're trying hard to turn this all into bad news.