PistolGrip said:Not if you count worldwideJapan and Europe can easily pick up the slack..
Hey look, a sony fan who feels the need to point out worldwide sales in an NPD thread. That never happens.
PistolGrip said:Not if you count worldwideJapan and Europe can easily pick up the slack..
mr_bishiuk said:Well the Sony voters are by far the most vocal especially at getting involved in other systems threads.
I think a more telling poll was the one for GTA IV where every mod voted that they were buying the game on PS3 rather than 360 despite the promised DLC on the former. Also simple things give it away like being able to say Xbot and M$ while abbreviating Sony Defence Force is bannable and so on.
PistolGrip said:Not if you count worldwideJapan and Europe can easily pick up the slack..
Safe Bet said:I can't speak for the Mods, but I went with the PS3-version so I wouldn't have to pay 'extra' to play online.
Sony killed my father and raped my mother and I will hate them forever and ever.belvedere said:Definitely a lot of people who love to hate Sony here. I'd love to know where you all came from, disgruntled early DC adopters or something?
Shurs said:So you were attempting to make a point about disappointing software sales on PS3 this month?
clearly the average person buying a system buys more games for it than the average person who already owns a system. software sales will naturally skew more towards whatever sold the most that month more than usual.Shurs said:I think it certainly goes against the myth that PS3 owners don't buy games when a game has a lower than 2-1 360 to PS3 ratio.
Serenity said:You've got to be kidding especially since you and people like you post in every thread with the words sony, ps3, ps2 or psp in it. If writing SDF was bannable then half the board would be banned because that is the go to meme when arguing on this board. Stoney mason and mujun would be permabanned because half their post contain sdf or sony fanboy. If anything this board is more nintendo centric then any I post on.
elrechazao said:I don't think there was any "attempt" about it. I was making a point. Is it a victory now to have the fewest software sales, even in months where your hardware beats all competition? A victory to have your very best effort on a big third party game to date be a statistical tie?
That's what rational observers call disappointing.
mr_bishiuk said:I don't think Pr0cs was talking about this thread in particular more GAF in general at all times, and it is very much a sony-centric forum
Shurs said:So what you're saying is because every PS3 owner didn't buy two games for every one game that Xbox 360 owners bought this month, that Sony should be disappointed?
elrechazao said:yeah man, you've cracked it.
Never mind, that wasn't smart...:lollawblob said:How would that even work?
Uncharted 2 will come in about 6-10. I don't think Ratchet will chart. I have no clue how Forza will do.Opiate said:Okay, I'll make a prediction we can discuss:
I do not, personally, believe Uncharted 2 will be on top next month. It will do fine, but significantly below the optimistic expectations. I think it's seen as a late comer / copycat in the already saturated shooter market. In general, games which are seen as high quality (such as Uncharted 2) but are also seen as copy cats tend to be less well recieved by the public than you might otherwise expect.
Examples off this include Forza (which has historically sold 1/4 or 1/5 as much as GT, despite similar reviews), Killzone, and Rock Band. Other examples include Ratchet and Clank (although some would argue this is no longer a platformer) and Yu Gi Oh.
Opiate said:Okay, I'll make a prediction we can discuss:
I do not, personally, believe Uncharted 2 will be on top next month. It will do fine, but significantly below the optimistic expectations. I think it's seen as a late comer / copycat in the already saturated shooter market. In general, games which are seen as high quality (such as Uncharted 2) but are also seen as copy cats tend to be less well recieved by the public than you might otherwise expect.
Examples off this include Forza (which has historically sold 1/4 or 1/5 as much as GT, despite similar reviews), Killzone, and Rock Band. Other examples include Ratchet and Clank (although some would argue this is no longer a platformer) and Yu Gi Oh.
elrechazao said:What is it competing against? I can't think of what might beat it. Does the wiisports resort price cut/wii+ bundle go into effect? That might beat it. I doubt borderlands beats it, unless you combine both 360 and ps3 versions.
Although uncharted will only have what, 7-9 days or so of sales in the next npd period? That game's gotta be pretty frontloaded though (not that it won't have legs, but I bet it will sell a lot up front then be a slow burner for...well, ever)
Opiate said:Forza, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Sports Resort all come to mind as possibilities. I don't think my list is exhaustive, either.
Opiate said:Okay, I'll make a prediction we can discuss:
I do not, personally, believe Uncharted 2 will be on top next month. It will do fine, but significantly below the optimistic expectations. I think it's seen as a late comer / copycat in the already saturated shooter market. In general, games which are seen as high quality (such as Uncharted 2) but are also seen as copy cats tend to be less well recieved by the public than you might otherwise expect.
Examples off this include Forza (which has historically sold 1/4 or 1/5 as much as GT, despite similar reviews), Killzone, and Rock Band. Other examples include Ratchet and Clank (although some would argue this is no longer a platformer) and Yu Gi Oh.
Opiate said:Forza, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Sports Resort all come to mind as possibilities. I don't think my list is exhaustive, either.
Shurs said:So what you're saying is because every PS3 owner didn't buy two games for every one game that Xbox 360 owners bought this month, Sony should be disappointed?
WrikaWrek said:What the fuck, who said sony? I didn't say sony in my post.
What was that? Reflex damage control, like you are in cruise control, good god man.
Patriotsbball5460 said:Games with shots at the Top 10 for October imo...
Uncharted 2
Brutal Legend(only 360)
Demon's Souls(Dont think it will)
Wii Sports Resort
Tekken 6(Dont think it will)
WWE SVR(360 only)
Forza 3
Ratchet and Clank
Just throwing diff games out there..
Regulus Tera reminded me about Wii Fit Plus, can't forget that!
Really? The new ad campaign + PS3 Slim always puts a smile on my face. Its like "yes the old Sony is back". I love it.Duke Togo said:Hurt feelings all around. Any way you swing it, success for Sony seems to hit a nerve in this place.
PistolGrip said:Man NPDs are funny ... Never fails with Bitter tears, hyperbole, overly defensive comments, spin, mis-information, attacks, GIFs ... I love it.
manueldelalas said:I miss the days when we quoted the ps3 forums and laughed about it...
sinseers said:OK here's my Oct top 10:
1. UC2
2. DJ Hero (360)
3. M&L 3
4. Forza 3
5. WWE SVR (360)
7. WWE SVR (PS3)
8. Wii Sports Resort
9. Borderlands (PS3)
10. DJ Hero (PS3)
Duke Togo said:Any way you swing it, success for Sony seems to hit a nerve in this place.
Opiate said:And more to the center of my point, the literal position of the game in the charts isn't really all that relevant. I mean, it makes for a snappy prediction, but my real point is: "I think Uncharted 2 will sell less than optimistic expectations would suggest." I'm not talking about crazy predictions, but generally optimistic ones. I think it will do well under 500k units sold.
Some of you may agree with me instantly, but consider that it's a high budget, well produced shooter with a 97 metacritic average and a strong marketing campaign. It has been lined up as Sony's big exclusive for the Holidays. It has absolutely everything going for it.
RSTEIN said:GAF is definitely Sony-centric. The Sony fans are far, far more vocal and outrageous. What else could explain the KZ2 thread? Fuck, that was an embarassment. The constant K2 gifs? The constant Uncharted nonsense? The GT5 vs. Forza 3 thread? The repeated claims that "the year of the PS3" is around the corner? It all gets really exhausting.
What's funny is that I actually think the PS3 has a far more impressive software lineup than the 360. K2 and Uncharted are phenomenal! But it's just ridiculous when the fanboys come out and repeat the same stuff over and over and over again. It's like each hardcore Sony fanboy sees it as their own personal mission to make sure they scream as loudly as possible about how much they love their PS3. I don't know if it's because of the power shift this gen, but there's a huge inferiority complex going on.
Overall, I find the 360 and Wii fans to be a bit more relaxed about things. There's far less cheerleading. Sure, they get out of control every once and a while but far less often and they don't approach the extremes that the Sony crowd gets to.
typhonsentra said:
Uncharted 2's only real problem I think is that it's only got a month lead on the more marketable games coming next month. I think it'll do well in October, but failing something being terribly wrong with MW2's multiplayer I think it's legs won't be particularly great.Opiate said:And more to the center of my point, the literal position of the game in the charts isn't really all that relevant. I mean, it makes for a snappy prediction, but my real point is: "I think Uncharted 2 will sell less than optimistic expectations would suggest." I'm not talking about crazy predictions, but generally optimistic ones. I think it will do well under 500k units sold.
Some of you may agree with me instantly, but consider that it's a high budget, well produced shooter with a 97 metacritic average and a strong marketing campaign. It has been lined up as Sony's big exclusive for the Holidays. It has absolutely everything going for it.
typhonsentra said:
typhonsentra said:http://www.sonydefenseforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/septnpd2009.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
so good :lol
RSTEIN said:GAF is definitely Sony-centric. The Sony fans are far, far more vocal and outrageous. What else could explain the KZ2 thread? Fuck, that was an embarassment. The constant K2 gifs? The constant Uncharted nonsense? The GT5 vs. Forza 3 thread? The repeated claims that "the year of the PS3" is around the corner? It all gets really exhausting.
What's funny is that I actually think the PS3 has a far more impressive software lineup than the 360. K2 and Uncharted are phenomenal! But it's just ridiculous when the fanboys come out and repeat the same stuff over and over and over again. It's like each hardcore Sony fanboy sees it as their own personal mission to make sure they scream as loudly as possible about how much they love their PS3. I don't know if it's because of the power shift this gen, but there's a huge inferiority complex going on.
Overall, I find the 360 and Wii fans to be a bit more relaxed about things. There's far less cheerleading. Sure, they get out of control every once and a while but far less often and they don't approach the extremes that the Sony crowd gets to.
typhonsentra said: