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NPD Sales Results for September 2014 [Up1: Smash/HW/MK8, Destiny stats, 3DS HW]

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Neo Member
So, question.

I haven't really participated in these threads, and at the rate it's going, I don't think I could keep up with the ongoing discussion.

I only have a question or two, really.

Are these indicators of a market that is expanding, stagnating, or contracting?

I tend to be a pessimist and a cynic. Seeing these numbers and then seeing something like a 2% increase and a 30% decrease in softwares sales concerns me. I guess the huge increase in hardware sales is something to be happy about, but I attribute that to new skus in the market spaces that wasn't there before.

Ah. I'm talking too much. My main question is - Have these NPD sales reports the last few months indicative of a market on the rise?

I love the dedication though. People are playing the loooooooooooong game.

But in the year 2120 MS is more likely to be around still.


What is this supposed to mean? The guy gave his opinion about online capabilities and you diss him because it goes "against your console"?

His post seemed like he wrote it while drinking a bunch of coffee. lol at you going off on me for you obviously misunderstanding me.
So, question.

I haven't really participated in these threads, and at the rate it's going, I don't think I could keep up with the ongoing discussion.

I only have a question or two, really.

Are these indicators of a market that is expanding, stagnating, or contracting?

I tend to be a pessimist and a cynic. Seeing these numbers and then seeing something like a 2% increase and a 30% decrease in softwares sales concerns me. I guess the huge increase in hardware sales is something to be happy about, but I attribute that to new skus in the market spaces that wasn't there before.

Ah. I'm talking too much. My main question is - Have these NPD sales reports the last few months indicative of a market on the rise?

I can't really answer your question but recall GTAV came out in September 2013. Software was going to be down this year no matter what.
At this stage its looking like the replacements will be along the lines of "Buying all third party publishers" "Wish granting Genie"and "PS4s have all become Decepticons"
If true, I'd go out this minute and buy one. Now that's a unique feature!

And pfft, you're no fun. I was hoping to get through the NPD evening at least before we all went back to that grey area between paranoia, conspiracy theories and somewhat legitimate concerns about trucks of money getting sent various places. That place we've all been hanging out in since ParityGate started and really, really dislike thinking about.


The great question is why? I can't honestly tell you why other than MS fucked themselves at the beginning with their pathetic attempt at launching the xb1.

Since then I think MS has delivered over Sony.
A significant part of their success last generation was thanks to the countless blunders surrounding the PS3 (pricing, messaging, late launch, architecture). They did a good job of making the most of those opportunities, but they clearly overestimated themselves (a little understandable considering the amount of success they enjoyed in the US). They should have already been expecting a more competitive environment with a strong focus on continued success in the US, but instead allowed Sony to pretty much start things off in a stronger position. Then it was simply easier to build momentum, and continue to sustain it.

A huge part of this was that price difference initially, but their messaging and marketing being shambles has really helped (DRM, Kinect removal, dropping the price). Their DRM plan was amazing for that early messaging, because they brought all of the attention upon themselves in the worst way imaginable, that even paying for online with PS Plus was able to be glossed over. No one really cared, and that was the biggest obstacle SCE thought they could be facing in terms of messaging. Bear in mind, it's not like they've been releasing some amazing must have games, or have some killer feature. It's mostly the same stuff.

Brand is important. Brand association is also important. The former is why PS3 was able to recover as well as it did last generation. And Xbox simply does not have that on a worldwide level. You're seeing the latter in action right now with Destiny.


So that leaves MS with a cycle of Forza, Halo, Gears, and Fable. I don't think that is going to cut it.

They have new IPs coming up too (retail and digital).

The "cycle stuff" is disingenuous IMO and is similar to someone saying that the PS4 is simply "Uncharted, Gran Turismo, and Killzone". All of the three consoles have multiple games and new IPs outside of just the long running series.

Anyway, still no word on Xbox One numbers? Only way I would find them absoltuely horrible is if they are under 200K.


Forza Horizon 2 not charting is disappointing, but expected with the combined charts.

Now, if Driveclub charts next NPD, even with the problems...oh boy...not expecting it anyway, but would be fun. XD
i really am fantasizing another inside xbox book from dean takahashi. if he really can get the inside scoop on what happened inside redmond during times like these his next book will be a must read.
I would buy that book. Sadly he's not writing one, confirmed to me on Twitter. My guess is because the Xbox One has been such a cluster fuck that MS won't give him the access he needs.


Neo Member
I can't really answer your question but recall GTAV came out in September 2013. Software was going to be down this year no matter what.

I completely forgot all about that. But that doesn't help explain the previous months where software sales have been generally down.


Sunset Overdrive, Bayonetta, and Driveclub are all the same level of 'system sellers'.

The rumours earlier this week were that DC sold 1m in its first week. I guess even if that were true, Sony wouldn't be talking it up wile the online is still fucked. Rushy said the sales of DC exceeded their projections.

Anecdotally, the only two games that have universally been bought by my PS4 owning friends have been Destiny and DC.

Bayonetta 2 is hampered by the tiny install base of the WiiU. My feelings since ever seeing it in motion is that SO will be hampered by being mediocre. It won't get the rave reviews of Bayonetta, even if the console install base is bigger.
Yeah Hyrule Warriors beating Donkey Kong in first month sales is kinda insane.

I assumed it would actually have a good opening. It will probably add another 50k or so in October. Zelda is a big franchise and a game where you get to play as all these legendary characters was something I saw doing well pending the game itself was actually good which everything points to. I think it bolds well for the actual Zelda WiiU launch.


Concern? Not sure what in the fuck that means. I am stating my opinion, something I thought was allowed, regardless of it offending your system of fucking choice.

Well to me it seems you're "Concerned" about why people are buying PS4s and being very condescending about it.

but sure carry on.


I am not even close to upset; spend how you want.

Just find the flaws so far to be one sided this gen.

Things would go better if you would elaborate on why you feel Sony's performance isn't up to your standards while using language that doesn't come off as angry and confrontational. Just a thought.


Junior Member
I completely forgot all about that. But that doesn't help explain the previous months where software sales have been generally down.

Couldn't we start attributing software sales being down to Digital sales? I would bet good money that Digital is cannibalizing physical purchases, and it will only get worse as (at least on xbone not sure on ps4) digital release are at Midnight EST and not this bullshit PST crap that has plagued them.
I don't think XB1 numbers are that bad. Xbox 360 has to be around 100k-ish at this stage, right? PS3 is at least 50k-ish. So if we look at combined Playstation that's, what, 650k-ish? If XB1 is less than 550k why hasn't Sony come out and said "Playstation family sold better than any other family of consoles?" They've done that before, right? Then again I'm probably wrong on these numbers and maybe PS family did outsell Xbox family and Sony was content with boasting PS4 sales.


What was that horrible PR response by MS?
makes it seem like they sold horrible even
with that deal of theirs. Not even acknowledging the actual months NPDs like they sold worse than last month.
Yeah Hyrule Warriors beating Donkey Kong in first month sales is kinda insane.

I kind of feel like while Musou may not have grown much in the last 5 years or so as a genre [I do believe HW's is the best US Musou opening though?] that 2D/3D platformers as full $50/$60 games has shrunk massively
His post seemed like he wrote it while drinking a bunch of coffee. lol at you going off on me for you obviously misunderstanding me.
I added quotation marks at the end to reflect what you said earlier (I edited it correctly). Besides, I asked why you dissed him. Didn't really go after you.
The rumours earlier this week were that DC sold 1m in its first week. I guess even if that were true, Sony wouldn't be talking it up wile the online is still fucked. Rushy said the sales of DC exceeded their projections.

Anecdotally, the only two games that have universally been bought by my PS4 owning friends have been Destiny and DC.

Bayonetta 2 is hampered by the tiny install base of the WiiU. My feelings since ever seeing it in motion is that SO will be hampered by being mediocre. It won't get the rave reviews of Bayonetta, even if the console install base is bigger.

WiiU has bigger install base than X1 WW.
If Destiny can't sell XB1s, and FH2 doesn't even chart, then Sunset Overdrive - always a B-Tier game - has no chance.

MS have all their Holiday 2014 eggs in a Halo MCC basket. I'm sure it will do very well for them, just not PS4 well. Sunset Overdrive will be a blip.

Exactly. The White PS4 Destiny bundle sold not because it's a white console, but because it's a white PS4 with Destiny. The White X1 is not a PS4 and SO is not Destiny.

As for the MCC, as I've said before, the game will do very, very well, but it won't move much systems (it'll sell excellently to the current install base). That doesn't mean it won't move any systems all, but rather that it won't move enough systems to get anywhere close to outselling the PS4 for Nov, especially if Sony drops a White Ps4 GTA V bundle and sells it for $399 during BF.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Couldn't we start attributing software sales being down to Digital sales? I would bet good money that Digital is cannibalizing physical purchases, and it will only get worse as (at least on xbone not sure on ps4) digital release are at Midnight EST and not this bullshit PST crap that has plagued them.

I love how 3 hours is bullshit.
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