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NPD Sales Results for September 2014 [Up1: Smash/HW/MK8, Destiny stats, 3DS HW]

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Junior Member
I've never taken away anything from Sonys success, they deserve it. If you could read, you'd have seen the posts where I state they've executed the last 18 months perfectly. But a gen is a long time, and I provided examples of variables that could have an impact on Sony.

MS generate 20BN roughly every 3 months, or something along those lines, they can afford to be in the industry.

And no, I don't wish there was an alternate reality, MS getting thier arse kicked over the last 18 months will be an excellent thing for me as a gamer, as it means MS will be forced to invest in games games and more games. If it means I get Banjo, then I hope it continues.

Please take the time to read my posts, instead of immediately attacking me, because i say something about your fav company that you don't like.

While I do agree that MS is not going any were, and they will stay competitive this Gen.. Lets not be naïve either, while Microsoft as company is extremely profitable, if for some reason the Xbox brand stops showing signs of life there is only so much money you can throw at it before you have Investors rioting outside your headquarters.


Every month Sony is ahead is a month that the gap actually widens between the consoles in NA.

This month made the gap that much bigger. Seems to be the source of the salt.

Honestly though, if this kicks MS into offering more value and deep funding their own new IP's, then it's a good thing. I have my doubts they'll take that route, but it's the one to turning this ship around and getting back on gamers good side.

Marketing and FUD isn't going to win this. Moneybombs aren't going to be as effective when behind, and are going to start to get super expensive.
Regarding software revenue declines, it was mentioned in the prediction thread that the new boxes (PS4, XBO presumably, don't know about Wii U) are seeing up to 30%+ of new release sales via digital channels rather physical retail.

Considering for most multiplats now these platforms are making up the majority or plurality at least of new game sales, it's worth noting before drawing conclusions on software revenue from NPD.

They're going to need to start tracking digital in a meaningful fashion as the old systems fade away even more if they're going to provide an accurate picture.

EDIT: Not that anyone cares when they're too busy bickering... I think I'm going to get some work done and come back when the thread has less white noise.
Exactly. They should be blaming those companies for making both Wii U & Xbox One very unappealing to the market at large & for their horrible advertisements.

Yes, I should tell Nintendo and Microsoft to make their OS even more barebones and make their controllers out of the cheapest plastic and rubber in order to appeal to the market.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
MS generate 20BN roughly every 3 months, or something along those lines, they can afford to be in the industry.

How much does the Xbox division generate? No need to mention they are a smaller division of MS as a whole, I just want to know how much Xbox generates in profit.


They're not my favorite company and I just happen to think you say a lot of stupid shit. That's about it.

This is the same guy that said games like uncharted and heavy rain were killing the industry and as a gamer you would rather pick MCC and SSO over LBP3 and singstar.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Yes, that botched Driveclub release in October sure did fuel those September sales, let me tell ya.

Funny how PS4's online offering is now somehow weaker because of DriveClub. That's an issue with one game by a developer and has nothing to do with PSN.

My PSN online experience has been just fine for practically everything thus far. Destiny has been pretty rock solid.


I kind of feel like while Musou may not have grown much in the last 5 years or so as a genre [I do believe HW's is the best US Musou opening though?] that 2D/3D platformers as full $50/$60 games has shrunk massively

Series with tons of characters meet a Musou games, I'm surprised that it couldn't do better!
KT have been saying a lot of things with collaboration, I guess they know that they need to grown the genre out of DW and SW. A right step for them, but they really need to improve the gameplay itself, simple collaboration wouldn't do.
I know I didn't think it would, but I also didn't know FREE, non packed in games that Microsoft included if you bought an Xbox One, counted in NPD.

I didn't know those free Destiny giveaways counted as sales, when the PS4 bundle doesn't....

Makes me wonder if Sony will give away a free copy of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare next month if you buy a PS4. That would be a great move. Seems that Microsoft found a clever back door to battle bundles and still count your giveaways in NPD...

Yeah. I thought that was pretty sneaky and I figured Destiny would be top SKU on the XBONE this NPD simply because of that fact. I know at my retailer, customers literally got a $60 gift card to spend on whatever game they want. Most of them bought Destiny.

Funny how PS4's online offering is now somehow weaker because of DriveClub. That's an issue with one game by a developer and has nothing to do with PSN.

My PSN online experience has been just fine for practically everything thus far. Destiny has been pretty rock solid.

I and two of my PS4-using raid members were all simultaneously kicked from FFXIV tonight and unable to log back in for 20 minutes. Everyone on PC was fine.

PSN needs upgrades. The Destiny, Driveclub load combined with a very large influx of new members actually doing things online is straining their infrastructure.
I've never taken away anything from Sonys success, they deserve it. If you could read, you'd have seen the posts where I state they've executed the last 18 months perfectly. But a gen is a long time, and I provided examples of variables that could have an impact on Sony.

MS generate 20BN roughly every 3 months, or something along those lines, they can afford to be in the industry.

And no, I don't wish there was an alternate reality, MS getting thier arse kicked over the last 18 months will be an excellent thing for me as a gamer, as it means MS will be forced to invest in games games and more games. If it means I get Banjo, then I hope it continues.

Please take the time to read my posts, instead of immediately attacking me, because i say something about your fav company that you don't like.

How much MS generates is not really relevant because... well, you realize the reason they make so much is because they normally choose to invest in things that will make them money? MS as a whole may have craploads of money but that doesn't mean the Xbox division has them all at their disposal.

That's the thing I don't get whenever the MS warchest is brought up. To MS as a company, Xbox represent such a tiny blip on their radar that one could say it's almost irrelevant to overall business. Why in the world would they throw even more money down the drain?

Sony, on the other hand, may not have near the cash MS does, but PS represents a far more important part of their overall business, which means they'll throw their full weight behind it to make sure it succeeds. Granted, they may not have as much cash and yes, they're doing pretty badly (financially), but they still have some weight to throw around. So yea....


I disagree because you haven't elaborated on your statements. Please, tell me exactly how you think MS are doing a better job than Sony.

So far, I believe that MS has delivered on games, online infrastructure, UI features.

Tell me how I am wrong.
Full marks to Shadows of Mordor. I just finished the main storyline last night and what an epic ride. This will be my first platinum on PS4.

As far as the carnival of stupid in the Pachter thread goes...

awesome, i keep seeing good things about this game...gonna pick it up soon after I see the first price-drop.


So, question.

I haven't really participated in these threads, and at the rate it's going, I don't think I could keep up with the ongoing discussion.

I only have a question or two, really.

Are these indicators of a market that is expanding, stagnating, or contracting?

I tend to be a pessimist and a cynic. Seeing these numbers and then seeing something like a 2% increase and a 30% decrease in softwares sales concerns me. I guess the huge increase in hardware sales is something to be happy about, but I attribute that to new skus in the market spaces that wasn't there before.

Ah. I'm talking too much. My main question is - Have these NPD sales reports the last few months indicative of a market on the rise?

I could see it stagnating for sure. However, it is a little hard to make any concrete conclusions yet.

Both the Xbox One and PS4 launched under different circumstances from their predecessors, namely, they were able to satisfy demand up front very quickly, where as the 360 and PS3 (really should compare leader to leader, so I guess Wii) were heavily supply constrained at launch.

I'd say give it a year and a bit from launch to see where the industry stands.

As for software, as has likely been pointed out, there seems to be a fairly significant shift in software spending from B&M to digital, so it's really hard to see what's happening here.


So much bitter salt and stealth trolling.


I'm super confused right now, to be honest.

We all knew going in, PS4 would massacre the competition this month.
You would think an entire year of winning NPDs would humble even the
most ardent Xbox faithful.

But nope, crazy ass shit is being posted every page. BEST NPD in months lol


Yes, I should tell Nintendo and Microsoft to make their OS even more barebones and make their controllers out of the cheapest plastic and rubber in order to appeal to the market.

You heard it here folks, you really should buy a Box for its higher quality plastic and OS that has more non-gaming functions.

Get the fuck out.


Yes, I should tell Nintendo and Microsoft to make their OS even more barebones and make their controllers out of the cheapest plastic and rubber in order to appeal to the market.

You think that average consumers give a damn about "Better OS's?" Let me give you a hint: They don't. They go for the product that is very popular. They also buy consoles for their kids, & their kids who wants a PS4 are going to wind up getting one from their parents. Also, gamers everywhere are buying PS4's because most of their friends &/or families are hopping onto it.

Plus Xbox One having a better controller is opinion. Heck, Bungie themselves were the ones who helped Sony make the DualShock 4 controller; Didn't you know?
Hmmm....I miss Mark Cernry...

I thought he was going to be more involved with PS PR and image since he introduced the system reveal and all those interviews that followed.

Such a well-spoken fellow.
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