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NPR: Trump's Election Gives Hope to Europe's Far Right

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Not with the way french elections works.
Keep in mind she lost against a no-name at this year regional elections because at the second turn, every other parties stop her and join votes.
She wouldn't win "easily" with the two turn system working against her, but at this point, with the left in shambles, I wouldn't write her off. A lot hangs on the primary on the right.

Bertrand isn't exactly a no name.


2017 in Europe is gonna be Brexit/US elections all over again:

Smug EuroGAF liberals here boasting about how their country will NEVER elect a far-right platform, dismissing any evidence as mounting support grows for it, only to be caught completely off guard and meltdown when it occurs.

Not every one in Europe is smug.

El Topo

Hope you are right. Just can see this boosting racist parties a hell of a lot.

They've been very active and are currently at best at 13% and no party is willing to work with them. We have had local elections that showed how much support they have. Even if we are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume active growth, they will not be involved in the government. Not unless CSU runs amok.
Legit question - what is this fundamental difference in French elections and how does it stop the tide of voter motivations that seems to be so angry?

Le Pen will likely win the first round but in the second round the two best candidates face off. And then the PS will support the UMP and vice versa.
She wouldn't win "easily" with the two turn system working against her, but at this point, with the left in shambles, I wouldn't write her off. A lot hangs on the primary on the right.

Bertrand isn't exactly a no name.

He is. He was like in the low tier of the UMP and was kinda disliked.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
This fucking election had better be a wake up call to European countries. Get your shit together and you'll end up with a Trump.


In Greece, which is struggling to deal with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa, the far-right Golden Dawn party hailed Trump's election as a victory against "illegal immigration" and in favor of ethnically "clean" nations.



Legit question - what is this fundamental difference in French elections and how does it stop the tide of voter motivations that seems to be so angry?

There are two rounds to the election. In the first round you choose between many different candidates. In the second round you choose between the two candidates that gathered the most votes in the first round.

In addition, there's no big super-party like the democrats and republicans in the US that will get 40% of the vote simply for showing up.

What this means is that if a party that's too extreme goes to the second round, every other party will unite against them. Last time the FN went to the second round they got less than 20% of the vote in that round.

In addition, the simple fact of such a candidate getting to the second round is a good wake up call for people to get off their asses and vote.

This doesn't mean the country is safe by any means, and everyone needs to go out an vote, but it makes it harder for extreme candidates to be elected.


Excewpt Canada! We had our fill with Harper... Though I don't like the looks of this Kellie Leitch.

And Ireland! We only go as far as centre-right, and they're the main part of the current coalition and have been leading since 2011.

There isn't a Eurosceptic party here that I'm aware of.


They were already partying but Trump winning is still a huge boost for them. Their own platforms are taking power in the worlds most influential country. I'm fully expecting them to be a mayor part in my country's next government. Basic human decency is out of fashion.

It was a bit funny seeing how so many over here couldn't wrap their heads around Trump gathering huge support since identical politics are already a thing here though.


White nationalism has won the western world.

This is beyond bad, the world is heading towards something that hasn't been seen in decades.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
2017 in Europe is gonna be Brexit/US elections all over again:

Smug EuroGAF liberals here boasting about how their country will NEVER elect a far-right platform, dismissing any evidence as mounting support grows for it, only to be caught completely off guard and meltdown when it occurs.

Every time I see people posting, they say that exactly this will happen. I really haven't encountered many who doubt the rise of the alt-right in europe

What the fuck? That's pure nazi ideology.


Golden Dawn is quite literally a neo-nazi group



Golden Dawn is the Nazi Party. Everyone knows it. One of them punched a journalist in the face on live TV and ran away from the police.

My grandpa voted for them. "Greece first" and all of that. He's struggling every month to pay the bills. He's an idiot, but what can you do.
A swing back to the right has been on the cards for decades, the political pendulum in the West has been slowly swinging left since the 60's ..... the children of those that faced down the right during the second world war started the swing.

It is now on its way back to the right, pressures around jobs, money, place in the world, quality of life and dwindling resources under strain from surging India, China and the burden of immigrants in the West has helped push a lot of people in that direction.

The more people there are, trying to share the same amount of resources, services, jobs etc then the more we will see, especially in countries that didnt come from a multicultural posistion fight against diversity and immigration, wanting preserve what they have / had for themselves.

This hasnt peaked yet.
I was going to start a thread to ask: What first world countries are continuing to lean further left as a matter of trend?

Well after the rise of right wing we have at least gone little bit back to the left here in Finland. SDP (Our social democratic party) got 16,51 % of votes during last elections. Now they are according the polls at 21,2% and biggest party. True Finns (our right wing party) got 17,7% during last elections and now are at 8,5 %. True Finns have lost a lot of support because after last elections they had to form coalition goverment with other two big parties and people started to notice that they can't keep any of their elections promises. It seems best poison against right wing was to put them in goverment here....
The only way I see a "good" outcome in the coming election is if Juppé is the LR's candidate.

If we get Sarkozy we could get ourselves a Sarkozy vs Le Pen second turn.

Two turns. First turns every parties run. Then the two first candidates only for the second turn. Thing is, every parties allies against Front National. At this year regional election, Le Pen lost to a no-name because of that.

Xavier Bertrand is far away from being a no name.
The only way I see a "good" outcome in the coming election is if Juppé is the LR's candidate.

If we get Sarkozy we could get ourselves a Sarkozy vs Le Pen second turn.

Le Pen will surely be at the second turn. The odds of a LR candidate vs Le Pen are at the highest.
As someone from the UK, I never understood why mainlanders were so smug about Brexit or why they're so smug about this. As others have pointed out, mainland Europe has a disgraceful reputation of being just as racist as the USA. Not to mention the fact that the rise of far-right nationalist rhetoric started in Europe of all places.

I don't think Le Pen will win the French election, but she'll damn increase her share of votes. That's for damn sure. Y'all have had Brexit and the election of Trump to wise up, man.


I'd rather blame sociopathic fascists like yourself.
Not knowing his history, he's got a point, this feels like the hill the left chose to die on or what you may call it.

Edit: misread, open boarders in eu isn't. Longtime
Problem imo


For you.
2017 in Europe is gonna be Brexit/US elections all over again:

Smug EuroGAF liberals here boasting about how their country will NEVER elect a far-right platform, dismissing any evidence as mounting support grows for it, only to be caught completely off guard and meltdown when it occurs.

I, for one, at least live in a place where i'm 100% sure we won't see the far-right platform gaining any relevance any time soon, and I consider myself fucking lucky as fuck for that. My country might flawed as hell and have lots of issues, but at the very least its safe from far-right fuckwits running it for at least 20/30 years.


Marine Le Pen winning, Geert Wilders and Frauke Petry... Norbert Hofer in Austria.

Truly the darkest timeline.

1. People fear globalization.

2. People who fear globalization are energized to vote right now

3. People who don't fear globalization clearly do not care enough right now to stop those that do.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I, for one, at least live in a place where i'm 100% sure we won't see the far-right platform gaining any relevance any time soon, and I consider myself fucking lucky as fuck for that. My country might flawed as hell and have lots of issues, but at the very least its safe from far-right fuckwits running it for at least 20/30 years.

You can't post things like this without posting what country you are talking about.

El Topo

Golden Dawn is the Nazi Party. Everyone knows it. One of them punched a journalist in the face on live TV and ran away from the police.

My grandpa voted for them. "Greece first" and all of that. He's struggling every month to pay the bills. He's an idiot, but what can you do.

Given how much we fucked Greece, I can't even blame him.

You can't post things like this without posting what country you are talking about.

Pretty sure he's from Portugal.
2017 in Europe is gonna be Brexit/US elections all over again:

Smug EuroGAF liberals here boasting about how their country will NEVER elect a far-right platform, dismissing any evidence as mounting support grows for it, only to be caught completely off guard and meltdown when it occurs.
Sounds like an echo chamber.


For you.
Feels so good, wierd and refreshing to live in Portugal with a left socialist governament suported by the communist party in a time most of Europe is now so far leaned to the right.

Yep. As things worsen everywhere around us, i'm feeling really happy that my little country isn't making my hope in humanity completely vanish.

You can't post things like this without posting what country you are talking about.

Portugal. Far right isn't getting any shred of relevancy any time soon.
Man, when all is said and done Canada and the Scandinavian Nations are going to be the last bastion of sanity in the world... aren't we.
I don't think Le Pen will win the French election, but she'll damn increase her share of votes. That's for damn sure. Y'all have had Brexit and the election of Trump to wise up, man.

Yeah, I think the French legislative election in June 2017 will show that more than the presidential election of April/May 2017.


Man, when all is said and done Canada and the Scandinavian Nations are going to be the last bastion of sanity in the world... aren't we.
With how things are in the world, these countries are gonna have to start fighting harder to not let the same people increase their foothold in their government. Their eyes are on these nations.
Golden Dawn is the Nazi Party. Everyone knows it. One of them punched a journalist in the face on live TV and ran away from the police.

My grandpa voted for them. "Greece first" and all of that. He's struggling every month to pay the bills. He's an idiot, but what can you do.
It's what happens when every other political party fails and won't do anything to help you, people will just keep electing ever more extreme platforms until something changes. It's shocking that the ruling parties just don't seem to grasp this.


Racist white people are trying really hard to destroy this world.

We're falling right into the terrorists traps. They create this political climate, and anxiety. Far right feeds off the hate and confusion, and start to make their move.
That's why I'm going to vote for the LR's primaries.

Can't let Sarkozy pass through that.
Yeah, I'm urging people to do that, including a lot center left leaning people.

Yep. As things worsen everywhere around us, i'm feeling really happy that my little country isn't making my hope in humanity completely vanish.

Portugal. Far right isn't getting any shred of relevancy any time soon.
One more thing to add to my "why Portugal is pretty cool" list.

Yeah, I think the French legislative election in June 2017 will show that more than the presidential election of April/May 2017.
That's the biggest stake IMO, how much of a parliamentary force they can be.
Yeah, I live in Marine Land (in the south-west of France, near actual Marine Land) and I can see her winning the presidency even though it's not a sure thing yet. Her father was easily beaten in the second round in 2002 but in 2017, anything will be possible and she's much smarter than he is. The western world is about to fully give in to fear and hatred and I have no idea what we can do about it aside from voting, which won't be enough. I used to think our society was always progressing positively for the first 25 years of my life, but now I'm 30 and we are witnessing an ideological return to the dark ages.

I'd like like to say something positive, but I can't think of a positive outcome to all this shit. We're doing ISIS's job better than they are.


I think we're seeing a delayed reaction to the Great Recession.

I had a very similar thought as well. In addition, I think that the modern social safety nets afforded our leaders time to adjust and listen to the electorate, but they didn't.

Excewpt Canada! We had our fill with Harper... Though I don't like the looks of this Kellie Leitch.

Just wait. I have no faith in my countrymen to resist the tide. There's a few demographic differences, but there's nothing preventing Canada from taking a hard right turn, particularly in the Trudeau government doesn't manage to get its shit together in the next 3 years, and I'm not exactly optimistic about those odds.
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