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NSC staffers fired after 'deep state' conspiracy memo lands on Trump's desk



The memo at the heart of the latest blowup at the National Security Council paints a dark picture of media, academics, the ”deep state," and other enemies allegedly working to subvert U.S. President Donald Trump, according to a copy of the document obtained by Foreign Policy.

The seven-page document, which eventually landed on the president's desk, precipitated a crisis that led to the departure of several high-level NSC officials tied to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The author of the memo, Rich Higgins, who was in the strategic planning office at the NSC, was among those recently pushed out.

Of course they were fucking connected to Flynn.

The ending is frightning.

McMaster ”doesn't really have any allies," said a source familiar with the NSC staff. ”It doesn't seem as though he has the ear of the president, which is obviously essential to his survival."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is quite enough.

Congress needs to act.

Trump is a blundering idiot and in a way, not responsible for this mess. But congress IS.


Someone who worked at the National Security Council, advising the president, issued a memo about "memes".

You know we're all dead, right?


I'm only a page in and I already have the screaming heeblie jeeblies.

edit: the best is when they define propaganda


Trump is being attacked, the memo says, because he represents ”an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative." Those threatened by Trump include ”‘deep state' actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans."
Isn't "cultural marxist" a dog whistle for Jewish people?

http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism said:
A History of Nazi Germany describes how the Weimar Republic brought about increased freedom of expression (modernism), then described by critics as decadent and irrational. Traditionalist Germans thought that this was causing German culture to decay and that society was heading towards a moral collapse.[7]

The Nazis labelled this modernism as "Cultural Bolshevism" and, through "Jewish Bolshevism", claimed that Jews were primarily behind Communism. In particular, they argued that Jews had orchestrated the Russian Revolution & were the main power behind Bolshevists.[7] This Jewish-led Bolshevist assault was described by Adolf Hitler as a disease that would weaken the Germans and leave them prey to the Jews, with Marxism being perceived as just another part of an "international Jewish conspiracy".[7] An ideological objective was thus the "purification" to eliminate alien influences and protect Germany's culture.[7]

Of course, Nazis also conflated Jews with capitalism. Fascist ideology's complicated relationship with capitalism[8] led to Mussolini mainly attacking a "Finance capitalism" -- the international nature of banks and the stock exchange -- and praising a "Heroic capitalism". In short: if you don't like it, it's probably the Jews.

Oh word? It's not even just a dog whistle, it's a term straight out of Nazi Germany.


The controversy over the memo has its origins in a hunt for staffers believed to be providing information to right-wing blogger Mike Cernovich, who seemed to have uncanny insight into the inner workings of the NSC. Cernovich in the past few months has been conducting a wide-ranging campaign against the national security advisor.

wat? Goddamn. It's crazy how often GamerGaters keep popping up with this admin. And yes, I am well aware of the timeline connecting GG to the Alt-Right neo nazi resurgence


After the memo was discovered, McMaster’s deputy, Ricky Waddell, summoned Higgins, who was told he could resign — or be fired, and risk losing his security clearance, according to two sources.

Higgins, who agreed to resign, was escorted out of the building. He later learned from his colleagues still at the NSC that his association to this now-infamous memo was the reason he was removed.

Following Higgins’s departure, McMaster set out to clean house, a source close the White House said — getting rid of NSC staffers linked to the memo, perceived as loyal to his predecessor, Michael Flynn, or simply those with whom he’d butted heads over foreign policy. Among those fired was Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the NSC’s top intelligence official, and Derek Harvey, who handled the NSC’s Middle East portfolio.

In the meantime, however, the memo had been working its way through the Trump White House. Among those who received the memo, according to two sources, was Donald Trump Jr.

Trump Jr., at that time in the glare of media scrutiny around his meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower during the presidential campaign, gave the memo to his father, who gushed over it, according to sources.

In a comedy of errors, Trump later learned from Sean Hannity, the Fox News host and close friend of the president, that the memo’s author had been fired. Trump was “furious,” the senior administration official said. “He is still furious.”

The article has a copy of the memo. The content is rather goofy. It fits the stereotype, like a late teenager or early undergrad going through a certain phase, while masturbating to their own unoriginal musings. Donald, of course, loves it.


This guy has been playing too much MGS.



If you thought that the Frankfurt School was dead, you apparently haven't looked into enough anti-Semitic lunatics' heads. I also can't quite reconcile Adorno/Horkheimer/Benjamin/Fromm with any kind of "cultural strategy". It's kind of antithetical to the approach, it's fundamentally non-constructive.


Isn't "cultural marxist" a dog whistle for Jewish people?

Oh word? It's not even just a dog whistle, it's a term straight out of Nazi Germany.


wat? Goddamn. It's crazy how often GamerGaters keep popping up with this admin. And yes, I am well aware of the timeline connecting GG to the Alt-Right neo nazi resurgence

frightening to see more and more people use it seriosuly

Mark L

They talk about McMaster's "survival" in the administration, but I think we gotta remember that he is essentially compelled to serve there. I am sure he'd be very happy to stop "surviving" at that job and return to the Pentagon or whatever. As to the effect that would have on the rest of us, though.......


Going to continue to call out people I see using "deep state" unironically. Lest this conspiracy crap spread.


I honestly can't tell if these people believe their own shit or if they're leaking this on purpose to stoke up their fan base.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So uh, who the hell slipped this memo to Donald Trump Jr? I don't suppose the White House is concerned with that leak...

As a Judea-Christian culture, forced inclusion of post-modern notions of tolerance is designed to induce nihilistic contradictions that reduce all thought, all faith, all loyalties to meaninglessness. Group rights based on sex or ethnicity are a direct assault on the very idea of individual human rights and natural law around which the Constitution was framed. "Transgender acceptance" memes attack at the most basic level by denying a person the right to declare the biological fact of one's sex.
What in the hell is this craziness?

McMaster shouldn't have let this nutjob resign, should've straight up fired him.


So uh, who the hell slipped this memo to Donald Trump Jr? I don't suppose the White House is concerned with that leak...

What in the hell is this craziness?

McMaster shouldn't have let this nutjob resign, should've straight up fired him.

Man that loyalty bit is specifically targeted toward Trump.


I'm scared shitless at the thought that our government is being run by 4chan dweebs. All that's missing is Steve Bannon posting ">tfw no gf :("


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yup, this is all quite stupid indeed.

(leaves computer)

(suspiciously picks up phone)

"...They know."


If you thought that the Frankfurt School was dead, you apparently haven't looked into enough anti-Semitic lunatics' heads. I also can't quite reconcile Adorno/Horkheimer/Benjamin/Fromm with any kind of "cultural strategy". It's kind of antithetical to the approach, it's fundamentally non-constructive.

well you see they were all Jews so


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The shitlords have landed.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yes, Foreign Policy is a legit site. The existence of the memo was previously reported by The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...-forced-out-over-a-controversial-memo/535725/

It reads like 4chan garbage because we literally have idiot /pol/ conspiracy theory racists & white nationalists in high levels of the government.
Bingo. There's a reason McMaster has been trying to get rid of a number of these morons since he took over for Flynn. They're completely unqualified and crazy.


I wonder how long McMaster has left, you have to assume the clock is already ticking

Not shocking considering that supposed r/thedonald member working for someone in the admin.

That guy was working for a House representative, I'm sure there are more though


This is the face of the Republican party. This is what the Republican party has become.

What in the hell is this craziness?

McMaster shouldn't have let this nutjob resign, should've straight up fired him.
Remember when people were trying to sell us on "LGBT for Trump" and how he won't legislate discrimination against or endanger the community like the old establishment Republicans of yore?

Yeah, they knew they were lying the whole fucking time and still tried to play us on that shit. This fucker sold out the humanity of transgender people just to distract from a raid on a Russian saboteur within months of entering office.


Frankfurt School Cultural Marxist memes
this is some fucking /pol/ shit they made up so they could yell at Jewish people on the internet, the fuck is this word salad doing in White House memos?

EDIT: oh Mike "HIV doesn't exist" Cernovich is involved. That explains it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Really. If this guy walks into a police academy, who's fault is it that he ends up out on the street with a gun and a badge?


Trump is an evil, selfish idiot, but he's only in that office because 1. People made a series of giant mistakes. 2. An enemy nation tipped the scales. 3. Congress allows it to continue.


listen to the mad man
If you thought that the Frankfurt School was dead, you apparently haven't looked into enough anti-Semitic lunatics' heads. I also can't quite reconcile Adorno/Horkheimer/Benjamin/Fromm with any kind of "cultural strategy". It's kind of antithetical to the approach, it's fundamentally non-constructive.

Adorno: Actually, if you think about, going camping is Extremely Bad

Some 55 Year old Sociology Professor at Nowhere State University: In this moment, I am feeling dialectical

Gamergate: Cultural Marxism is taking over society!!!!
"memo" aka propaganda document designed to trigger grandpa.

Those in government who are against Trump realizes he is destroying our government and global reputation. That doesn't make them deep state. It means they are doing their job.
This is what happens when you elect and allow the hiring of shitposters, Nazis, and Breitbart employees.

Yes, they're good at organizing idiots in hate campaigns, but their policy notes are little more than internet fanwankery and memes. Glad that McMaster is tired of their shit, and that Cernovich is getting dragged for his obvious connections to the admin.


---------DEEP STATE----------

This is going to be an incredibly embarrassing chapter in our history books. The "Idiocracy Timeline Event".

That is if history books aren't banned by then for being FAKE NEWS.


I don;t know if it's because I'm extremely hungover but I can't understand this. Can someone explain this thing like i'm 6 years old?
Right wing radio rants about the so called deep state are wild. What this essentially does is let Trump and associates off the hook by portraying them as victims of something very ominous and scary.
This is quite enough.

Congress needs to act.

Trump is a blundering idiot and in a way, not responsible for this mess. But congress IS.

How many members of Congress are morons and/or extremist nutjobs themselves? And that's on top of Republicans who would never, under any circumstances, impeach a Republican president.

I'm not convinced the math will ever work under this Congress, no matter what Trump has done, or does.

Ultimately it is not Congress who is responsible for this. It's voters. Granted there are a few asterisks on that (Electoral College, GOP voter suppression, Russian propaganda). But Trump and the current makeup of Congress both are due to election wins.
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