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(NY Times) Missouri: The Shoot-Me State (Gun Deregulation)

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In an alarming victory for the gun lobby, Missouri’s Republican-controlled Legislature voted Wednesday to override Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto and enact a wholesale retreat from gun safety in the state.

The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training. It strips local law enforcement of its current authority to deny firearms to those guilty of domestic violence and to other high-risk individuals. And it establishes a dangerous “stand your ground” standard that will allow gun owners to shoot and claim self-defense based on their own sense of feeling threatened.

Mr. Nixon, a Democrat, vetoed the measure in June, saying it would allow individuals with a criminal record to legally carry a concealed firearm even though they had been, or would have been, denied a permit under the old law’s background check. Mayors Sly James of Kansas City and Francis Slay of St. Louis warned against restricting the power of the local police to deny guns to those who commit domestic violence. They cited sharp spikes in domestic violence homicides in their cities, and they noted that the police would be left at greater risk by this bill.


That's frightening

I have a hard time comprehending why some people think its a good idea to regulate gun-ownership far less than we regulate car/driving ownership
It's crazy how extreme gun supporters who always champion the police suddenly go silent when the police are begging for better gun control measures.
Hey its the American right for every Tom, Dick and Jane to own a high powered gun to protect themselves from the even stronger government and anyone else that upsets them, whether it be a snide remark, not holding a McDonald's door open, racial motivations, etc.

This is the dumbest shit. We truly are on the darkest timeline.

Funky Papa

The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training. It strips local law enforcement of its current authority to deny firearms to those guilty of domestic violence and to other high-risk individuals. And it establishes a dangerous “stand your ground” standard that will allow gun owners to shoot and claim self-defense based on their own sense of feeling threatened.

Is Missouri trying to turn into Somalia?

AYF 001

It's crazy how extreme gun supporters who always champion the police suddenly go silent when the police are begging for better gun control measures.
It's even crazier when they are police. Complaining about how "gun laws do nothing" when they're supposed to enforce them. Then turning around after every mass shooting saying how they need all this body armor and weaponry to counter those isolated incidents, as if they're patrolling in Fallujah or something. And of course if you don't think they need an MRAP to patrol whatever suburb they're stuck in, then "you must hate cops for not wanting them to be safe".

It just boggles the mind how they can directly cause so many problems and act like they're the solution.


That sweet, sweet NRA money. Who cares if violent domestic abusers can get a gun? Look at all our moneeeeey!!

They also overturned his veto on voter ids.

Remember children, vote in elections or else you get shitheads like this legislature doing logically insane things like this on a daily basis!
The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training. It strips local law enforcement of its current authority to deny firearms to those guilty of domestic violence and to other high-risk individuals. And it establishes a dangerous “stand your ground” standard that will allow gun owners to shoot and claim self-defense based on their own sense of feeling threatened.

Just how much do you have to be getting in bribe money, to be so morally compromised that you allow such a ridiculous thing to transpire? Like, this is straight up fucking stupid and dangerous


What I also find interesting is that republicans/conservatives seem totally fine with ex-convicts buying and owning guns, but deeply oppose granting ex-convicts the vote.

Some fucked up priorities there. Apparently it is perfectly safe to give a violent criminal a gun, but dangerous and beyond the pail to give him the ability to vote.


What I also find interesting is that republicans/conservatives seem totally fine with ex-convicts buying and owning guns, but deeply oppose granting ex-convicts the vote.

Some fucked up priorities there. Apparently it is perfectly safe to give a violent criminal a gun, but dangerous and beyond the pail to give him the ability to vote.

Ex white convicts. If an ex black convict gets a gun all hell breaks loose.

Plus, those felons in Virginia may be a large democratic voting population. Can't have people like that voting, now can we?



That's frightening

I have a hard time comprehending why some people think its a good idea to regulate gun-ownership far less than we regulate car/driving ownership

The law will let citizens carry concealed weapons in public without a state gun permit, criminal background check or firearms training.

In related news, over 10,000 people have been shot to death in the US this year, so far. Nothing to see here, nothing to see.
They had enough votes to overturn a veto on this? Yikes. I shudder to think what other right wing favorite stuff they could put through.

fake edit: oh, voter ID, of course.


And it establishes a dangerous “stand your ground” standard that will allow gun owners to shoot and claim self-defense based on their own sense of feeling threatened.

Remember people, facts aren't important, feelings are.

Seriously, how the hell can such a "stand your ground" standard exist? Does it exist in other states too (in case I ever visit the States again, so I know where I shouldn't go)?
Perhaps this is in poor taste, but I don't see that defense working out well for a black man if he feels threatened by a cop and shoots him

Yeah the point I'm trying to reach is that as long as "This person was legitimately afraid for his or her life" remains an impenetrable shield whenever an innocent black person is shot, gun deregulation isn't going to level out to the 'everybody's safer with a gun' utopian fiction that the gun lobby has been selling to Americans for all these decades. Certain someones always get it worse. And that's without including the thousands of people fleeing violent spouses who now have the added nightmare that said abusers can now buy all the guns they want. This is the worst kind of policy making.


Remember people, facts aren't important, feelings are.

Seriously, how the hell can such a "stand your ground" standard exist? Does it exist in other states too (in case I ever visit the States again, so I know where I shouldn't go)?


So, best bet is to avoid Republican states. Honestly surprised at Washington though. Thought you were cool, Washington
As a person who doesn't think there is such a thing as objective morality, I have to say that the republican party is morally bankrupt and just plain evil. Fuck them and all the abhorrent bullshit they bring to America.


It sucks because republicans have a super majority in Missouri. Not enough cities in the state to offset all the rural areas


This is why I wonder if this morons are creating a self fulfilling prophecy on their second amendment rights. If there was sensible compromise on gun laws we'd probably happily keep permitting ownership, but if every little thing is met with resistance I wonder how long until we get a court ruling or even an outright veto that completely fucks over gun owners. Would probably require decades of this nonsense while the side for no regulation gradually whittled down.

D i Z

Who needs walls when you've got deregulation like this. I half expect Trumps America to add this to the "must have" list along with those 50's ideals.


Well fuck me, I was literally just planning a camping trip to Missouri today. Just gonna have to be extra careful, I guess.
In open carry states you can at least see who has a gun. Now you just have to assume that everyone over the age of, I dunno, 16 (?), has one and act accordingly.


The NRA truly are merchants of death these days.

Well fuck me, I was literally just planning a camping trip to Missouri today. Just gonna have to be extra careful, I guess.

Your best bet is not to associate with anyone that owns firearms. Most gun deaths are friend/family related, not from strangers.
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