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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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Correct. I honestly wish the media was as against conservatives as they like to think they are.

Honestly, I think the first thing they (and all of us, arguably) could do is draw a line:

There are conservatives, and there are regressives.

Conservatives want to slow down the rate of change in society. They are characterized by caution and an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. They often stand in the way of progressive legislation on these principles, but generally warm up to positive change once it's been implemented and proven not to have catastrophic consequences.

Regressives want to turn back the clock. They want to "Make America Great Again", where "Great" is a set that includes various traits emblematic of long-gone eras. They want to actively dismantle working progressive policies that have been shown to have no deleterious effects that chicken-little conservatives may have warned of before their implementation. They want to actively regress.

People who support Trump and Bannon don't deserve to be called "conservatives". They should be called "regressives", just as the "Alt-Right" should rightfully be called White Nationalists.

Metal B

On the telephone, Mr. Bannon spoke in blunt but calm tones, peppered with a dose of profanities, and humorously referred to himself at one point as “Darth Vader.” He said, with ironic relish, that Mr. Trump was elected by a surge of support from “the working class hobbits and deplorables.”
Even grosser.
... he knows, that Darth Vader is a bad guy, who is working for an evil imperator? ... so technically he is right. You just need to look for his long lost son to save the US.


I wish "the media" would point its crosshairs at Bannon, the bigoted piece of shit. Most people have probably never heard of him, but he's doing as much damage to the US as Trump himself now.

Run him through the mud, drag up all his shitty deeds and views, etc.
I'm reading words but all I hear is waaaaaaaaaaaa. This is a sign that the media is actually doing a good job covering Trump's adminstration.

Felt the same. The angrier they get, the more delusionally they'll speak. I wouldn't be surprised if they came apart at the seems and said something completely and unignoreably fucked and bigoted above and beyond this on live TV that destroys them or at least "convinces" Bannon to resign from the cabinet


If congress is not even acting slightly alarmed at this point, we are powerless.
Congress is toothless but the states and cities are fully aware of who the true villain is and called him out by name yesterday.

Bannon may have influence but he is still only one man.
Bannon and Stephen Miller are writing those executive orders, by the way. Theyre THE most dangerous men in the White House, by a long shot.
Well at least now we know who Esquire was quoting when wrote talked about the Press Room being removed from the White House.

Another senior official, however, suggested a more pointed motivation for the move. According to the official, the potential relocation reflected a view within the transition team that coverage of Trump has been so hostile as to indicate that the press has abandoned its role as neutral observer.

"They are the opposition party," a senior official says. "I want 'em out of the building. We are taking back the press room."


Our media needs to release all they got. Fuck decorum. Fuck respect. It's no longer the time. Bring it all out in the open.


In unrelated news, Nintendo is entertaining changing the name of Ganon to Bannon in advance of March's release of Breath of the Wild.


Of all of Trump's administration, Bannon's assassination would bring about so much good for not only the U.S. but civilization all over the world. So many lives would be spared or bettered if his own was snuffed out.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Time for adults in congress to realize their new power is meaningless if the country is ruined.

Time for the media to take the gloves off and remind Bannon that his boss has the thinnest skin in America.

Time for the country to stop and turn around before it's too late.

McCain, Ryan, Graham, the CIA and the FBI need to accelerate and expose this monster now.

This is not a reality TV show. This is not a cobbled together collection of imminent bankruptcies and unpaid bills. This is our Nation.


In regards to him telling them to keep their mouth shut and listen because they don't understand how or why Trump won and what this country wants: no, we understand why, we just want to change that.
I felt physically Ill reading this crap.

Not because of what he said, but because a minimum of 50% of the entire USA and more emerging far right groups agree 100%.

This asshole can say whatever he wants, but it's the fucking imbecile population taking people like his word for gospel that is what's truly terrifying.


This is straight out of Putin's philosophy, even Stalin and Hitler. Silence the free press, only put out information you want the people to read, manipulate it and create any narrative you want with as many lies as you want. This is where he wants it to lead, with pollsters nationwide completely discredited, fact checkers out of work, every single journalist they don't approve of out of work, you name it.

We're in the middle of a national emergency.


The people should ever allow government to censor the press.
The problem with this is that right-wing hate media took advantage of this to rise in power and influence to the point where they're now able to attack the truth with unmitigated zeal. Had hate media designed to exploit people's fears and racism had never been given a voice in the first place this would not have been a problem.

And, I'm not even saying you need to censor it. But you sure as fuck had not better normalize it. That is what steered democracy into a proverbial shit storm.
Literally the exact opposite of their job.

The further we get away for the election, the better. They seem to think the election is some god given proof of their righteousness or something, not the close and divisive race with a abberation like Trump at the helm that it really is.
Honestly, I think the first thing they (and all of us, arguably) could do is draw a line:

There are conservatives, and there are regressives.

Conservatives want to slow down the rate of change in society. They are characterized by caution and an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. They often stand in the way of progressive legislation on these principles, but generally warm up to positive change once it's been implemented and proven not to have catastrophic consequences.

Regressives want to turn back the clock. They want to "Make America Great Again", where "Great" is a set that includes various traits emblematic of long-gone eras. They want to actively dismantle working progressive policies that have been shown to have no deleterious effects that chicken-little conservatives may have warned of before their implementation. They want to actively regress.

People who support Trump and Bannon don't deserve to be called "conservatives". They should be called "regressives", just as the "Alt-Right" should rightfully be called White Nationalists.
I dont believe it. William Buckley was your poster boy for American conservatism and he was an apologist for segregation and all kinds of policies that infringed on people's civil rights.
John Kasich is your new age poster boy for American conservatism and he wants to outlaw abortion & slash programs for urban poverty.
American conservatism, at least the form its taken since JFK, is diseased.


A war against reality. What year is this?

The good news here? This is going to unite the media and they're going to return to the journalistic levels of the past.

I sure hope so.

Unity against Nazis and their enablers really should be easy.


Holy fuck. Even if he was somehow impeached by the end of the month, American democracy is totally discredited. Your system produced this fucking mess. Who would ever want Americans to bring them democracy in the future? Wasn't that a major plank of your foreign policy platform?

If it turns out that Russian influence was in fact as widespread as claimed, they met their objectives.
I didn't realize how the American system was fucked until now. You got absolutely no counter-power to this ?

We have freedom of speech and freedom of press, at least for now. This particular instance is just a lot of whining.

Holy fuck. Even if he was somehow impeached by the end of the month, American democracy is totally discredited. Your system produced this fucking mess. Who would ever want Americans to bring them democracy in the future? Wasn't that a major plank of your foreign policy platform?

If it turns out that Russian influence was in fact as widespread as claimed, they met their objectives.

That's a bit shortsighted. We are taking our medicine right now but eventually will come out stronger having learned some incredibly hard lessons. Political activism is at an all time high. Majority of people were just too complacent, not voting in midterm elections or at all.


Beat EviLore at pool.
This is straight out of Putin's philosophy, even Stalin and Hitler. Silence the free press, only put out information you want the people to read, manipulate it and create any narrative you want with as many lies as you want. This is where he wants it to lead, with pollsters nationwide completely discredited, fact checkers out of work, every single journalist they don't approve of out of work, you name it.

Fuck out of work. We will get no real information. People already don't believe CNN next is CBS, ABC, and so on.

Trump gets his information from Fox News and acts on it. This is a man who saying voter fraud who will very sneaky put in Vote suppression.

Already happening with people posting fake news shit spreading it like wild fire. They rather believe that before real sources. Shit will get scary. He will isolate us as a country and divide us.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of press, at least for now. This particular instance is just a lot of whining.

That's a bit shortsighted. We are taking our medicine right now but eventually will come out stronger having learned some incredibly hard lessons.

Freedom is Religion is slowly but surely getting hit every day. One down two to go.


I didn't realize how the American system was fucked until now. You got absolutely no counter-power to this ?

We had one, the electoral college as mentioned by the federalist papers was also meant to be a stopgap in case the people voted in a demagogue for president. They completely failed one of it's most important jobs and now we're suffering from it. Then there's congress, and well, it's been overtaken by the GOP so they won't stop it. It's party over country for them. After there is the Constitution, which sadly, is under threat by this administration and congress since the GOP has no issue going against it.
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