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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
How is this not sounding alarm bells worldwide? You would have to be stupid to not know where this is going. Where are the cries of warning from Europe?
It's been less than a week. If my Facebook feed is any indication, french are just starting to realize. Like, they have 15% of informations we know here on GAF. Most people thought he wouldn't do anything he said, some thought he was funny. Not anymore, I read a dozen of posts just today on how Trump is a narcissist psycho. Give it a couple of weeks and politics will start grabbing these voices.

Nelo Ice

The tone of this is chilling. Goebbels-esque.

The USA needs to resist and find a way to remove these people from power or some very scary things are going to start happening.

Yeah more and more I'm starting to believe something is brewing. As in we ain't going to survive as a country and hell the world will be doomed if we try to work within the system and hope for 2018. Not even a week in and everything is going to hell and back. Something has to be done now otherwise I may just become legitimately suicidal.
Bannon is such a vile, psychotic piece of human waste. It's amazing that the media allowed him to become so close to Trump without exposing what kind of person he truly is.
Honestly at this point I'd take a military coup, it seems like it would be less of a shitshow than what we've got going on currently.

First week in office and I have never seen a presidential campaign off to a worse start.
Yeah more and more I'm starting to believe something is brewing. As in we ain't going to survive as a country and hell the world will be doomed if we try to work within the system and hope for 2018. Not even a week in and everything is going to hell and back. Something has to be done now otherwise I may just become legitimately suicidal.

Get off the Internet now, don't let these people destroy your mental health.

Nelo Ice

Get off the Internet now, don't let these people destroy your mental health.

Yeah all this fuckery has broken me. I tried recovering after the election by ignoring everything and drowning myself in entertainment like video games, movies etc. Then reality hit last week and the nightmare got real. Then it just got worse and worse.


Charlatan said:
"The media here is the opposition party. They don't understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States."

Yes they do, and so do we. Donald Trump is president of the United States on a technicality. That doesn't make him smart like Trump says, or even lucky. That makes him a liar, rapist, racist, creep, and a cheater, not a hero. What the media knows, and is going to say a lot louder now that you want to provoke them, is that everything you do is tainted by the original sin of how this monster was spawned in a dungeon.
I can't help but notice he co-op'd one of the ideas that the left has used against the right for so many years:

I hate it when it was used by the left and I hate it now by the right. There is no dialogue when you shutdown participants in that dialogue with this type of tactic.

The media's job is to report facts no matter who they bother or inconvenience.

The left whining about OPeds is not the same as the right whining about inconvenient truths or being called out for blatant lies.


I gotta quote my favorite quote from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri once again. It is so goddamn prophetic.

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he deems himself your master.
— Comissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

Note: Earth's final century is 21st century in the game.
The fact that this is still getting reported is the reason why this strategy just isn't going to pay off for them. They barely won an election, the majority of the country doesn't agree with or approve of what Trump is doing, information is shared too freely for them to control any of it. They can yell about kicking everyone from CNN and NYT and MSNBC and even FOX News out of the White House but...people are still going to go to them for news. The majority of the country isn't going to start reading Breitbart because that's the only news the White House tells them is real.

I mean just this week from PPP:

In addition to losing out to all of his predecessors, Trump is also losing most of the fights he's picked recently. Voters say 58/21 that they think the intelligence agencies have more credibility than Trump, 50/40 that they think CNN has more credibility than Trump, and 46/41 that they have a higher opinion of the Today Show than Trump.


It's been less than a week. If my Facebook feed is any indication, french are just starting to realize. Like, they have 15% of informations we know here on GAF. Most people thought he wouldn't do anything he said, some thought he was funny. Not anymore, I read a dozen of posts just today on how Trump is a narcissist psycho. Give it a couple of weeks and politics will start grabbing these voices.

I can only hope that realization will help people here to not vote for people like Wilders and le pen, and realize how dangerous they can be.


Keep at em. Protest, speak out, be loud, and satirize these clowns at every opportunity. They are fragile boys. They will break.
I can't help but notice he co-op'd one of the ideas that the left has used against the right for so many years:

I hate it when it was used by the left and I hate it now by the right. There is no dialogue when you shutdown participants in that dialogue with this type of tactic.


You seriously managed to conclude both sides in response to this? Seriously?


May I have a cookie?
I gotta quote my favorite quote from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri once again. It is so goddamn prophetic.

Note: Earth's final century is 21st century in the game.

If anything, the past year has taught us that the issue is a much more problematic one, as giving equal weight to all "information" is what got us into this mess.


It's crazy how few people seem to know who Bannon is when it's becoming more and more clear he's president.


White supremacist website editor becomes shadow President, ushers in new era of totalitarianism and information suppression.

Guys white people aren't even that great

I never got the hype


Bannon will be crying about the media all the way thru Trump's single term as his hopelessly stupid policies make the Republican party historically unpopular and they get routed in 2018 and again in 2020.


It's crazy how few people seem to know who Bannon is when it's becoming more and more clear he's president.

He's gotta be careful with public showings like this.

Trump has some idiot grandpa magic touch, but it seems no one else can get away with the same bullshit. (see the mini trumps that tried to primary certain gops)


If anything, the past year has taught us that the issue is a much more problematic one, as giving equal weight to all "information" is what got us into this mess.

Well, true. But i figure right-wing nazi-fucks like Bannon do want to restrict certain information, replace that with his own falsehoods, as a tool for what might as well be called tyranny. The quote still works.
The media's job is to report facts no matter who they bother or inconvenience.

The left whining about OPeds is not the same as the right whining about inconvenient truths or being called out for blatant lies.


You seriously managed to conclude both sides in response to this? Seriously?

I was simply highlighting the tactic of the right taking things from the left and spinning them back. This whole administration is disgusting but I can't believe the way he said that was a coincidence. You can get bent out of shape about me highlighting it if you want but me highlighting it doesn't mean I agree.

@Sho Nuff - I wholeheartedly agree. I was simply highlighting his use of this tactic. This isn't the same as saying the uses are equal.


Bannon will be crying about the media all the way thru Trump's single term as his hopelessly stupid policies make the Republican party historically unpopular and they get routed in 2018 and again in 2020.

If they accept the vote, that is. And even then, white people are gonna have to step the fuck up and vote against white privilege since we'll be the only ones who can easily vote.

Goddamn. Hillary would have been fine.
Yeah all this fuckery has broken me. I tried recovering after the election by ignoring everything and drowning myself in entertainment like video games, movies etc. Then reality hit last week and the nightmare got real. Then it just got worse and worse.

I'm right there with you man. I want to shut it out, but I feel like that's just giving up.

I've been spending a good chunk of time playing games that put you in control, like Animal Crossing and Fantasy Life... where the ability to forge your own little paths and work on things can be a great boon for stabilizing my mental state. But when you turn them off and wake up the next morning, it is a fresh string of fuckery to read. And I do read it, because I'm both angry and want to be informed.

This year has started off really rough, but don't let it get you that low. You gotta fight.


He's free to tell the press to shut up.

The press is free to not listen. For now.

They better continue to express their freedoms until they're fully taken away.


Despite all of this sickening shit that has happened the last few days nothing will happen :(

Call your representatives. Tell them they're either pieces of shit or should be obstructing pieces of shit at every turn. That's something that will happen, if you do it.
Fascist as shit. I don't know how so many of my fellow so called Americans can support this.

The press should become even louder and dig into their shit.


Bannon will be crying about the media all the way thru Trump's single term as his hopelessly stupid policies make the Republican party historically unpopular and they get routed in 2018 and again in 2020.

Here's to hoping, but I heard the exact same "GOP is over" talk just a few short months ago.
Its pretty surreal watching the worlds most powerful nation crumble. I didnt think it would happen in my lifetime, let alone so quickly.
the news networks should all make a anti-trump coalition focused on attacking trump as much as possible from all angles for the next X years.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
The fact that this is still getting reported is the reason why this strategy just isn't going to pay off for them. They barely won an election, the majority of the country doesn't agree with or approve of what Trump is doing, information is shared too freely for them to control any of it. They can yell about kicking everyone from CNN and NYT and MSNBC and even FOX News out of the White House but...people are still going to go to them for news. The majority of the country isn't going to start reading Breitbart because that's the only news the White House tells them is real.

I mean just this week from PPP:
One thing Bannon is right on is the media completely dropped the ball on the election prediction. Nobody in the mainstream media predicted a Trump win and the election result shocked the world. As such, I don't trust any polling from any media now.
We should all be so so so scared.

It is not going to be easy to wrestle the power out of anyone's hands in two years and four years and thereafter. They are doing all they can now to make it impossible to ever escape the current regime and its successors.

I don't know what will happen first: Total revolution or nuclear annihilation.
Let's be fair, here, though: this isn't just Bannon. Sarah Palin said this. Right-wing media say this daily. Trump said this for years. This isn't new.

But what is new is that they're literally in the halls of power, and in the ear of a very thin-skinned, easily manipulated POTUS.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I really need a "how much can you say before you get put on a list" guide because I'm going to drunk-rage some shit on the internet eventually that is going to put me in whatever kind of camp these fucking fascist pigs end up creating.
the news networks should all make a anti-trump coalition focused on attacking trump as much as possible from all angles for the next X years.


they should tho
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