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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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This is straight out of Putin's philosophy, even Stalin and Hitler. Silence the free press, only put out information you want the people to read, manipulate it and create any narrative you want with as many lies as you want. This is where he wants it to lead, with pollsters nationwide completely discredited, fact checkers out of work, every single journalist they don't approve of out of work, you name it.

We're in the middle of a national emergency.
Nah, he is straight up copying Goebbels' tactic. Apply huge pressure and incite violence and then wait for some idiot to do something stupid that will give him justification to blame the media for encouraging them and then you swoop in with the pretense of national security and take control of everything. It's kind of baffling that he is copying him so blatantly.

The problem is that it will work eventually, if appropriate steps aren't taken in time, someone is bound to do something stupid and give him the justification he needs.
This is the ghoul whispering into Trump's ear. As much as people say Pence is as bad/worse than Trump, at least I'd like to think he's the Fox News to Trump's Breitbart/Infowars.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I didn't realize how the American system was fucked until now. You got absolutely no counter-power to this ?

We basically relied on an honor system for years. Once FOX, GOP started their massisive propaganda machine everything started breaking down.

The other side basically sees us as evil as we see them. It's a big fucking mess.


Dear Bannon, the job of the media is to not keep their mouths shut. If they keep their mouths shut they aren't doing their jobs.
I hope this gets the media even more involved in Trump's and his cabinet's bullshit. The people need, and have a right to know. Plus, if they want to go to war with the media, they will absolutely lose.


Another senior official, however, suggested a more pointed motivation for the move. According to the official, the potential relocation reflected a view within the transition team that coverage of Trump has been so hostile as to indicate that the press has abandoned its role as neutral observer.

"They are the opposition party," a senior official says. "I want 'em out of the building. We are taking back the press room."

Bannon can obviously go fuck himself with the "keep its mouth shut" stuff, but I think I'm fine with the implications of this view. The role of the press is not to be a "neutral observer". It's to investigate, determine, and report facts. And unfortunately, facts are political. They are not neutral.

Please do make the relationship between the press and the executive ever more adversarial – I want the press to get more aggressive and dog these guys.
I didn't realize how the American system was fucked until now. You got absolutely no counter-power to this ?

The idea (at least what we are taught in school) is that the three branches of government provide "checks and balances" to each other. But right now we have a reckless Republican president, a sycophantic Republican Congress who will do whatever he says, and a hobbled Supreme Court that is about to become majority conservative. So for at least the next two years (until new Congressfolk are elected), there is essentially free reign for Trump and the regressive GOP Congress to do pretty much anything they want, which they have already started doing.


It took from January to July 1933 for the Nazi Party to become the only party in Germany. They may beat that record yet.
So this is what Week 1 of 26 then, eh?
Do they win a prize if they snuff out all of the voices of the Democrats and mainstream media by July?


“You’re the opposition party,” Mr. Bannon said. “Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party. The media’s the opposition party.”

He's not wrong. He's just not right in the way he thinks he is.

The media's job is to hold the government to account. They're not there to toe the party line.


We are really witnessing the end of our Democracy. We have started down a slippery slope that we will never ever recover from. In 4 years, the United States is going to look a lot different.

The people who have been silent in their homes are starting to rise up. For decades, they were voiceless. We haven't see them in public, on forums, or on the Internet. They started getting a voice in Breitbart. But finally they have a face and platform in Donald Trump's administration. Pretty soon any opposition will be silenced.


I hope stuff like this really makes the media really realize just who and what they are dealing with and keep the gloves off.
The Calamity Bannon.

That's good. That's damn good.

Although, hey, at least Ganon was just an angry desert man pissed of at the white people for hoarding all the good shit to themselves. Yeah, he went overboard, but he had a liberal heart. And in the end, a white kid stabbed him in the face.



They want to silence all media that isn't Bannon/Trump controlled, this is so fucked! No doubt Bannon is a great admirer of Goebbels and is looking to imitate his tactics. The march towards an authoritarian state is accelerating and it hasn't even been a full week yet!


NY Times needs to get heavier punches after this. Headline should really be something like:
"Trump Chief Strategist and Sexist, Racist, Anti-Semetic Media Mogul and Says Media Should Keep its Mouth Shut"
I dont believe it. William Buckley was your poster boy for American conservatism and he was an apologist for segregation and all kinds of policies that infringed on people's civil rights.
John Kasich is your new age poster boy for American conservatism and he wants to outlaw abortion & slash programs for urban poverty.
American conservatism, at least the form its taken since JFK, is diseased.

Oh, I'm not saying real conservatives still exist in Washington--maybe Graham?--but rather that they still exist in the wilds of America. I know a decent number of American conservatives who were very anxious about gay marriage, but after having had some time to live with it as the law of the land now realize there was nothing to worry about; their nature is to trend toward the status quo, whatever it may be, essentially.

My whole point is that we should paint with a big fucking brush to make sure that "regressive" gets properly slathered on every toad in the House, Senate, and Judiciary who wants to make abortion illegal or who ruled against the Voting Rights Act, etc. Those people are falsely claiming conservatism and frankly hoovering up votes they don't deserve because no one's bothering to challenge them on it.


„Der Presseeinfluss auf die Masse ist der weitaus stärkste und eindringlichste, da er nicht vorübergehend sondern fortgesetzt zur Anwendung kommt”
- Adolf Hitler, „Mein Kampf”

This will be a fight and time is running out. Either Bannon can achieve the "Gleichschaltung" of the press or the press can outlast all tries to do so and help in getting Trump out of office. But I don't think the press has 4 years to just wait it out.

Here is how the Third Reich managed to do the Gleichschaltung.
It even mentions founding of the RMVP (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda that used "stark verzerrte Tatsachen", essentially alternate facts to drive the message.


Bannon needs to fuck off. His candidate lost the popular vote by almost 3 million fucking people, a huge margin that does not give him any mandate. He doesn't have any room to talk or lecture when Trump won only by a technicality of the electoral college. The majority of the nation hates you and Trump, Bannon.


Honestly speaking, I believe Trump wouldn't be half as bad if it wasn't for Bannon. It's established that Trump pretty much goes with the opinion of whomever is in the room, and with Bannon always there its all garbage 24/7.
Didn't this guy smack his wife around?



The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon's then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.


The ex-wife then entered the house and said she was calling 911. She was dialing the number when, the report states, Bannon ”jumped over her and the twins to grab the phone from her. Once he got the phone, he threw it across the room," and then left the house.

"[REDACTED] found the phone in several pieces and could not use it. She complained of soreness to her neck. I saw red marks on her left wrist and the right side of her neck. These were photographed," the police report states, adding that the ex-wife declined an emergency protective order.

But they couldn't find the witness.

So, he's basically treating the media how he treated his ex-wife.


Junior, please.
The tone of this is chilling. Goebbels-esque.

The USA needs to resist and find a way to remove these people from power or some very scary things are going to start happening.


How is this not sounding alarm bells worldwide? You would have to be stupid to not know where this is going. Where are the cries of warning from Europe?

I've become increasingly nervous as the presidency continues. Absolutely nothing is off limits as long as it makes Trump's cronies and backers filthy rich. People will die because of these demons. They couldn't care less about the average citizen, black or white.
You're right. Nothing more can possibly be done at this stage. Might as well crawl into a corner and die. That'll show those damn Trumpeters.
I'm not saying that. But we lost our best chance. What we need to do now is scream and yell and march and contact our representatives. But realistically, until mid-terms at least, there's not much more that we can do.


How is it possible that this guy and a practicing jew are his two closest advisors?

Are they trying to kill each other behind the scenes?


The tone of this is chilling. Goebbels-esque.

The USA needs to resist and find a way to remove these people from power or some very scary things are going to start happening.

Every time there is a press conference or one of the Trump's regime's spokespeople are speaking outside, have a protest louder than what they are saying.

Bannon views the press as the 'opposition party,' who's to say he won't view the people disagreeing or dissenting from Trump as the 'opposition party.' An attack on the press is an attack on all of us and our Constitution and our First Amendment.
I can't help but notice he co-op'd one of the ideas that the left has used against the right for so many years:

The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile

I hate it when it was used by the left and I hate it now by the right. There is no dialogue when you shutdown participants in that dialogue with this type of tactic.


If you guys wait until the midterms you will have no shot. Your country is going to be gerrymandered to shit in favour of this regime. Their media narrative will have completely taken over within 6 months tops at this rate.
Bannons world view is that is that of a Christian White Nationalist even though he'll claim he's just an economic nationalist/populist. Bernie is a true rational economic populist who is for fair trade rather than free trade. We should be dealing with Bernie right now. : (
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