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NYPD officers pull a teenager into their van during drug a search, then rape her.

This is really dumb.

1. Because it's possible for law and order to exist without cops. We know this since this is the form all primitive societies took.

2. Because "deterrence" is less responsible for crime rates than you think. Criminals, especially serious crime, don't actually expect to be caught and thus are not deterred. "Deterrence" exists primarily in the minds of non-criminal laymen, and for only a few cases of petty crime like shoplifting, and in that case it's not even the cops creating the deterrence, but the employees and the force of the law.

1) This isn't a primitive society. Primitive societies worked in clans and were too busy preoccupied with simple survival. A modern day society with 300+ million diverse individuals without a police force? I hope you love vigilante justice and the reemergence of organized crime families providing your protection.

2) The effectiveness of police deterrence is definitely open for debate, but I'm willing to bet burglary and illegal trespass would increase a tad if we seen a draw down of the police force.
Yes actually. Teachers and even anyone else working in a school who isn't a teacher is required by LAW to report cases of suspected abuse or harassment/sexual assault and similar crimes if they even suspect that it could be happening, regardless of who the perpetrator is

Yo, WHAT?! Of course they have to. And you'll see it pretty regularly because teachers tend to care deeply about the people they serve.

Yep. Again, it's even required by law to report. Hell, I'm a grad student with a research assistantship and I'M required to report any cases of sexual assault/rape/harassment I learn about on campus or involving someone from the university and I'm not even in a professor or a TA or anyone else in a position where I have any real authority over anyone

When a teacher does something criminal, for example, child molestation? They get kicked out and the entire administration apologizes for it publicly. There's no "blue wall" of teachers*.

I wonder why the fuck that is?

Except for unions I guess.

Nipo did and you returned with this:

“Doing nothing =/= doing your own good work.”

If an institution is failing its not good enough to say to yourself, “Well, my desk is clean, so I can sleep better at night.” Its also unfair to the truly good cops that in addition to keeping their desk clean also involve themselves with orgs like 100 Blacks In Law Enforcement, and other anti-corruption groups. The idea that all a “good” cop has to do is his/her work and that’s it is a fallacy and doesn’t compare to teaching etc...unless teachers somehow got licenses to kill, lol. Using that same teacher example I guess a good teacher in a school with rampant abuse gets a pass because they never actually saw it themselves so they shouldn’t worry themselves about fixing the school, lol

when you are a cop your job is to literally uphold the law. when you let your coworkers slide, you are not doing your job. you are literally bad at your job. you are literally a bad cop.

I didn't say you don't have to report it. I didn't say you shouldn't uphold the law. I said you should report what you know, and that you shouldn't stay quiet.


I said it isn't reasonable for the GAF member here who is a cop to have to take a platform every time a cop commits a crime, and I said the same thing about teachers. My point was that, YES, a teacher should absolutely report any laws being broken, or even any suspicious activity. But every time a teacher breaks the law, you don't see other teachers making big statements about it to the media. That's not expected or necessary. People shouldn't have been nasty to the GAF poster here who is a cop just because he is a cop. You don't blame every fucking cop on the planet for what many other cops are doing, just like you don't put every single teacher on blast for things other teachers are doing. That's all I'm saying, so stop fucking changing it into something more heinous.

Re: "Doing your own work" - if you are a cop, it is your job to uphold the law. Reporting offences committed by other officers is included in "doing your own work". Same goes for teachers. This shit isn't hard unless you're desperate to find someone to dogpile on. Any cop who is doing his own work isn't going to cover for other cops. If you are, then you're failing at your job and deserve to lose it and more, since you're now part of a criminal conspiracy (not that our government has ever cared).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wonder what could cause people to resent and single out cops in particular. Could it be their systematic history of not policing themselves, despite being police? Hmmm...
Where exactly am I trying to take this conversation? I am sure Kendrick Lamar doesn't have the odd hero worship of cops that people like yourself have.
He also probably doesn't hand wave criticism of law enforcement like yourself.
I am 100% he doesn't believe that there are hordes of "thugs" waiting to storm his home with only the fear of valiant cops keeping them at bay.
So Like I wrote, catchy tunes, none of the message.

Who is "we" by the way? Are you a cop? People who are not cops are not responsible for what percentage of cops aren't shit. That's up to cops to fix and these "good" cops aren't really doing shit.

I don't worship cops. But I acknowledge that it's a shitty thankless job that pays out peanuts. Want to know my relationship with cops? I treat them like lethal robots that can malfunction at any given moment. I always keep this in mind whenever I have to deal with them. Does that sound like someone who worships them? To fight police brutality and misconduct, we need allies. Telling the good cops to fuck off is not conducive to building allies. That's ultimately my stance. Is that not reasonable?

Edit: I'm not a cop. I'm a geek full-time.
I don't worship cops. But I acknowledge that it's a shitty thankless job that pays out peanuts. Want to know my relationship with cops? I treat them like lethal robots that can malfunction at any given moment. I always keep this in mind whenever I have to deal with them. Does that sound like someone who worships them? To fight police brutality and misconduct, we need allies. Telling the good cops to fuck off is not conducive to building allies. That's ultimately my stance. Is that not reasonable?

I wouldn't say my police make peanuts...

" In 2010, starting pay for a Suffolk patrol officer was approximately $59,000 annually. After five (5) years of service, pay rose to $108,608, not including overtime, night differential and benefits."


1) This isn't a primitive society. Primitive societies worked in clans and were too busy preoccupied with simple survival. A modern day society with 300+ million diverse individuals without a police force? I hope you love vigilante justice and the reemergence of organized crime families providing your protection.

2) The effectiveness of police deterrence is definitely open for debate, but I'm willing to bet burglary and illegal trespass would increase a tad if we seen a draw down of the police force.

We've gone through this in NYC actually; when the Police had a work stoppage when they felt that the mayor wasn't supporting them enough during holidays 2014.


And the result looked like a scene out of Mad Max...not.

With the death of community policing across the US unfortunately in 2017 cops are less law and order, more municipality fee collectors


I don't worship cops. But I acknowledge that it's a shitty thankless job that pays out peanuts. Want to know my relationship with cops? I treat them like lethal robots that can malfunction at any given moment. I always keep this in mind whenever I have to deal with them. Does that sound like someone who worships them? To fight police brutality and misconduct, we need allies. Telling the good cops to fuck off is not conducive to building allies. That's ultimately my stance. Is that not reasonable?

Guarding me and my family while we sleep is acceptable enough in my book.

No this was your stance, don't try to change up now. Believing that they are preventing people from doing harm to your family, sounds like hero worship to me.

So not being nice to a cop means they'll be against fighting police brutality and misconduct?
That sure as shit sounds like a "good" cop to me.
1) This isn't a primitive society. Primitive societies worked in clans and were too busy preoccupied with simple survival.

You mean like the people who voted for Trump out of their own financial interests, knowing full well how bad it would be for people outside of their "clan" (or Klan, as the case may be) and despite what a reprehensible person he is? Yeah, we're still a primitive society.

On topic, it's sounding to me like the Feds need to drop the hammer on the NYPD the way they did with the LAPD in the 90's with full oversight. When the police force become predators, they have made themselves enemies of the public instead of protectors of them.


I don't worship cops. But I acknowledge that it's a shitty thankless job that pays out peanuts. Want to know my relationship with cops? I treat them like lethal robots that can malfunction at any given moment. I always keep this in mind whenever I have to deal with them. Does that sound like someone who worships them? To fight police brutality and misconduct, we need allies. Telling the good cops to fuck off is not conducive to building allies. That's ultimately my stance. Is that not reasonable?

Edit: I'm not a cop. I'm a geek full-time.
Allies that turn a blind eye to brutality is not an Ally


The gall these fuckers have.

Because even if she did indeed 'consent' there is no consent in a situation like this. The power dynamics involved are so unbalanced that even if they are telling the truth, she likely felt if she said no she'd be arrested, beat, or even killed. So no, she did not consent. Fuck all that noise.


I didn't say you don't have to report it. I didn't say you shouldn't uphold the law. I said you should report what you know, and that you shouldn't stay quiet.


I said it isn't reasonable for the GAF member here who is a cop to have to take a platform every time a cop commits a crime, and I said the same thing about teachers. My point was that, YES, a teacher should absolutely report any laws being broken, or even any suspicious activity. But every time a teacher breaks the law, you don't see other teachers making big statements about it to the media. That's not expected or necessary. People shouldn't have been nasty to the GAF poster here who is a cop just because he is a cop. You don't blame every fucking cop on the planet for what many other cops are doing, just like you don't put every single teacher on blast for things other teachers are doing. That's all I'm saying, so stop fucking changing it into something more heinous.

It's not expected or necessary because there isn't a systemic problem of teachers not facing consequences for crimes they commit.


Shit man, these guys will get a slap on the wrist at the worst. We had a cop here in my town who confessed to breaking into a woman's home and raping her while she was sleeping and he got a plea where he just had to do probation, got community service, and then when that was done it was wiped off his record.
Shit man, these guys will get a slap on the wrist at the worst. We had a cop here in my town who confessed to breaking into a woman's home and raping her while she was sleeping and he got a plea where he just had to do probation, got community service, and then when that was done it was wiped off his record.

The fuck?!
If you are a cop and are unwilling to speak up about the evils within your department then you are not a good cop.

Cops prance around with this blue line rhetoric when they continuously cross it without any of their peers correcting them.


If you are a cop and are unwilling to speak up about the evils within your department then you are not a good cop.

Cops prance around with this blue line rhetoric when they continuously cross it without any of their peers correcting them.

Yeah dirty cops and those who abide them completely blow that whole "blue line" concept RIGHT out of the water.



Completely disgusting. Nobody should feel sorry for cops when they enjoy this level of legal invincibility.

(Also crazy: None of the damn articles I've seen on this call the act rape instead of sex. What the hell?)

A former Rothschild policeman accused of breaking into a woman's home and having sex with her while pretending to be her boyfriend successfully completed a probation and a judge Monday reduced a felony to a misdemeanor, according to online Marathon County court records.\

That is straight out of revenge of the nerds minus the costume right?
Well 9/11, so they should be allowed to do whatever they want, right? I feel like 9/11 is something that comes up whenever enough pressure is placed on the NYPD so it won’t be long now.


A former Rothschild policeman accused of breaking into a woman's home and having sex with her while pretending to be her boyfriend successfully completed a probation and a judge Monday reduced a felony to a misdemeanor, according to online Marathon County court records.\

That is straight out of revenge of the nerds minus the costume right?



People shouldn't have been nasty to the GAF poster here who is a cop just because he is a cop. You don't blame every fucking cop on the planet for what many other cops are doing, just like you don't put every single teacher on blast for things other teachers are doing. That's all I'm saying, so stop fucking changing it into something more heinous.

Im not entirely sure how it works in the US but respect for your profession comes from how your organisation holds itself professional and morally as a whole. The US police force over the past couple of centuries has shown itself to be a vile, incompetent corrupt tool of suppression ,hate and avarice. This isn't to say that other first world country policemen are not corrupt but the sheer amount of shit that American police are able to get away with is just disgusting. That disgust is rightly aimed at every policeman who wears a badge because in doing nothing they enable their blue brothers in their crimes. Crimes which cost innocent people their lives.

I respect that there are some people on GAF who chose to work for the police force, perhaps with the intention of doing good but the truth is your organisation does not deserve nor has it earned respect


At this rate, these kinda of stories almost seem to act as a recruitment tool for scum bags.

Hey! Wanna do dirt without consequence, gain an impenetrable line of defense/defense force and be treated like royalty? Your local PD has a spot for you.


"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.


"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

That is still rape. They have guns and a badge and the power to make her life hell. Wtf you think this was consensual? Do you understand what that word means?
"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

"Suck my dick and I won't arrest you!" Yea that sounds consensual......

You don't see how that's coercion?


"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.



"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.
Two men with guns and authority versus one teenage girl. That’s not consensual. We really need to remove this myth that rape involves a violent resistance. She had no recourse given their number, strength, size, threat of violence and twisted authority.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
What a disgraceful situation, and the NYPD aren’t even denying it by somehow trying to pass this act off as consensual?? Fucking disgusting...thank God she came forward. I can only imagine how many times these exact same circumstances go unreported. :/

"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.
Wtf is this?
What a disgraceful situation, and the NYPD aren't even denying it by somehow trying to pass this act off as consensual??

"The rape kit came back with positive with her DNA," David said, "I know they're checking the DNA for the cops, but the fact that they admitted that there was this act, I think they tried first getting the press on their side because they know it's gonna come back positive for them," David charged.


For you.
"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.
Never date anyone. I wouldn't trust you with anyone. "Coerced -but consensual "? Enjoy your ban dumbass.


"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

A junior with 0.14 posts per day who joined last December saying this? Why even bother?
Maybe there should be a seperate, civil justice system to take care of such rogue cops...The fact that they can get away with stuff like this boggles my mind, and shows a corruption within the legal system.
"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

Coerced sex is rape.

What are you kids learning in school, smh.


A junior with 0.14 posts per day who joined last December saying this? Why even bother?

True, but the scary thing is if he's posting it up for shits and giggles lord knows how he behaves in real life particularly since things like this happen behind closed doors. It's disheartening and makes you wonder if society has a chance


Unconfirmed Member
"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

Jesus christ. This is easily the dumbest thing I've read so far today.


"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

You cant be serious, you have to be trolling.
"You do for us and we'll do for you."
She knew exactly what they meant, said nothing and just got on with it.

No Charges necessary. Sex was consensual. Coerced - but consensual. Fully ripened by their power show. Quid pro quo.

Fuck this line of thinking and fuck the police

Also stay away from women


Wow, the officers actually admit to having sex with her but claim it was consensual? Sex with a party that they are investigating is consensual?

What. The. Fuck.

How have they not been fired and charged already.


What a disgraceful situation, and the NYPD aren’t even denying it by somehow trying to pass this act off as consensual?? Fucking disgusting...thank God she came forward. I can only imagine how many times these exact same circumstances go unreported. :/


Wtf is this?
The NYPD haven't been trying to pass this off as anything. They've just been saying that the DA is investigating the allegations. It's the cops who were accused who have been claiming that the sex was consensual, which is disgusting.

Blue wall and all, I'd like to say that there is a decent chance that these detectives face real consequences. Raping women seems to be a crime that juries have convicted cops for, unlike murdering unarmed black men.
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