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NYT: He’s a Local Pillar in a Trump Town. Now He Could Be Deported.

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I get the feeling these people don't really give a fuck about him and will forget about him in a month or two.

"Whatever happened with that Mexican dude we liked?"


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

Your beliefs are shitty if you would vote for someone like Trump
So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

They believed all immigrants were "bad hombres" that needed to get out. Why don't you fuck off with your nonsense?


"I don't want him to leave, but not to the point where I would do anything about it."


Your gif would make sense if Carlos voted for Trump but the article is about how his neighbors voted. Try again.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
They came so close to arewethebaddies?.gif

Lmao being a minority and voting for trump is incredibly dumb, like wtf do you think was gonna happen?? They were gonna let you stay cause you're one of "the good ones"?????

Hahahah. No. They will take your support then show you the godamn door or throw you over the wall you just helped build.

This guy couldn't vote. What are you talking about?
So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

What "beliefs"? Believing an orange clown who promises magical tonics to give them back or preserve their jobs?

Read their comments on the article. They don't have some altruistic opinion on undocumented immigrants. They still want to do their shit labeling of "those dirty Mexicans who only come here and take advantage". They only care about Carlos because they know him personally and consider him to be "one of the good ones". But they clearly don't care for him enough to actually change their vote. Because despite their fantasy "beliefs", the only thing their president has done so far is 1) not help them at all, 2) take away one of their esteemed members of their community.


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

They would vote for him again....

They aren't the ones sacrificing shit.
Your gif would make sense if Carlos voted for Trump but the article is about how his neighbors voted. Try again.

My post was mocking the fact that they're complaining but would still vote for Trump because they don't actually care as much as they claim to.

That should have been pretty clear since the quote didn't say it was from Carlos. Read it again.
So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

Shitty selfish people voted for trump. Now a lot of people are gonna suffer. Idgaf anymore. Fuck his supporters


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

This was like, the main fucking thing he ran on, though. I mean sure if this was some buried thing that was a surprise push, but he ran on this, bigly.

And sure I get what you're saying, but don't just fucking tell someone "Yeah I'd still vote for him" when they're asking about your goddamned friend being deported. Have some fucking respect and at least pretend to think about the issue like it matters. Say something like "I can only hope Trump does things good enough to take away from the bad that this has been on our community. I can't redo my vote, but I can fight when I see something wrong happening."
Sad how jaded and bitter GAF is sometimes. The community rallies around someone they love and most of the comments are hateful and spiteful.

That community is why that man, and many like him are suffering, and will continue to suffer. (and they would make the EXACT same decision again if they could)

You should probably direct your concern and disappointment to those that actually deserve it.


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

Maybe it should make them realize that all he has given them is a bag of lies?

"He promised only criminals and bad hombres, but this guy is a good hombre! But Im sure his word is good concerning coal, its not like every expert on the face of the planet has said those jobs arent coming back!"
They came so close to arewethebaddies?.gif

This guy couldn't vote. What are you talking about?

I didn't mean him specifically, I realize he can't vote. But the other minorities who could vote that did vote for him. My point is they don't give a shit about the "good ones"

Edit: and I do feel really bad for Carlos, I hope he gets homeboy to his kids and wife. It's just frustrating to see people who voted for him suddenly go huh? When trump is just doing the stuff he promised to do during the race.


This shit gets on my nerves. They only care about this guy singularly, not about his people. "He's one of the good ones" is so racist, it blows my mind that the person who said it thinks it's a positive thing.


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

all their other "beliefs" like racism


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

"Beliefs" like racism and bigotry?
Sad how jaded and bitter GAF is sometimes. The community rallies around someone they love and most of the comments are hateful and spiteful.

Super glad a voice of reason showed up to defend a town of bigots!

That town rallying around this man also rallied around Trump and are now responsible for them losing a pillar to their community. So sorry while the better of us don't empathize with ignorant trash.


It is literally the community's fault someone they love is now suffering. They did this to him.

Actually it's his fault for not becoming a citizen. It's sad situation for him and the community but it was a risk he was willing to take.
This shit gets on my nerves. They only care about this guy singularly, not about his people. "He's one of the good ones" is so racist, it blows my mind that the person who said it thinks it's a positive thing.

Exactly. The rest are bad and should GTFO until proven otherwise. (which would apparently mean living in their community for a decade)


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

Uh, yes? That would be like saying you're "sacrificing" all your food if someone put poison in it and you throw it away. It's not a sacrifice, it's just looking at more than one element of a terrible whole.


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

They weren't forced to vote either way. They could have abstained from voting. They instead gleefully went out and voted for an ignorant bigoted monster.


So they should be forced to sacrifice all their other beliefs and vote the other way? This is the example of making the best of a 2 party system. They're actively fighting who they voted for on this issue. Whether it will work says something about the political system rather than the people.

Trump literally started his campaign blasting Hispanics. These people aren't oblivious they just didn't care. They knew what they were voting for.

Now they are expressing the most basic of sympathies for this man. But guess what? They didn't learn anything. in fact they'd vote for Trump again. Truly rallying around him. I don't see these people calling their Reps. I don't see them protesting in the streets because of this.


They believed all immigrants were "bad hombres" that needed to get out. Why don't you fuck off with your nonsense?

No, see, this the exact opposite of what the leader of this is saying:

Mr. Grigsby said he still would vote for Mr. Trump. One never agrees with everything a politician does, “but maybe this should all be more on a per-case basis,” he said. “It’s hard to be black and white on this because there may be people like Carlos.”

Voting for a politician does not entail 100% supporting everything they say, it just means that you support more of their policies than the opponent's. Whether that is justified is another topic altogether and has been and will be debated for decades. This person is actively fighting at least one portion of the politician's platform that he voted for because he believes it is wrong. That is right to me, and I don't feel comfortable with widespread condemnation of that approach.
Actually it's his fault for not becoming a citizen. It's sad situation for him and the community but it was a risk he was willing to take.

Dude, do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen short of getting married? Very expensive too, my family has spent thousands trying. It's a difficult and costly process.


Actually it's his fault for not becoming a citizen. It's sad situation for him and the community but it was a risk he was willing to take.

Yeah, sucks that he was too busy feeding firemen.

Poor Carlos, he just couldnt grasp "got mine" enough.

You're so full of empathy, maybe you should take it upon yourself to seek him out and teach him to be as selfish as yourself.


No, see, this the exact opposite of what the leader of this is saying:

Voting for a politician does not entail 100% supporting everything they say, it just means that you support more of their policies than the opponent's. Whether that is justified is another topic altogether and has been and will be debated for decades. This person is actively fighting at least one portion of the politician's platform that he voted for because he believes it is wrong. That is right to me, and I don't feel comfortable with widespread condemnation of that approach.

What are trumps beliefs and policies? The only hard and fast ones are the bigotry


Junior Member
I'm crying. Fuck trump. Destroying families and communities like this.

God fucking dammit he has ruined America.


I also find it amusing/sad that Mr. Hernandez held a Law Enforcement Appreciation day, likely when they were getting criticized over their treatment of black people, only to then be arrested for his immigration status.

This whole story is just a big showcase for lack of thought/empathy for others.


Actually it's his fault for not becoming a citizen. It's sad situation for him and the community but it was a risk he was willing to take.

Yeah, he just needed to go to a USCIS office and ask for citizenship and they would have given it to him, How easy! how come he didn't get around to doing it!?


Voting for a politician does not entail 100% supporting everything they say, it just means that you support more of their policies than the opponent's. Whether that is justified is another topic altogether and has been and will be debated for decades. This person is actively fighting at least one portion of the politician's platform that he voted for because he believes it is wrong. That is right to me, and I don't feel comfortable with widespread condemnation of that approach.

This might be true if what trump did and what trump said were the same.

He CLAIMS, they are only going after undocs who are a threat to society.

Anyone paying attention can see this is not the case, Carlos is not an isolated example.

Rather than see that their candidates platform is a LIE, they are continuing to act like its on the up and up.

Treating it like taking Carlos was a mistake, rather than it being exactly what Trump wants.

Trump thinks:

Hell, a white guy can open up a diner in that spot now! Thats making america great again!


I also find it amusing/sad that Mr. Hernandez held a Law Enforcement Appreciation day, likely when they were getting criticized over their treatment of black people, only to then be arrested for his immigration status.

This whole story is just a big showcase for lack of thought/empathy for others.

When your shucking and jiving doesn't net you shit
Fuck every single one of those people. I feel bad for this guy that he has to live in community of such selfish, shitty, ignorant pieces of garbage.


This shit gets on my nerves. They only care about this guy singularly, not about his people. "He's one of the good ones" is so racist, it blows my mind that the person who said it thinks it's a positive thing.

This sort of thing seems to pervade the entire conservative mythos. Not just with racism, but with other things. A lot of them feel the only justified abortion is their own, for instance. Their own welfare is earned, but so many other people are just leeching.
No, see, this the exact opposite of what the leader of this is saying:

Voting for a politician does not entail 100% supporting everything they say, it just means that you support more of their policies than the opponent's. Whether that is justified is another topic altogether and has been and will be debated for decades. This person is actively fighting at least one portion of the politician's platform that he voted for because he believes it is wrong. That is right to me, and I don't feel comfortable with widespread condemnation of that approach.

Once again, they have no sympathy for undocumented immigrants. This isn't a political view they hold. They have sympathy for Carlos and for Carlos only.

And once again, their election of Trump has directly resulted in Carlos being arrested. Even if they didn't 100% agree with it (even though they kinda do considering some of their comments regarding "those Mexicans who only come here to take advantage"), their vote for the man also meant a vote for this policy. They have to live with that and they should take responsibility of their own actions.

There are plenty of allies who are pledging to protect undocumented immigrants. Reserve your sympathy for them and hey, maybe even the people being deported, and not these two-faced racist hypocrites.


This sort of thing seems to pervade the entire conservative mythos. Not just with racism, but with other things. A lot of them feel the only justified abortion is their own, for instance. Their own welfare is earned, but so many other people are just leeching.

"Fuck you, I got mine" is the fundamental truth about the republican condition.


I also find it amusing/sad that Mr. Hernandez held a Law Enforcement Appreciation day, likely when they were getting criticized over their treatment of black people, only to then be arrested for his immigration status.

This whole story is just a big showcase for lack of thought/empathy for others.

He felt safe, protected in his community, having no idea what his neighbors really thought of illegals and others like him. He may have been a good one, but not good enough.

Also anybody that says "their fault for being illegal" is not going to have much empathy here because in their minds they shouldn't be here in the first place. In other words, they really don't care.


This sort of thing seems to pervade the entire conservative mythos. Not just with racism, but with other things. A lot of them feel the only justified abortion is their own, for instance. Their own welfare is earned, but so many other people are just leeching.

I mean, Strom Thurmond had a bi-racial child.

Chew on that for a bit.
We have a similar case in our small rural GA town. There's a businessman who owns a few local businesses - three Dairy Queens, a pizza place, and soon a fitness center. Through his DQs he raises tens of thousands every year for the Children's Miracle Network in annual fundraisers. He also heavily involved in the community.

He's a Muslim immigrant from India in the late 00s.

He voted for Trump.

And yet I'd imagine Trump would want him out if he didn't know details beyond Muslim immigrant.


We have a similar case in our small rural GA town. There's a businessman who owns a few local businesses - three Dairy Queens, a pizza place, and soon a fitness center. Through his DQs he raises tens of thousands every year for the Children's Miracle Network in annual fundraisers. He also

He's a Muslim immigrant from India in the late 00s.

He voted for Trump. And yet I'd imagine Trump wants him out if he didn't know details beyond Muslim immigrant.

I think you are giving Mr Trump a little too much credit.
We have a similar case in our small rural GA town. There's a businessman who owns a few local businesses - three Dairy Queens, a pizza place, and soon a fitness center. Through his DQs he raises tens of thousands every year for the Children's Miracle Network in annual fundraisers. He also heavily involved in the community.

He's a Muslim immigrant from India in the late 00s.

He voted for Trump.

And yet I'd imagine Trump would want him out if he didn't know details beyond Muslim immigrant.

Remember when this

was just satire and not reality?
No, see, this the exact opposite of what the leader of this is saying:

Voting for a politician does not entail 100% supporting everything they say, it just means that you support more of their policies than the opponent's. Whether that is justified is another topic altogether and has been and will be debated for decades. This person is actively fighting at least one portion of the politician's platform that he voted for because he believes it is wrong. That is right to me, and I don't feel comfortable with widespread condemnation of that approach.

I guess you missed the very first part of the quoted article:
Mr. Trump, who easily won this mostly white southern Illinois county, is doing what he promised, they say. As Terry Chambers, a barber on Main Street, put it, the president simply wants ”to get rid of the bad eggs."

They believed in Trump's racist immigration policy, they just didn't stop to think that those "bad hombres" could also apply to the dude that sells them their fajitas or mows their lawn.

We have a similar case in our small rural GA town. There's a businessman who owns a few local businesses - three Dairy Queens, a pizza place, and soon a fitness center. Through his DQs he raises tens of thousands every year for the Children's Miracle Network in annual fundraisers. He also heavily involved in the community.

He's a Muslim immigrant from India in the late 00s.

He voted for Trump.

And yet I'd imagine Trump would want him out if he didn't know details beyond Muslim immigrant.

Immigrants who come to America with nothing and pull themselves up by the boot straps are susceptible to Republican ideology. They tend to believe that if they could make it "all on their own" anyone should be able to and thus are more averse to government "handouts." They fail to understand that those "government handouts" are what enabled them to come to the country and succeed in the first place.
"Mr. Grigsby said he still would vote for Mr. Trump."

He considers Carlos one of his closest friends but if given the chance would still vote for the man that would enact polices that lead to Carlos getting deported. Some friend.
It's more dumb they voted thinking Trump will bring coal jobs back.

Sounds like they didn't know he was illegal and I think they are all writing letters to try and get him out.

I see more ignorance not knowing what a typical illegal alien in the US is, they think they are all criminals like Trump says.

Maybe if they met more people like Carlos.
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