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NYT: Trump admin knew Flynn was under investigation before inauguration

It's a bad day in Trump land.



More at the link.


Not that this piece of news isn't super significant, but I feel like NYT has mostly been a step behind WaPo through much of this Trump drama.


Not even a bit surprised. Who knew that the incompetent candidate with the unprepared team would yield such mind-blowingly terrible results?



The way I keep hearing Flynn's name but no one caping for him makes me think he is either going to be doing time or snitching.


The lies are just being stacked and obliterated it really is amazing. There is so much we really need a nice succinct summary video each week to point out the bullshit.


remember me
At first I was like "why is everyone talking about Pence" but then I remembered that Mike Pence led the Trump transition. Oops.


Flynn stopped military plan Turkey opposed – after being paid as its agent

One of the Trump administration’s first decisions about the fight against the Islamic State was made by Michael Flynn weeks before he was fired – and it conformed to the wishes of Turkey, whose interests, unbeknownst to anyone in Washington, he’d been paid more than $500,000 to represent.

The decision came 10 days before Donald Trump had been sworn in as president, in a conversation with President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, who had explained the Pentagon’s plan to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces whom the Pentagon considered the U.S.’s most effective military partners. Obama’s national security team had decided to ask for Trump’s sign-off, since the plan would all but certainly be executed after Trump had become president.

Flynn didn’t hesitate. According to timelines distributed by members of Congress in the weeks since, Flynn told Rice to hold off, a move that would delay the military operation for months.

If Flynn explained his answer, that’s not recorded, and it’s not known whether he consulted anyone else on the transition team before rendering his verdict. But his position was consistent with the wishes of Turkey, which had long opposed the United States partnering with the Kurdish forces – and which was his undeclared client.

Trump eventually would approve the Raqqa plan, but not until weeks after Flynn had been fired.

and more at http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article151149647.html


No telling how much shit will come out in the next couple of months and years. Someone could write a 1000 page book on this shit already. That's the only impressive thing about his time in office.
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