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NYT: Weakened Democrats bow to voters, opting for total war on Trump

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we'll i mean we are talking about dems.

I could care less how cynically republicans view their voters, because I'm not a republican voter and won't be unless they radically change their platform and stop trying to burn the world

The way things are going, if the Trump WH implodes, the fallout should make Republicans absolutely irradiated for a generation because they've backed their every move whether by voting in every appointment or by standing by silently as they dismantle key domestic and foreign policy. They're complicit and should therefore be seen as chained to Trump's fate. Let's hope he sinks deep and that Dems harness the energy of a reawakened electorate for all forthcoming elections.
I will not REST until Republicans fear using the term 'Demorat' because the last time they did, we dragged them under the mud and held them there 'til the bubbles stopped.

The name of the game cannot be "When they go low, we go high," it has to be "when they go low, we get even."

I want to destroy the GOP as an institution. I want them to fear leaving their homes. I want them to quietly, meekly, mutter their worthless ideas and insipid phrases with a stutter borne from fear of awakening the beast again.

They look like Biff used to be in Back to the Future. I want to make them like Biff is at the end of it.

And we're not going to do that unless we fight. Every step will be downwind of their bullshit, and we're going to have to keep going until their toxic ideology is gone.

To quote Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "If you open the ball on these people, you must be prepared to go all the way. They won't give up the fight until one of you is dead."

The second part of it, that I won't quote here for risk of being misconstrued as calling for violence, rings true as a metaphor. They want to fuck with us, hit them back harder. Escalate. Push them to the brink then blame them for doing it.

For too long have they called us slurs, reported to their people how bad we are, all while knowing we'd never stoop to that level -- we'd never be able to convince people otherwise.

I don't want to convince them otherwise. They're already convinced that we're the worst imaginable.

Let's show them that their tiny worldviews couldn't even begin to conceptualize how bad it can get.

I want war.

I generally agree with this sentiment. It's a battle of ideas. If your ideas are truly better then dems gotta be willing to fight to prove it.

That being said if the competition at least forces Republicans to be more reasonable and moderate then all the better. Tired of this hard right shit. These motherfuckers are setting the course for the next 50-100 years.

States can do this?

We're about to find out...


What choice does the party have? Having die-hard Democratic voters in safe seats rebel over the idea of capitulating to this administration is just poor management to start with. I doubt they can afford that kind of conflict with their own solid voters, on top of their weak electoral position and the Sanders v Clinton wing conflict moving through the machine.

Besides, some of the old rubric should have been thrown out anyway. Think about this one: if Chuck Schumer collaborates with Trump on some infrastructure for example, does that necessarily mean he and the Democrats will get credit or electoral support for it? Likely the opposite: it will be a Trump property and that highway might as well have gaudy hold exit signs on top.


The way things are going, if the Trump WH implodes, the fallout should make Republicans absolutely irradiated for a generation because they've backed their every move whether by voting in every appointment or by standing by silently as they dismantle key domestic and foreign policy. They're complicit and should therefore be seen as chained to Trump's fate. Let's hope he sinks deep and that Dems harness the energy of a reawakened electorate for all forthcoming elections.
We said that about Bush, and the Tea Party came flying in 2 years later. Swing voters are stupid, angry, and blame everything on the President.

The GOP are cockroaches.
Good. This is no longer about a difference in governance, minorities are under implicit threat by Republicans. They seek to take our rights, limit opportunity, and make it more difficult for our children. The only choice is to fight.


After seeing Obama come in and attempting bipartisanship with the Republicans, they colluded and voted NO to everything. Democrats already tried reaching across the aisle - it didn't work. Obama even weakened proposals in attempt to lure Republicans votes. He lost the House and Senate. Now the Republicans control the House, Senate, and the White House.

If the Democrats don’t start fighting now, it is over.


People really need to show up for the midterms every single time. It's ridiculous that something important like that is ignored by the majority of the population.

Democrats need to stop trying to work with Republicans. They shouldn't be getting any single bit of respect after all that crap they pulled with Obama. Now seeing them say nothing or supporting Trump's crap should be the final straw.

You can't compromise with hateful bigots who only give a shit about themselves.
We said that about Bush, and the Tea Party came flying in 2 years later. Swing voters are stupid, angry, and blame everything on the President.

The GOP are cockroaches.

As fucked up as W and his two terms were, the shit has never been as real to the average American as things are now. This motherfucker and his crew are malicious as fuck and not just another failed cowboy act run by kleptocrat shitstains. We're at a whole new level here and we've never had as much of a groundswell of citizenry angered and worried about the conduct of our leadership as we have now.

Compromise shouldn't be on the table. Especially after the slimy shit the GOP did to grab Scalia's seat in SCOTUS. You can't compromise with people who have shown time and time again that they don't act in good faith. Obama thought they did and it ended up being one of his biggest weaknesses as President.


Swing voters didn't decide this. Apathetic "both sides" idiots did.
Those are effectively swing voters - people swining from voting D to "not voting" are still costing you half a vote each. And yes, they're idiots.
After seeing Obama come in and attempting bipartisanship with the Republicans, they colluded and voted NO to everything. Democrats already tried reaching across the aisle - it didn't work. Obama even weakened proposals in attempt to lure Republicans votes. He lost the House and Senate. Now the Republicans control the House, Senate, and the White House.

If the Democrats don't start fighting now, it is over.
The Trump admin is so incompetent when it comes to proposing legislation and implementing policy that there's no longer a drawback to opposing nearly everything.

Feeling things out at first was fine- stalling like crazy now is THE thing to do given that they don't even have a 1/10th of their admin nominees nominated.
I think people who say Dems don't have a majority are missing the point a bit; this isn't at all about enacting actual change because we fucking can't. It's not going to happen.

This is about Democrats realizing they need to ride the fervor and energy of their party and constituents right now and make symbolic gestures to them that will in no way hurt their ability to politic in DC but energize their base and get people caring and involved in politics again. If they do not run with what people want they are looking at extreme failures in their future from groups of people who are now disillusioned and just going to sit apathetically by as Dems get run roughshod over in midterms and 4 years time.

They need to respond to this and do it right because the normal ways of politicking, of saving the filibuster of playing fair ball? Aren't going to get them shit. The Republicans aren't playing the same game anymore.

Capitulating and working with Republicans will just get them shit on, the Repubs won't compromise or think "Oh, they confirmed this person, I guess we'll be soft on this bill and let them block it" It's not going to happen. They're going to shove a pipe up America's ass with or without you and they won't fucking thank you for it, so turn to your energized throngs of people and ride that fucking wave.


But the only reason the Republicans were able to dick Obama all the time is because they controlled the house. The only hope the dems have is are the next year's mid-terms. I mean I'm all for this approach I just don't expect much to really come of it. The right will just call them whiny baby snowflakes and dismiss any of what they have to say.

... Dems controlled all 3 branches of government for Obama's first 2 years.


I don't really see what alternatives there are at this point for Democrats. Taking the high road hasn't worked and lord knows this Republican administration/congress has already vowed to stick it to Democrats and Obama's legacy every chance they can over the next four years.

War it is.


States can do this?

I'm not entirely clear on the details, but he's stated that the order does not contradict federal law and that they won't obstruct the operations of federal law enforcement, merely abstain from providing state resources in assistance to these immigration enforcement efforts.


When they go low, we set fire to the tunnel.

About time the Democrats stopped reaching across the aisle to work with the bigots whose obstruction hampered Obama's two terms.


I'm not entirely clear on the details, but he's stated that the order does not contradict federal law and that they won't obstruct the operations of federal law enforcement, merely abstain from providing state resources in assistance to these immigration enforcement efforts.

It's still better than nothing though
I will not REST until Republicans fear using the term 'Demorat' because the last time they did, we dragged them under the mud and held them there 'til the bubbles stopped.

The name of the game cannot be "When they go low, we go high," it has to be "when they go low, we get even."

I want to destroy the GOP as an institution. I want them to fear leaving their homes. I want them to quietly, meekly, mutter their worthless ideas and insipid phrases with a stutter borne from fear of awakening the beast again.

They look like Biff used to be in Back to the Future. I want to make them like Biff is at the end of it.

And we're not going to do that unless we fight. Every step will be downwind of their bullshit, and we're going to have to keep going until their toxic ideology is gone.

To quote Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "If you open the ball on these people, you must be prepared to go all the way. They won't give up the fight until one of you is dead."

The second part of it, that I won't quote here for risk of being misconstrued as calling for violence, rings true as a metaphor. They want to fuck with us, hit them back harder. Escalate. Push them to the brink then blame them for doing it.

For too long have they called us slurs, reported to their people how bad we are, all while knowing we'd never stoop to that level -- we'd never be able to convince people otherwise.

I don't want to convince them otherwise. They're already convinced that we're the worst imaginable.

Let's show them that their tiny worldviews couldn't even begin to conceptualize how bad it can get.

I want war.

Hell yeah. I almost wish Jason Chaffetz was my representative just so I could work on burying his political career.


i'm honestly thinking keith ellison is a step in the right direction - haven't hit up poliGAF lately though, anything i should know about dude?


I will not REST until Republicans fear using the term 'Demorat' because the last time they did, we dragged them under the mud and held them there 'til the bubbles stopped.

The name of the game cannot be "When they go low, we go high," it has to be "when they go low, we get even."

I want to destroy the GOP as an institution. I want them to fear leaving their homes. I want them to quietly, meekly, mutter their worthless ideas and insipid phrases with a stutter borne from fear of awakening the beast again.

They look like Biff used to be in Back to the Future. I want to make them like Biff is at the end of it.

And we're not going to do that unless we fight. Every step will be downwind of their bullshit, and we're going to have to keep going until their toxic ideology is gone.

To quote Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "If you open the ball on these people, you must be prepared to go all the way. They won't give up the fight until one of you is dead."

The second part of it, that I won't quote here for risk of being misconstrued as calling for violence, rings true as a metaphor. They want to fuck with us, hit them back harder. Escalate. Push them to the brink then blame them for doing it.

For too long have they called us slurs, reported to their people how bad we are, all while knowing we'd never stoop to that level -- we'd never be able to convince people otherwise.

I don't want to convince them otherwise. They're already convinced that we're the worst imaginable.

Let's show them that their tiny worldviews couldn't even begin to conceptualize how bad it can get.

I want war.

True that. I catch myself erasing posts before posting them. But I want war, I want riots and destruction of property against Republican leaders. I'm tired of feeling like my party is laying down.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This is gonna be political warfare. Grab your bucket of popcorn, kids.
I will not REST until Republicans fear using the term 'Demorat' because the last time they did, we dragged them under the mud and held them there 'til the bubbles stopped.

The name of the game cannot be "When they go low, we go high," it has to be "when they go low, we get even."

I want to destroy the GOP as an institution. I want them to fear leaving their homes. I want them to quietly, meekly, mutter their worthless ideas and insipid phrases with a stutter borne from fear of awakening the beast again.

They look like Biff used to be in Back to the Future. I want to make them like Biff is at the end of it.

And we're not going to do that unless we fight. Every step will be downwind of their bullshit, and we're going to have to keep going until their toxic ideology is gone.

To quote Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "If you open the ball on these people, you must be prepared to go all the way. They won't give up the fight until one of you is dead."

The second part of it, that I won't quote here for risk of being misconstrued as calling for violence, rings true as a metaphor. They want to fuck with us, hit them back harder. Escalate. Push them to the brink then blame them for doing it.

For too long have they called us slurs, reported to their people how bad we are, all while knowing we'd never stoop to that level -- we'd never be able to convince people otherwise.

I don't want to convince them otherwise. They're already convinced that we're the worst imaginable.

Let's show them that their tiny worldviews couldn't even begin to conceptualize how bad it can get.

I want war.

I wish there was a way to thumbs up the fuck out of this post, because I agree so hard it hurts.


Good, we need to follow the Tea Parties example of showing up to the polls in lockstep to primary the remaining fascist sympathizers.
Democrats should live up to their name and fight for democracy.

It's not about left vs. right or liberal vs. conservative anymore.

It's about democracy vs. authoritarianism.
Hopefully this stance doesn't backfire and end up radicalizing the party moving it further to the left, which potentially could result in giving birth to a "I'm so pure you can't possibly meet my standards" unelectable creature (think of Jeremy Corbyn).
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