Noel Gallagher, the driving force behind Oasis, once said, "We've only got half a dozen good bands in England -- there's Oasis and there's five Oasis tribute bands."
Really, how can you not love a quote like that? But there are plenty who openly cheer for Oasis to fail as punishment for such audacity, whether you take Noel at his word or think he's just screwing around.
That the United States largely has shunned Oasis because of the band's arrogance is the height of irony. It appears the U.S. appreciates "attitude" only when it's homegrown. But Oasis is not exclusively about crazy quotes and battlin' brothers. It comes back to the music, and I am of the strong opinion that Oasis does not get the credit it deserves.
Oasis still takes me someplace.
A place where guitars still are loud.
A place where singers still sneer.
A place where songs still have tunes, not just beats.
Call it my own personal Oasis.
Solid article that some of you could do to read.