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Obama administration weighs making women eligible for military draft

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Sure, you'd have to undergo some organizational changes to figure out where to put them. It doesn't just have to be army/navy/air force marines. You've got coast guard, national guard, peace corps, lots of other things. If you frame it as "national service" there are lots of places to put people.

Doesn't have to be that kind of service. Some countries have it where government work applies.


Idealy, eleminating draft would be perfect, but we are talking about the United "we go to war with everyone because world police" States of America =P
Exactly. It's 2 years. It's nothing. And kids might learn some respect and basic life skills for once, which is something too many people are not getting at home anymore.

Of course we have need for that many people. And it's not holding people back, it's giving them a leg up. All those people working minimum wage jobs because they have no education and fighting for $15 / hour, they could actually learn something useful in the military. Genuinely useful.

bottom line: talk to anyone who has been through this in their own country. ALL of them came out the better for it, and they will admit it to you straight up

LOl respect, like back in the good ol days of Vietnam, Korea, Segregation, AIDS crisis, etc...
Doesn't have to be that kind of service. Some countries have it where any kind of government work applies.

True, but I think basic training should be required, at a bare minimum. It has to be something that teaches life skills, which is something that far too many people lack.
Wrong direction, should look at eliminating the draft instead :\

1st sane post in the thread

I personally am against drafting women because we don't want a drop off of female population

males, sadly are more expandable and replaceable.

women have more importance, so it is not a good idea to include them in the draft
In an existential crisis I doubt the government wants to rely on volunteers. I agree generally with you about most wars the U.S. Has fought in recent history. Vietnam springs to mind. And I also agree that the penalties incurred if you don't signup are harsh. Neither of those two points change what I said however. The draft can't be eliminated because right now it already is.

If they are facing an 'existential crisis' and folks aren't signing up to fight, i'd take a good long look at the reasons why.

Abolishing it, as well as their mandatory registration, would force the government to always tread carefully, and not rush headlong into conflict. Vietnam couldn't have happened if the government couldn't draft people.
Sending men and women would probably be less socially disruptive than only sending men.

Because we don't live in a polygamous society, ever 18-year-old who dies in war means that another 18-year-old will likely be unable to have children. We halve our potential population shrinkage by sending both men and women.

We also live in a globalized world and (assuming you're in the US) within the most militarized nation in the world. I appreciate contingency plans but the draft as we know it (ala Vietnam (which was an offensive war, not an existential crisis)) seems very irrelevant and outdated in how both modern society and modern military operates.
Idealy, eleminating draft would be perfect, but we are talking about the United "we go to war with everyone because world police" States of America =P

The switch to an all professional army has in no way impeded America's ability to wage wars overseas. On an all-volunteer basis it has 1.3 million active personnel and 800,000 reserves. If it needed conscription, it would have to be for a pretty apocalyptic war, not for one of those ones where they fly to a developing nation and stomp on it for a bit.


formerly sane
How about Obama and every politcian weighs sending their own kids to wars this country doesn't need or needlessly start. The idea of a draft is barbaric considering the implementation since it's inception in this country. The elites ask everyone else but themselves to ante up for cause a they will benefit the most from and sacrifice the least for. I'm glad woman are being allowed to participate in all forms of combat but the draft is BS and will always be.

I know, I know poligaf real ideas have no place in a government and politcal system so full of shit as ours.

Silly Lyn

Neo Member
Everyone else doubts that too. But when you're talking about impending doom, it's kind of good to have contingency plans in place.

I don't think the current draft works well as a contingency plan. It's too easily abused. For example I can see how the draft could be justified in WWII, but there was absolutely no reason to use it in Vietnam. The draft should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Also, why is it necessary to explicitly sign up for selective service? Doesn't the government already have enough records that could be used for a draft? That just seems inefficient, like surely social security records could be used. I just don't see the need to have a separate database for selective service. But maybe I'm just dumb and missing something obvious :/


1st sane post in the thread

I personally am against drafting women because we don't want a drop off of female population

males, sadly are more expandable and replaceable.

women have more importance, so it is not a good idea to include them in the draft

Why don't we want a drop off in female population and why are males more expendable? It's not like females are the mages in our society. We are all people and our deaths all have an impact. Your post confuses me.
True, but I think basic training should be required, at a bare minimum. It has to be something that teaches life skills, which is something that far too many people lack.

Because the military teaches life skills. The military teaches discipline and lack of discipline in an individual is brought on his/her upbringing. Yeah I agree a fair amount of people need to learn discipline but having everyone (atleast from how the marines operate) having a mandatory boot camp session of "being broken down physically and mentally and then rebuilt afterwards" is not prudent in any sense.


Logical progression. If women can now serve everywhere a man can there is no reason to not have them eligible.

As it is now there is no reason to fear Selective Services. As was said in other posts it would take a major global war to see the draft activated.


contribute something
To illustrate my point:


When a large group of young people die in wartime, their deaths have implications on the future population. Not only will these men never become fathers, but the women they would have married will never become mothers. Uneven gender balances are very dangerous, and led to a population crash in Germany after WW2.

If you send both young men and young women off to die, their deaths "counterbalance" each other. Because there is still an even gender ratio, more families will be formed than if only men were drafted. The population won't shrink very much.

Some environmental activists want our population to shrink, but in a service economy population shrinkage leads to GDP shrinkage. If our GDP begins to shrink, our economy will tank. This would be really bad, and probably more dangerous than the deaths of our soldiers overseas.

We also live in a globalized world and (assuming you're in the US) within the most militarized nation in the world. I appreciate contingency plans but the draft as we know it (ala Vietnam (which was an offensive war, not an existential crisis)) seems very irrelevant and outdated in how both modern society and modern military operates.

You're probably right, but if the US is ever brought into a land conflict with China, the number of troops deployed will be pretty significant. China's population is what political scientists like to call "fucking massive", as they can easily arm tens of millions of young men and women at a very low economic and social cost. Because the United States will not be able to compete with China's numbers, and because our allies have smaller militaries than we do, a draft may actually be necessary to stand a fighting chance.
Because the military teaches life skills. The military teaches discipline and lack of discipline in an individual is brought on his/her upbringing. Yeah I agree a fair amount of people need to learn discipline but having everyone (atleast from how the marines operate) having a mandatory boot camp session of "being broken down physically and mentally and then rebuilt afterwards" is not prudent in any sense.

There is more to the military than boot camp. After that part is over you have to, like, do stuff. Be a mechanic, a cryptographer, and intelligence analyst, a medic, something. There are actual jobs in the military. And they train you for them.
There is more to the military than boot camp. After that part is over you have to, like, do stuff. Be a mechanic, a cryptographer, and intelligence analyst, a medic, something. There are actual jobs in the military. And they train you for them.

Okay... ever heard of college or trade schools?


If Obama does this then I would say that there are pretty good odds that a candidate says that "See we aren't waging war on women, the democrats are!". Hopefully it's Jeb, he always says the dumb stuff he might mistake for clever.

Two Words

How many people do you know that have been through mandatory military service? Because I know a lot, and every single one of them believes they are better for it.

But I mean, let's not use real data to base our arguments on. America is just different, right?

What data have you supplied? Your own experience of the few people you know? That isn't data. Certainly not data to decide from. A quick google search says 3.3 million students will graduate high school this year. Add those plus the drop outs that turn 18 and you've got even more people all having to come in to serve a mandatory 2 years of service. That's a lot of wasted money for what? Our military is bloated. We don't need to bring in millions o f more to serve when we are in no deficit of people serving right now. It's a waste of money. Military service isn't some cure-all solution to make everybody suddenly be a positive contributor to society. If you want to help people, you can do more than just make them serve a pointless service. How about investing in areas that will make them productive right from the start like a greater investment in school infrastructure instead.

Two Words

To illustrate my point:


Not only will these men never become fathers, but the women they would have married will never become mothers.
Uhh, what? People who are in a relationship with somebody in the military don't just vow to never be with anybody else if their significant other is killed. Well, at least not most.


There is more to the military than boot camp. After that part is over you have to, like, do stuff. Be a mechanic, a cryptographer, and intelligence analyst, a medic, something. There are actual jobs in the military. And they train you for them.

What's stopping people from doing jobs like that anyways without military service?

Just please accept that you don't know what you're talking about, a draft may not be the worst idea for a crisis, but the definition of a crisis before has been debatable; and required service to teach the generation below you a lesson in freedom that you understand easily is the same mindset every generation has had about the next since the beginning of recorded human history. Kids these days don't value the shit we didn't value either as kids; forcing them to appreciate it more likely means they won't.


Eh fair enough. I'm still opposed to it though. I doubt the U.S. will go down in flames any time soon.

Neither do I, but my point is the draft is a last ditch type of thing. It's like saying you plan on staying healthy, so you don't want medical insurance. Sure, you're saving money in the short term, but if you don't have it and you need it, you're fucked.
Yes. 1) they cost money. 2) they are voluntary. 3) attending one does not contribute to the greater good of the country. 4) they do not come with boot camp.

1) Everything costs money
2) Not everyone needs to be shoved into STEM
3) Fuck off with the nationalism
4) Boot Camp is not needed for everyone
What's stopping people from doing jobs like that anyways without military service?

Just please accept that you don't know what you're talking about

Does this mean that entire countries who have implemented this also don't know what they are doing? You disagreeing with someone does not mean you can stifle discussion by saying "bro you're just stupid and wrong, lol"

1) Everything costs money
2) Not everyone needs to be shoved into STEM
3) Fuck off with the nationalism
4) Boot Camp is not needed for everyone

It's not all STEM. And while it may cost money to feed and house them, the idea is that they are more prepared to give something back after getting out. Like having better jobs (which means paying more tax), for example


Yes. 1) they cost money. 2) they are voluntary. 3) attending one does not contribute to the greater good of the country. 4) they do not come with boot camp.

I fail to see how a person going to, say, medical school, becoming a physician, paying taxes and saving and improving the lives of their fellow citizens does not contribute to the greater good of the country.


True, but I think basic training should be required, at a bare minimum. It has to be something that teaches life skills, which is something that far too many people lack.

Did you ever serve? If you did do you think you are a better person or that you have life skills you otherwise would not have? If you didn't then do you wish you did? And if not why not?

Two Words

Does this mean that entire countries who have implemented this also don't know what they are doing? You disagreeing with someone does not mean you can stifle discussion by saying "bro you're just stupid and wrong, lol"

"Other countries do X. This implies X is good and we should do X too."


Uhh, what? People who are in a relationship with somebody in the military don't just vow to never be with anybody else if their significant other is killed. Well, at least not most.

The point is that if most of your young males die there is an imbalance in population. Less males lead to fewer families leads to problems if a significant portion of them die.


Yes. 1) they cost money. 2) they are voluntary. 3) attending one does not contribute to the greater good of the country. 4) they do not come with boot camp.

1.So does the military, just everyone else's money.

2. Yes?

3. What are you talking about? Do you have any data supporting the statement that young people getting higher education does not contribute to the greater good of their country. Unless you have an extremely warped view of "greater good" this isn't a valid point.

4. Another point that I don't see as being a positive compared to the alternative, boot camp doesn't instill discipline or life values in every single person ever.
Does this mean that entire countries who have implemented this also don't know what they are doing? You disagreeing with someone does not mean you can stifle discussion by saying "bro you're just stupid and wrong, lol"

It's not all STEM. And while it may cost money to feed and house them, the idea is that they are more prepared to give something back after getting out. Like having better jobs (which means paying more tax), for example

College and Trade Schools already serve as that avenue of opportunity to provide better jobs for people. Why the US lacks behind is due to the implementation of the education system, not education itself. You don't need mandatory military service to educate people to be productive members of society.

Two Words

The point is that if most of your young males die there is an imbalance in population. Less males lead to fewer families leads to problems if a significant portion of them die.

I was pointing out the argument about women just calling off relationships. I would argue that not nearly enough men die in war to make it a noticeable problem. I'm not arguing women shouldn't be drafted, just that a slight percentage drop in the men's population likely isn't wreaking havoc.
Instead of having the draft, maybe we should require 2 years mandatory military service upon turning 18 or graduating high school.

we're like the third most populous country in the world. dafuq are we going to pay all those soldiers, be able to supply them or even pay their instructors, or really anything to do with them that requires money? why would we even need that many people anyways, we're sandwiched between two allies and a shitton of water.

No. But it does imply that the statement "This is a stupid idea and you're stupid for thinking it" is false.

many islamic countries make homosexual acts like sodomy illegal. does this mean that it's not a stupid idea to jail homosexuals?

Two Words

Does this mean that entire countries who have implemented this also don't know what they are doing? You disagreeing with someone does not mean you can stifle discussion by saying "bro you're just stupid and wrong, lol"

It's not all STEM. And while it may cost money to feed and house them, the idea is that they are more prepared to give something back after getting out. Like having better jobs (which means paying more tax), for example

Like......going to college????


Does this mean that entire countries who have implemented this also don't know what they are doing? You disagreeing with someone does not mean you can stifle discussion by saying "bro you're just stupid and wrong, lol"

It's not all STEM. And while it may cost money to feed and house them, the idea is that they are more prepared to give something back after getting out. Like having better jobs (which means paying more tax), for example

I didn't say you were stupid at all so I don't see how I'm stifling any discussion. It really says something about your discussion skills if that's the first complaint you have, and also \ a terrible way to condense my argument. Doing it because some other countries do it isn't a good retort either; other countries stone people to death for crimes. I don't have any data to back up how that has affected crime rates; but why would countries do that if they don't know what they're doing? Because countries aren't the greatest representation of knowing best.

Two Words

No. But it does imply that the statement "This is a stupid idea and you're stupid for thinking it" is false.

Actually, it doesn't. Plenty of countries do stupid things. You're denying the possibilities that he has valid reasons why he thinks it is stupid. Sorry, but other countries doing this doesn't mean it isn't stupid for us to do it.


we're like the third most populous country in the world. dafuq are we going to pay all those soldiers, be able to supply them or even pay their instructors, or really anything to do with them that requires money? why would we even need that many people anyways, we're sandwiched between two allies and a shitton of water.

Not to mention the immense opportunity cost of pretty much every 18 year old not entering the workforce proper for a few years, not being able to attend a tertiary college or trade school for several years, not being able to take low level retail, hospitality, clerical jobs, not being able to participate in consumer culture to the extent they would under a civilian life.

The economic disruption would be immense honestly.


I'm all for this.

Most people don't know that here in the us, signing up for selective service is all but mandatory for a male. You aren't able to receive government benefits, you can't get loans for college. You're basically fucked if you don't sign up.
many islamic countries make homosexual acts like sodomy illegal. does this mean that it's not a stupid idea to jail homosexuals?

We're now comparing mandatory military service in Finland, South Korea, Taiwan, Norway, and Singapore to sodomy in countries with islamic law?

Thumbs up.


We're now comparing mandatory military service in Finland, South Korea, Taiwan, Norway, and Singapore to sodomy in countries with islamic law?

Thumbs up.

Nope, we're comparing your ridiculous argument to other things that other countries considered as the right thing implying that countries aren't always right.

Stop stifling discussion.
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