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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You support the UKs banning membership or existence of a non criminal group based on the ruling on one minister.
Firstly, I am a 17 year old kid. Albeit relatively smart and informed compared to the general 17 year old in the Netherlands, I'm 'nothing' when set next to one who has fully finished his law studies.

Secondly, I support it because it is lawful in Europe to prevent the spread of hate towards parts of the population. Comparing that to fraud which caused a global economic meltdown is more than ridiculous.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs


Wazzim said:
Firstly, I am a 17 year old kid. Albeit relatively smart and informed compared to the general 17 year old in the Netherlands, I'm 'nothing' when set next to one who has fully finished his law studies.

Secondly, I support it because it is lawful in Europe to prevent the spread of hate towards parts of the population. Comparing that to fraud which caused a global economic meltdown is more than ridiculous.



richiek said:
A majority of New Yorkers support the OWS demonstrators.


Also, the city shut down the 59th St Bridge over the weekend to film the Batman movie, causing traffic shutdowns. Took me over an hour to get home because of that shit.

Exactly. The city shuts down tons of blocks and avenues on weekends so that a few shitty falafel and pretzel vendors can have a terrible street fair. If anything it should be viewed as more appropriate to shut down public streets for a few hours in favor of political, non-economic activity.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Wazzim said:
Firstly, I am a 17 year old kid. Albeit relatively smart and informed compared to the general 17 year old in the Netherlands, I'm 'nothing' when set next to one who has fully finished his law studies.

Secondly, I support it because it is lawful in Europe to prevent the spread of hate towards parts of the population. Comparing that to fraud which caused a global economic meltdown is more than ridiculous.

Wait, you live in the Netherlands and are 17 and making judgement on what is going down in the States?


Jenga said:
it all makes sense now
You could also have clicked my profile to see my age but ok. I never understand when people say such a thing on the internet though, nobody would go 'LOL 17 old, ARGUMENTS DON'T MATTERZ!' IRL.

NervousXtian said:
Wait, you live in the Netherlands and are 17 and making judgement on what is going down in the States?
Yes, I don't think that's very weird in a globalising world of 2011.

eznark said:
Again, everything already was clear and open in my profile. I have always been open about those things.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Wazzim said:
You could also have clicked my profile to see my age but ok. I never understand when people say such a thing on the internet though, nobody would go 'LOL 17 old, ARGUMENTS DON'T MATTERZ!' IRL.

No, an argument from a 17yr old does matter. Ahh, to be young again, and think you can overtake the world with revolution.

I remember those days, so many dreams, so much passion. So much shitty food and cheap beer.

It does though, make yours posts make sense in context now.
Wazzim said:
You could also have clicked my profile to see my age but ok. I never understand when people say such a thing on the internet though, nobody would go 'LOL 17 old, ARGUMENTS DON'T MATTERZ!' IRL.

Maybe not in such a manner, but I find most people of that age to have a fairly limited grasp on the world. Especially about things going on in a country no where close to theirs.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Actually I'm already a lawyer, you though need to treat people with disabilities as more than a source of humor for yourself.

I was not laughing at her disability, I think you need to watch the episode of South Park where they start a rock band, I think it will make you understand how people project their own views of disabled people onto others.


Something Wicked said:
A) Profit in the US private healthcare industry only accounts for 4% of the costs- this is fairly consistent for most major insurers across the country.
Still a source of course.

B) Increased admin costs in the private versus the public insurers? Going to need some statistics on that one.
Take a look at the Canadian system.


Single payer is much simpler (read: requires far less admin work) to transfer money to service provider as compared to all the different insurance plans, direct payments, collection agencies that need to be worked through in the States for everything.

C) I agree on the "reduced bargaining power" compared to a full fledged public option. The US government should negotiate with pharmaceuticals and medical device companies to charge to the US gov, and force other countries' healthcare programs to pay more for such products to make up the losses.
Well almost every other developed country does it. Why not join the party? I suspect that other countries will still keep getting their deals (none of these companies are selling at a loss) and the U.S will just stop getting screwed on them and get similar deals.

Also, I'm not sure how the VHA and Medicare "outperform" private insurers
Take that up with the studies that show they perform better than the average private insurer. I don't know if you're comparing them to the best of the best private insurers only or what.


NervousXtian said:
No, an argument from a 17yr old does matter. Ahh, to be young again, and think you can overtake the world with revolution.

I remember those days, so many dreams, so much passion. So much shitty food and cheap beer.

It does though, make yours posts make sense in context now.
So condescending....you know the true mark of a man is how he treats the ones "below him".

Still waiting on some information to backup your sweeping generalizations about the posters in here btw.


Wazzim said:
Again, everything already was clear and open in my profile. I have always been open about those things.

Who checks profiles? It adds contexts to your opinion. Hence my reaction.


NervousXtian said:
No, an argument from a 17yr old does matter. Ahh, to be young again, and think you can overtake the world with revolution.

I remember those days, so many dreams, so much passion. So much shitty food and cheap beer.

It does though, make yours posts make sense in context now.
Haha, well not all of my posts are that serious so you should always take them with a bit of salt. (Like, I don't believe the US will 'burn' after 2012, lol) I also don't think you can overtake the world with a revolution, I'm not naïve, there will always be a 'power vacuum' after a real revolution which will bring things 'down' again.

Evil Benius said:
Maybe not in such a manner, but I find most people of that age to have a fairly limited grasp on the world. Especially about things going on in a country no where close to theirs.
Like I said, I'm definitely better informed than most people my age. It's something that only gets encouraged on my 'level' of high school (we devide people on skills after elementary/middle school here).
I also understand that I don't know how things go in the US on the ground level but that's why I like reading US forums and learn from them. Next to that, I think that you can easily comment on government policies of a diplomatic close nation.
It also doesn't help when the likes of Herman Cain make me think I know more about US foreign policies than a GOP candidate lol. (he didn't even know what the US actually did with the Libyan revolution)
travisbickle said:
I was not laughing at her disability, I think you need to watch the episode of South Park where they start a rock band, I think it will make you understand how people project their own views of disabled people onto others.
Sure, we all believe you that you would have found it just as funny if the person was a non-disabled person who was simply dragged away.

Joe said:
Still waiting on some information to backup your sweeping generalizations about the posters in here btw.
Most of your posts don't work?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Joe said:
So condescending....you know the true mark of a man is how he treats the ones "below him".

Still waiting on some information to backup your sweeping generalizations about the posters in here btw.

Hey, it's how I felt when I was in my late teens. I thought communism was a grand idea, fuck the police, down with the government, the rich are evil.. all that stuff... then I grew up and realized that communism is flawed, the police are just people doing their jobs, the government is still fucked, and the rich are all not evil. With age comes perception.


Wazzim said:
the likes of Herman Cain make me think I know more about US foreign policies than a GOP candidate lol. (he didn't even know what the US actually did with the Libyan revolution)
that doesn't take much dude
Wazzim said:
I also understand that I don't know how things go in the US on the ground level but that's why I like reading US forums and learn from them.

Nothing wrong with going to forums as a source of information from "real people", but you should know that in my experience video game related forums are fairly left leaning in their political discussions.


Gabriel Knight
lawblob said:
Exactly. The city shuts down tons of blocks and avenues on weekends so that a few shitty falafel and pretzel vendors can have a terrible street fair. If anything it should be viewed as more appropriate to shut down public streets for a few hours in favor of political, non-economic activity.
They do that on Sundays

Not during the work week when manhattan is at full capacity

Like I said, this day of action will do more harm than good -
I've already run into quite a few gung ho OWS supporters that are already changing their minds
When you start inconveniencing the working class - you start losing support
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Sure, we all believe you that you would have found it just as funny if the person was a non-disabled person who was simply dragged away.

My original post commented on the arrests of around 10 protestors from a road that had essentially been blocked off by police prior, so yes I was laughing at the police action of arresting people for "blocking" a road that was already blocked by police barricades.
FUCK NYPD...classy


Gothamist said:
Update 10:15 a.m.: At Beaver and William Street, cops have just warned protesters via bullhorn that they will arrest anyone remaining in the street. Protesters have locked arms and the cops are now making arrests.
While there have been some violent incidences, Robbins says that it appears cops are trying to be as restrained as humanly possible, even stopping more aggressive colleagues (apparently a cop lunged at protesters, but another cop yanked him back by the collar). Robbins adds that before the police warning about arrests, a police officer in a suit asked protesters if they were staying—when protesters said yes, he made a call on his cell and said, "They're not going to move back," seemingly getting feedback from even higher-ups about next steps.


Jenga said:
i mean being 17 years old is one thing but living in a joke of a country like the netherlands?

in 2011?

Hey! We once conquered the world!

Evil Benius said:
Nothing wrong with going to forums as a source of information from "real people", but you should know that in my experience video game related forums are fairly left leaning in their political discussions.
Which is pretty interesting, what makes gamers so left-wing?
NervousXtian said:
It's awesome up in here that anyone who doesn't agree completely with OWS is labeled as a troll.

Such a classy response guys. You want a circle-jerk free from serious discussion, there's forums for that.

this is such horse shit.

we call people trolls when they are literally trolling

like Jenga? 100% troll, the guy comes in here and antagonises people and he jerks off to his posts and that's that. who cares

Manos? you don't get the highest number of posts by double by being sensible, the guy does this shit for fun. Is he trolling 100%? probably not

but every.single.person who comes in here and comes and discusses the issue get's dialogue, we all love that. but people coming in here, taking a wet stinky shit on dialogue and reason by way of platitudes, talking points and nonsense (dirty hippies need a cleaning huh huh hows that art degree) aren't going to get anything because it's clear they don't want anything than to self aggrandize their fucked up mentalities.

like this

I wonder if she's friends with the guy who wanted to firebomb the Harold Square Macy's.

is trolling, it's bullshit meant to rile people up.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I wonder if she's friends with the guy who wanted to firebomb the Harold Square Macy's.

Was that necessary? You pop in and make comments like that and wonder why people want to toss you out of the thread for trolling.
Alpha-Bromega said:
but every.single.person who comes in here and comes and discusses the issue get's dialogue, we all love that. .
No you don't.

Mortrialus said:
Was that necessary? You pop in and make comments like that and wonder why people want to toss you out of the thread for trolling.
What was wrong with that comment in context of her statement?


Mortrialus said:
Was that necessary? You pop in and make comments like that and wonder why people want to toss you out of the thread for trolling.

I hadn't heard of it, so the post was informative to me.


Schattenjagger said:
They do that on Sundays

Not during the work week when manhattan is at full capacity

Like I said, this day of action will do more harm than good -
I've already run into quite a few gung ho OWS supporters that are already changing their minds
When you start inconveniencing the working class - you start losing support

Yeah, that's why it's such a flawed plan to have a movement like this without leadership to make intelligent decisions. Behind the scenes they should have smart people using their money to get bonds / permits to host marches on weekends, etc., having enforcers trying to get rid of the riff-raff and flouride signs, but instead it seems like a lot of them are being fueled by the visceral energy of the chaos.
eznark said:
I hadn't heard of it, so the post was informative to me.
Here is the clip of him saying it.


lawblob said:
Yeah, that's why it's such a flawed plan to have a movement like this without leadership to make intelligent decisions. Behind the scenes they should have smart people using their money to get bonds to host marches on weekends, etc., having enforcers trying to get rid of the riff-raff and flouride signs, but instead it seems like a lot of them are being fueled by the visceral energy of the chaos.
The constant decisions by OWS to ignore trying to get permits just baffles the shit out of me.
I just don't buy this whole "inconvenience" angle.

The cops could just let the protesters make their way to the stock exchange and peacefully protest like they have for the last 2 months, but they decided it'd be best to put every kind of barricade under the Sun up, and station hundreds of cops around all the hedge funds and debt collectors and high-end shops and so on down there.

The city could've let things be easy, but instead they wanted to stop the trains in lower Manhattan and cause delays and whathaveyou.

But hey...it's easy to blame protesters for actions the city takes against them than it is to blame the city for the actions it takes against harmless, regular people. It's easier to say "man, this protest makes it hard for me to get to my job" than it is to say "man, I hope this protesting gets people to wake up and deal with the messages it's conveying", or "man, the cops and the city are dicks for not even attempting to allow peaceful protests and just barricading everything like people were rioting - the city inconvenienced me!".

I hope they keep protesting indefinitely, even if the "people" don't support them. The Tea Party did so, and they managed to pull off some political stuff - even if I don't agree with that stuff. The movement is too important to be disregarded or denigrated because it's hard to get to work while they're protesting.


Gabriel Knight
Alpha-Bromega said:
this is such horse shit.

we call people trolls when they are literally trolling

like Jenga? 100% troll, the guy comes in here and antagonises people and he jerks off to his posts and that's that. who cares

Manos? you don't get the highest number of posts by double by being sensible, the guy does this shit for fun. Is he trolling 100%? probably not

but every.single.person who comes in here and comes and discusses the issue get's dialogue, we all love that. but people coming in here, taking a wet stinky shit on dialogue and reason by way of platitudes, talking points and nonsense (dirty hippies need a cleaning huh huh hows that art degree) aren't going to get anything because it's clear they don't want anything than to self aggrandize their fucked up mentalities.

like this

is trolling, it's bullshit meant to rile people up.
Manos has the most posts because hes defending his stance against so many posters
This thread is heavily sided with support OWS posters


captmcblack said:
I just don't buy this whole "inconvenience" angle.

The cops could just let the protesters make their way to the stock exchange and peacefully protest like they have for the last 2 months, but they decided it'd be best to put every kind of barricade under the Sun up, and station hundreds of cops around all the hedge funds and debt collectors and high-end shops and so on down there.

The city could've let things be easy, but instead they wanted to stop the trains in lower Manhattan and cause delays and whathaveyou.

But hey...it's easy to blame protesters for actions the city takes against them than it is to blame the city for the actions it takes against harmless, regular people. It's easier to say "man, this protest makes it hard for me to get to my job" than it is to say "man, I hope this protesting gets people to wake up and deal with the messages it's conveying", or "man, the cops and the city are dicks for not even attempting to allow peaceful protests and just barricading everything like people were rioting - the city inconvenienced me!".

I hope they keep protesting indefinitely, even if the "people" don't support them. The Tea Party did so, and they managed to pull off some political stuff - even if I don't agree with that stuff. The movement is too important to be disregarded or denigrated because it's hard to get to work while they're protesting.

So the "easy route" to you is to let protesters barricade the doors of the NYSE, harass and potentially harm individuals trying to get into the building to do their job and generally cause world wide financial chaos?

I mean, I get where you are coming from if you say that is the "right" thing to do, but it certainly isn't the easy route.
Schattenjagger said:
Manos has the most posts because hes defending his stance against so many posters
This thread is heavily sided with support OWS posters

really? you want to actually analyze the content of his posts?

"i wonder if she's friends with the dude who did this one bombing"

that's nothing but antagonistic bullshit, it's not discussion, it's not analysis, it's not discourse. it's trolling plain and simple. they say this shit solely because of anonymity, as this type of antagonistic, desperate dick in hand posting would never actually fly in civil society where people actually discuss things like rational human beings.

I'd hope a movement meant to dismantle a fundamentally unjust socio-economic system would be heavily supported anywhere, everywhere.


Gabriel Knight
lawblob said:
Yeah, that's why it's such a flawed plan to have a movement like this without leadership to make intelligent decisions. Behind the scenes they should have smart people using their money to get bonds / permits to host marches on weekends, etc., having enforcers trying to get rid of the riff-raff and flouride signs, but instead it seems like a lot of them are being fueled by the visceral energy of the chaos.
Totally agree with you. They could have much more success that way.
Alpha-Bromega said:
really? you want to actually analyze the content of his posts?

"i wonder if she's friends with the dude who did the bombing"

that's antagonistic bullshit, dude, it's not discussion, it's not analysis, it's not discourse. it's trolling plain and simple

I'd hope a movement meant to dismantle a fundamentally unjust socio-economic system would be heavily supported anywhere, everywhere.

Funny I never actually said that.

Joe said:
We must be reading different threads because half of manos' posts are dribble
Because I disagree with you.


Alpha-Bromega said:
really? you want to actually analyze the content of his posts?

"i wonder if she's friends with the dude who did this one bombing"

that's nothing but antagonistic bullshit, it's not discussion, it's not analysis, it's not discourse. it's trolling plain and simple

I'd hope a movement meant to dismantle a fundamentally unjust socio-economic system would be heavily supported anywhere, everywhere.

Just to avoid this kind of irate ire, should I PM you all of my future posts so that you may vet them and determine if they are worthy of the great and wonderful well of nothing but intelligent discourse that if NeoGAF?


eznark said:
Just to avoid this kind of irate ire, should I PM you all of my future posts so that you may vet them and determine if they are worthy of the great and wonderful well of nothing but intelligent discourse that if NeoGAF?
So lame.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Funny I never actually said that.

you are such a fucking fuck dude, do you literally have mental issues?

I wonder if she's friends with the guy who wanted to firebomb the Harold Square Macy's.

"i wonder if she's friends with the dude who did this one bombing"

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Funny I never actually said that.

I wonder if she's friends with the guy who wanted to firebomb the Harold Square Macy's.

and before you get caught up on 'wanting' and 'did' or whatever the fuck, the implication is exactly the same and you know that.


Schattenjagger said:
Totally agree with you. They could have much more success that way.
From wall st. To 1,500 cities worldwide in 30 days. I'm sure they would love your advice on how to be more "successful".
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