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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Schattenjagger said:
Manos has the most posts because hes defending his stance against so many posters
This thread is heavily sided with support OWS posters

No the reason why he has so many posts is because when OWS first started he came out with tons of "lol look at the smelly hippies, they're gonna fail" posts. When the movement kept on growing with no signs of stopping, he's since been posting any little tidbits of negative press on them. Since the protesters were kicked of Zucotti Park, Manos has been posting almost nonstop, gloating about their "setback" as if to say, "See, I told you they'd mess up, just like I said!"

Manos is attention-whoring now, nothing more.
I'm saying that people shouldn't be cutting the movement down because of perceived inconveniences, is all.

It's a protest. It's not supposed to be convenient. You figure there wouldn't even be a protest if people could be more easily employed, or be more affordably educated, or could have their politicians operate in their best interest like they're supposed to, and so on.

I get that it is unrealistic to expect that it'd be okay for them to barricade NYSE and "potentially" hurt the humble stockbrokers, day traders and whatever other personnel who are there just trying to make an honest buck...but conversely, I'd think it's equally unrealistic to be so obtuse to just be like "protests suck, I can't get to Wall St station" or "protests suck, my gyro cart is losing money". It's bigger than convenience.

That's all I'm saying.


Gabriel Knight
Alpha-Bromega said:
really? you want to actually analyze the content of his posts?

"i wonder if she's friends with the dude who did this one bombing"

that's nothing but antagonistic bullshit, it's not discussion, it's not analysis, it's not discourse. it's trolling plain and simple. they say this shit solely because of anonymity, as this type of antagonistic, desperate dick in hand posting would never actually fly in civil society where people actually discuss things like rational human beings.

I'd hope a movement meant to dismantle a fundamentally unjust socio-economic system would be heavily supported anywhere, everywhere.
I'm sorry but until you get rid of morons that want to throw Molotov cocktails at Macy's from this movement, you will never garner the support needed
Alpha-Bromega said:
you are such a fucking fuck dude, do you literally have mental issues?

and before you get caught up on 'wanting' and 'did' or whatever the fuck, the implication is exactly the same and you know that.

Except it isn't and you know that.

So since you just directly responded to me I guess you either unblocked me or were lying about it the entire time then.
Schattenjagger said:
I'm sorry but until you get rid of morons that want to throw Molotov cocktails at Macy's from this movement, you will never garner the support needed

let's play a game;

the civil rights movement was a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to the movement also led to corresponding, fringe, violent prone organizations or individuals.

the occupy movement is a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to this movement have led to corresponding, fringe, violent individuals
Schattenjagger said:
I'm sorry but until you get rid of morons that want to throw Molotov cocktails at Macy's from this movement, you will never garner the support needed

Interestingly enough, the Tea Party "movement" has the same sort of morons/crazies/etc in it - the kind of people that want to bring guns to Obama speeches, blow up the White House, cut B's into their faces, and so on - but as much as they have those crazies in it, they seem to be demonized much less as hippies, junkies, rapists, bums, and so on by at least one media network.

OWS doesn't have any major media backers or major funding from any groups. Perhaps that's one way they could regain control over their narrative - by getting organized and selling themselves to someone.

But then again, if they do so, they sell out the entire movement. It's a difficult position, really.


Alpha-Bromega said:
let's play a game; in the end you look like an idiot

It's reasoned, level-headed discourse like this that will win the hearts and minds of the people who disagree with you.
Alpha-Bromega said:
let's play a game;

the civil rights movement was a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to the movement also led to corresponding, fringe, violent prone organizations or individuals.

the occupy movement is a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to this movement have led to corresponding, fringe, violent individuals

Quite trying to link squatting, unorganized messages, and crapping in the park to the noble civil rights movement.
eznark said:
Just to avoid this kind of irate ire, should I PM you all of my future posts so that you may vet them and determine if they are worthy of the great and wonderful well of nothing but intelligent discourse that if NeoGAF?

what is this false dichotomy you've created?
captmcblack said:
Interestingly enough, the Tea Party "movement" has the same sort of morons/crazies/etc in it - the kind of people that want to bring guns to Obama speeches, blow up the White House, cut B's into their faces, and so on - but as much as they have those crazies in it, they seem to be demonized much less as hippies, junkies, rapists, bums, and so on by at least one media network.

I always condemned those people just as much as the squatters, the thing with the guns to Obama Speech is that is actually legal depending on the state and it's carry laws (now they may be restricted by the secret service in terms of closeness).

Anyone wanting to blow up the White House should have been arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Those who shouted during speeches and town halls should have been kicked out of those events.

I have no problem calling garbage garbage.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Joe said:
We must be reading different threads because half of manos' posts are dribble

Well, that's better than 100% of your posts being dribble.

On topic, if the police don't do anything and the protests turn to riot they'd be blamed. Police are part of the so-called 99%, and are in a can't win position with all of this. They have no choice but to barricade and protect, that's what they are paid for. The protest stopped being peaceful when they started breaking the laws and disobeying police orders.

Dude Abides

Schattenjagger said:
Totally agree with you. They could have much more success that way.

Nah. If they had a hierarchical leadership structure folks like you and Manos would just start calling them authoritarian top-down Bolsheviks.
NervousXtian said:
if the police don't do anything and the protests turn to riot they'd be blamed. Police are part of the so-called 99%, and are in a can't win position with all of this. They have no choice but to barricade and protect, that's what they are paid for. The protest stopped being peaceful when they started breaking the laws and disobeying police orders.

it was a completely peaceful protest before the police showed up ready for war.

the protest stopped being peaceful whenever the police come to heavy handedly squash a peaceful protest on the grounds of being an inconvenience.


NervousXtian said:
Well, that's better than 100% of your posts being dribble.

On topic, if the police don't do anything and the protests turn to riot they'd be blamed. Police are part of the so-called 99%, and are in a can't win position with all of this. They have no choice but to barricade and protect, that's what they are paid for. The protest stopped being peaceful when they started breaking the laws and disobeying police orders.
This is true....if you ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of the crowd chants PEACEFUL PROTEST whenever someone gets unruly....but I wouldn't expect you to know that for a few reasons.
really Manos? yourself nor no one is going to call out Manos on his dog, horse and cow shit and refusing to actually man up to the fact that he got caught up in it?

You spewed out some vomit then straight up say you didn't even say it?

can you imagine this shit happening in real life? could you actually speak with a person of this mental capacity?
Mercury Fred said:
People are still responding to Manos? lol
Oh look it's the OH THE BOOKS ARE BEING DESTROYED poster who never commented on this

Oh despite Mercury Freds ranting like a loon the OWS Library WAS NOT DESTROYED


As we originally reported at 4:15 a.m., the NYPD and Department of Sanitation tossed the entire contents of the Occupy Wall Street library into some dumpsters. At that time, the library's Twitter account transmitted this message: "The NYPD has destroyed everything at #OccupyWallStreet and put it all in dumpsters, including the #OWSLibrary. It's time to #ShutDownNYC." The library had more than 5,000 books, and recently Patti Smith funded a more permanent structure (pictured) to house it in.
Even though the city has been telling protesters that things would be stored in a Department of Sanitation facility at 650 West 57th Street in Manhattan, and could be picked up after noon, many believed and reported that the books had been destroyed. When we called the DoS this afternoon it wasn't looking good, the woman who answered the phone simply told us, "my boss isn't sure where the books are." And earlier today the library's blog had updated saying tonight at 6 p.m., "writers and readers from across New York City will gather in Liberty Plaza to reoccupy the space and rebuild the People’s Library."
But alas, good news has just arrived via the Mayor's Twitter account: the books are "safely stored" at the West 57th Street garage, and can be picked up tomorrow. They even provided photographic evidence. But how about the book shelter that Smith provided?



Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Alpha-Bromega said:
it was a completely peaceful protest before the police showed up ready for war.

the protest stopped being peaceful whenever the police come to heavy handedly squash a peaceful protest on the grounds of being an inconvenience.

You pretend that this isn't what part of the movement wanted the whole time, police confrontation.

There's a reason in Portland the police twittered "Police arresting those who want to be arrested by remaining in Chapman Square."

Key point, those who want to be arrested. Anyone who thought they could camp in a park in the middle of the city for as long as they wanted is insane.

MC Safety

Alpha-Bromega said:
let's play a game;

the civil rights movement was a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to the movement also led to corresponding, fringe, violent prone organizations or individuals.

the occupy movement is a peaceful movement
the conditions which led to this movement have led to corresponding, fringe, violent individuals

No offense, but your game is simplistic and does not take into account what happened with the civil rights movement.

You see, the Civil Rights movement had a stated goal and focus. Its intent was clearly stated, so there could be no misunderstanding of what its members were protesting, what they wanted, and the very specific wrongs they sought to address. In this way, there could be no mistaking say, a civil rights protestor from a weatherman or black panther. Any fringe groups had to seek a specific identity.

This is not the case with the occupy movement. I challenge you to figure out why this is so.
NervousXtian said:
Anyone who thought they could camp in a park in the middle of the city for as long as they wanted is insane.

why??? why??? a peaceful protest? this shit is as American as shootin guns at beer cans

i don't care what kind of zoning laws you throw out there, it's a god damned right protected by the god damned constitution
NervousXtian said:
On topic, if the police don't do anything and the protests turn to riot they'd be blamed. Police are part of the so-called 99%, and are in a can't win position with all of this. They have no choice but to barricade and protect, that's what they are paid for. The protest stopped being peaceful when they started breaking the laws and disobeying police orders.

The problem is, everything was retroactively made "illegal" here. The second they announce that they were going to peacefully place themselves in public property, they sent scads of cops to lock everything down and prevent them from even making it down there. When the protesters found another place to go, the narrative became "well, they can't use the public restrooms here" and "they're making too much noise" and suddenly the Financial District - an area with virtually nothing but commercial property - is a "residential area". Suddenly, they are a health hazard, and you read stories about how they're filthy hippies who are fucking indiscriminately and creating STDs and they're all injecting drugs and creating phantom illnesses like "Zuccotti Lung". They are breaking the law how? The cops are beating them up, pushing them down, pepper spraying them, shooting them, running them over, and so on. They are unarmed citizens; if they're breaking any law, it's "passing police barricades" and/or "resisting arrest". Meanwhile, protesters can get roughed up, but if the news comes to broadcast that, they get blocked by the police.

The protest never stopped being peaceful. If anyone is not being peaceful, it's the police and the city and the alleged "residents" of the most business-y business area who complain about drums, but not about the Batmobile or celebrity parties or construction noise.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Joe said:
This is true....if you ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of the crowd chants PEACEFUL PROTEST whenever someone gets unruly....but I wouldn't expect you to know that for a few reasons.

Yeah, I've seen that.. seen it in person as well.

Doesn't make it completely true.. because as they yell peaceful protest, some asshole is in the face of a cop yelling obscenities.

I compare to this: You and I are in a bar. I give you shit all night, continue to get in your face until you finally crack and punch me.. then I start a fight and then tell the police you started it.

That's what's going down.
MC Safety said:
No offense, but your game is simplistic and does not take into account what happened with the civil rights movement.

You see, the Civil Rights movement had a stated goal and focus. Its intent was clearly stated, so there could be no misunderstanding of what its members were protesting, what they wanted, and the very specific wrongs they sought to address. In this way, there could be no mistaking say, a civil rights protestor from a weatherman or black panther. Any fringe groups had to seek a specific identity.

This is not the case with the occupy movement. I challenge you to figure out why this is so.
I agree.

Alpha-Bromega said:
why??? why??? a peaceful protest? this shit is as American as shootin guns at beer cans

i don't care what kind of zoning laws you throw out there, it's a god damned right protected by the god damned constitution
No, it isn't. This was recently demonstrated by a Judges ruling.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Alpha-Bromega said:
why??? why??? a peaceful protest? this shit is as American as shootin guns at beer cans

i don't care what kind of zoning laws you throw out there, it's a god damned right protected by the god damned constitution

You can't just camp in a public park indefinitely. Protest or not.
MC Safety said:
No offense, but your game is simplistic and does not take into account what happened with the civil rights movement.

You see, the Civil Rights movement had a stated goal and focus.
Its intent was clearly stated, so there could be no misunderstanding of what its members were protesting, what they wanted, and the very specific wrongs they sought to address. In this way, there could be no mistaking say, a civil rights protestor from a weatherman or black panther. Any fringe groups had to seek a specific identity.

This is not the case with the occupy movement. I challenge you to figure out why this is so.

so does the Occupy Movement; accountability on behalf of the financial and government institutions married together who use their power to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. most of our other issues stem from that alone
Alpha-Bromega said:
so does the Occupy Movement; accountability on behalf of the financial and government institutions married together who use their power to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. most of our other issues stem from that alone
No, it doesn't.

Dude Abides



Gabriel Knight
Joe said:
From wall st. To 1,500 cities worldwide in 30 days. I'm sure they would love your advice on how to be more "successful".
So are you claiming that OWS has been a success ? What has been the movements greatest accomplishment ? What real reform have they brought ?


Schattenjagger said:
So are you claiming that OWS has been a success ? What has been the movements greatest accomplishment ? What real reform have they brought ?

the point of any movement is the establishment of a national dialogue with itself. a public and symbolic show of discontent.

i've said this probably 30 times in this thread, OWS is an astounding success in this regard. the issues are being discussed, being debated, on the minds of Americans rather than not
Im not a fan of the Occupy Movement but I am also not a fan of the bullshit excuses Bloomberg uses to remove the protesters and methods he used

Bloomberg sets himself up as a dictator rich businessman who has the cops in his hands

Dude Abides

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So 3 recent postings make it a hard fact? Not exactly satisfying the burden of proof here.

Besides I thought it was calling them Socialists?

Yes, three instances of righties calling people Bolsheviks actually does establish the proposition that righties call people Bolsheviks. Thanks for playing.
Alpha-Bromega said:
the point of any movement is the establishment of a national dialogue with itself. a public and symbolic show of discontent.
Sounds more like an excuse for it's failure to achieve anything substantive.

Dude Abides said:
Yes, three instances of righties calling people Bolsheviks actually does establish the proposition that righties call people Bolsheviks. Thanks for playing.
No it doesn't, it establishes that 3 people did.


Schattenjagger said:
So are you claiming that OWS has been a success ? What has been the movements greatest accomplishment ? What real reform have they brought ?
In its 2 months of existence it couldn't be going better. It took 9+ years of protest to get significant laws passed regarding civil rights. People are in this for the long haul.
The first protest during the civil rights movement was 1955, the first legislation passed as a consequence of the protests was in 1967. It's going to take a while.


NervousXtian said:
You can't just camp in a public park indefinitely. Protest or not.

Yes you can. People have the right to protest. People have the right to demand their rights. The government, bankers and the Fed wrecked the economy, put people out of work and rewarded the banks that caused the mess.
If it aint in the constitution then guess what? The constitution needs to change.
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