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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Dude Abides

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Sounds more like an excuse for it's failure to achieve anything substantive.

No it doesn't, it establishes that 3 people did.

Three righties. Ergo, righties called people Bolsheviks. Sad face for you.
Wazzim said:
Do you want them to achieve something substantive?
Not with their crazy plans, but it seems like they are no backtracking when they realize people are turning against them and they aren't achieving anything substantive.

Joe said:
In its 2 months of existence it couldn't be going better. It took 9+ years of protest to get significant laws passed regarding civil rights. People are in this for the long haul.
travisbickle said:
The first protest during the civil rights movement was 1955, the first legislation passed as a consequence of the protests was in 1967. It's going to take a while.

Once again you are not in anyway like the Civil Rights movement.
I hope this movement doesn't stop - ever.
I hope shit gets live, too.

The only way for changes to be affected is for it to keep going, and for it to get more intense - so much so that you can't run and hide from it anymore. Women's suffrage, civil rights, gay rights, labor laws, etc...the people at the top will do everything to maintain the status quo until they themselves can't escape the issue.

This movement needs to become obnoxious and perpetual...and perpetually changing, so that people can't find the means to get bored of it (or be told to get bored of it by their local and national media).


Gabriel Knight
Joe said:
In its 2 months of existence it couldn't be going better. It took 9+ years of protest to get significant laws passed regarding civil rights. People are in this for the long haul.
This day of action will set them back 1.5 months lol

Once employment starts picking up - this movement will dissipate
captmcblack said:
I hope this movement doesn't stop - ever.
I hope shit gets live, too.

The only way for changes to be affected is for it to keep going, and for it to get more intense - so much so that you can't run and hide from it anymore. Women's suffrage, civil rights, gay rights, labor laws, etc...the people at the top will do everything to maintain the status quo until they themselves can't escape the issue.

This movement needs to become obnoxious and perpetual
...and perpetually changing, so that people can't find the means to get bored of it (or be told to get bored of it by their local and national media).

You don't think that wouldn't backfire on them in the least?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
blahness said:
looks like some escalation going down on this feed:

So peaceful, guy is stating that protesters are ripping down the barricades.. and now he's bitching that the police want them to leave the barricades be and that they pushed the people back.

Peaceful would mean stop doing shit to raise the tension.
Schattenjagger said:
Once employment starts picking up - this movement will dissipate

It'd be great if employment really picked up though, wouldn't it be?

Someone should tell Bloomberg and all the hedge fund and banking and collections and records management and NYC city office guys down there that they should hire tons of people so that the protests stop!
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You don't think that wouldn't backfire on them in the least?

has being perpetually obnoxious backfired on you?

and you STILL haven't manned up on your horseshit that you got called out on. you're such an intellectually dishonest tool.


Alpha-Bromega said:
the point of any movement is the establishment of a national dialogue with itself. a public and symbolic show of discontent.

i've said this probably 30 times in this thread, OWS is an astounding success in this regard. the issues are being discussed, being debated, on the minds of Americans rather than not

Yeah. Read an interesting op-ed a week or so ago arguing that OWS has been successful in generating dialog about income inequality. While the author used google search results to back up his claim (which is foolish) I think the argument is probably valid.

I think had they marched consistently and in numbers (and foregone the "occupying" aspect) they would have been considerably more successful in garnering sympathy. But that's Monday morning quarterbacking.

I find it almost impossible to claim the demonstrations haven't been a success.
eznark said:
Yeah. Read an interesting op-ed a week or so ago arguing that OWS has been successful in generating dialog about income inequality. While the author used google search results to back up his claim (which is foolish) I think the argument is probably valid.

I think had they marched consistently and in numbers (and foregone the "occupying" aspect) they would have been considerably more successful in garnering sympathy. But that's Monday morning quarterbacking.

I find it almost impossible to claim the demonstrations haven't been a success.

exactly man, it's a worldwide movement for a worldwide issue.

it's really all a movement is; a symbolic show of discontent. the actual 'doing stuff' (as some put it) happens way afterwords, no one in the movement is going to personally draft legislation, just like the blacks didn't. but their persistence, their endurance and SYMBOLIC show of not taking the REAL bullshit allowed for that to happen.

thanks to it not being a matter of racial inequality but of a wider stratum, this can and has gained traction from all walks of life, skin color, religion.


captmcblack said:
I hope this movement doesn't stop - ever.
I hope shit gets live, too.

The only way for changes to be affected is for it to keep going, and for it to get more intense - so much so that you can't run and hide from it anymore. Women's suffrage, civil rights, gay rights, labor laws, etc...the people at the top will do everything to maintain the status quo until they themselves can't escape the issue.

This movement needs to become obnoxious and perpetual...and perpetually changing, so that people can't find the means to get bored of it (or be told to get bored of it by their local and national media).

I'm not going to want martyrs, because that means someone lost their lives.

I hope this can be done without bloodshed. I fear if this movement fails, the next movement is going to be more radical and more violent. The 99% isn't going away even if they get crushed.

This is the wisdom Otto Von Bismarck and Teddy Roosevelt had- they knew this, and this is why they reformed society. Our current leadership (especially the Republicans, and some Democrats) lacks this wisdom.
Alpha-Bromega said:
has being perpetually obnoxious backfired on you?

and you STILL haven't manned up on your horseshit that you got called out on. you're such an intellectually dishonest tool.
You still keep trying to excuse the fact that you lied and made up a quote about me.

Also how often do you keep blocking and unblocking me? lol
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You don't think that wouldn't backfire on them in the least?

Supposedly it's already backfiring, right?
Supposedly it's already got dwindling public support, right?
Supposedly they've achieved nothing in this short time, and are not really worth discussing since they're just a minor public nuisance/inconvenience, right?

So why not have things get turned up a bit? They've got nothing to lose, since they're already being arrested, and they're already lawbreakers and hippies and junkies and smelly and rapists and so on, right?


My one single beef with everything so far is the "we are the 99%" slogan. Its lame, confusing, opens a couple doors to "attacks", and just doesn't sound good at all.

Not sure what they could replace it with, they do need some sort of rallying cry/focal point.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You still keep trying to excuse the fact that you lied and made up a quote about me.


i paraphrased you, should i have entered paraphrase code to make it obvious to you? just how dense are you?


Alpha-Bromega said:
exactly man, it's a worldwide movement for a worldwide issue.

it's really all a movement is; a symbolic show of discontent. the actual 'doing stuff' (as some put it) happens way afterwords, no one in the movement is going to personally draft legislation, just like the blacks didn't. but their persistence, their endurance and SYMBOLIC show of not taking the REAL bullshit allowed for that to happen.

thanks to it not being a matter of racial inequality but of a wider stratum, this can and has gained traction from all walks of life, skin color, religion.

To be clear, I don't think anything of substance will come of it, but it has certainly made for an interesting Fall.
it's really all a movement is; a symbolic show of discontent. the actual 'doing stuff' (as some put it) happens way afterwords, no one in the movement is going to personally draft legislation, just like the blacks didn't. but their persistence, their endurance and SYMBOLIC show of not taking the REAL bullshit allowed for that to happen.
History How Does it Work?

He helped draft the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
You are a moron.
eznark said:
I have never in my life had the impression that lawyers, in general, are liberals.

Trial lawyer associations are some of the biggest contributors to the Democratic Party. Why do you think that TORT reform was never apart of the healthcare debate in Congress during '09-'10?

Anyway, after watching some videos, boy, some New Yorkers are fucking pissed. I saw one with a woman in tears, absolutely livid, and saying she could get fired for being so late due to the protesters. I would not be wearing a Guy Fawkes mask when crossing her path for the rest of the week. The NYPD may be the least of the OWS concerns now- the city of New York has little tolerance for anyone fucking up their commutes.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Joe said:
My one single beef with everything so far is the "we are the 99%" slogan. Its lame, confusing, opens a couple doors to "attacks", and just doesn't sound good at all.

Not sure what they could replace it with, they do need some sort of rallying cry/focal point.

It's the movements #WINNING & #TIGERBLOOD. It needs to go, because it doesn't actually send the right message, it sounds like class envy.
captmcblack said:
Supposedly it's already backfiring, right?
Supposedly it's already got dwindling public support, right?
Supposedly they've achieved nothing in this short time, and are not really worth discussing since they're just a minor public nuisance/inconvenience, right?

So why not have things get turned up a bit? They've got nothing to lose, since they're already being arrested, and they're already lawbreakers and hippies and junkies and smelly and rapists and so on, right?
So basically what is the next step in escalation then?
woah, it's like, when i said blacks, i meant collectively, their movement

just like collectively, no one who is in the streets, being shot at, maced, etc. are going to draft legislation. they are going to create the circumstances to allow their intellectual leaders or supporters do that..
eznark said:
To be clear, I don't think anything of substance will come of it, but it has certainly made for an interesting Fall.

it's been 2 months.

2 months. civil rights took 9 years. per how many months would you have said 'them blacks ain't gonna do nothing of substance with all that chantin!'

this issue isn't going away.
Alpha-Bromega said:
woah, it's like, when i said blacks, i meant collectively, their movement
Maybe you should learn how to be construct your points and how you convey them.

Alpha-Bromega said:
it's been 2 months.

2 months. civil rights took 9 years. per how many months would you have said 'them blacks ain't gonna do nothing of substance with all that chantin!'

this issue isn't going away.
Once again Occupy is nothing like the Civil Rights movement.


Something Wicked said:
Trial lawyer associations are some of the biggest contributors to the Democratic Party. Why do you think that TORT reform was never apart of the healthcare debate in Congress during '09-'10?

I would also hope tort reform is never a part of a Congressional legislative discussion because: (i) any conservative with a shred of dignity should believe it is overwhelmingly a State issue, (ii) tort costs are a minimal factor in total healthcare costs, and (iii) most states have already passed comprehensive tort reform legislation over the last 25 years.
alstein said:
I'm not going to want martyrs, because that means someone lost their lives.

I hope this can be done without bloodshed. I fear if this movement fails, the next movement is going to be more radical and more violent. The 99% isn't going away even if they get crushed.

This is the wisdom Otto Von Bismarck and Teddy Roosevelt had- they knew this, and this is why they reformed society. Our current leadership (especially the Republicans, and some Democrats) lacks this wisdom.

I get that, but the media who are the gatekeepers for the public narrative of these things are literally going out of their way to make it easy for the people in power to ignore/suppress/denigrate them and the changes that need to be made.

Somehow, while 1,000+ people were marching in New York City for this most public of protests, in solidarity with multiple similar movement across the country, the local news at 8:30am this morning was as follows:

- ABC: interviewing the Muppets
- NBC: camping by some Thanksgiving thing
- CBS: talking about gasoline

Fox, naturally, was even more amazing; they actually discussed and reported from the protests, but did their best to:

- avoid using the name of the movement (as if to mitigate its relevance by not calling it what it is)
- avoid reporting on what the movement was for, just calling it a "gathering"
- report on the aspect of "inconvenience" (omg, the trains! omg, people can't get to work!)
- spend 20 seconds on it

Again, the people in power will not do ANYTHING until they absolutely have to - so this movement needs to persist and grow in obnoxiousness until it cannot be avoided by those people. I don't want martyrs either, but I do want to see that persistence.
lawblob said:
I would also hope tort reform is never a part of a Congressional legislative discussion because: (i) any conservative with a shred of dignity should believe it is overwhelmingly a State issue, (ii) tort costs are a minimal factor in total healthcare costs, and (iii) most states have already passed comprehensive tort reform legislation over the last 25 years.
Agreed. NY's Constitution specifically prohibits tort limits.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So basically what is the next step in escalation then?

It depends on what the city and its revenue enforcement force does. The people are mobilized and just want to protest as per their civil rights. Does the city want to allow that, or antagonize them for it?

It's the city's move, not the people. They're already doing what they reasonably can with in the law, and getting owned for it.


Alpha-Bromega said:
it's been 2 months.

2 months. civil rights took 9 years. per how many months would you have said 'them blacks ain't gonna do nothing of substance with all that chantin!'

this issue isn't going away.

You have a fantastic way of being obnoxiously abrasive.
pot/kettle, etc.
They aught to keep doing this as long as they feel like it. I'm not judging their progress thus far, I'm predicting their eventual impact.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Agreed. NY's Constitution specifically prohibits tort limits.

'Tort reform' is such an infuriating topic. It's one of those red meat issues that conservative politicians can pander with, knowing full well that 95% of their constituents have no idea what it even means, and the politician has no real intent of ever doing anything about.

I also love the vague arguments. "It should be harder to sue doctors!" For starters, why? Secondly, they can already legally get away with negligently injuring you all day. What the hell else do you want them to get away with!?

Angry Fork

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh boy

11:38 AMMatthew LysiakProtesters just announced through a "mic check" there intent to make another run at occuping the entrances to Wall Street.

"We need to show them who is in control!"

Read more: http://live.nydailynews.com/Event/S..._raid_on_Occupy_Wall_Street_NYC#ixzz1dyv76Kx9

Hope it works. It would be amazing if they could delay the bell somehow in the coming days. Everyone going inside at once could but that would inevitably end in violence.
lawblob said:
'Tort reform' is such an infuriating topic. It's one of those red meat issues that conservative politicians can pander with, knowing full well that 95% of their constituents have no idea what it even means, and the politician has no real intent of ever doing anything about.

I also love the vague arguments. "It should be harder to sue doctors?" For starters, why? Secondly, they can already legally get away with negligently injuring you all day. What the hell else do you want them to get away with!?
Yeah, if a doctor fucks up, they pay. If they fucked up so bad it costs so much, they still pay. Besides it ignores that appeals and settlements tend to reduce most final damages.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Well so much for respecting nature.


Some protesters have positioned themselves in Zuccotti Park's trees.

How in the fuck is she "disrespecting" nature?

You really are something else, Manos.
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