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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Manos: The Hans of Fate said:

What a whiner, you know how much I have? 250K from law school and grad school.

With an 11% interest rate also?
marrec said:
The problem, in her very specific case, is entitlement. Just because you made a bad decision with your loans (60k at 11%? Who the fuck would take that deal?) Doesn't mean you get your debt wiped out, you aren't too big to fail. If you want to decry the crooks on Wall Street or the corrupt politicians that have pockets lined in Wall Street money, then go right ahead... but don't cry about the loans you entered into having to be paid back.

This right here is why she gets little sympathy from me. I had a larger amount of debt than her when I graduated (roughly 70K), but it was doable since my interest rate was low (I think it is around 4%). Hell I could handle my $500 a month in payments with my first job when I graduated and I was only making $40,000 a year. It seems she made a pretty bad decision with that loan and if the problem is she cannot find a job at all then she should at least be deferring for now.


Divvy said:
What the hell. 3x? Could you not make your point with a less ridiculous number? Is your argument so weak that you have to resort to hyperbole?
Is that anymore hyperbolic than assuming manos is some rich bigshot lawyer because he has a job like Wazzim did.
Dude Abides said:
Yes, opportunistic caterwauling about people you couldn't care less about is a standard righty rhetorical tactic. That you deployed it out the outset makes it no less transparent.

For the record, I linked to that video. And I do generally care about the down trodden, working poor, homeless (et al) probably more than the average 99%, but maybe not as much as a stand-out Occupier.

Really, if you want to occupy something that will make a visible difference in someone's life:


Maybe some people find issue with certain soup kitchen's religious beliefs, but fuck, you help put food in someone's stomach or collect jackets for kids, that makes a difference.
Dude Abides said:
Yes, opportunistic caterwauling about people you couldn't care less about is a standard righty rhetorical tactic. That you deployed it out the outset makes it no less transparent.

I ask you again is he acceptable collateral damage to you?

The man is working hard and honest trying to make a living and he should be able to do that without people shutting down his source of income for his family.

What the hell makes you thing I don't care about him? The man is an immigrant trying to make his way in this country. You know what my great grandfather was? A scrap collector. Don't act like I don't care about and respect hard working immigrants.
DOO13ER said:
Assuming debt forgiveness is what she wants (as opposed to job opportunities that might actually help pay that debt back), you don't find this statement the least bit... ironic?

What a stupid comment. I really doubt that is what she is after.

More likely she graduated and can't find a job.....and blames CEO's who gave themselves fat raises while firing their workers rather than hiring.
06nbarnhill said:
What a stupid comment. I really doubt that is what she is after.

More likely she graduated and can't find a job.....and blames CEO's who gave themselves fat raises while firing their workers rather than hiring.

Maybe she also picked a really poor major.


Canadians burned my passport
remnant said:
Is that anymore hyperbolic than assuming manos is some rich bigshot lawyer because he has a job like Wazzim did.

That was dumb too. Neither of you are adding anything to this discussion.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
marrec said:
I know that feel bro. I dropped the fuck out of college in my first year because I saw my loan debt piling up and decided I didn't want to be stuck paying 50k in loans for the next 30 years.

I have a fantastic job now and payed off what little debt I had (But for the house, 30 yr mortage and all) now I'm saving for my future. I know, congrats but that doesn't solve the problem... The problem isn't youth unemployment either, 55% is bad but is only up 9% from the lows of the last decade. The problem, in her very specific case, is entitlement. Just because you made a bad decision with your loans (60k at 11%? Who the fuck would take that deal?) Doesn't mean you get your debt wiped out, you aren't too big to fail. If you want to decry the crooks on Wall Street or the corrupt politicians that have pockets lined in Wall Street money, then go right ahead... but don't cry about the loans you entered into having to be paid back.
I think the issue behind it is that college is too expensive. Higher education needs to be accessible, if only for American competitiveness globally.

But yeah, I bet she's 60k in debt for some shitty liberal arts program too. A lot baby boomers did a shitty job of preparing children for reality. We were told to follow our dreams, that we could be anything we wanted to be and we'd be successful! Then you get 60k in debt for a shitty diploma and can't even find a decent job. I mean, it's her fault, but everyone is a product of their environment.

Sounds like a lot of you guys need to check on your fundamental attribution bias issues.


Evil Benius said:
This right here is why she gets little sympathy from me. I had a larger amount of debt than her when I graduated (roughly 70K), but it was doable since my interest rate was low (I think it is around 4%). Hell I could handle my $500 a month in payments with my first job when I graduated and I was only making $40,000 a year. It seems she made a pretty bad decision with that loan and if the problem is she cannot find a job at all then she should at least be deferring for now.

Hold up; what was your living situation to let you afford a $500 a month payment on a $40,000 a year salary?


DOO13ER said:
Assuming debt forgiveness is what she wants (as opposed to job opportunities that might actually help pay that debt back), you don't find this statement the least bit... ironic?

No, not at all. She needs to take responsibilty of the loans she obtained. My point is that it's a stupid sign to have at a protest against Wall Street corruption, I have empathy for her but what exactly are we supposed to do about her finacial stupidity?

I feel like I'm missing the point here... she can't find a job in a down economy and has large debts with comicly high interest rates... and this is somehow relevant to Wall Street? Or is she saying that because Wall Street collapsed our economy she should have her debts removed? Or is she saying they should hire her?

I swear I'm not pulling a Manos here.

Marleyman said:
Hold up; what was your living situation to let you afford a $500 a month payment on a $40,000 a year salary?

Really? That's unusual?


Canadians burned my passport
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I ask you again is he acceptable collateral damage to you?

The man is working hard and honest trying to make a living and he should be able to do that without people shutting down his source of income for his family.

What the hell makes you thing I don't care about him? The man is an immigrant trying to make his way in this country. You know what my great grandfather was? A scrap collector. Don't act like I don't care about and respect hard working immigrants.

Well since magicstop seems to have some involvement with this protest. Maybe he can help get this guy some publicity. With so many people there, there's probably a market for that guy's food.

Dude Abides

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I ask you again is he acceptable collateral damage to you?

The man is working hard and honest trying to make a living and he should be able to do that without people shutting down his source of income for his family.

What the hell makes you thing I don't care about him? The man is an immigrant trying to make his way in this country. You know what my great grandfather was? A scrap collector. Don't act like I don't care about and respect hard working immigrants.

So have you set up a paypal account for him yet? This hard-working immigrant needs your help, Manos! His family certainly can't eat posts on Neogaf.

I'll admit he's collateral damage. Now will you admit that the only reason you care about him is that he's a useful stick with which to beat your ideological foes? I certainly don't recall you complaining about all the economic disruption caused by the Egypt protests.
Divvy said:
Well since magicstop seems to have some involvement with this protest. Maybe he can help get this guy some publicity. With so many people there, there's probably a market for that guy's food.

That would actually be good. I mean a hard working Vietnamese immigrant should be exactly the type of person that this group should help support with their activities in the area.


How does one get 11% on their students loans?

Private lender?

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
That would actually be good. I mean a hard working Vietnamese immigrant should be exactly the type of person that this group should help support with their activities in the area.

Kind of strange that after making the flippant comment about the immigrant not being able to work because of the source of the report, he's now refusing to acknowledge it.


entrement said:
I will never understand getting in such debt for a liberal arts degree. Just go to a state school.
F that noise... go to Junior College for F's sake.

Deku said:
How does one get 11% on their students loans?

Private lender?

Kind of strange that after making the flippant comment about the immigrant not being able to work because of the source of the report, he's now refusing to acknowledge it.
How so since the US Government is the largest lender of student loans?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
That would actually be good. I mean a hard working Vietnamese immigrant should be exactly the type of person that this group should help support with their activities in the area.

I can't tell if you're being insulting or not here

shit I need to sleep
Marleyman said:
Hold up; what was your living situation to let you afford a $500 a month payment on a $40,000 a year salary?

Living by myself paying $1,000 a month in rent with probably another $100-200 in utilities. I was just smart with the rest of my money and had no car payment.


Marleyman said:
Hold up; what was your living situation to let you afford a $500 a month payment on a $40,000 a year salary?

Not everybody lives in NYC or SF. While I think the rise in costs of college education is unsustainable and is going to be a clusterfuck in a few years down the road, I find it hard to sympathize with people who go 50k+ in student debt for an undergrad degree that won't get them a job.


Evil Benius said:
Living by myself paying $1,000 a month in rent with probably another $100-200 in utilities. I was just smart with the rest of my money and had no car payment.

I have a wife and a son, we afford housing, car, private school, and utilities and still put away a large amount every month for retirement. I only make 45k...

There are ways to be smart with money.


ezrarh said:
Not everybody lives in NYC or SF. While I think the rise in costs of college education is unsustainable and is going to be a clusterfuck in a few years down the road, I find it hard to sympathize with people who go 50k+ in student debt for an undergrad degree that won't get them a job.

I live in Pittsburgh and would find it impossible to live on $40,000 a year while paying an extra $500 a month for a student loan payment. Not everyone is living at their parents house rent free and pulling in money. People have new cars, mortgage, rent, utilities, kids, bills, etc.
Dude Abides said:
I'll admit he's collateral damage.

Good, it's nice to know you don't care.

Now will you admit that the only reason you care about him is that he's a useful stick with which to beat your ideological foes?
Except that's a lie. I do care about him because he's trying to work and earn a living. I've often supported places run by honest and hard working immigrants, people just the same as my family when they started out in this country.

I certainly don't recall you complaining about all the economic disruption caused by the Egypt protests.
Apples and Oranges


Evil Benius said:
Living by myself paying $1,000 a month in rent with probably another $100-200 in utilities. I was just smart with the rest of my money and had no car payment.

Ok, so no credit card payments, no car payment, no kids, no cell phone bill? You could afford it without those.
Marleyman said:
Hold up; what was your living situation to let you afford a $500 a month payment on a $40,000 a year salary?

I was similar. $27,500 annual salary, $480/mo.

My living situation wasn't ideal but it wasn't bad. I mean, I didn't have what I have now, having paid my student loans and having a different job, but I still lived a pretty average adolescent life... crummy apt with roommates, internet, 360, shitty car, spent too much money at the bar, etc. (edit: Oh, yeah, single guy post-college, no kids, etc)

I racked up major credit card debt my first year out of college with those payments and that life style, but then I cut back and did free lance work to get out of ~$10k in CC debt relatively quickly. This was 2006, though, so different economy then.


Marleyman said:
I live in Pittsburgh and would find it impossible to live on $40,000 a year while paying an extra $500 a month for a student loan payment. Not everyone is living at their parents house rent free and pulling in money. People have new cars, mortgage, rent, utilities, kids, bills, etc.

AH HA! I live is Pittsburgh as well and find it rather easy to pay for a house, car, private school for my son, and still put plenty of money away.


marrec said:
I have a wife and a son, we afford housing, car, private school, and utilities and still put away a large amount every month for retirement. I only make 45k...

There are ways to be smart with money.

Does your wife work? What is our car payment? Do you own a house? No credit card debt?


Marleyman said:
Does your wife work? What is our car payment? Do you own a house? No credit card debt?

No credit card debt (Not stupid) Car payment is 250 a month, mortage on a house, wife doesn't work.

Dude Abides

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Good, it's nice to know you don't care.

Another thing we have in common!

Except that's a lie. I do care about him because he's trying to work and earn a living. I've often supported places run by honest and hard working immigrants, people just the same as my family when they started out in this country.

Nope. You didn't give a shit about him until you saw an opportunity to use him to criticize the protests. He's just a rhetorical device to you. Set up that paypal account yet?

Apples and Oranges

Yep, the difference being you like one protest and don't like the other. Businessmen hurt by protests you don't like are a heartwrenching tragedy; those hurt by protests you do like are just collateral damage.
Not to interrupt here, but the graphs posted in this thread should give you all the indication you need to realize inequalities of incomes. No?


Wazzim said:
Thanks! Very weird to see such a low increase in income.
I couldn't find one that wasn't adjusted for inflation that was separated by education, but medical and college costs have risen severely while personal income has been stagnant. It sucks balls.


entrement said:
I will never understand getting in such debt for a liberal arts degree. Just go to a state school.
or do ROTC like I did and have the Army pay for everything. I ended up tearing my achilles, got medically discharged, and have no debt at a school that cost $51,000 a year. (including housing, books, food, etc.)

without the Army I would be paying off over $200,000 in student loans from undergrad alone.
Marleyman said:
Ok, so no credit card payments, no car payment, no kids, no cell phone bill? You could afford it without those.

Sorry I forgot my cell phone bill so another $50 and $50 for car insurance. You make it seem like this is insane and it is not. Even with those bills I mentioned I still had several hundred dollars a month for food, gas, and miscellaneous expenses. Also it is not like this situation had to last forever, we are talking first year out of college. In my case I got a new job in a year making $20,000 a year more.


Marleyman said:
What part?

Baldwin... so, Southside.

Karma Kramer said:
Not to interrupt here, but the graphs posted in this thread should give you all the indication you need to realize inequalities of incomes. No?

Sure, but what do you suggest we do about it? Force companies to pay professionals a certain amount and no more?


Canadians burned my passport
Karma Kramer said:
Not to interrupt here, but the graphs posted in this thread should give you all the indication you need to realize inequalities of incomes. No?

Maybe this is clearer



Marleyman said:
Does your wife work? What is our car payment? Do you own a house? No credit card debt?
Does everyone need to upload a photo of their tax return and budget. It's possible. It's hard but possible.
Dude Abides said:
Nope. You didn't give a shit about him until you saw an opportunity to use him to criticize the protests. He's just a rhetorical device to you.

No, I just gave you evidence of me doing so. I'm sorry you can't get past your left/right divide and see a hard working immigrant.

Trust me I've done work in immigration law, I know just how hard many new Americans and those who want to be an American work to succeed. I've seen it first hand. I'm sorry you can't see or care about that, but I do.


marrec said:
Baldwin... so, Southside.

Sure, but what do you suggest we do about it? Force companies to pay professionals a certain amount and no more?
Regulation of for-profit universities, a public health care plan and keeping speculators out of consumable markets.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
No, I just gave you evidence of me doing so. I'm sorry you can't get past your left/right divide and see a hard working immigrant.

Trust me I've done work in immigration law, I know just how hard many new Americans and those who want to be an American work to succeed. I've seen it first hand. I'm sorry you can't see or care about that, but I do.


By supporting these directionless protest movements on videogame internet forums, he automatically gets more "Immigrant Points" than you do.

Me, though? I cashed out all of my immigrant points in Vegas last year. Whoof.
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